Exploited women
"You don't have to be poor anymore," the ad says. "Call us and change your life today. ... It's a once in a lifetime opportunity to be financially independent."
This is an excerpt from a radio ad that was run for a while by a strip club that was looking for some "new talent." How are many women ending up in this kind of lifestyle? What are the main forces that are influencing them to pursue this kind of life?
- Difficult family background
- Dependence on illegal drugs
- Absence of a loving father
- Unwed pregnancies
- The promise of easy money (without an explanation of the true consequences)
The more I have learned about the problems strip clubs create, the more compassion I have felt for the women who get lured into that lifestyle. A huge percentage of them have never experienced or accepted the kind of unconditional love that we have been created by God to receive (from both Him and our families). They spend their lives trying to ultimately find acceptance and love, but all they find is lust, infatuation, greed and abuse.
For those of you who pray regularly, please take a moment today to pray for these women. If the Lord doesn't change a person's heart, lasting change will never take effect. Please pray that even though they may come from backgrounds where unconditional love was absent, they will come to experience and accept the forgiving, unconditional love of God.
Very admirable.
I will be praying. These women need love, not more abuse.
Anonymous, at 11:41 AM
Let me ask you a serious question. How do you know that all women who decide to strip have never felt unconditional love? That they do not have love in their lives? Now To say that some of these girls who lead this life do not have problems would be wrong. But in that same right, most times we only hear about the bad situations.
How do you know that there are not many girls who dance that lead normal everyday lives just as you and I?
I am curious to know this. With all do respect, you seem to stick to the stereotype and not give these woman a chance to speak for themselves.
If I remember one did, Lana was her name. Yet you just brushed her comments off, or deleted them all together.
To say that every dancer is on drugs, or has no love, or is abused is not a true statement, but as I stated, a stereotype.
Many of us seem to stick to them all too often and make judgments with never knowing how others truly live.
Anonymous, at 12:27 PM
Mr. Family, in tribute to this commentary, MOST ESPECIALLY FOR THE PEOPLE FROM MY HEART, I would like to submit a pre-composed prayer that I frequently pray to abolish all evils in the world, including the evil one, satan, who firmly holds strip club people in his clutches. This has been my most intense mission and purpose before the club opening, and still for everyone, everywhere. I hope you don't mind.
"St. Michael, the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray. And do thou oh Prince of the Heavenly court, by the POWER of GOD, cast into hell satan and all the evil spirits who wander through the world for the ruin of souls. Amen."
God bless you all!
Anonymous, at 6:03 AM
steve k, I don't know whether strippers have ever felt "unconditional love", but I do know no woman will ever get it from men who pay her to rub her naked body all over their laps. Strippers may have love in their lives, but their livelihood is dependent upon lust. We hear mostly about the bad situations these women are in because that's how most of them end up. The men who exploit them will make any excuse to justify their selfish, degrading, objectifying behavior.
Anonymous, at 1:00 PM
Anon 1:00pm And how do you know they will never get it? Your comment is speculation. Is it a fact they will never find love? No, just a stereotype.
Anonymous, at 4:53 PM
Steve K, this is only my opinion. Unconditional love, love period, is the most highly sensitive feeling a human being can experience or not experience. I don't believe it should be taken or disregarded lightly for any reason. It is what we thrive on. Any situation that deprives even a small part of a loving atmosphere is a deprivation to the soul, or the inner spirit. In other words, we cannot be complete without it. If one is deprived of love to a lesser or greater degree, it causes an inner turmoil that can eventually manifest itself in various kinds of illnesses, whether they be physical or mental or both. What I am trying to say is that when there is degradation, as 1pm pointed out, that is a source that depletes an aspect of love a person cannot fully obtain. They are short-changing themselves.
About speculation or questioning that they will never get it, let me just say that a person has to have certain knowledge in order to know what real love is, to give and to return so that they will not be fooled by fantasies. Love is not something to be taken for granted or to be a future potential expectation.
I do remember the blogs by Lana. They were quite lenghty and expressive.
