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Both are valuable reminders that show us that we are not alone in this struggle against the encroachment of immoral entertainment upon our communities.
It appears that because of the tightening regulation of sexually-oriented businesses in larger cities, sex-merchants are targeting smaller areas that are less aware of the problems and issues that strip clubs create.
" the council hoped that the toughened regulations included in the amendment would force away the owners."
That is actually illegal. To restrict them to the point in where it hurts there business is why so many local towns and cities lose. They try to go to far and lose.
It is great that they want to keep the community protected, but the secondary effects thing is hog wash. It has been proven invalid.
If this city tries to tighten the regulations to much, a large suit will come and constitutionally they will be breaking laws. Trying to force them out, is against the law. But it seems some people, (Mr.Family) do not care what laws they break to get what they want.
Anonymous, at 5:27 AM
THIS IS GREAT.....if you live in KANSAS!!!! Has anyone contacted WB township as I have regarding the ordinences??? No answer is what I got. Mr. Family your cause is great...but ineffective! I know its not your fault but we are channeling our efforts in the wrong direction. These ads should be forwarded to township officials these people think we will just get used to these businesses and their right if you do not push forward. As far as I know there was to be a hearing about enforcing the ordinences anyone know when, That is what I wanted to ask township officials but no answer. We should show up to court to demonstrate we are not excepting this filth...but when??? Maybe you have a way of finding out. Dont get discourage and keep up the good work.
Anonymous, at 10:01 AM
What happend to the billboard crusade? You moved onto another subject- same old same old- what is going on in kansas is not relevant here. BTW isn't Kansas the state that voted to keep abortion legal?
Adult business locate in rural areas because there are customers there ie supply and demand.
Anonymous, at 11:50 AM
to 1001- wilkes-barre township is not enforcing any of their ordinaces passed after the club applied for their permit.
Reason? lengthy court battle, they would probably
lose, anyway that's the advice the township got from its lawyers, another problem, the club hasn't caused any law enforcement problems for the police unlike walmart and a few other places.
eric roberts, at 1:01 PM
to 1001 am- I do not know if youare of this- but pa state obscenity law was ruled unconstitutional by a federal court- this means dancers can dance naked in bars licensed by the state.
as far aswb township enforcing the ordinances, they would have to prove they have a legitimate reason for the laws ( not liking nude dancing is not enough) they would have to show increase in crime because of the activity in the club etc, and of course they can't- turkey hill is open 24 hours and has more crime than the gclub- they can not show a decrease in property values either, so there us little chance they could enforce these ordinaces. If you think about it, suppose you are the victim of some crime some night and call the wb township-- they tell you they are busy right now as they have officers at the strip club measuring the distance the dancers are from the customers.
the other option is raising taxes to have extra police to enforce the laws.
Anonymous, at 1:36 PM
to 1001 am -you and others
could set up a fund to donate to wilkes-barre township to enforce their ordinaces. If you are a victim of a crime and call the wbt police, you would not want to be told the police are busy at the strip club measuring the distances the dancers are away from the customers.
Of course its worth the extra money, so you and a few other people aren't offended.
Anonymous, at 1:45 PM
The billboard thing was dropped because he failed, as he always does. Mr.Family has failed on every attempt he has made towards the club . He never seems to do his homework before he starts posting things, just as he did in the billboard situation.
He looks to other stats due to his desperation. But he fails to realize that state to state, their are different laws. PA has a very strong constitution for freedom of speech and expression. That alone protects the club as long as they do nothing illegal. Which they have not.
For months he has posted that the club is closing due to lack of funds. Which could not be farther from the truth. Since then, they have bought TV time for a commercial, full page ads in the weekender every week, and upgraded to 92" screens in the club for Sports.
Seems the flow of funds is pretty good as always.
Mr.Family has lost all hope and credibility.
Anonymous, at 1:53 PM
11:50, seems to me that sex peddlers are the best argument for abortion. They locate in rural areas because there are enough dumb hicks there who will part with their hard-earned cash to see totally naked women exploited by greedy money grubbers who will sink to any level they can get away with to rip everyone off.
Anonymous, at 6:37 PM
to 637 pm i do not go to strip clubs, i sent my money to jim bakker,swaggert
etc- now talk about rip offs. at least in a strip club, you know what you are getting.
Anonymous, at 12:23 PM
No problem convincing me of that, 6:37!
A few things I would like to add:
1. as a resident of wbt, I have already voiced my opinion to the proper authorities that if raising our taxes is what it takes to get rid of that scum place, then do it! It would only have to be a temporary raise anyway, no big deal since our taxes are exceptionally low here with thanks to our administration.
