A stripper's view
Many strippers are prostitutes and drug users who use sex as their tool to obtain drug money. Some strippers are young girls without a strong family structure to support them. For many of them, stripping seems like a quick way to get ahead, yet what they end up finding is that it ruins their lives. It destroys their self-confidence. It damages their relationships. It prevents them from dating or marrying.
Their lives are exploited and ruined in order to line the pockets of greedy club owners.
Take a look at the thoughts of a woman who strips at Gentlemen's Club 10. Please tell me what she thinks about her quality of life. (Please excuse the spelling errors. This is cut and pasted just as she typed it).
Fisrt of all, its hard being 19 years old and being the only single one out of all of your friends. I seem to have a hard time trying to date someone. Some how it always comes in the way of the relationnship. Which in my eyes i dont belive it should. If there is trust in the relationship there should be no problems as loing as im going home to the guy im with...does anyone agree or disagree ? Latley i cant even see or dat a guy for more than 3 weeks because the cant deal with the dancing thing. I hate to be judged by people, i am not your typical dancer. Im not the drug user or prostitute as alot of dancers are. I am a 19 year old who lives on my own and has wlel over a few grand a month in bills and who has to pay her way through school, i am there for money and only money, not drugs or sexual favors.It would relaly be nice for me to be able to lvie a regular life...... and not the stipper life..... do you think i like being told im not good enough to be on stage or that im ugly? Most of the time at work im getting pout down, and i tihnk that any girl who can deal with dancing is a good person, and no i dont mean the druggies or prostitutes i mean the single mothers and the college students..... We make our money a little bit diff then most people, but were sitll owrking jsut like you are.
Thank you Gentlemen's Club 10 for ruining her life. I hope you're happy with yourselves.
This is so sad. I feel very bad for this girl. 19 is so young to be caught up in this kind of life. I hope she finds a better life. I'm sure she is a wonderful person, but this is terrible to see her taken advantage of. My heart goes out to her.
Anonymous, at 10:30 AM
they are ruining her life and the lives of others
they are trying to ruin the township as well.
they don't care about the values of township residents and shoppers.
Anonymous, at 11:59 AM
They let teenage girls strip there? I wonder if they would want their daughters disrobing and rubbing themselves on grown men.
This is disgusting, pure and simple. I can't believe that thesee are the values Mr. Scalso and his friends were raised on.
Anonymous, at 12:06 PM
thank you for this post
people need to know what life for these girls is really like. it's terrible. it's sexual slavery.
Anonymous, at 1:02 PM
If she is so sad, she should quit. Get a different job. Club10 has not ruined her life, SHE went there for a job.
And to say it is slavery is also just wrong. I work in a place with many women, and the work we do is hard, but they start well over 15 dollars an hour, and requires no experience as they provide on the job training.
If this girl does not want to strip, then stop. But do not blame others for HER choice.
Twisting words again.
Anonymous, at 3:23 PM
Be advised Mr.Family, Kyle is not a valid source of info, if it was her who sent this to you. I know you talk to her and are on 1st name basis, (she has told me) but I know her in her everyday life, and she is not a very honest person, and makes something's up. keep fighting, but watch your sources.
Anonymous, at 3:26 PM
They are ruining her life? Sexual slavery? You people are complete pinheads. She is an adult who makes her own choices. If she is not happy being a stripper, then she should find work elsewhere. You blame the stripclub for ruining her life? She has her whole life ahead of her. She has problems with dating men because she is a stripper. Thats not her problem, it's the guy's problem. There are alot of men out there that do not have problem with her profession. That includes me. I would gladly date her. Mr. Family, set up a date with her and me. I will show her kindness and understanding.
Mr. Billy
Anonymous, at 4:00 PM
This wasn't from "Kylie." It has been about 4 months or so since she last shared her views on clubs and stripping with me. I do believe that she shared some similar sentiments on the negative personal side-effects that come with the job.