And I have to say that degradation towards anyone who is an abusive situation. The "stereotyping" enters when, I believe, the person is not aware of the abuse or really ignores it in the situations of wife or girlfriend battering. Unless they are brave enough to face the facts and leave their partners, tragedy becomes the final outcome. They did not recognize that to being a false love, but had a clinging desire for any kind of acceptance that was a distorted imitation of a caring love.
The club women's occupation are open public knowledge. And that, I believe, is why caring people are so much more focusly intent on any harmful effects they may come across. Yes, of course they would lead "normal" lives during the day, but it is disturbing to us to know they are so willing to be violated at night. Yes, that's their decision, but a caring human nature has a tendency to be protective of anyone being violated.
Anonymous, at 11:17 PM
4:53 How do I know strippers will never get unconditional love from men who pay them to degrade themselves? Because men who objectify women are incapable of unconditional love. I never said strippers "will never find love", so save your stereotypical rebuttal. There's plenty of sex to be found at strip clubs, but the only love the women get will last only as long as they can fulfill the fantasies of the self-absorbed neanderthals who exploit them.
Anonymous, at 11:34 AM
steve k., several strippers offered their comments on this website. They had been given every opportunity just as much as everyone else. So you don't have to fabricate.
You want to talk about judgement and not knowing how others live their lives, I'm going to tell you something you might think surprising. The pro-club stance often refers to the anti-clubbers as "holy rollers." Personally, that does not offend me.
It only leads me to believe that us "do gooders" are perceived by the pro-clubs as being pious and angelic. Wrong perception. Speaking for myself, I am no different than you. I have my faults as well, and no one is perfect. The distinguishing characteristic, in reference to this discussion, is that I had recognized my faults, dealt with them to improve myself, and will ALWAYS have that challenge as one fault after another surfaces.
I am a firm believer, but I do not mis-credit myself as being so wonderfully pious. I simply share my acknowledgement of what I know to be wrong. That is how I live my life.
Anonymous, at 1:19 PM
How's things going in Apathy Valley, aka, Wyoming Valley? Got that KRZ DJ and advertisers boycott on a roll?
Your silence is a screaming "NO!" Hey, they depend on your usual do-nothing attitude.
Ah well....complaining only to your associates makes for a better past-time.
Anonymous, at 2:06 PM
Because you know everyone that goes to a strip club right anon 11:34? You are not just stereotyping the customers also?
Lots of women go to the club also. What about them? What about the married couples that go for fun? The fact is, you are relying on a stereotype to fee your argument. You are making a mass judgment call on everyone that goes to adult clubs.
I can do the same and say that all the anti club supporters are uptight know it all who sit at home, point fingers and call others names. Like you have.
I go to the club, I do know unconditional love. I have it for friends and family and loved ones.
Just because I enjoy adult entertainment does not mean I am incapable of it. You are wrong.
Anonymous, at 5:15 PM
cool 11:34! neandertals always are associated with clubs!
Anonymous, at 7:32 PM
to 5:15, Here's a very credible stereotype about strip clubs that has been said hundreds of times before:
strip clubs are not "adult" entertainment" clubs. They are horny-porny holes.
As an adult, I resent "adult" being used to massively mis-characterize responsible individuals who take no part in indulging in flagrant nudity and abnormal self-gratification and general decadent behavior. That takes into account all, the women, and married couples who patronize. No excuses for facts.
"entertainment?" "fun"? MINDLESS!
Anonymous, at 4:40 AM
to 440 am well we do not know what a horny-porny hole
is but what you say is your oppinion, which is different than fact.
some people consider eating at an all you can eat buffet
abnormal self-gratification.
drinking was decadent behavior 80 + years ago and showing one's ankle during victorian times was flagrent nudity. to each his/ her own. Of course you holier than thou attitude is not original to this website. Don't forget to watch Ted Haggard this Sunday! God Bless!
Anonymous, at 9:44 AM
11:34, are all your questions rhetorical? That tired retort about women going to gclub10 doesn't wash when, IN FACT, it calls itself GENTLEMENSclub10. The few misguided females who go there are either trying to keep tabs on their men or desperate for attention. Married couples that go there for "fun" won't be married long. The FACT is you can't make a decent argument against the stereotypes. Call me whatever you like, but I'm still calling a spade a spade and I'm seldom wrong.
