"The county hasn't received any applications for sexually oriented businesses but wanted to make sure that proper zoning was in place before any application came." Well they planned ahead for such our zoning laws allowed and it was written as such I guess that is the difference we planned for it.
Mr. Family, I sent three e-mails to you accordingly dated on my "sent" mail on Sat., June 17 with correspondence.
It is necessary for me to write to you again. Hopefully you still have my e-address on file. If so, please contact me to let me know if I may contact you. If not, then I don't know how to pass on pertinent and confidential information to you. kep........
5:56, we didn't "plan for it" (unless by "we" you are referring to corrupt politicians, greedy businessmen and shady lawyers). Local residents never dreamed someone would sneak this trash into the middle of our community unless we specifically passed laws against it. Now taxpayers must watch elected officials carefully to make sure that the will of the people is enforced by stopping this or be held accountable during the next election.
Once again, the club did not sneak in. The zoning laws specifically allow this type of businesses. And they allow much more that just a strip club. They allow them because of the tax money they earn the TWP. The only reason they are tryign to stop more is to earn themselves more votes. Let it in, and say is was an accident, then fight it to make themselves look good.
Picture this...... A hot August evening...... A wrestling ring in the center of the Wachovia Arena..... Mr. S. makes his way towards the ring..... All of his naked dancer and byob club fans cheering wildly for him....... Across the way, Mr. F. enters the arena..... His fans go WILD, (well, not too wild - but let's just say they are cheering)..... It's a pro-wrestling match with the winner taking "ALL"...... If Mr. S wins, the club stays open and this website shuts down...... If Mr. F wins, the club closes and this website lives on in infamy...... Now, we all know that pro wrestling is a "staged" event, right ? So, the winner will be decided by whichever side sells more tickets to this wrestling event. They slug it out for over an hour, giving each other smashing head-drops, crushing elbows, and punches, slaps, and kicks !!!! When the match is over..... If Mr. S wins, the ticket proceeds go to the WB-Twp taxpayers who think that their property values have gone down (even though that has yet to be proved). If Mr. F wins, the ticket proceeds could go towards renovating the former G-club building into a public shrine dedicated to the little guy fighting back against sin and corruption. I'm sure all of the local TV and radio stations would be there to cover the event. Think of the possibilities...... possibly even national tv coverage...... Oh, but WAIT, this could never happen....... Mr. F is afraid to reveal his true identity, so he would never agree to come out in public to wrestle for his cause. Oh well, it was a fun thought anyway, right ?????
1:56 I can't agree with you that that club passed zoning laws since I was informed on this w/s by a club advocate (who seemed to really know) that the club told the Twp. they were opening a "Cabaret." According to the dictionary, a cabaret is a large restaurant that provides liquor and musical entertainment. That definition does not even include any kind of dancing. Also the gclub does not serve food, correct?
I can agree with you about the "accident" for the purpose of taxes, and to make the Twp. mayor/council look good in their fight for the purpose of votes. They have this silly notion that people are stupid to their sneaky ways.
10:01 From Random House Webster's College Dictionary:
cab•a•ret n.
1. a restaurant providing food, drink, and often a floor show or other entertainment; nightclub or cafe.
2. the entertainment at a cabaret.
3. Archaic. a shop selling wines and liquors.
Please note the words "floor show" (no mention of type), "drink" (does not state alcoholic or otherwise), and "nightclub" (see below) in definition #1.
Now nightclub, same source:
night•club n., v., -clubbed, -club•bing
— n.
1. Also, night‚ club. an establishment open at night, offering food, drink, floor shows, dancing, etc.
— v.i.
2. to visit nightclubs.
Now notice the words "drink" (nothing about alcoholic), "floor shows" (again), and "dancing" (no mention of type of dancing).
"Let it in and say it was an accident" seems to be the prevailing excuse. I'm sorry, but that doesn't cut it anymore. "The zoning laws specifically allow this type of business"? Please quote the part of the zoning law that SPECIFICALLY says totally nude lap dancing is fine anywhere anyone wants to sell it and buy it in W-B Township. Scalzo DID sneak this in as a "cabaret", period. I find it increasingly difficult to believe that some palms weren't greased to "overlook" proper procedures to quash this debacle before we were expected to "forget" this travesty of justice at the next elections. Furthermore, with all the tax revenue from major retailers, hotels and restaurants, W-B Township HARDLY needs the piddling few dollars this sex business adds to their overflowing coffers. Wake up, folks -- the politicians pulled another one over on you! To 5:28, how about the club closes AND this site shuts down, since its purpose will have been accomplished?
