EFO Furniture Galleries Moving
EFO has now announced that they are re-locating to a new site.
One can only wonder how long the building EFO is moving out of will remain vacant. My guess is that it will remain vacant for as long as it shares a parking lot with a strip club.
And now the blight begins.
EFO moving is not due ot the club. My boyfriend works their.
The building is just not receiving enough foot traffic. They wish to move to an area with more retail stores to increase sales.
But I am glad my boyfriend will work away from the club, so he does not get the idea to go there after work.
Anonymous, at 12:29 AM
Upon learning about EFO moving out, that was my thoughts exactly that it will remain vacant as long as that slum club is there. EFO complained right from the beginning that their business decreased due to potential customers not wanting to be seen driving through the shared parking lot. Other potential businesses will be alert to that and will avoid taking occupancy. We shouldn't be a bit surprised, however, to read pro-club comments that will put the blame on EFO itself for poor management or whatever else they can concoct, and that EFO is simply putting the blame on the slum club for its decline in business.
I repeat: right from the beginning, EFO said that the slum club caused a decline in their business due to the fact of them knowing potential customers said that they did not want to be seen driving through the shared parking lot.
When the arguments start about a new business opening up next to the slum club, that doesn't offer any sufficient reason since the fact is that it is not a shared parking lot, which would deter business. But it will deter some business because parents won't want their children to see the nearby slum club.
Anonymous, at 4:26 AM
how do you explain he new building going uo right behind the club, more urban blight?
Anonymous, at 9:17 AM
Maybe a Ladies Club featuring male strippers will open there!
Anonymous, at 10:44 AM
to 9:17am
work was already underway for the new Gallery of Sound before the strip club opened. the site was purchased. the groud was cleared. the grading was underway.
thankfully they will have their own parking and won't have to share it with the strip club.
nice of you to avoid admitting the obvious reason efo is moving. DECENT PEOPLE DON'T WANT TO BE ANYWHERE NEAR A STRIP CLUB. get it through your head.
Anonymous, at 2:16 PM
When passing by on Mundy St. or the Blvd, the EFO sign is very visible to attract attention. Naturally the next focus is the building beside the sign, the disgrace of the hub that repels decent people. So no respectable business is going to want to locate in the empty EFO building knowing there is already odds against their income.
Anonymous, at 3:08 PM
A night club is already going to open in the EFO buiding, they are waiting for EFO to leave.
So it will not be vacant long.
Anonymous, at 3:23 PM
I hope Gallery of Sound will build a wall between it and gclub10 so that teenagers do not consider stopping in for a CD as an easy way to sneak over to Sal's Sleazorama with impugnity after seeing Scuzzy Scalzo's TV ads pandering to our children.
Anonymous, at 5:16 PM
Maybe a rehab for strip club perverts who abuse women will open there! It's obviously desperately needed in this area!!
Anonymous, at 6:04 PM
Anonymous, at 6:50 PM
To 6:04pm, do you believe that everyone who goes to a strip club is a pervert?
Are all Catholic priests child abusers too?
Anonymous, at 10:45 PM
Who cares abou EFO anyway, they are not a very good store. Ashleigh furniture is far better. EFO should just close and forget it. No one has shopped there in years. They are like REX electronics, outdated, and better stores are hurting them.
Anonymous, at 12:28 AM
I loved shopping at EFO, and I used to shop at the Mundy St. store, until Gentlemen's Club 10 moved next door.
Since then, I have shopped at the Dunmore EFO location, even though it's a further drive.
You just get such a spooky feeling when you drive past the club and I wouldn't want people to think I was going there.
Anonymous, at 12:39 AM
That's the typically expected way, 10:45, when all pro-club arguments come to a dead end, bring in about the priests and religion. Don't you think that argument is growing cobwebs by now? As a matter of fact, yes, everyone who goes to a strip club is a pervert according to the dictionary's definition, someone who takes delight in abnormal sexual gratification. Period.
Blatant public nudity is abnormal and so is oogling someone who is naked, and to a greater extent, ejaculations, VIP rooms, it all relates to sex and having "fun" et al, abnormal gratification.