2. I urge all business places, the twp's. and surrounding areas to hold a special business meeting with reference to the effect that strip clubs have on this area. You are trying to build it up, and they are trying to tear it down.
3. I urge anti-club supporters to write to the WBT mayor and police dept. to offer your support.
The address is:
Wilkes-Barre Township Municipal Bldg.
Watson St., Wilkes-Barre, Twp. PA 18702
(pro-club need not bother. The officials are able to discern pro and anti)
4. I think it is amazingly obnoxious how easily the pro-clubbers fight tooth and nail to defend every single aspect to support their sex habit no matter how wrong, indecent, corrupt, stupid, and so on, but can find everything wrong with Churches and any one else who has positive motives to try to keep this area dignified!
5. Not sorry to burst your bubble, 1:01, 1:36, and 1:53, but you have erringly overlooked the tenacity of righteousness!
Anonymous, at 5:27 PM
Wow, 6:37 Called all of you "dumb hicks"
Who said name calling was not on this board?
Anonymous, at 5:38 AM
to 10:01a, I'm with you on that we should show up in court, or talk to the township officials about getting something done. When ever and how ever that happens, count me in.
to 1:45pm How about we talk about an actual occurrence that was in the newspaper a few weeks back? Some guy from Mocanoqua or thereabouts, had items stolen from his car in the club lot. Called the police at 3am when the police could have been patroling the streets for drunk drivers who could have killed someone.
to 1:53am, the only ones who failed are the ones who have anything to do with that slum. So far, they have lost hope and credibility as respectable people and living in a desperate lifestyle.
Anonymous, at 5:52 AM
The several points I gathered from Mr. Family's postings from other towns is to make us aware that unwanted strip clubs are on the rise all over the country, in small towns like ours, and no longer just in bigger cities. The articles also inform us that the residents of those smaller towns are fighting back and how they are approaching it. The next point of the articles strengthens the valid perception of crime those towns are or will be experiencing as verified by strip clubs having been located in larger cities. Basically, it's all a verification of what we can expect. Thus far, the initial introduction of strip clubs is lawsuits which has been proven here by gclub10. All don't mind draining the towns financially. They are neither productive or enhancing.
Anonymous, at 6:34 AM
To all you who wrote to 10:01 the ordinence does not have anything to do with nude dancing but the distance rule and hours of operations also there were ordinences before the club opened they are not going by. Also live sex shows ARE ILLEGAL in PA that also was said going on there.
Anonymous, at 10:10 AM
Mr. Family, the coward, why are you so obsessed with sex? You see a billboard with a sexy woman on it and you make it the center of your life. Any normal man would see the billboard and think "she's pretty or she's sexy" and then forget about it. I think that your religion has made you believe that being sexy is a sin. You probably believe that sex should not even be discussed about in public or on tv. Are you against birth control too? Mr. Family, you really need to get some help for your obsession before you do something stupid like many evangelicals have been doing lately.
Mr. Billy
Anonymous, at 7:19 PM
I do find it difficult to understand that since the club opened, there is going to be an influx of crime. I think that since the mall opened there has been an influx of crime. Since the stores opened in the area there is an influx of crime. Look at your beloved Wallmart. How many acts of crime occurred there? If there is one incident in the last however long it has opened, 6 odd months?, then it is not an issue place. So the "valid perception" is not fully correct.
I am not saying that it is a pro or con, just demonstrating the facts.
Furthermore, if there is one incident at this place it will cause so much more of an issue since it is on the spotlight.
When any amount of people gather there is going to some situations that cause concern.
Anonymous, at 5:28 AM
to527 - i am glad you areso righteous- you seem to have forgotten about the other three adult businesses in wbt- one of which has been there for over 20 years- you forgot to give us the name of the mayor and the chief of police- without it- the complaints will not be taken too seriously- and yes I have written the mayor in support of the club and received a response!
to 552 am how about all the police calls to walmart and turkey hill late at night- should we close them as well?
to 634 these stories about what others towns are doing
do not really reflect what we here in pa can do about strip clubs-different states have different laws you know- if notice mr family never has a story from pennsylvania.
Anonymous, at 6:36 AM
Mr. Billy, I believe you have stated on this board a few times that you are a Catholic (in a manner of a healthy pride). Well, Catholicism does teach that sexual exploitation and participation are sins. Up until recently, birth control was strictly forbidden, also according to Catholicism. Now the Pope is deciding on relaxing the issue only for very valid reasons. When sex is discussed in public or on tv among Catholics, it is to be done with discretion to the end of a positive manner,ie, pre-marital sex and sex outside of marriage is a sin, restraint, sex is for the pro-creation of children within a santified marriage.