The reason the club got in is because wilkes-barre township Failed to act on the zoning application within the time allowed by law. That iis what the judge ruled on.
So I guess it is becoming a guessing game of who you are Mr. Family. The funny thing is that many people do know who you are but dont share it becuase we know what may happen if you secret is revealed. So dont worry we know who you are and many things about you. But no one is saying a word
WARNING! Random, but rare cases of "Mr. Family identity-itis crisis" are still being diagnosed among the general population. This condition seems to be chronic.
Name: 6:11 PM (confidentially anonymous)
Symptoms: uncontrollable obsessesion to know the identity of Mr. Family. Yet, maintaining illusional ideations claiming to know who Mr. Family is, secrets pertaining to him, and knowing many things about him. Consistent with a bi-polar imagination.
Treatment: finally, after many significant studies, it is 100% conclusive that the ultimate treatment for this condition is to become an anti-club supporter. Anti-club supporters were found to have no symptoms of this obsessive condition.
Cure: depends on the willingness of the patient to acknowledge condition and change thought patterns to a realistic nature. If not, this condition will be persistent.
6/35 i didn't read any definitions under cabaret that specifically said nude dancing and live sex shows. oh, wait, i get it now. the twp. made a zoning law especially for nude dancing and live sex shows just for sal and pals. so that's why everybody is in court. is that right?
This blog has definitely exposed the most retarded people of this community. Now if we can only deport them to Cambodia where they can wallow in the filth of the sex trade. What I can’t understand is if pro 10 people want to live in a viral society then why don’t yall move to one that is under Taliban rule? You say you want freedom but at the same time want to impose your ways on the majority. That sounds way to much like terrorism. by: Dont lose any sleep over who I am.
Anon 5:30 am. You will have your answers and the proof next week. Then you will have nothing to say about the zoning and you can NOT accuse them of "sneaking in". Do your homework before you make accusations. but then again, that is what happens so often on this site. The misinformed shout out random accusations and think that have all the info, when they do not.
6:35, "cabaret" does NOT mean totally nude lap dancing. You seem to assume that anything not specifically prohibited can be construed as permitted. Most people here agree that this is an arrogant, presumptuous attitude and we refuse to be steamrolled by those who would sneak in everything we shouldn't HAVE to even think about. 12:47 is correct that W-B Township council failed to act on Scalzo's application within the time allowed, claiming it was incomplete. If you don't have a "no trespassing sign" on your property, can I assume it's OK for me to throw a party in your yard with bestiality as entertainment?
If the club is zoned as you clubbers say it is why dont they advertise live sex shows???? They would be the only one "allowed". That should make you think. State laws state clearly that its illegal. I am not going to get into a pissing match you can look it up yourself. An attorney.
true 6:22, I agree with you---"on this site....the misinformed shout out random accusations and think they have all the info, when they do not." yep, proof of that is Mr. Family was definitely said to be Jules.
legal pics are not legal (????)
Mr. Family said to be a religious cult leader
Mr. Family owns a strip clup
Mr. Family aligned with terrorism
Mr. Family works for a massage parlor
Mr. Family is Rev. M. Garms
Mr. Family is Jules (AGAIN)
legal pics are not legal (AGAIN)
That's just for beginners. The exhaustive list gets exhausting.
Once more, to quote the times leader and citizen's voice, the gclub got its permit to open because Wilkes-Barre township did not act upon the application withing the alloted time allowed by Pennsylvania law. That is what the judge ruled. The township screwed up to put it plain and simple. Had it denied the application, then the outcome, the gclub would have gone to court for the reasons it deenied the application. Problem was the twonship had no reason or law to deny it. Mr. Family sent the township an email and accused of screwing up according to the Times Leader.