As for the priests, that is pedophilia, a classified sickness that expresses itself through child abuse sexually, which not all priests have, to answer your question. The difference in the two scenarios is that the priests were caught, legally addressed, admitted their faults, and counseling was provided. All the perverts who go to strip clubs won't admit to their sexual indiscretions that abuse women and won't seek counseling. They only get caught occasionally by their wives or girlfriends. The problem is that it is unfortunately legal for consenting "adults," women, to put themselves in an abusive situation, and it is unfortunately legal that perverts can abuse them. However when bad comes to worse, the law is waiting for them when prostitution and drugs enter the picture with some. It is then that they have to admit to their illegalities, and how did they get to that point if not by being perverts.
Anonymous, at 2:56 AM
i get a spooky feeling too driving past that dark dismal dump.
anyway we don't know for sure if a night club is going to move into the efo bldg, but i think wbtownship would have some major problems when yahoos start interacting with both places being so closely accessible.
Anonymous, at 3:40 AM
according to the landlord, there are several people interested in renting the building. Too bad, the issue wasn't researched better before mr family posted it.
and to 216pm- i shop at efo and i am a decent person, since i pay my own bills, i do not care if some zealot
thinks i am at a strip club.
these people need to get a life if tha's all they have to do is wonder who is and who isn't at a strip club-
btw the building will not be vacant long.
and gallery of sound knew a strip club WOULD BE LOCATING
there when they bought the land- wrong again.
Anonymous, at 8:43 AM
With the inundation of strip clubs in this area, I think a sex rehab clinic right behind that skin club would be ideal. Something is very wrong when porny clubs are becoming the prime sources for "entertainment" in these small towns.
Anonymous, at 4:07 PM
To 2:56pm
Oogling someone who is naked? What about oogling your girlfriend or wife? I guess if your wife dances naked for you in your bedroom, thats wrong too. Call me pervert please.
Anonymous, at 9:57 PM
anon 4:07
This is not a small town anymore. We have an Arena, for large concerts, a Casino, numerous large hotels, major retailers are moving in and expanding, more and more is opening here. W-B is growing larger, more things will move in, some you will like, some you will not.
I seem to remember many many people being opposed to the area. The MAIN thing that brought life to this area.
Times have changed, some peeple can not just deal with it.
Anonymous, at 12:37 AM
For the benefit of 8:43, I think you should review 2:16's comments with particular respect to the GS's ground-breaking prior to the club's opening. At that time,more likely before any real estate dealings, the club's opening was still an uncertainty; and it is strip clubbers who need to get a life. I'd say you are wrong on both points. Also for your benefit, 2:16's capped comments are worth repeating: "Decent people don't want to be anywhere near a strip club."
9:57, I'd call you partially illiterate. The focus of 2:56's point was oogling in strip clubs.
Anonymous, at 12:39 AM
I found it to be highly irrational when I learned that a few young women in this area are actually going to strip clubs just for the fun of it, as they said. Although they are educated and have good jobs, it says that they lack proper cultural interests and are careless about their own dignity. I suppose their college education has its limits since they don't use their brains outside of their jobs.
Anonymous, at 1:54 AM
Mr. Family, if I were you, I wouldn't consider your last posting, "Problems at strip clubs," to be a waste of time and effort at all. The long-standing zero comments from any pc'ers indicated profoundly that they had groundless comments on which they could debate the article's facts with the hazards connected to strip clubs. The absence of ac comments, well, what more could there have been added to the unfortunate facts.
Anonymous, at 4:22 AM
to 957pm if my wife wants to dance naked for me or tie me up and have her way with me, who am I to deny her that pleasure?
Anonymous, at 7:02 AM
to 843p....being you know every thing how come you dont know what its like to be a decent thinker.?
Anonymous, at 1:34 PM
Mr. Family, do you dance naked for your wife?
Anonymous, at 2:04 PM
12:37 if you sincerely believe the present-day composition of w-b and plains,(throwing in ashley, exeter and so on for the heck of it), is now comparable to being in the same league as a big city, apparently you have never been out of the valley. trust me, what ever is brought into this area is nothing major, but more like catching up a little from being 20 years behind the times. being well-traveled, personally this area is completely boring and lifeless to me as is.
well 7:02, you certainly gave me a laugh "who am I to deny her that pleasure?" oh puleeezzzzz, that was TOO funny!
Anonymous, at 4:21 PM
Two incredible choices of topics to choose from for conversation between the deeply intellectual questions by 7:02 and by 2:04. Which to pick?
Undeniably we are dealing with sex-drenched mentalities. I guess that's what happens when the brain is in denial and takes pleasure in soaking up porn.