Anonymous, at 2:02 PM
hey reverend know nothing 944..flashy sins of the flesh were never en vogue in a moral society.....give us a break from your stupid holier than thou heckling already, will ya, puleeeezzzz??????
Anonymous, at 3:59 PM
Directing my concurring comments to this post,
- I have no interest in reading comments from strippers in regard to taking delight with their nude acrobatic acts for money.
- It isn't feasible for deceased or institutionalized drug/prosties strippers to tell their stories.
- It would be beneficial to hear from the former strippers who have renewed their lives, with their focus primarily on how they met their respectable goals in lieu of their pasts.
Anonymous, at 3:12 AM
2:02 Pm.
You are seldom wrong? HA HA HA HA HA
Full of yourself aren't you.
I am so glad you have so many people down pat. You seem to know the whole valley.
And for married couples that go there, you say they wont be married long? Wrong again slim. There are millions of couples across this country that go to strip clubs and swinger clubs and remain happily married for years.
This was on 60 min. But why would you watch it, you know everything.
Anonymous, at 12:54 AM
to 312 am it is great to hear you have a very closed mind, and want to hear only one side of the issue.
Anonymous, at 8:38 AM
12:54, "millions of couples across this country go to strip clubs and swinger clubs and remain happily married for years"? What, 2 years? I know ONE couple who were swingers and stayed married til their kids grew up, but one of their kids is gay and the other moved to another continent to avoid the parents. Neither has any contact with either parent. With a 50% divorce rate in general, who's gonna believe it's the perverts who "remain happily married for years"?
Anonymous, at 10:54 AM
- I would like to hear all sides of the stories, but it is unfortunate for them that the drug-induced, brain-fried strippers no longer have the capacity to concentrate.
- Almost comparatively, unless a seance is practical, the deceased ones remain voiceless. A closed mind is equal to a closed coffin. Keep that in mind.
- Up until now, we have heard the joys of the interim stripper stage; but we have not heard any success stories from the ones who finally rejected being demoralized by money, men, and/or fame, glamour, drugs, and the early potential future of lying six feet under.
Readers will note my mind seems to be tremendously expansive in comparison to yours.
Anonymous, at 12:45 PM
I luv it when a clubber proves a point for the anti's! (which is all the time) 12:54 came back with a nonny neeny!
to 12:54, happily / married / couples
going to strip and swing clubs is a three-time oxymoron.
Can't be happy if they need a bunch of loose naked people to entertain them.
Married is a two-way proposition only.
Strip and swing clubs do not a couple make.
Catch 60 min. when they have the junk side of it too.
Anonymous, at 1:18 PM
How can you pray to the Lord and still state rumors? Things that are not true, things that you make up or hear from others. Writing non factual information? Does that make you a hypocrite? I believe that that constitutes a sin. How can you tell people they are sinner for going to this place and then sin yourself?
Please explain this. I pray for YOU and others. You are no better then anyone who goes to this establishment.
Anonymous, at 2:26 PM
Pardon me, 2:02, but I have to intervene on this one by 12:54.
"...you know everything."
Now just hold on while I ponder this, giving it one whole iota of a thought as to where he or she is coming from. I've got it! Knowing everything is how the widely educated are perceived by the uneducated!
On the other hand, the uneducated have "doctorates" on the subjects of (illicit) sex, strip clubs, porn, so on and so forth, and let's not forget they are constitutional "experts" who specialize in nudity laws...tell you anything you would ever want to know about pasties and g-strings.
Anonymous, at 3:47 PM
who are you talking to 226??? was that some kind of self-confession self-accusations or something?
Anonymous, at 4:07 PM
My comments were and are stated to the people who state that they are Christians and preach morality and the christian way, when indeed they are sinners as well. Simply stated.
I.E. Mr Family who states that this club is the only moral decay of the society that we live in, and with out the club all will be good. Which people, is complete BS. There are many other things that are worse in society. I do not think that MR. Family, posters either for or against this club, realize that morals and values start from within the person. Outside persons, places and things that a person sees has an impact on the way that the person lives their life but it should and does come from within the person.