Hey Mr. Attorney (anon 10:34 PM) , which I doubt you are, or you could get your self a copy of the WB Zoning ordinances and see for yourself. But Ill make it easy for you. These are all DIRECTLY form the W-B Township Zoning Ordinance listing. I hope this gets posted as many do not have the right info, the club did NOT sneak in, and they are only doing 10% of what they are legally allowed to do.
Cabaret: An adult club, restaurant, theater, hall or similar place which feature topless dancers, go-go dancers, exotic dancers, strippers, male or female impersonators or similar entertainers exhibiting specified anatomical areas or performing specified sexual activities.
Sex-Related Establishment.: These include adult book stores, adult mini-motion picture theaters, adult motion picture theaters, cabarets, featuring adult clubs, topless dancers, female impersonators or similar entertainers exhibiting specified anatomical areas or performing specified sexual activities and massage businesses.
Specified Anatomical Areas: Less than completely and opaquely covered: (i) Human genitals, pubic regions; buttocks and female breasts below a point immediately above the top of the areola; and (ii) human male genitals in a discernibly turgid state, even if completely and opaquely covered.
Specified Sexual Activities: (i) Human genitals in a state of sexual stimulation or arousal; (ii) acts of human masturbation, sexual intercourse or sodomy; (iii) fondling or other touching of human genitals, pubic region, buttocks or female breasts.
Anon 1:56 The Zoning Ordinances have been posted, and posted here in the commenents, IF Mr.Family lets his people see it. Or chooses to hide the truth as he does so often.
There it is. To the guys that claimed "Palms were greased" "A cabaret does not mean nude dancing" and from the guy that claimed he is an attorney "you can look it up yourself. An attorney." Well, some one did, and you are wrong. The proof is there. End of story. The club did not seak in. The area they are in is zoned for adult entertainment of all kinds. They are 100% legal. They can go alot farther then they do now. They are not closing.
I would really like you to answer this basic question intelligently and WITHOUT wise-cracks or twisting. Perhaps others can better understand your views.
Why are all of you so inordinately obsessed with sex and nudity?
I think that is a fair question since sex and nudity seems to be a strong focus in your lives. And please don't say because it's "fun" or it's "legal." Those reasons do not answer the reason for a deep obsession. I'm thinking along the lines of the obsession that gamblers, druggies, or alcholics have who take "fun" and "legal" to the extreme where it becomes an addicted vice...a strong focus in their lives. The reason I say "inordinate obsession with sex and nudity" is because very obviously you all seem to have a strong need to participate in PUBLIC sexually oriented businesses, therefore no discretion. Please answer INTELLIGENTLY.
Seems that once again the anti clubbers were....how do you say it...WRONG! Proof is in the print! All legal, from day one. NO sneaking in, NO greasing palms. Cabaret spells it out, specified sexual activities spells it out.
"specified sexual activities"? Like lapdancing? Or "private dances"? At what point do "specified sexual activities" become plain ol' prostitution? "They are only doing 10% of what they are legally allowed to do." So I guess it's their moral and religious convictions, along with their self-respect and personal integrity, that prevent them from doing the other 90%, since you would have us believe ANYTHING GOES, right? My, you must be really proud of yourselves, huh?
to 6.34 and all clubbers.....since you believe that sexual perversion it right, here is a test for you.... would you teach or encourage a child to do what you are doing? i certainly hope not.
Anon 6:34. That is just a ridicules question. It is entertainment for adults. Not a child. Many anti club folk scream about stupid comments made with no common sense by the clubbers. Your statement is just that, a complete lack of common sense. Here is a question for you. Since you all commonly verbally attack those who go to the club, and toss out religious quotes, and tell them all God will judge them, do you teach your children this? To judge others? Or do you teach them love, compassion and tolerance like the lord tells us we should. Many of you on this site against the club are welcome to express your views., that is your right, but when you attack others, and insult, and judge, you are no better than those you oppose. If you oppose the club, fine. But even so, you should not condemn those that go there, you should express your compassion, and tolerance and try to shed light to those in gods name. Not hate, not judge. That is not the lords way.
to anon 625 am I am not a supporter of strip clubs. I am a supporter of the US Constitution and the Pa State Constitution. This gives people the right to expresssion, even if other people find it disagreeable, morally, or offensive to religious beliefs. The USA and Pennsylvania are not theocracies based upon what you & Mr. Family find offensive.