Mr. Family, at 8:59 PM
I don't think we can say that a 19 year old girl, especially without a good foundation and adhering to wrong society influences,is capable of making wise choices. Yes, she chose to go to the club for a job, BUT that is where the much older, educated owner should have had a responsibility to educate her to the down-side. Perhaps he did, but my best guess is that he didn't because of $$$$$$$. I mean let's be honest here, why does he need under 21 so badly. He even advertises for 18 year olds amateur night with the promise of cash prizes. Doesn't sound like a responsible adult to me. In the end, gclub10, any strip club, is responsible for encouraging her and ruining her life up until the point where she finds the strength to maturely know otherwise.
Anonymous, at 5:03 AM
of if any dancer expressed only positive comments about he chosen profession
mr family would not print them-- 20/20 on abc had a
show about dancers-- it was
mostly positive-- the dancers think well of themselves as this young women does-- she only has problems dating men who do not like her profession--
my wife was a playboy bunny-and i enjoy telling people about it.
Anonymous, at 7:02 AM
I found it hard to have ANY sympathy for this girl or post or whereever it was derived from. I am a mom for four children, just last year we lost our house, job, etc... We relocated to this area to cut down on cost of living and lived tough for awhile until my spouse started making money in his job. I DID NOT turn to stripping, although I easily could have; instead we got 9-5 (sometimes 9-9) jobs.
I don't want to hear about slavery and lives being ruined because of a career choice. GClub 10 did not ruin this girl, she chooses to dance there every night. Come on, please get a grip on the real issues here.
I don't understand where you think this is going Mr. Family. Jesus gives us common sense and a choice to do the right thing or go a different path. Some people take the easy way out and then blame it on the circumstance or God or whoever they can to make themselves feel better...
Anonymous, at 8:16 AM
This girl sadly has no self-esteem. I was on my own at 18 in the city and approached by pornographers who tried to recruit me for "modeling" and "movies", but I chose to support myself by taking low-paying, entry-level jobs while attending school part time. I never made it through college, but I ended up earning more money in a white-collar job than most men around here. If you have your health and self-respect, you need little else. No amount of money can replace them. Oh, and I've been happily married for many years to a successful, intelligent, witty man who does NOT go to strip clubs.
Anonymous, at 11:08 AM
Sorry about the young lady and the problems she has but no one is forcing to go there and strip. This Valley is not destitute there are still work & educational opportunities out there for those willing to achieve a goal in life. Many jobs only pay meager wages but it has to do with the degree of training and experience one has. If a person applies themselves they certainly can achieve goals in life. Stripping is not the only end to a means of making a living. Try the real work world it might be more fulfilling in the long run. And by all means get the best education possible. Self pity is no goal setter.
Anonymous, at 11:29 PM
Do all you Mr. Family supporters also believe that everything Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson says is true?
Mr. Billy
Anonymous, at 11:49 PM
She definitely lacks self-esteem, as do the other strippers...whether they want to admit it or not...otherwise they wouldn't be subservient for "money only," as they say. So by wrong choice, they are actual slaves to money through a sexually-related job,ie, monetary/sexual slaves.
8:16, I think this is going in the right direction because of comments like yours and 11:08. Both of you offer comments that are valid and encouraging which proves there is no excuse for the re-assurance, in my view, she is seeking. She seems torn between wanting "to be able to have a regular life," and going to school, but wants the approval of her stripping lifestyle in order to achieve that goal.
Of course we have the usual jokers who are condescending to her without considering the repercussions.
8:16 and 11:08, your comments are very valuable.
Anonymous, at 6:31 AM
Yeah, but how many people have the same story, just substitute, say, fast food worker in there. And the "not your typical dancer" line is priceless. Sounds like she is too lazy to take that nice nineteen year old body and put it to honest work. She is NINETEEN, not NINE, she's a big girl now. It's obvious she knows that she can get things with her body easier than doing it the right way. I'm sure she would find OTHER ways to be a drain (morally AND financially) on society. She's not on drugs, she says, but what are her excuses for NOT being able to find decent, "respectable work"? I'm sure she was on a downward spiral way before she ever ran across those greedy club owners. I blame Daddy!
