Protect our Children
Our friends who support local sex shops and strip clubs like to claim that they have no adverse affect on the community. Most thinking people realize that they do have a negative impact, most notably on children.
Because of their documented negative effect on society, the citizens and city council of Grand Rapids, MI have enacted new ordinances to regulate sexually oriented businesses in their communities. Of course they were sued by the local sex shop owners and their attorneys, but the city has won the first round in making their defense.
I think there is a lot for us to learn here. Many local people have felt powerless to do anything about Attorney Elaine Cook and Gentlemen's Club 10's owner Sal Scalzo as they have threatened countless lawsuits against the people of Wilkes-Barre Twp. I still believe that good will prevail in our case, no matter what the purveyors of deviant sexual behavior have up their sleeve.
Grand Rapids citizens win first battle against neighborhood ‘sex shops’
Mr. Family, I don't see how you could possibly think that a strip club would affect children in a negative way.
It's about time the children of Luzerne County learned more about prostitution, pornography and lap dances. According to club supporters, these are legitimate lines of work so we should encourage our children to pursue these avenues.
What parent wouldn't want their child to go into the sex trade? I would like to commend Mr. Scalzo and Ms. Cook for making this opportunity possible for our children.
One more thing, how young do participants need to be on Amateur Night? I hear that you prefer "school girls." Is twelve old enough?
Anonymous, at 9:21 AM
how about mr family family's crusade against the place? A friend of mine son ( he;s 16) found out about the
place in the newspaper when mr family protested the place.
he wanted to park his car in the gcub lot and have mr family take a pic so he could tell his friends where he had been.
Anonymous, at 11:24 AM
Every now and again you say something good, something that I agree with. Children should be protected, and for that we do have laws stating that these clubs can not be near residential or schools.
But you then follow your great statement with a lie. Filling the public eye with false info to gain support for your cause.
Not one lawsuit has yet been filed from Club10 or Elaine Cook. They have stated that they may, but have yet to do so. Why would you say that they have filed countless suits? This only shows more proof that you are not 100% honest in your cause. People claim that your photos are not all in the club parking lot, and that you make some things up, this just proves that possibility further.
Also, many here claim that the club goers ignore certian things to further their fight, yet the anti club people do the same in this situation. They will ingnore your lie about the lawsuits. The club may be wrong, but adding more wrongs and lies ontop of it does not make it any better. God tells us not to lie. Yet you have choosen to do so.
Anonymous, at 12:23 PM
Refusing to post people's comments again I see. Don't want then to see your lie about the law suits? LIAR!
Anonymous, at 12:25 PM
A few things, it is the truth that Club 10 and their attorney have threatened to sue WB Twp. Call that a lie if you would like, but you are incorrect.
Secondly, your comments are posted right where you put them. You responded to this post by commenting on the previous post. Take a look. I believe the comment you are referring to is #29 on the Friday, September 8th post.
One more thing. Calling me or those who support this cause liars is a nice attempt to cloud the truth. From the start, club goers and Elaine Cook have said that the pictures aren't from the club. Then I expanded the shots to show that they were. From there, I was told that the pictures were blurry, etc. etc. etc. I understand that you don't like the pictures, but then again, we don't like the club.
Apparently this site is still hitting a nerve with some people. That's probably a good thing.
Mr. Family, at 1:04 PM
mr family you said in your sept 1 post " they sue every local authority they can think of to get their way" there is a difference between threatening to sue
and an actual lawsuit.
you give the impression they in fact sued, not true, you also spread gossip about the club 10, good christians do not gossip, you know that, but yet choose to do it, it does not further your cause. You said 4 months ago " i hear the club is closing soon" did not happen
I can give you lots of other examples, but it show why your supporters are slowly deserting you.
Anonymous, at 1:22 PM
12:23p, The club IS wrong. No "maybes" about it. God tells us that also in His Commandments. He also provides us with a STERN warning about not leading children into sin. Laws protecting children do not prevent an occurence; neither do they put a space barrier around a stripclub to contain culprits.
Who cares about the lawsuits, who did what how many times or who didn't do what. Eyesight dictates gclub10 is not Disney World!
Oh, by the way, what do people claim when the car photos do show gclub10?
Go peddle your nonsense to a wall!
12:25p, your comments were posted in 12:23p. Hmmmmm...
Anonymous, at 1:39 PM
calling people liars i sense some judgement there???????
Anonymous, at 1:43 PM
Yeah, it hits a nerve like the other site you refuse to mention hit your nerves, But now there are two sites.
I would mention them, but you would not post this if I did.