"entertainment for adults"? More like immature 18-year olds, since the club had to lower the age limit in its efforts to lure more pathetic suckers who'll part with $20 bucks just to see a naked girl. I don't hate anyone, but since I'm an atheist, I have no interest in rhetoric from those who profess to know "the lords way"(sic). I was raised to call a spade a spade. Love, compassion and toerance are definitely not the province of those who degrade and devalue all women by supporting strip clubs. Objectifying women in this manner is the ultimate insult. I don't condemn those who are foolish enough to waste their money on these dives, only those who profit from them.
Dear 6:08, MOST---repeat---MOST, if not all anti-club people, including myself, have reached out to shed compassion, tolerance, and tried desperately to shed light in God's Name and/or for the sake of morality continuously to club advocates. (That is the Lord's way.) And that is what every anti-club person has been doing in one way or another, believers or non-believers. However, it is constantly and purposely being misconstrued that we "are telling other people how to live their lives", "judging," and a host of other convenient misinterpretations.
For as long as I have been following this w/s, I can honestly say that NO ONE has ever used a biblical quote or any other comment pertaining to judgement towards pro-club advocates. However, club supporters have commonly used the "Judge not..." quote in order to justify their stance towards anti-club supporters. (Yet, they fail to know any other part of the Bible, especially that of with pertains to immorality.) You expect those of us who believe in the Lord to be totally tolerant of those who go against His Will (while we try not to go against His Will) OR you expect even non-believing anti-club advocates to side with you. In other words, you expect us to condone what you are doing in order to ease your conscience for you. I have never read anything about "hate" directed at club advocates. Once again, it goes back to being perceived that way by club advocates. But I sure have read a LOT of ugly comments coming from them towards anti-club advocates. So what it all boils down to is the club advocates perceiving themselves as being hated, judged, and condemned. But they are the ones who have taken that perception upon themselves. In other words, they are feeling hated, judged, and condemned. Rather than admit to owning up to being wrong, if not for their own sake,it is easier to try to justify it.
I am not surprised that you cannnot answer that question in blog 6:48, think it's is ridiculous, and lacks common sense. Once again it goes to show that club supporters will disregard morality by saying the club is "adult entertainment" and use that as a defense in order justify their behavior---something a child would not even be expected to do, neither should be taught, nor encouraged.
So while you do not consider yourself as being judgemental, then why did you say: "...but when you attack others, insult, and judge, then you are no better than those you oppose."? Why did you say they are "no better"? Do they attack others, insult, and judge? Seriously, to us they are thought of our fellow members of mankind who are more deserving to treat themselves with respect.
And rather than disregarding the question, is that really something that you would teach or encourage a child to do IF you wouldn't even do that yourself?
As adults, we are to be role models for children to steer them in the right direction. Do you think club activities would be in the right direction just because it is considered "adult entertainment?" Don't forget, children are the future adults, and if places like this continue to exist and not be challenged by moral beliefs, than we are ultimately saying to them it's ok because when you grow up, you have this "adult entertainment" to look forward to.
In the beginning of your blog, your quote: "It is entertainment for adults."
At the end of your blog, you wrote "That is not the Lord's way." Do you consider yourself as a club supporter to be following "the Lord's way?" Are we to believe that "entertainment for adults" is a new interpretation of "the Lord's way"?
OR is this just another convenient pro-club defense misinterpretation/justification?
And by the way, what do you have to say to the highly moral anti-club atheists who contribute to this w/s? They were slammed too by club advocates!
12:08 Thanks for your reply but it did not answer my question. I wrote nothing about theocracies. My question was focused on a psychologic addiction basis.
If one is addicted to sex, one should get treatment just as an addiction to anything else. One get not blame a club fo a sex addiction as one canot blame a grocery store for a sugar addiction.
once again the clubbers have proven how very adept they are at candy-coating the subject only because they will not confront it. people with addictions do not always go for treatment because they do not want to confront it. going to a club is not a treatment for anyone who has a sex addiction, but they go.
to anon 1129am-- yes people do not always seek treatmnet for thier addictions--so should we close the liquor stores, bars etc because some alcoholics do not seek treatment?