Anonymous people suck, btw.
Graveh, at 6:40 PM
i see mr. family was browsing myspace lately.
Anonymous, at 4:08 AM
I think that is sad. On a whole, not just since she was 19 y/o and a dancer. A full adult, who can join the military, vote and get assistance. (but sadly cannot have a libation) has a "few grand in bills per month" and believes that since she was single she had to turn to stripping. a few grand a month in bills is a lot of money. I think that she might need to go to first valley and say that she is a depressive. Nothing wrong with that but I am sure that she needs help and to see what. There is assistance for her and to claim that she turned to this life for the reasons that "she" mentioned is somewhat sad. If she turn to this at an early age, where were her parents? It seems that the depression started way befor she turned to this type of life.
Why the hell are you exploiting this and this "poor" girl. she say that stripping is fine and wants to get out. HELP HER!!!! Since not everyone who is there does not need help. As the self proclaimed christian you have an opbligation to help this one. Not all but especially this one.
Anonymous, at 5:31 AM
He had a theory, Walt did, that the religious life, and all the agony that goes with it, is just something God sics on people who have the gall to accuse Him of having created an ugly world.
Anonymous, at 7:52 AM
i am sure the girl feels a lot better after reading mr family's claim that her life is ruined. it is not.
every job has its bad and good points. worked at mcdonalds when i was a teen
the abuse we had to take from customers is probably no worse then what she gets.
Anonymous, at 10:09 AM
Mr. Billy, I support Mr. Family, but as an atheist, I give no credence to Jerry Falwell or Pat Robertson. Are you down on Christians in general or is it just a feeble attempt to belittle what you are unable to articulate intelligently?
Anonymous, at 1:16 PM
Of course...who is to say that this letter isnt a fake.
Anonymous, at 3:50 PM
Many of these strip dancers suffer either from Manic depression or have a drug habit. also some have come from unstable family backgrounds. We can't fully blame them for their turning to this profession, when where they given a sense of direction by society. This may be the only way they know to earn a living.
Anonymous, at 5:30 PM
to 5:31am, I don't really see this as an exploitation but as a means of offering help by people like yourself who give good advice. (I mean we can't just grab her off the street and say we're going to help you). She and other girls might very well be depressed and really don't know it. Surely self-destructive behavior is a symptom of depression and stripping may be their acting-out outlet, unknown to them, as well as drugs.
Very possibly this girl and other girls who read this site were never given positive or helpful direction or hope as to what to do and not to do. This might be the only way at this point to make them aware of some things and show that people care and are willing to sacrifice some of their time to mention other options.
I think what we all say on this board is very critical since it can effect the outcome of another person's life for the good or bad.
Anonymous, at 3:19 AM
I have been a stripper for 4 years now. I do not dance at club10, But I may go there as I hear good things.
I had the "9 to 5" job, for a few years. Right out of college, in which I took business as my major. What did it get me? An ulcer, and treated like garbage. Staying late, taking on extra work, doing what ever was needed to try to get ahead. I stood by and watched as others got promotions while I did the majority of the work. I enjoyed my work, but what I did not enjoy was the crap, the politics involved in trying to advance.At this job I felt degraded, not stripping.
I got into stripping on a dare one night while out from friends at an amateur night. And as it turned out. I nearly made my entire paycheck in one night. A few more weeks of dealing with egos at my job and I left. Since then, I have had a better life. No drugs, no depression, no prostitution as all those who hate these places say always goes on. Not with me. Stripping has given me a new life, a better one. And for now it works. I will not do it forever, as I am saving money, and I plan to start my own business. I own a home, car, and have no debt, because of dancing. I have more self esteem, and enjoy the rush I get when all eyes are on me.
Now the girl in this article, maybe she should quit. She doesn't seem to be happy with it. Then leave. And for the man running this site, to say the club has ruined her life, that is just a weak statement. Clubs do not force girls to dance, girls go to the clubs.