And the post are NOT posted right away, they are saved for you to approve, and hide when you do not like what they say. I know of at least 20 post by myself you have chosen to hide, none of which have had profanity ( we don't need it in this debate, I agree it should not be here) but many other things that you do not want heard. I know this as a fact, and I know you will not admit it. Since you are never wrong about anything.
I know a few other people, who are not even allowed to make comments here. Since you do not want the other side to speak.
Anonymous, at 2:37 PM
Well, I'm a local, and I think the club is fine. it is not near any houses, not near a school, it is in a business district. Yep, seems to follow all the rules set forth about strip clubs. You just don't seem to like it. Oh, and if you are feeling stressed about it, just go to one of the 4 massage parlors in WB TWP, and you can get a happy ending to relieve some of that stress.
Anonymous, at 3:05 PM
It's amazing to me to see how defensive the clubbies get. They love their club, but they hate to give a moment's thought to what our community thinks about what they're doing.
I'm so glad that you're doing this site. Looks like you have a few wannabes commenting on here.
Anonymous, at 8:57 PM
What's this site all about? anything ever going to get accomplished on here? Doesn't look like it. Just a lot of personal opinions.
Anonymous, at 9:58 PM
I notice property adjacent to gclub10 appears to be undergoing development. Does anyone know what is going up there?
Anonymous, at 6:45 AM
237 What your bellyaching to claim is so important for everybody to hear would still not sway people from the logical facts they already know anyway. You need to catch up with them. 305 Illicit businesses in NYC were in a buisness district too. You should have told that to former mayor Giuliani before he went thru all the hassle of clearing them,for some odd reason.
If four massage parlors are in W-B T, they all must have moved in overnight.
Anonymous, at 7:13 AM
7:13 AM
Ultima II, Altenra massage, Elite Massage, and there is one more, the name escapes me at the moment, but it is just up the road from the sheets above the woodlands. Ultima and Altenra have both been there for years. Elite and the other just openend this year. They didn't move in over night, they have been here. You people just have no clue on what is going on around you.
And 6:45 AM, yes, I do know what is going on next to the club, Don't you wish you did?
Anonymous, at 9:38 AM
Gentlemen's Club 10 has filed several lawsuits against Wilkes-Barre Township. Don't try to make them look good by claiming they haven't.
Anonymous, at 11:39 AM
How many "gentlemen" who go to club 10 have "sexual assault" on their records? You know.
Anonymous, at 11:44 AM
the g club file ONE suit against the township when it refused to issue them an
occupancy permit. they won.
Anonymous, at 2:15 PM
the g club file ONE suit against the township when it refused to issue them an
occupancy permit. they won.
Anonymous, at 2:15 PM
Dear Matt. No lawsuits have yet been filed. And only one has been mention by the club, pay attention before you make an fool of yourself.
And to Anon 11:44. I can not answer that, as I would not know, I do know however two men however, who do not go to the club, but work for a school district in our area that have sexual assault on their records. They are not teachers, but they work in the school.
They do not go to the club because their girl friends will not let them.
Anonymous, at 2:33 PM
Gee, 9:38AM, if I didn't wanna know, I wouldn't have asked, would I? And your sarcasm is misplaced because I was ambivalent about gclub10 until I read your beligerant post. If you're indicative of club supporters, I guess I'll throw in with the people who don't want you and your ilk around here.
Anonymous, at 2:53 PM
--to 938--from wbtwp.
the massage parlors you said are not in our boundaries. the other one is in Plainstwp.
Mr family this ought to be good to see how they are going to dispute the highlighted times leader article. good work. many thanx from wbtwp
Anonymous, at 5:25 PM
When are we going to read about Sal and his skirt Elaine, REALLY putting ALL their convictions where their mouths are??!!
Non-clubs and club goers stand by their convictions, now it's time for Sal and Elaine to practice what THEY preach!
Since Sal is so convinced his business helps women financially, then why doesn't he persuade his blood-related family girls to get naked at the club? Or doesn't he want them involved? Why not? After all, the girls at the club now are somebody's daughters!
Elaine defends some kind of thing about lapdancing. Why doesn't she do it on the side to show support on this heated issue across the country??
Oh, no, we won't catch her doing it, will we? That would be beneath her!!
Sal and Elaine, you talk the talk, you should be willing to walk the walk!!!!
Anonymous, at 3:45 PM
Why would Elaine cook give lap dances? She has a job. She doesn't need another.
How do you know it is beneath her? have you heard her say that? Putting words in others mouths? Typical anti club remarks.