Every sexually oriented business petitioning to open in Luzerne County, will likely decrease the value of existing businesses and homes. According to the Surpreme Court, it is well documented that sexually oriented businesses also invite crime into our communities.
Take a photo as you pass by to help make certain that criminal behavior is not occuring near the Arena business district. Do not trespass on private property to obtain a photo. Photos can be sent to: stopgclub10@gmail.com
Why are you worried about what Utah does?
Though I do have to admit that the Mormon tradidition of having multiple (and fairly young) wives does have an appealing quality... ;)
Anonymous, at 3:00 AM
"The county hasn't received any applications for sexually oriented businesses but wanted to make sure that proper zoning was in place before any application came."
Well they planned ahead for such our zoning laws allowed and it was written as such I guess that is the difference we planned for it.
Anonymous, at 5:56 AM
Mr. Family, I sent three e-mails to you accordingly dated on my "sent" mail on Sat., June 17 with correspondence.
It is necessary for me to write to you again. Hopefully you still have my e-address on file. If so, please contact me to let me know if I may contact you. If not, then I don't know how to pass on pertinent and confidential information to you.
Anonymous, at 6:12 AM
Hi there,
I just checked my e-mail and I don't see any messages dated June 17th. Please try again. stopgclub10@gmail.com
Mr. Family, at 10:01 AM
5:56, we didn't "plan for it" (unless by "we" you are referring to corrupt politicians, greedy businessmen and shady lawyers). Local residents never dreamed someone would sneak this trash into the middle of our community unless we specifically passed laws against it. Now taxpayers must watch elected officials carefully to make sure that the will of the people is enforced by stopping this or be held accountable during the next election.
Anonymous, at 10:25 AM
(I don't think it is necessary to post this as a blog. It's a personal message to you). Thanks.
Mr. Family, just read your message and immediately sent you an e-mail to the above e-address. My e-mail will elaborate IF it does go through.
Anonymous, at 12:02 PM
Hi there,
I just checked my messages and replied to your e-mail.
Mr. Family, at 1:39 PM
Once again, the club did not sneak in. The zoning laws specifically allow this type of businesses. And they allow much more that just a strip club.
They allow them because of the tax money they earn the TWP. The only reason they are tryign to stop more is to earn themselves more votes. Let it in, and say is was an accident, then fight it to make themselves look good.
Anonymous, at 1:56 PM
Picture this...... A hot August evening...... A wrestling ring in the center of the Wachovia Arena..... Mr. S. makes his way towards the ring..... All of his naked dancer and byob club fans cheering wildly for him....... Across the way, Mr. F. enters the arena..... His fans go WILD, (well, not too wild - but let's just say they are cheering)..... It's a pro-wrestling match with the winner taking "ALL"...... If Mr. S wins, the club stays open and this website shuts down...... If Mr. F wins, the club closes and this website lives on in infamy...... Now, we all know that pro wrestling is a "staged" event, right ? So, the winner will be decided by whichever side sells more tickets to this wrestling event. They slug it out for over an hour, giving each other smashing head-drops, crushing elbows, and punches, slaps, and kicks !!!! When the match is over..... If Mr. S wins, the ticket proceeds go to the WB-Twp taxpayers who think that their property values have gone down (even though that has yet to be proved). If Mr. F wins, the ticket proceeds could go towards renovating the former G-club building into a public shrine dedicated to the little guy fighting back against sin and corruption. I'm sure all of the local TV and radio stations would be there to cover the event. Think of the possibilities...... possibly even national tv coverage...... Oh, but WAIT, this could never happen....... Mr. F is afraid to reveal his true identity, so he would never agree to come out in public to wrestle for his cause. Oh well, it was a fun thought anyway, right ?????
Anonymous, at 5:28 PM
1:56 I can't agree with you that that club passed zoning laws since I was informed on this w/s by a club advocate (who seemed to really know) that the club told the Twp. they were opening a "Cabaret." According to the dictionary, a cabaret is a large restaurant that provides liquor and musical entertainment. That definition does not even include any kind of dancing. Also the gclub does not serve food, correct?
I can agree with you about the "accident" for the purpose of taxes, and to make the Twp. mayor/council look good in their fight for the purpose of votes.
They have this silly notion that people are stupid to their sneaky ways.