And you will find many of the owners to treat the girls very well. Maybe if you did not just pick and choose only the bad side Mr.Family, the only side you seem to want people to see, that fits your agenda, they may have a better view of adult clubs.
Anonymous, at 6:14 AM
Do you believe everything that Mr. Family says is true? It's not. He has lied in the past. The Gclub has every legal right to do business and there is nothing that you can do about it. By the way, I am a Christian. I went to Catholic school for 12 years. I am also educated - Bachelor's degree in Business Administration. I have posted many times in the past expressing my opinion. I stopped coming to this site until recently. Mr. Family the coward has no credibility. He has failed and continues to hide just like a frightened turtle.
Mr. Billy
Anonymous, at 5:21 PM
521 What is this yea and nay thing about Christians? It's like damned if you do help fellow man; damned if you don't.
Obviously you don't seem to prioritize your Christianity when it comes to your fellow woman's body being desecrated and your fellow man being lured away from Christ.
Mr. Family may not have any credibility, but you as a Christian has the obligation to be a credible Christian. Your choice. ----a Christian.
Anonymous, at 6:19 AM
619 part any christians thinking and beliefs is that the one above gave each and everyone of use free choice. to do what is right or to do what is wrong.
Anonymous, at 4:27 AM
First of all Mr. Family, if your going to surf MySpace.com and get any information....get all of it!
This letter was posted in January 2006. Club 10 wasn't open until March 2006.
Post all of the letter.
U will stop at nothing to keep people believing you.....but they don't understand that they are believing things that aren't true.
Ms. Mariah the girl who wrote the letter on MySpace is currently a dancer at Club 10 and also is a waitress at another night club. No one has her chained down with a gun to her head to work @ Club 10. As a matter of fact, she is the girl on the billboard on I-81. Which she chose to do.....ALL BY HERSELF!
Anonymous, at 8:35 AM
I am the girl that posted this blog on myspace. G10 DID NOT ruin my life. And if the whole blog was posted you would relize that it was not directed towards any club!! And it was also posted BEFORE THEY EVEN OPENED!!! When i wrote the blog it was my thoughts and feelings at the time. g10 is the best club i have worked at, they treat us ladies like ladies! For the people who posted mean comments, saying i am lazy and i am a lier, and feeling sorry for me,I am not lazy i have a day job! And i am going to school! I made the decision to dance, and i will dance until i feel its the right time to quit. But dont hold my PERSONAL blog on g10, because they have nothing to do with it! So please disreguard this blog, it is about me and my random thoughts NOT G CLUB 10! I am not BLAMING ANY CLUB FOR RUINING MY LIFE, I NEVER SAID MY LIFE WAS RUINED!!!!! All i said, was guys have a hard time understanding and accepting the fact that girls dance, and alot of guys dont want to date dancers! AND people judge dancers in the wrong way! That was the point of my blog!!!!
I do not know how mr family got to my myspace profile, but i do not think he should be browing profiles to get things to hold against g10. I would greatly apprecate it if he would not post my personal blogs that i have on myspace onto this stop g10 club page.
Anonymous, at 9:05 AM
Go figure, Mr.Family proven wrong, and to not be truthful, AGAIN!
Anonymous, at 11:14 PM
4:27, in blog 6:19, what's those two little words at the end between "...Christian." and "----a Christian"?
Anonymous, at 5:59 AM
Mr. Billy, as an atheist, I don't accept anything I read as gospel. I don't know Mr. Family, but I have no reason to question his veracity. From your sophomoric posts, however, I'd be more inclined to believe you to be an 18-yr. old zealously defending your right to peruse all the porn you can access. The fact that club10 is legal does not make it moral or ethical and I will continue to exercise my right to express my vehement opposition to it until it closes.
Anonymous, at 9:03 AM
I love how club supporters take every opportunity they can to bash religion, even when posters aren't even referencing it.