Anonymous, at 5:16 PM
There's no big mystery why nepa is being flooded with illicit entertainment. The majority of folks are either on welfare, fixed incomes, minimum wage jobs, higher paying jobs that still don't meet the standard costs of living, and financial wealth is the rare exception to the ratio. With the highlights of the area, the same majority of folks can't afford $75 a ticket to the arena or stand to lose $20 a pop in a matter of seconds to the casino time after time. The area is inundated with restaurant after restaurant and bar after bar and store after store. It's either get fat or drunk or run up a credit card. A 14-screen movie theatre only takes up less than a few hours of entertainment, while renting a couple of videos is much cheaper. What's left is nature's way that is exploited to give entertainment a cheap thrill for dollars less than all the other entertainments combined and offers sensual pleasure besides. The owners of illicit businesses know this and see it as a fertile area to plant their destructive crops with which they harvest big bucks through the depressesd masses. All in all, it's no wonder why younger people find this appealing for fun and others find the loose and forbidden exciting. As nepa is being flooded with illicit places due to the demand for something exciting and inexpensive to do, it's drowning in its own debauchery.
Anonymous, at 1:49 AM
people get a "spooky" feeling from driving by a club? What about the "spooky" feelings when driving by some of the places in wb-twp or by places in wilkes barre where the hookers are. Na, The club is worse then. Sheesh. Thank god I moved out of that backwward place. Priorities of the people there are very funny. no, not funny very sad.
Anonymous, at 3:59 AM
to 359 am- i get a "spooky" feeling when I drive by a Catholic Church.
and to 516pm- I am 204pm- been happily married for over 30 years-sex is part of life- we enjoy it and do not apologize for it- if you are frigid, well we are sorry.
Anonymous, at 12:12 PM
I'll tell you why I think it's spooky. Coming off the blvd. or up Mundy St. when it's dark, all you can see is a building blackened where the windows are. In a major shopping area, or in any area for that matter, it is the only business building that is not proudly facing towards attracting customer's attention with neon signs and lights. Customers creep in on the side. In the day, it looks like it's abandoned and boarded up. It's not a priority; it's the impression of looking sinister and forboding. Since it particularly stands out like the eyesore it is among reputable businesses, it casts a gloom like no where else in the twp or wb.
Anonymous, at 12:27 PM
To Anon. 3:59, I suspect your mention of the C.C. is another impish attempt to give a dig at Catholics for the purpose of upsetting. If so, you are very, very erroneous with that thought. You see, if you knew anything about people who have deep faith, there is nothing better we like to talk about than spirituality and spreading the Word as our Lord wants us to do. You have now given me that opening.
The Word I am going to pass on to you is that religion-mocking sentiments, in this case, your weak attempt, comes from the anti-Christ. Breaking that down, the anti-Christ is not necessarily only one particular demonic being but is the leader. An anti-Christ follower is anyone who is bitterly against Christ, therefore, God, and all that is holy. As a follower of the anti-Christ's demonic influences, one expresses resentment, mockery, and anti-Christ actions. This gives the illusion of having superiority of God, which we know is impossible and wrong. Yet, God will extend in His unfathomable mercy to anyone who has sorrow.
Deep down you know what I am saying is true because you took the time to capitalize the "C's," which shows some form of respect, yet you are still adamant in your ways as being selfrighteous and contrary to God's ways. Try as you will to jest, I will be eagerly anticipating your next try.
You are being prayed for and may God have mercy on your soul upon final judgement.
Anonymous, at 1:49 PM
12:12, "Sex is part of life." True, but money should never be part of sex and that's why I object to sex businesses. I enjoy sex and have been happily married for over 30 years, too, but neither my spouse nor I frequent strip clubs. I'm sorry for you if you feel that people who are opposed to objectifying, degrading and devaluing women must be frigid. It is people like Sal Scalzo who owe us all an apology for exploiting our teenagers with his greedy in-your-face sleazefest.
Anonymous, at 2:13 PM
Right. So then you will have G-Club Ten in neon. Is that what you want. Y'all bitched when it had it website on with no nudity. They have every legal right to be there.
Look at the that adult world place. Is that spooky? a big flashy sign? Side entrance? gate etc? not a word about that.
Anonymous, at 2:19 PM
to 1227 pm- i'll give you this much- you are good at writing fction!
Anonymous, at 2:35 PM
to 12:12 I honestly don't think anyone is really interested in your sex life because no one asked you to reveal it. In another respect, you continuously broadcast it as if you want to be applauded for being a major stud or something.