Anonymous, at 10:01 PM
5: 28 (yawn) zzzzzzz.......
Anonymous, at 10:02 PM
10:01 From Random House Webster's College Dictionary:
cab•a•ret n.
1. a restaurant providing food, drink, and often a floor show or other entertainment; nightclub or cafe.
2. the entertainment at a cabaret.
3. Archaic. a shop selling wines and liquors.
Please note the words "floor show" (no mention of type), "drink" (does not state alcoholic or otherwise), and "nightclub" (see below) in definition #1.
Now nightclub, same source:
night•club n., v., -clubbed, -club•bing
— n.
1. Also, night‚ club. an establishment open at night, offering food, drink, floor shows, dancing, etc.
— v.i.
2. to visit nightclubs.
Now notice the words "drink" (nothing about alcoholic), "floor shows" (again), and "dancing" (no mention of type of dancing).
So they misinformed Wilkes-Barre Twp. how?
Anonymous, at 2:38 AM
"Let it in and say it was an accident" seems to be the prevailing excuse. I'm sorry, but that doesn't cut it anymore. "The zoning laws specifically allow this type of business"? Please quote the part of the zoning law that SPECIFICALLY says totally nude lap dancing is fine anywhere anyone wants to sell it and buy it in W-B Township. Scalzo DID sneak this in as a "cabaret", period. I find it increasingly difficult to believe that some palms weren't greased to "overlook" proper procedures to quash this debacle before we were expected to "forget" this travesty of justice at the next elections. Furthermore, with all the tax revenue from major retailers, hotels and restaurants, W-B Township HARDLY needs the piddling few dollars this sex business adds to their overflowing coffers. Wake up, folks -- the politicians pulled another one over on you! To 5:28, how about the club closes AND this site shuts down, since its purpose will have been accomplished?
Anonymous, at 5:30 AM
That area is zoned for nude dancing AND live sex shows. They did not sneak in. All the definitions are under Cabaret.
Anonymous, at 6:35 AM
The reason the club got in
is because wilkes-barre township Failed to act on the zoning application within the time allowed by law. That iis what the judge ruled on.
Anonymous, at 12:47 PM
So I guess it is becoming a guessing game of who you are Mr. Family. The funny thing is that many people do know who you are but dont share it becuase we know what may happen if you secret is revealed. So dont worry we know who you are and many things about you. But no one is saying a word
Anonymous, at 6:11 PM
WARNING! Random, but rare cases of "Mr. Family identity-itis crisis" are still being diagnosed among the general population. This condition seems to be chronic.
Name: 6:11 PM (confidentially anonymous)
Symptoms: uncontrollable obsessesion to know the identity of Mr. Family. Yet, maintaining illusional ideations claiming to know who Mr. Family is, secrets pertaining to him, and knowing many things about him. Consistent with a bi-polar imagination.
Treatment: finally, after many significant studies, it is 100% conclusive that the ultimate treatment for this condition is to become an anti-club supporter. Anti-club supporters were found to have no symptoms of this obsessive condition.
Cure: depends on the willingness of the patient to acknowledge condition and change thought patterns to a realistic nature.
If not, this condition will be persistent.
Anonymous, at 10:17 PM
6/35 i didn't read any definitions under cabaret that specifically said nude dancing and live sex shows. oh, wait, i get it now. the twp. made a zoning law especially for nude dancing and live sex shows just for sal and pals. so that's why everybody is in court. is that right?
Anonymous, at 10:28 PM
A gentle reminder that we all unite together in spirit for prayer or thought at 7p, Friday.
No one is excluded. Thank you.
Anonymous, at 10:31 PM
to 5:30 EXCELLENT!!! TRUTH!!!
Anonymous, at 10:36 PM
This blog has definitely exposed the most retarded people of this community. Now if we can only deport them to Cambodia where they can wallow in the filth of the sex trade. What I can’t understand is if pro 10 people want to live in a viral society then why don’t yall move to one that is under Taliban rule? You say you want freedom but at the same time want to impose your ways on the majority. That sounds way to much like terrorism.
by: Dont lose any sleep over who I am.