Practicing Catholic Christians and (not stupid) denominational Christians, all basically follow the same beliefs...because they follow Christ's teachings...of which sexual exploitation and degradation are not among them. Therefore, it is not an obsession.
Anonymous, at 6:43 AM
to 12:23 does bakker and swaggert say it's ok to endorse strip clubs?
to 5:38 6:37 did not call ALL of you dumb hicks. YOU implied that. 6:37 made a general statement where it would apply to those who really are dumb hicks etc., and with your over-zealous bs'ing, YOU decided it was meant for ALL.
Anonymous, at 7:15 AM
To 6:23am, I wnt to Catholic school for 12 years and I am proud to NOT be Catholic anymore. I got tired of the lies and the asinine rules that the Catholic church continures to this day. Let's see- Priests can't marry. They can't even date. They can't have children. Same thing goes for nuns. Using birth control is a sin even if you are married. In order for your sins to be forgiven, you must confess them to a priest. Ridiculous.
The Catholic church believes that everyone is born with original sin. I find it hard to believe that a little baby has sin. How can you have sin when you don't even know what sin is? The church believes that pre-marital sex is a sin. Baloney. Love is love whether you are married or not. I have also been disgusted by the continued news of all the priests that have abused and molested children. The bishops and the Pope all played roles in the coverup. Many people are upset with the closings of the Catholic schools. The reason for it is because of the molesters and enablers. The Catholic church has failed. They don't deserve a penny of anyone's money. I don't need a religion. I just try to be a good person. I try to be a friend to all. I'm no better than anyone.
Mr. Billy
Anonymous, at 2:14 PM
Hey 10:10 am Live sex shows? you should read what the original ordinances were when the club filed for their permit. The ordinances they are still held to. In which actually allowed sex acts. It even referred to sodomy!
Anonymous, at 4:32 PM
Mr. Billy,
Your points are valid. I actually agree with some of what you said, and then disagree on your other points.
I'm no better than anyone. No one is. The foibles of some in the Catholic Church and the details of Catholic theology have unfortunately soured you on the Christian faith.
Please understand that the best place for you to get your information is the Bible itself. I would challenge you to read the Gospel of John.
I am not Catholic, but I don't want to blame every Catholic person or priest for the sins of the minority.
In the end, God isn't looking for religion. His desire is to have a personal relationship with each of us through faith in His Son, Jesus Christ.
Like I already said, if you are willing, I want to encourage you to read the Gospel of John. You will enjoy it.
Mr. Family, at 6:46 PM
Mr. Billy, Of course I am saddended to read about your thoughts about you not practicing Catholicism. I am not going to preach to you, so if you do not mind, I am going to talk about me and how I see things. I see our Faith more of spirituality than what you had mentioned. The Catholic Church does not teach that we are perfect, but it does teach that our dogmas are without error. So putting aside the mundane and the bad things that occurred, that still leaves us with the unshakeable truths we are to follow. Not knocking other faiths, but no followers in any faith are perfect, including ours. So I believe faiths are based on a personal relationship with God and not what everybody else is doing bad. In the end, it is going to be between He and I anyway. I believe some have failed the Catholic Church, but it has not never failed us and never will.
Upon knowing the underlying reasons why Priests are not allowed to marry, etc., it begins to make sense. I am trying to say is that I go beyond the surface and into the depth of our beliefs, and I find them to be very beautiful and meaningful, and with that, I see no purpose to try to run things my way or to suit me. I go to Church to give praise, glory, and thanks to God, and to be close to Him. I put aside every other issue that would interfere with my spirituality with Him.
My hope of what you have drawn from this is that faith is about spirituality and not the mundane actions of others who dissuade us from God and Mass. But believe me, I have been there about that several times and still disgusted about some things, but that is because of what some people are doing, which is not what God intended. That is when I have to rely even more on my spirituality.
So, Mr. Billy, you have your reasons to feel and think the way you do about the Church, but to bring this around to the issue at hand, supporting degradation of women should be in no one's faith or non-faith.
Yes, the Gospel of John is excellent. It is my favorite. John is the one who writes mostly about spirituality.
A note to others: please understand that this is a Catholic speaking to another baptized Catholic. No degrogatory comments intented to you and your beliefs.
Anonymous, at 4:47 AM
to mr family what about teh jes, muslims and hindus, are they going to hell because they do not believe in Jesus?
Anonymous, at 6:44 AM
Mr. Billy says, in regard to pre-marital sex, that "love is love". As an atheist, I take no position on pre-marital sex, but while love is love, sex is not necessarily love and strip club patrons seem simply to love sex at the expense of their regard for women. We would all do well to make one another objects of love rather than sex objects.
Anonymous, at 9:10 AM
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