Anonymous, at 3:50 PM
2:19 & 2:35 if you weren't all wrapped up in your illicit sex lives and if your eyeballs met with your brains, 2:19, you would realize I said "it is the only business that is not proudly facing towards customer's attention with neon signs and lights...like no where else in the twp." Does that not include the "adult" store and Sinema 309 as well? ...2:35 assuming your eyeballs did meet with your brains, you would be able to distinguish between fact and fiction since I gave an inarguable and accurate description of the building's appearance. Can you tell me otherwise that it looks welcoming and full of life? No, you can't because had you no concept of what that building was and going with my description, you would be able to easily identify it upon first sight, even while excluding the sensation of the creepy aura it casts credited to the necessity for purposely having to hide it livelieness.
Anonymous, at 3:31 AM
2:19p, gclub is already in the neon limelight with its bragging exposition of raw nudity and constant infiltration to seduce society to the lowest level possible with ads and special offers. It shines out as the disgrace of the area, but not to the ones who have no sense of shame or decency.
Anonymous, at 6:26 AM
3:31 When will your "eyeballs met with your brain"? I just said something that was factual correct? Please correct me if I am wrong. People bitched when the sign was there with the url on it correct? The club is legal. Correct? Now where did I say anything about illicit sex. Have I actually been to the club? Do I partake in illicit sex with my wife of over 22 years? (if your discription of illicit is other the the missionary position then yes I guess I do.) I think that you proved a point of many on here when you and others are bashing people with words and phrases when you actually do not know what is going on.
You mis-intrepret correct factual information to the way that you want to see it. I accept your apology.
Anonymous, at 11:34 AM
to 331 am- you words are all subjective and your oppinion to which you are entitled- but you seem to confuse oppinion with fact.
fact is many office buildings in the area have the same type of windows.
it may forbidding to you but not to others- judging by the parking lot.
you would be screaming bloody murder if it did have neon lights.
here's an idea, next time you drive by it, keep your eyes on the road.
Anonymous, at 12:15 PM
I'll start from the bottom: no apology is being offered.
Now let's review: eyeballs and the brain work together to process visual information. Obviously yours are still not meeting. I never said you said that you went to the club, or that you said anything about illicit sex, or that you partake in illicit sex with your wife, nor do I care what positions you do.
My eyeballs said to my brain with your initial blog that you are not against illicit sex because you are sticking up for the place. I don't think, I KNOW you have proven what is commonly referred to on here as having a reading comprehension disorder.
Do you know that the degradation of women is going on in the club or are you just simply misinterpreting factual information the way you want to see it? Goodness gracious! Don't ever bash the degradation of women!
Got news for you: sewers and designated garbage dumps are legal too. I guess the legalities of them make smell nice.
12:15 Trust me on that one, I try to avoid looking at it. It turns my stomach.
Anonymous, at 5:03 PM
Uh 11 34 I think you'd blend right in with the juvie boys at ga-ga land. All they know how to is do is pant, drool, oogle, deny, and scream IT'S LEGAL!!! You're not too far off the mark. The gals say the perverts wouldn't know a gentlemen if they fell over one. For more info on that, see Mr. Family's survey and get an real clue to what's going on. Not a bad idea to read the e-mail posting either. Come back with a denial, and you'll be the latest member in their fool's club.
Anonymous, at 9:50 PM
"2:19 & 2:35 if you weren't all wrapped up in your illicit sex lives" Is a quote from your post. It is written there stating that I am wrapped along with the other poster in illicit sex acts. So..
Secondly, I have never said anything about "sticking up for the place". I presented facts. Truth. I do find it difficult that you are unaware of the truth. Regardless of morals and peoples beliefs I pray for you since you are blinded by misinformation that is in black and white. And like J.N. Said, "you cannot handle the truth:.
Can you actually admit to this truth that not "eyeballs and the brain work together to process visual information". I do not speak of peoples whose views are different then yours, mine or others. but people who cannot or have never been able to see. If you cannot admit to that then you need help.
Anonymous, at 4:40 AM
What about us girls who actually prostitute themselves by dancing there. Nothing negative said about them. Just that they are the victims. Just the juvie boys. If there were no women dancing, then there would be no club correct? Welcome to McDonalds would you like fries with that sounds a lot better then welcome to G-Club 10. ya want a lap dance for that pole you have?
The(most) women are not the victims here. they know fully what they are doing. I know that they might not like doing it but well a sin that no one has mentioned ie Greed has taken over their innocent adult lives. If no one can agree to that then what did that person say. connect your eyballs to your brains. Silliness I tell ya.