Anonymous, at 5:58 AM
Anon 5:30 am. You will have your answers and the proof next week. Then you will have nothing to say about the zoning and you can NOT accuse them of "sneaking in". Do your homework before you make accusations. but then again, that is what happens so often on this site. The misinformed shout out random accusations and think that have all the info, when they do not.
Anonymous, at 6:22 AM
6:35, "cabaret" does NOT mean totally nude lap dancing. You seem to assume that anything not specifically prohibited can be construed as permitted. Most people here agree that this is an arrogant, presumptuous attitude and we refuse to be steamrolled by those who would sneak in everything we shouldn't HAVE to even think about. 12:47 is correct that W-B Township council failed to act on Scalzo's application within the time allowed, claiming it was incomplete. If you don't have a "no trespassing sign" on your property, can I assume it's OK for me to throw a party in your yard with bestiality as entertainment?
Anonymous, at 8:23 AM
If the club is zoned as you clubbers say it is why dont they advertise live sex shows???? They would be the only one "allowed". That should make you think. State laws state clearly that its illegal. I am not going to get into a pissing match you can look it up yourself. An attorney.
Anonymous, at 10:34 PM
true 6:22, I agree with you---"on this site....the misinformed shout out random accusations and think they have all the info, when they do not."
yep, proof of that is Mr. Family was definitely said to be Jules.
legal pics are not legal (????)
Mr. Family said to be a religious cult leader
Mr. Family owns a strip clup
Mr. Family aligned with terrorism
Mr. Family works for a massage parlor
Mr. Family is Rev. M. Garms
Mr. Family is Jules (AGAIN)
legal pics are not legal (AGAIN)
That's just for beginners. The exhaustive list gets exhausting.
Anonymous, at 4:54 PM
Once more, to quote the times leader and citizen's voice, the gclub got its permit to open because Wilkes-Barre township did
not act upon the application withing the alloted time allowed by Pennsylvania law. That is what the judge ruled.
The township screwed up to put it plain and simple.
Had it denied the application, then the outcome, the gclub would have gone to court for the reasons it deenied the application. Problem was the twonship had no reason or law to deny it.
Mr. Family sent the township an email and accused of screwing up according to the Times Leader.
Anonymous, at 1:50 PM
Hey Mr. Attorney (anon 10:34 PM) , which I doubt you are, or you could get your self a copy of the WB Zoning ordinances and see for yourself. But Ill make it easy for you. These are all DIRECTLY form the W-B Township Zoning Ordinance listing. I hope this gets posted as many do not have the right info, the club did NOT sneak in, and they are only doing 10% of what they are legally allowed to do.
Cabaret: An adult club, restaurant, theater, hall or similar place which feature topless dancers, go-go dancers, exotic dancers, strippers, male or female impersonators or similar entertainers exhibiting specified anatomical areas or performing specified sexual activities.
Sex-Related Establishment.: These include adult book stores, adult mini-motion picture theaters, adult motion picture theaters, cabarets, featuring adult clubs, topless dancers, female impersonators or similar entertainers exhibiting specified anatomical areas or performing specified sexual activities and massage businesses.
Specified Anatomical Areas: Less than completely and opaquely covered: (i) Human genitals, pubic regions; buttocks and female breasts below a point immediately above the top of the areola; and (ii) human male genitals in a discernibly turgid state, even if completely and opaquely covered.
Specified Sexual Activities: (i) Human genitals in a state of sexual stimulation or arousal; (ii) acts of human masturbation, sexual intercourse or sodomy; (iii) fondling or other touching of human genitals, pubic region, buttocks or female breasts.
Anonymous, at 4:53 PM
Anon 1:56 The Zoning Ordinances have been posted, and posted here in the commenents, IF Mr.Family lets his people see it. Or chooses to hide the truth as he does so often.
Anonymous, at 6:05 PM
There it is. To the guys that claimed "Palms were greased" "A cabaret does not mean nude dancing" and from the guy that claimed he is an attorney "you can look it up yourself. An attorney." Well, some one did, and you are wrong. The proof is there. End of story.
The club did not seak in.
The area they are in is zoned for adult entertainment of all kinds.
They are 100% legal.
They can go alot farther then they do now.
They are not closing.
Have a nice day
Anonymous, at 5:47 AM
To all club supporters:
I would really like you to answer this basic question intelligently and WITHOUT wise-cracks or twisting. Perhaps others can better understand your views.