Furthermore, people for the club should let it die and not make fools of themselves, by posts and banter, they should just go and enjoy and not cause issue. People against the club should not resort to name calling, accusations, slander etc, when they claim that they are christian of any denomination. I am not saying that anti-clubbers should abandon the push to get it closed, since that would not be fair and would be un-American, but they need to practice what they preach. Especially if they use the christian route to have it closed.
Anonymous, at 4:44 AM
to 444am I mostly agree except this website would go down the tubes quickly without the banter back and forth.
Anonymous, at 12:04 PM
Obviously you do not follow the Christian faith. I will point some things out to you about it so you will know the foundation only according to your comments.
There has yet to be one person on this w/s who said they are perfect. Christians know very well about own sinfulness. Some will admit and recognize their sins more than others.
Christians have the obligation to "preach" morality by their own actions and/or words. Generally referred to as "spreading the faith" Christianity, ie, against immorality, blatantly open sins of the flesh, and all the accompanying sins, such as lust, greed, adultery, money idolatry, and in general, bowing down to the evil one. Therefore, these, with sins of the flesh being a number one high priority, is a main Christian focus. Christ was brutally and unmercifully scouraged at the pillar for all of our sins of the flesh. His skin was hanging off His Precious Body. Do we now turn our backs on Him and say, Oh well, the Price is paid? NO! Do we look at our fellow man who He suffered the same fate for and say we don't care about them? NO!
It is a Christian obligation of brotherhood to correct others so that none will be lost to the evil one. What ever any of us do that is sinful, becomes a ripple effect to those around us, whether we know it or not. Evil spreads evil. Therefore, this is one VERY severe aspect that causes the decay of society with its hedonism and its the extensive decays, leading to others,ie, drugs, unwanted pregnancies, divorce, suicide, etc.
Life is not a free-for-all. It's a responsibilty towards others starting within ourselves as you said. So it's not a matter of people should go to the club and enjoy themselves. They have as much responsibility to us as we have towards them to maintain a dignified existence.
Let's get onto name-calling. Calling someone an idiot, scum, liar, etc., that is name-calling. At it's worst, calling someone a liar when they are not, and NO ONE is lower than dirt, that includes all strip and porn related people. However, their actions are whole different story. The same with all of us. We are all good; it's what we do that is bad. Knowing and saying that someone engages in perversive or adulterous behavior, ie, pervert, adulterer, that is the descriptive name that applies to the person whose actions are of that nature. For example, a divorced person is called a divorcee. None of it is slang.
The belief of being the target of accusations and slander is the refusal, the DEFENSE "mechanism" when the truth becomes uncomfortable. It's the way a person lashes out when he or she will not accept the truth. It's easier for them to rebut with hostility than to admit or accept.
In summation, practicing what we "preach" is the awareness of sin and its consequences en masse wordly and in the hereafter. If we as Christians had no perception of sin, our sins, then we would be inclined to be a part of a hedonistic society with no limits, while granting the whole world immunity from lawlessness. The laws in themselves are a control on society, but they are not the perfect end all. Crimes are still commited. The Christian society believes there is more to it than man-made laws.
The Christian route is through prayer and actively participating in our beliefs physically and/or verbally. Thus, we have the opportunity on this w/s to voice morality and care for our brothers. We can admit our sins. Believers or not, can the strip club people admit to any wrong-doing? Doesn't seem that way.
Ultimately, we are very much in line with our Christian values.
In total, your comments were more directed ultimately all pro-club, no humanity. That in itself is bothersome.
Anonymous, at 1:28 PM
to 4:44,
I can't understand how your first blog (2:26) relates to your second one. Very confusing, until you answer some questions. Where are you getting the idea things are rumors, not true, non factual??? Do you think we are confined to caves and have no accurate and credible knowledge whatsoever of the real world outside to speak of?
Somehow I think you think anticlubs are claiming we are saintly. It's not that at all. We are people who simply do not want anymore of the horrible immoralities that are going on that can and does invade everyone's lives. Things are tough enough the way it is, and the battles must be fought at every turn as corruption mounts. We aren't saying we don't do anything wrong. We are saying it's hard enough to keep ourselves on the straight and narrow without having to deal with more bad influences inflicted on us. Honestly, we are sick of it!!!
Tell me strip clubs are the epitome of decency!
