News Update
- Local ordinances can be implemented before OR after a strip club is in operation.
*Note: Gentlemen's Club 10 opened after Wilkes-Barre Twp. enacted ordinances to regulate sexually oriented businesses, not before as they are so fond of saying.
You are a moron. I read that link twice and nowhere does it say anthing to the post you make on your website. All it talks about is how the "CLUBS" asked for the voters to get the vote put on the ballot. If the clubs are asking to put somthing on the ballot then they have to abide by the ruling after the vote. Mr. Family if you honestly live in WB TWP you pay taxes there. How much of your money would you like wasted to close down a place that is in the right? The people in charge will not go after Club10 because they know it will be a waste of alot more tax payers money. They are looking to the next election and know that if the taxes get raised because of fighting a losing battle they will be out anyway. Honestly the club 10 issue is a hot topic on your site only anymore. The local news isnt covering it daily like they where because its old new. You lost all your credibility when you wouldnt stand up and say who you are.
Anonymous, at 4:04 PM
Your notation is incorrect, as usual. The ordinances put in to restrict adult establishments were put into effect DURING the time the TWP held up the permit for the club. Since the permit was filed before hand, the grandfather clause goes into effect. Check your info please.
Anonymous, at 4:15 PM
Family man I think your fighting a loosing battle, you were gaining some ground with the readers at the beginning but lately you have no ammunition. You were advised by many readers to have the county voters put a referendum on the ballot and vote on it, you didn't have it done and now it's sort of late. Elections are only 3 months away.
Anonymous, at 10:28 PM
Iz this a nuther case of pro10erz reeding every third word? Or perhaps yall shoold spend mor time in a reeding class too moov on up from that 4th grade reeding level in sted of spending all yor time at thu strip club. Come on over from the dark side, life awaits you. It will be ok, I promise you.
Anonymous, at 5:26 AM
Maybe you or Mr.Family are reading every third word. He also has false info. The ordinaces he so often refers to were put into effect while the TWP up held club10's permit illegally (this is why the lost in court). But the permit was filed before the ordinances to regulate the club. The club IS covered under the grandfather clause, even if Mr.Family and friends refuse to admit it.
Maybe if more people got on the free bus to go to the court hearing when it was offered, they would have the right info.
It does seem however that there are more people on this website that oppose and his agenda. Maybe you are the one out numbered.
Anonymous, at 10:10 AM
The club is required to follow the ordinances that were in place the day they filed their permit, Which is MAY 2004. The BYOB ordinance was put into effect may of 2006. All the other ordinances you post were also put into effect after 2004, Sometime in 2005. They are grandfather in to the older ordinances, This is PA state law. You can look it up. The TWP can change the ordinances, and they can attempt to take the club to court to try to enforce them, but their permit is a legal document and will hold up, due to the grandfather clause. It would be a waste of money to the TWP, hence the reason they have not pursued it. That is the law. Like it or not.
Anonymous, at 7:03 AM
Not. The voters of W-B Township don't want this joint and we will continue to do everything in our power to shut it down. As they say, where there's a will, there's a way, and eventually we will find it. In the meantime, have you ever wondered how many little girls dream about growing up to be strippers so that they can be degraded by men?
Anonymous, at 2:32 PM
anon 2:32 Not what? Denial of the laws again? That is what many of the Mr.Family followers are in, denial. He has filled you with beliefs that are not true. Promising that the club is closing soon, that they are not making money. None of that is true.
I know many do not want the club around, but there are many that do, and the fact is, it is not going anywhere anytime soon.
Mr.Family has lost face with the media and people in this area, a the media have stopped covering the story because it is old news.
And I doubt any little girls dream of becoming a stripper and more than little boys dream of growing up to be priests who rape little boys. There are many choices in life we do not make until we grow old. How many people dream of going to college, only to flip burgers for 10 years after they graduate. None, but that is life.
Anonymous, at 9:03 PM
So if there is a will and a way, that means the club owners will keep it open. Because they have the will and the way (THE LAW), and the cash. So they have a heads up right? lol
Anonymous, at 5:19 AM
It's sad but a true comparison that was made in reference to little boys not dreaming of growing up to become priests with a few resulting in causing harm to others, and little girls not dreaming of growing up to become strippers. Both situations are harmful to the person, himself and herself; yet both situations, although a choice, are correctable to abandon the past, and enjoy a more fulfilling life. Neither situation should be laughed at nor encouraged.
As for having a full degree, yet being employed to flip burgers, that is also a choice since the graduates may not choose to seek opportunities elsewhere. They may have family commitments that prevents them from moving to an area that would fulfill their degree employment or really don't think they are capable of progressing any more past college.
That happens frequently.
Anyway, I pray that each girl would take some quiet time to remember that special little girl they once knew in the past and ask her if she is happy or sad with the women she has grown in to. Although that little girl might have had a lot of hurts and pain along the way, she deserves a happier life more than ever before. God loves you!
Thank you for your time.
Anonymous, at 8:30 PM
Mr. Family has no response to all the above? Go figure. Oh wait, there is no response possible other than "I was wrong" and he'd never want to admit that.
Anonymous, at 4:07 AM
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