Anonymous, at 10:26 AM
I think it is real funny that you complain about the club NOT having neon lights etc- perhaps you would prefer a 50 foot sign like the cinema 309 has or neon signs that say adult novelties like the bookstore on kidder street-
you all seem to forget a few things these women are paid to dance and do it of their own free will.
and if it is immoral to you fine- what you all really wnat to do is force your beliefs upon everyone else. But you are not getting your way and that frustrates you- that gives me great satisfaction.
Anonymous, at 12:21 PM
Do yourself a favor by realizing that you are not dealing with a nitwit. Without wasting any of my time by re-writing your quotes, no need to, there is nothing you said that is anti-club but everything possible is swayed in the club's defense or resistant to my comments.
I pray that your prayers for me will be forwarded back to you so that you can come to terms with yourself that you are playing head games where you are only kidding yourself and giving a poor shot at trying to kid me. Kidding me won't happen.
Providing that you are focused on people who are not able to see and not being able to handle the truth, with you being one of them, you might think about facing reality and then directing proven factual comments towards the club fans with respect to: the degradation of women, the club's negative affect on the community, and its long-term repercussions. If you cannot admit to any of the above, then without a doubt, you are blinded not only to what is in black and white, but also to life in the real world. I do not find it difficult to believe that you will not face the truth since you have plenty of company with the club.
Anonymous, at 8:46 PM
It is not funny that you are displaying symptoms of a brain dysfunction which includes: a terminal reading comprehension disorder that misinterprets visual information, and has also affected the common sense area of your brain and mature reasoning ability.
Now to review: I did not complain that there are no neon lights. Your brain picked it up as a complaint.
Not surprisingly, your low retention ability has caused you to forget that a lot of those women are driven, practically forced to have stripping jobs due to a number of antagonistic societal, economic, and/or emotional factors. Not everyone has the strength or the opportunity or the guidance or whatever else it takes to deal with the negative influences that ultimately changes the course of their lives for the worse yet.
What you believe in is getting your jollies off by knowing someone else is being stomped on who is already down, particularly women. Your brain does not make a correlation that it is immoral to have another human being submitted to degradation. What frustrates me is people like you who are allowed to mingle in society. If you are really looking for satisfaction, go handle a playboy magazine.
Of course my comments were written with the belief that 12:21 will not be able to accurately process any of it.
Anonymous, at 9:40 PM
to 940 am playboy magazine
weren't those women forced at gunpoint to pose nude? you seem to suggest- truth is no one forces them to dance they do so of their own free will- somehow you just do not wnat to accept that fact, there are other jobs available-
and to 846 am- most women who dance do not feel degraded- i know that is something you will not believe- truth is there are other clubs like the gclub
have been operating for years- your radar has missed that- you whine day after day about one club and do not even think about the others.
Anonymous, at 6:22 AM
The Christians have turned once again to name calling bear false witnes and spreading rumors in a desperate effort to get the guys who go to the club to the truth and goodness of fundamental christianity.
don't like strip clubs, but like your brand of "holier than" thou religion much less.
Anonymous, at 6:34 AM
Would you mind telling me where or how you got the notion that I opposed what you said in part one of your comments?
In part two, to the best of my knowledge, this w/s is only about gclub10 namely, and the generalization of strip clubs at best.
If I were you, I wouldn't lean on religion to rattle my way through non-applicable, groping rants when you don't even know the basic meaning of degradation of another human being.
All you have proven over and over is when pro-club arguments come to a deadend, throw your arms in the air and start desparately crying about Chs., name-calling, and bearing false witness. Yet, you don't have the a clue about them either. Thanks for putting us on notice that your at a loss again---as usual.
Anonymous, at 8:53 PM
the words degradation and exploited are subjective just like the word beauty is- people disagree about the meaning- some people feel degraded scrubbing a toilet etc other don't-
the same is true about nude dancing- in a free society like ours- people have the right to choose.
Anonymous, at 10:43 AM
Degradation is degradation when it includes the desecration of the body and the mind. No room for disagreement there.
Exploited is still exploited when women's bodies are lustfully exposed for money. No room for argument there. Subjective liking is the money in the pocket of the beholder.
In this free society like ours where people have the right to choose, I choose that the sex industry be extinguished from society. Do I have that right? No. I have to tolerate its imposition.
Anonymous, at 7:20 PM
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