"Why don't they have their family do it"
"Why do you get up there"
Get a new line already. It was boring the other 100 times we heard it.
Anonymous, at 9:14 PM
To add a little fuel to this fire:
As of yet, I have not seen one arrest or issues on the WB-TP PD site stating that there were any incidents at the location of G-10. Numerous at your beloved Wal-Mart, Mall and Wegmans. On that note, a big cause for the issues of downtown W-B. But then again Mr. Family only cares of WB-TWP and the plight of excluding nudity in the TWP. But I digress.
Lets say for instance that the speed limit on Mundy street changed from 25 to 20. No notice was given just the signs posted. This happened on 09/13/06. The City and the TWP photographed every car that has traveled that route for the last 20 years. Each car that was photographed was issued a ticket for speeding. Would you be pissed? Would you just pay the ticket? Or would you make every attempt to fight this silly law? The tickets cost 35.00. Change your mind? Granted that the city of WB and the TWP would never be able to enforce due to their stupidity and inept govt ability. I digress again.
Also, I applaud Scalzo and Cook filing this ONE case against the TWP. (Which was dated on 06/2006) I would hope that anyone who has a business venture would fight for their rights. It is the American Way. If someone cannot open a business due to illegal govt. restraints as shown by the courts then my friends that is Un American. It also shows that the people of WB-TWP are somewhat slow in voting these people in. Mr. Family, whoever you are, you need to become mayor of WB-TWP. You at least have the know how to run a computer.
Anonymous, at 6:55 AM
What about the find rasier for the young girl with Von Willebrand Disease?
Is that not giving something back?
Is that not an attempt to do something for the community?
I am sure you will find a way to make it negative, while those involved try to do something positive.
Anonymous, at 7:58 AM
You say the club affects children? an Out of the way strip club affects children as much as what? The drug houses they live right across from that the township doesnt want to clean up either because it would cost money? Please there are many other things affecting our children more then the club. Maybe if your worried about how your children are acting you are not raising them correctly.
Anonymous, at 12:43 PM
9:14 Read my blog again (3:45). It'll answer your question.....and ask her if she would do it, with a commitment of course!! Or maybe it's above her, how 'bout that??? The supposed statements, the facts remain!!! Makes you uncomfortable 101 times now, doesn't it???
You failed to mention Sal, make that an uncomfortable 102 times!!!
Anonymous, at 9:32 PM
paragraph one---changing the focus
paragraph two---irrational thinking
paragraph three---sneaks don't have to fight for a business venture rights
7-58 using, exploiting a poor little girl and her sickness to benefit club advertising, the club negated itself. sickos.
Anonymous, at 9:54 PM
club Sex predators, 12:43 PM, will go out of their way to get children. That's not important to you? How do you expect the best raised child, any child to fend off a sex perpetrator? You better get some priorities.
Anonymous, at 10:05 PM
7:58, who do you think you're kidding? That fund raiser is like justifying a murderer who is also a blood donor. It's done to assuage the guilt of those who disrespect women. The one girl gclub may have helped does not negate the countless women being objectified and degraded on a daily basis. It does not make up for the relationships ruined because of men spending $20 to watch women devalue themselves instead of spending that time and money developing REAL relationships.
Anonymous, at 3:13 PM
gclubbers, when are you going to announce here that your $20 entrance fee has been lowered to $10?
can't wait to hear the excuses for this one.
Anonymous, at 9:28 AM
621, don't blame someone else for your immaturity/ somebody has to tell you since you are not adult enough to be responsible on your own..start off with women are human beings and naked bumping and grinding is not dancing.
Anonymous, at 5:23 PM
to 523 pm who appointed you to tell other people what to do? Do you belong to any terrorist groups? That's the tactics they use.
Anonymous, at 2:44 PM
I knew you people would try to take a fund rasier for a little local girl and turn it around. The woodlands did it first, and many of the girls from the club went to donate. Then they decided to take it further and so their own.
It is still better than the local churches and their CONSTANT explotiing of drunks and alcholics by selling beer at their "Bazaars". But thats ok, cause that is the church. Not trying to change the subject, just pointing out that people will justify ANYTHING if they approve.
I will go to the club, I will spend the 20 dollar cover, I will go the the charity event, where only adults go, and I will skip the church bazaar's where parents of those churches drink until the pass out while their kids run around unattended.
Anonymous, at 5:32 PM
I wonder how many people here would refuse the money
if there child was sick, they were poor, and gclub
offered to help. Would you let your child die?