While trying to make your points in 2:26, you came across as the pious of pious.
Anonymous, at 6:06 PM
6:06, If you have all the factual information please post on this blog so then it will dispell all the myths about the club going down. Seems a lot of banter on this site is made up of rumors, and misguided information. Proof needs to be shown if there is no proof then it is all hearsay.
I am not claiming that the anticlubs are being saintly, never had never will. Iti is complelty the opposite. It is somewhat funny and sad to see that the oldest reason for conflict to arise due to a nudie bar.
When most people are sick they take medicine. If you are sick of the "bad influences" do something about it. Take your own medicine. Start from the root of the issues. Start with the prostitutes, drug dealers, and volunteer in an organzation that takes back the neighborhoods. Volunteer at the CYC, YMCA, Boy/Girl Scouts. Local High Schools/Grade Schools etc. Help the less fortunate. Start by giving the children/people the right attitudes and morals that they deserve. If this is done, then people would not go to a place of that nature. By posting inaccurate info on a site will do nothing to close this place. Sitting behind a computer will do nothing to help. By helping out in the community will make you feel better. Writing a check can make you feel better, but the physical aspect will make you feel a lot better.
1:28, So if I call you an idiot that is fine? Name calling is ok right? Can I call you an ass for assuming my stance. Where did I say if I am pro/anti? I was proving a point. People are so caught up they cannot see anything but the straight and narrow. They will fight for their cause with out any proof.
On a side Note. This is great research on humanity.
Anonymous, at 6:25 AM
to 128, nice coverup for hypocracy, to 625 am great blog I agree, looks like you have silenced some people.
Anonymous, at 12:11 PM
to 6:06,
Get a grip!
You don't have any proof to support your accusations of rumors and misinformation, but you want ME to post proof for YOU about the club going down? Surely you jest! What ever proof Mr. Family has provided here from articles and reports, it was automatically scoffed at by the proers. You've already said that everything is hearsay on this website, so even tons of proof about the club going down would be subject to the same response. Just hang on. Your proof will come out in due time.
You pick out individual issues but don't have a concept that "adult" clubs encompass a number of those same issues. With that, we ARE taking back the neighborhood! In fact, you don't have a concept that those same issues have been separately addressed for centuries!
That is a question that baffles me every time when people like you say to do this and that. Well since you are so sure your about knowledge, please inform us how you know people here do not already do volunteer work, help the poor, and donate besides.
As you spill out your great knowledge, explain to us how to turn back time to get to the root of the problem when the nudists have surpassed that root. But first, do you need proof that strip clubs include nudity?
If anyone can be conflicted about his own views and sit behind a computer with tunnel vision, you certainly are the one!
Inaccurate or accurate informatin is all in the mind of the beholder.
Anonymous, at 12:42 PM
Anon. 6:25 AM, In your initial blog, you only seemed as if you were quite upset and asked for your questions to be explained. I highly suspected more so that you were simply ranting, as if you were disturbed by something more than this website campaign. Nevertheless, I took the time to maturely walk you through your inquisitions with great elaboration. Upon reading your reply to me, it confirmed my suspicions. I am not about to enter a debate with you, and I cannot instill wisdom in you. I will say what I beleive is necessary to be said.
For the sake of other readers, I am pointing out that A 6:25 AM did not really read my comments and took no time for reflection. The subject of name-calling, which I more than adequately explained, became the bloggers main priority with a complete misinterpretation. I made no reference to slang being acceptable.
**People who walk the straight and narrow have a fuller awareness of life than anyone else. Desire for learning, experiences, reaching out, accepting or dealing responsibly with adversities, recognizing true happiness, soul-searching, listening, those qualities and more, are conducive to broad-mindedness and produce proper behavior and attitudes, thus, the straight and narrow walk through life.
There is no truth to the belief that people will fight for their just cause without any proof. Support for just causes require the projection of the whole moral person within who is accustomed to using reasonable logic as their major resource. Real Christians and respectable non-believers alike reflect at least the majority of qualities in my statements towards this campaign.
Anonymous, at 4:57 PM
457pm- i do not think very many people walk the strait and narror every minute of every hour of every day of their lives.
Anonymous, at 1:16 PM
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