We get it. You hate religion and morals. You don't have to keep repeating yourselves.
Anonymous, at 11:50 AM
Maybe it is because Religion is behind this entire crusade Brian. Why do people bash religion? Gee lets look at the ways.
1. Atheist boys can not be members of the boy scouts
2. In the US it is illegal in 7 states for an atheist to hold office, or testify in court
Arkansas,Maryland,Pennsylvania, Tennessee,South Carolina,North Carolina and Texas
3. George Bush Sr, (and other high ranking officials agreed) said "No. I don't know that atheist should be considered as citizens
nor should they be considered patriots. This is one nation under God"
4. Blue laws. These are laws that restrict what people can do, due to other people's religious beliefs. Until 1985, it was illegal to
sell house wares, (like pots, pans and washing machines) on Sundays in Texas. it is still illegal in many states to purchase
a car or alcohol on Sundays all because of someone else's religious beliefs.
5. The unites states, "Pledge of Allegiance" was written in 1892. The words "Under God" were added after a campaign by the
knights of Columbus (a catholic organization.)
6. On US one dollar bill the words "In God we trust" was not added until 1957
It was added on coins in 1864. Long after our country was established.
7. And this country was not founded as a Christian nation. But we see Christians and Christian nations trying to make it so. Most of our founding fathers were against having one religion over any other.This includes George Washington, Ben Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, and Thomas Payne, among others.
8. Religious groups are now attempting to control what is taught in our schools, by inserting creationism, and intelligent design as
a public science.
9. National policy decisions are being decided, not by rational though or discourse, but by religious forbore.
The list goes on
Because of religious beliefs, we are seeing people take away freedoms, try to rewrite history, effect the education of our peers and pose a direct threat to safety and security. That is why religion comes up.
This entire campaign is because of religious beliefs.
These are all facts. Look them up.
Anonymous, at 12:44 PM
Funny how Brians's name is not a link to a blog, but to WILK. A station that has made fun of Mr.Famil, and refuses to discuss him. Because he is a fraud.
Anonymous, at 12:49 PM
12:44 says "This entire campaign is because of religious beliefs." Then how you do explain why atheists like me are opposed to gclub10? By the way, the pledge of allegiance was amended to include the words "under God" during the McCarthy era because it was thought that communists would refuse to utter those words and could therefore be more easily "weeded out". No doubt many of the men who objectify women by patronizing strip clubs consider themselves good Christians.
Anonymous, at 2:25 PM
Quote from 12:44PM "This entire campaign is because of relgious beliefs." That's odd. All along I thought it was about not wanting a strip club in our area because they cause problems and shame, morality v. immorality...this is believed by many of those of any faith or non-faith.
Therefore, what atheist can speak of being bashed on this website for practicing atheism?
Yet people of faith are frequently bashed. BELIEVE ME when I say we can take it. There are a few reasons behind that statement.
Oh well, you proved Brian right.
Anyway, what does your points have to do with gclub?
Isn't gclub an imposition of someone else's beliefs in our community?
If you want to know their beliefs, put some boots on and read their "Public Statement" on their website.
Anonymous, at 2:34 PM
Anon 2:34
The club does not force itself onto others. It does not take pictures of you, does not harass you, it is a business building. That is the difference. Mr.Family is trying to force his ways on others. By harassing, and insulting.
Many a time References have been made to atheists, calling those who do not accept God, fools. And this entire debate IS about religious opinions. Let me give you a quote from the main man behind it. "my views are influenced by my religious convictions" Brain was not proven right.
His entire reason for this is religion.
There are a few that do not follow God that disapprove of Strip clubs, and call them wrong and they are welcome to their opinion, as are we all. But the law states they are legal, Simple as that.
While Harassment IS illegal, and Harassment is what Mr.Family is doing to Club10.
