Mister Family.com ... keeping Northeast PA "family friendly.": September 2006

Mister Family.com ... keeping Northeast PA "family friendly."

Friday, September 29, 2006

A stripper's view

I have stated from the beginning that the women who strip at clubs like Gentlemen's Club 10 find themselves in a cycle of depression and despair....and often they feel quite powerless to do anything about it.

Many strippers are prostitutes and drug users who use sex as their tool to obtain drug money. Some strippers are young girls without a strong family structure to support them. For many of them, stripping seems like a quick way to get ahead, yet what they end up finding is that it ruins their lives. It destroys their self-confidence. It damages their relationships. It prevents them from dating or marrying.

Their lives are exploited and ruined in order to line the pockets of greedy club owners.

Take a look at the thoughts of a woman who strips at Gentlemen's Club 10. Please tell me what she thinks about her quality of life. (Please excuse the spelling errors. This is cut and pasted just as she typed it).

Fisrt of all, its hard being 19 years old and being the only single one out of all of your friends. I seem to have a hard time trying to date someone. Some how it always comes in the way of the relationnship. Which in my eyes i dont belive it should. If there is trust in the relationship there should be no problems as loing as im going home to the guy im with...does anyone agree or disagree ? Latley i cant even see or dat a guy for more than 3 weeks because the cant deal with the dancing thing. I hate to be judged by people, i am not your typical dancer. Im not the drug user or prostitute as alot of dancers are. I am a 19 year old who lives on my own and has wlel over a few grand a month in bills and who has to pay her way through school, i am there for money and only money, not drugs or sexual favors.It would relaly be nice for me to be able to lvie a regular life...... and not the stipper life..... do you think i like being told im not good enough to be on stage or that im ugly? Most of the time at work im getting pout down, and i tihnk that any girl who can deal with dancing is a good person, and no i dont mean the druggies or prostitutes i mean the single mothers and the college students..... We make our money a little bit diff then most people, but were sitll owrking jsut like you are.

Thank you Gentlemen's Club 10 for ruining her life. I hope you're happy with yourselves.

Saturday, September 23, 2006

Inside scoop

"Gentlemen's Club 10 is covering up full-fledged sexual activity at their club (but they won't be able to cover it up for long)." A.R.

How much are their dancers doing when a customer pays for a "VIP"? What forms of sexual activity do you consider legal and lawful in the strip club context?

The comment board is open to those who have been e-mailing me with information. I don't get the impression that these people necessarily share my passion to rid our area of sexually oriented businesses, but they do have some very interesting claims to make about the club.

The comment board is open to these e-mailers or to those who would dispute their claims.

Friday, September 22, 2006

News update

Adult-business rules examined

I find this information helpful. At the very least it's good to know that Luzerne County isn't the only community that is trying to prevent the encroachment of sexually oriented businesses.

Never, in the history of this country, have we ever had to deal with so much smut right on our main streets.

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Their view of the church

Over the past few months, I have read literally thousands of comments and e-mails that have been submitted by people who support Gentlemen's Club 10 and strip clubs in general. I have noticed a decidedly anti-Christian or anti-church tone to many, if not most of their comments.

Why do club supporters despise the church or other proponents of morality? I can only assume it is because they don't want to hear anything that illustrates that what they are doing is wrong....wrong for them and for the community.

Take a look at how the patrons of Gentlemen's Club 10 feel about God, faith, morality and the church. This is a summary of many of their quotes (please excuse the spelling....I cut and pasted these comments exactly as they appear in the comment area).

All sexual activity that happens out side of the covenant of marriage is not immoral, unhealthy and wrong. That is a religious statment.

Ill I say is you must all take a look at yourselves before you pass judgment on others, you follow a religion that is corrupt, and hides evil things, and tries to enforce it's ways into every aspect of life.

Thanks for praying for me although it doesnt work lol

There is no god.

your a no life holy rollin bible thumping bum.

Keep going with your holy rollin thaughts. You'll NEVER shut down Club G 10.

Once again you proven your self a bible thumping holy roller idiot.

I don't believe in organized religion and I don't believe strip clubs have anything to do with religion

I do not believe in any church

I have no interest in religion

i don't agree with you using the religion as a striking point.. frankly.. there is no god - it's all fictitious my friend.. the sooner people figure this out - i'll have to stop grocery shopping on sunday mornings.. it's so peacefull when all the hypocritical people lock themselves inside compounds.

as an atheist I also don't agree nor believe that religion should be able to pop up in your posts

Your's and the Catholic church's ideas about sex and marriage are not the only ones in this great country of our's.

You all try to better this world with your values by crusading against every little thing you deem wrong in your eyes. But think about it, isn't God going to punish all of us sinners in the end? So why not just sit back and wait for us to get whats comming us.

If religion was so great, why are 99% of the wars fought because of it?

God is completely IRRELEVANT in this matter.

God is never irrelevant. In this debate and in all debates, His precepts should always be our primary concern.

Friday, September 15, 2006

News Update

Salem endorses adult business rules.

Monday, September 11, 2006

Protect our Children

“The protection of children should always be a higher priority than protecting a sex shop,”
Attorney Jim Wierenga

Our friends who support local sex shops and strip clubs like to claim that they have no adverse affect on the community. Most thinking people realize that they do have a negative impact, most notably on children.

Because of their documented negative effect on society, the citizens and city council of Grand Rapids, MI have enacted new ordinances to regulate sexually oriented businesses in their communities. Of course they were sued by the local sex shop owners and their attorneys, but the city has won the first round in making their defense.

I think there is a lot for us to learn here. Many local people have felt powerless to do anything about Attorney Elaine Cook and Gentlemen's Club 10's owner Sal Scalzo as they have threatened countless lawsuits against the people of Wilkes-Barre Twp. I still believe that good will prevail in our case, no matter what the purveyors of deviant sexual behavior have up their sleeve.

Grand Rapids citizens win first battle against neighborhood ‘sex shops’

Friday, September 08, 2006

Strip Clubs and Rape

Strip clubs foster and feed the same kind of mental behavior that promotes rape.

Rape crisis group condemns strip club licence

Friday, September 01, 2006

Familiar argument

Have you noticed a pattern with sexually oriented businesses? They move into your town, they try to get around every ordinance they can, they claim that they are just exercising their First Amendment right to free speech (even though they're a haven for sexual predators), and they sue every local authority they can think of until they get their way. When you complain about what they're doing, they downplay your concern with, "There are many more important things for us to be concerned about, etc., etc., etc."

I find it very disgusting. They are so bent on exploiting young women for money that they care about little else.

This isn't just a problem in Wilkes-Barre Twp., but all throughtout the country. As the moral fabric of our nation unravels, this problem will continue to expand. Ultimately, unless the Lord changes our hearts, I'm afraid that we can expect much more of this.

Take a look at a problem currently being experienced by the city of Johns Creek, Georgia. Tell me if it sounds familiar. Click here.