Anonymous, at 8:52 AM
no, 5,32. gclub turned around the fundraiser. oh gee, this idea is making money for the woods. we must do it to, uh, to look charitable.
are we to hold you in high esteem bec you decry bazaars while you trapse off to a skin club.?
hypocritical or one wrong
justifies ANYTHNG you approve?
Anonymous, at 9:15 AM
I must agree it is hard to turn your back on any one that is sick let alone a a parent would not refuse help to help their children. I do not support the club, but will make a donation. My prayers are with her and her family and keep us posted on her progress.
Anonymous, at 7:25 PM
eric roberts, there are multi-charitable orgs. that are specifically designed to help sick children without the agencies requiring a side business promotion or public adulations. Really, it is a slap! on the face for you to undermine the integrity of people who have dedicated their lives, especially on a volunteer basis, for this very worthy cause.
Your unsubstantiated guilt trip, I gather, does not mean that child would be left to die if it weren't for that club.
Ending, how would you like your child to live in a decadent world?
Anonymous, at 9:06 PM
to 906 pm how many children do you think die from mal-nurishment or neglect in this country -- more than you can count, you think charity helps everyone everytime--it doesn't--
and it has its limits when it does. and the agencies are going to the club-- the money is going directly to
the sick-- I do not see anything wrong with it--
if you think it is a decadent world ( i don't) because of a strip club-- then don't have kids-- or keep them in the house until they are 18-- what do you think they will see and hear in school? i have three full grown--
Anonymous, at 12:26 PM
charities do not cover every kid every time-- many kids die from neglect
abuse or disease in this country
without any help from a charity-- that's not insulting organized charity,
they can not be evrywhere every time. I have three grown children-- their values are not affected by adult places in the area-- if you feel the world is decadent--do not have children or keep them at home until they are 18.
Anonymous, at 12:32 PM
Anyone willing to donate to the Charity event please send donation to club 10. NO CASH PLEASE!
We will also be doing a silent auction, so if anyone would like to donate gift baskets or gift certificates it would be greatly appreciated!
To all people that are going to take this and make negative statements about why or what we are doing. To them I have to say....if it were my son, who just happens to be the same age as Melanie, I would take the help from whomever would be willing to provide for me and my son. Help is out there but not always in a timely fashion. Many people are in need of help and sometimes help comes too late.
We feel what we are doing is the right thing....and would really like this to be about the little girl in need and nothing else!
Thank you!
Anonymous, at 9:28 PM
to 12.26 enjoy your limited and unchallenged fantasy soccer world.
Anonymous, at 6:32 AM
A donation to Club 10? Sure, that sounds like it would be on the up and up.
Seems like the club is desperate for some good publicity.
I wish the little girl well, but shame on Club 10 for exploiting her condition to gain some free press.
Anonymous, at 8:49 AM
to 632 --i live in reality which is more than I can say of you-- why not do a search on hunger children in usa and you will see what I am talking about.
Anonymous, at 11:52 AM
Why don’t you do a search on "who" causes that hunger? Perhaps then you would break into the zone of reality.
Anonymous, at 8:42 PM
So Melissa, if you "would really like this to be about the little girl in need and nothing else", why appeal to a website dedicated to stopping your strip club? If you are so charitable, why not work full time for some worthy organization rather than a business that objectifies and exploits women? How can you claim to care so much for one girl at the expense of devaluing the rest? I'd rather contribute DIRECTLY to those in need than through a degrading business.
Anonymous, at 12:32 PM
to 842 yes i know who and what causes the hunger-- but that is not the issue is it?
Anonymous, at 6:13 AM
Well you braught it up 6:13AM so then what is the issue? Your not one of those pro10ers who bounce off of one topic after another only spin everyong into a weak web are you? Make your point, is it huger, children, skanky strippers, slimy patrons, etc.?
Anonymous, at 7:28 AM
Melissa, et al, club, this questionable charity event is a classic example of "your past could come back to haunt you." The club supporting comments in the past (and still) laid the foundation for not being credible. Remember the "good" ol' days?
Mr. Family is Jules Greenberg. Mr. Family owns strip clubs; club10 is his competition. Mr. Family is a Reverend. Mr. Family is making money from the website counter. The car pics were not taken at club10 (then enlarged proof was provided). Mr. Family and all of his supporters are bible thumpers. On and on and on and on.....all statements proven wrong, even by the confusion of the commenters themselves.
Now this charity event has nothing to do with promoting club10?
Donating money to a little girl in need is certainly the right thing, but what has been believable about club10's thoughts to date?
Mr. Family, I would love to see another "Timeline." There's more than enough there.
Anonymous, at 7:59 AM
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