Anonymous, at 5:34 AM
5:34 PM, This is why you are so, so wrong. I live in W-BTwp., and this community took pride in being built up based on the morals and values from generations past, except for the two x-rated places, of course. This community has maintained an unusual atmosphere of safety and respect while other towns are unfortunately going down hill. The club specifically imposed itself on us with its open, blantant nudity, causing bad influence to children, young adults, and bringing in riff raff. Before the club, we didn't have to deal with that. No, no pictures, but we are harassed with bad influence that knows no end.
So Mr. Family is influenced by religion. You have to realize that we are all influenced by something, many things, otherwise we would be brainless idiots without a thought process. However, I did not join this campaign with the intentions to evangelize because faith CANNOT be forced. Also, Mr. Family and I are not of the same faith. You chose one quote with referrence to religion, but chose to miss the variety of comments submitted by various people for various reasons that do not refer to religion. Therefore, you tried to make it a point that this campaign is all about religion, which seemingly goes against your grain and morality as well. Brian was right.
If that were true about the club atheists being called fools, then why only them and not our anti-club atheist friends? I thought you said this "entire debate IS about religious opinions."
Anyway, if we are all welcome to our opinion, as you say, then why can't religious folks have their opinions as well?
In closing, I am highly influenced by religion which, to me, my opinion, gives me the firm foundation necessary to have care and concern for fellow mankind and the environment. God only knows where I would be without it with all my imperfections the way it is.
So if you can find anything wrong with that, well then, what can I say.
On the other hand, I see absolutely no care or concern for humanity from the club views.
So without talking religion, let's talk about the negative effects on society caused by strip clubs on a humanitarian level.
Anonymous, at 4:40 AM
to 440 am-- what negative effects. did your taxes go down after those three adult buisnesses opened? no.
Your house worth less no.
did businesses move out?
no. It's all in your mind dearie.
Anonymous, at 7:38 AM
7:38 AM, The points you mentioned are economic, not humanitarian. W-B city is a perfect economic example of which you spoke. If you have been following along over the years, slowly but surely W-B city has reached an unprecedented climactic era. Due to the negative effects there, normally lifetime residents are selling their homes at a loss just to get away from all of it. The value of their homes are worth less, while taxes kept increasing. People are afraid to walk on certain streets even in the daytime. Downtown looked like a ghost town when businesses moved out.
Now what was a good part of the cause for that? Well, with politicians being initally lax and also not providing the police dept. with enough manpower, prostitution, drug kings, druggies to murderers took control. Therefore, you have some of the negative effects in brief. Don't tell me that is all in my mind.
Perhaps you need to gain some foresight:
Apparently it doesn't bother you since you might not live in W-BT or own a home, but I am not looking forward to being inundated with increased similar riff raff that club10 is leaning towards, neither the de-valuation of my home, nor the poor safety of our town.
Also, be assured that W-BT is not isolated. What ever negativity exudes from club10, it will also affect the surrounding areas since is the latest, blatant spot in the area. With the increase in strip clubs, the activities they generate, and given enough time, eventually all of our towns will be similar to W-B city who is now spending millions to re-create it, while still struggling with crime. The police can only do so much.
On a humanitarian level, my heart goes out to the lifetime W-B city residents, some of whom I know, elderly besides, who feared living in their own homes. Therefore, they had no choice but to move from their homesteads that were filled with comfort and memories.
I highly, highly resent your casual,irresponsible comments which do not take into consideration the lifetime sacrifices my dearly beloved parents made in order to purchase and maintain our humble home.
Anonymous, at 3:04 PM
Your home will not lose value because of Club10. W-B started to lose value 10 years ago. That has nothing to do with the club. There are NO clubs or adult businesses near Down town Wilkes-Barre were everything is going down. Yet it is turning into a slum. It has been for years. It has been proven in court over and over again within the past few years that the so called "Secondary effects" are no true. The club will not devalue your home, especially when it is in a commercial area and con not even effect your home. And you can check on it at the court house if you want to.
The Cabaret club is not far Rudder ave, yet those home still sell for over 100 grand. Gee, how come?
Anonymous, at 8:03 AM
8:03 AM, Very unfortunately you did not fully understand my comments. Perhaps if you thoughtfully re-read them, you will gain the foresight to which I was referring.
Briefly, the circumstances in W-B city that presently caused its demise is the culmination of longer than 10 years, more like 30 years. It is a slow but sure process if undesireable activities are not corrected early enough.
Once again, W-BT is not isolated. Neither is club10, nor any other strip club. Therefore, undesirable activities can and do infiltrate towards residential homes throughout the community. That is why long-time residents are moving now. W-B city is a prime example.
I have to wonder if W-B city residents ever gave it a thought that their current status was a potential. Similarly, the folks on Rudder Ave. might think it can't happen there.
Remember: it's a slow but sure process if not corrected in the early stages. Foresight is of the utmost importance.
Also, Topper's was an adult business in downtown W-B for a good number of years during that downhill period.
Anonymous, at 12:52 PM
I own a house near the Cabaret club and it's "Rutter", not "Rudder" avenue. The houses NEAREST the club have not appreciated in value as much as the houses FARTHEST from it and you can check THAT at the court house, too. Of course, the Cabaret does not feature totally naked "dancers" like club10 does, but it, too, is "grandfathered" into an area whose residents do NOT want a sex business in their quiet, residential neighborhood.
Anonymous, at 3:02 PM
to 8:03,
with all this disgraceful hoopla going on, Kingston and other municipalities got on the bandwagon to strengthen their adult establishment ordinances. Very grateful.
Anonymous, at 7:26 AM
gee 304 pm I live in wb city and my house has gone up in value. Why, because we stood up to drug dealers in my neighborhood
instead of worrying about topper's. or a video store that rents x rated tapes.
how do you expain the wb prostitue problem when there isn't an adult club anywhere near the area where the hookers are?
so topper's ( now closed) is responsible for the crime
and drugs in wb? the police disagree.
Anonymous, at 2:12 PM
2:12 AM, I cannot take anything you say at face value since the entire fiasco of the city speaks for itself. However, if what you say is true about your home, that doesn't leave out the possibility that it could have been worth more. People are not dying to move into W-B city. In fact, a new neighbor of mine from the city, as well as others, told me how desperate they are to try to get out, therefore, they are selling their homes at a loss.
Very, very unfortunately you have failed to see the whole picture of the connection with the vices you mentioned of which all were playing a part.
Instead of me giving any explanations, which would be redundant, perhaps you should take this into consideration since it is your ballgame, not mine:
Hindsight is 20/20.
Also, I had seen the police at Topper's a number of times on my way home from work. So I think they would disagree with you. Speaking of Topper's closing, perhaps you would like to give a reason for that.
For someone who says he/she was involved in ridding the drug dealers, you seem to have a very care-less attitude concerning other aspects of vice in your community, coupled with an impertinent attitude. Perhaps that is because you are supportive of adult clubs.
Anonymous, at 3:26 AM
to 326 am, no i believe in putting the blame squarely where it belongs i not scapegoating someone and trying to blame them.
what happened to wilkes-barre is pretty common to any city. malls opened nearby.. buinesses moved out
property became unrentable and then not taken care of.
run down areas invite crime, and drug dealers moved in, the city did not have the resources to fight it until recently.
prsititution on the street increases crime, not anywhere near drugs but the same cannot be said about adult businesses, prostitutes do not hang out in the areas where they are located.
the reasons people do not want to live in the city are
more taxes than surrounding areas, noise, houses built on top of each other, traffic, crime, schools, urban blight etc ( not in any order)
i jave restored my house, it would be worth more if there were not deserted vancant bulidings nearby.
The building are vacant because of the above not because of adult buiiness.
do some research about crime in wilkes-barre and the surrounds esp where adult businesses are located.
as an officer in crime stoppers, i have found adult adult businesses are not responsible for crime in area,
btw i used to have a business on south main st, the police came everyday to the pawn shop. i have seen police many times at walmart for that matter too.
Anonymous, at 7:38 AM
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