Why are all of you so inordinately obsessed with sex and nudity?
I think that is a fair question since sex and nudity seems to be a strong focus in your lives.
And please don't say because it's "fun" or it's "legal." Those reasons do not answer the reason for a deep obsession.
I'm thinking along the lines of the obsession that gamblers, druggies, or alcholics have who take "fun" and "legal" to the extreme where it becomes an addicted vice...a strong focus in their lives.
The reason I say "inordinate obsession with sex and nudity" is because very obviously you all seem to have a strong need to participate in PUBLIC sexually oriented businesses, therefore no discretion.
Please answer INTELLIGENTLY.
Anonymous, at 6:25 AM
Seems that once again the anti clubbers were....how do you say it...WRONG! Proof is in the print! All legal, from day one. NO sneaking in, NO greasing palms.
Cabaret spells it out, specified sexual activities spells it out.
Anonymous, at 6:34 AM
"specified sexual activities"? Like lapdancing? Or "private dances"? At what point do "specified sexual activities" become plain ol' prostitution? "They are only doing 10% of what they are legally allowed to do." So I guess it's their moral and religious convictions, along with their self-respect and personal integrity, that prevent them from doing the other 90%, since you would have us believe ANYTHING GOES, right? My, you must be really proud of yourselves, huh?
Anonymous, at 10:55 AM
to 6.34 and all clubbers.....since you believe that sexual perversion it right, here is a test for you....
would you teach or encourage a child to do what you are doing?
i certainly hope not.
Anonymous, at 6:48 PM
Anon 6:34. That is just a ridicules question. It is entertainment for adults. Not a child. Many anti club folk scream about stupid comments made with no common sense by the clubbers. Your statement is just that, a complete lack of common sense.
Here is a question for you. Since you all commonly verbally attack those who go to the club, and toss out religious quotes, and tell them all God will judge them, do you teach your children this? To judge others? Or do you teach them love, compassion and tolerance like the lord tells us we should. Many of you on this site against the club are welcome to express your views., that is your right, but when you attack others, and insult, and judge, you are no better than those you oppose.
If you oppose the club, fine. But even so, you should not condemn those that go there, you should express your compassion, and tolerance and try to shed light to those in gods name. Not hate, not judge. That is not the lords way.
Anonymous, at 6:08 AM
to anon 625 am I am not a supporter of strip clubs.
I am a supporter of the US Constitution and the Pa State Constitution. This gives people the right to expresssion, even if other people find it disagreeable,
morally, or offensive to religious beliefs.
The USA and Pennsylvania are not theocracies based upon what you & Mr. Family find offensive.
Anonymous, at 12:08 PM
"entertainment for adults"? More like immature 18-year olds, since the club had to lower the age limit in its efforts to lure more pathetic suckers who'll part with $20 bucks just to see a naked girl. I don't hate anyone, but since I'm an atheist, I have no interest in rhetoric from those who profess to know "the lords way"(sic). I was raised to call a spade a spade. Love, compassion and toerance are definitely not the province of those who degrade and devalue all women by supporting strip clubs. Objectifying women in this manner is the ultimate insult. I don't condemn those who are foolish enough to waste their money on these dives, only those who profit from them.
Anonymous, at 12:17 PM
Dear 6:08, MOST---repeat---MOST, if not all anti-club people, including myself, have reached out to shed compassion, tolerance, and tried desperately to shed light in God's Name and/or for the sake of morality continuously to club advocates. (That is the Lord's way.) And that is what every anti-club person has been doing in one way or another, believers or non-believers. However, it is constantly and purposely being misconstrued that we "are telling other people how to live their lives", "judging," and a host of other convenient misinterpretations.
For as long as I have been following this w/s, I can honestly say that NO ONE has ever used a biblical quote or any other comment pertaining to judgement towards pro-club advocates. However, club supporters have commonly used the "Judge not..." quote in order to justify their stance towards anti-club supporters. (Yet, they fail to know any other part of the Bible, especially that of with pertains to immorality.)
You expect those of us who believe in the Lord to be totally tolerant of those who go against His Will (while we try not to go against His Will) OR you expect even non-believing anti-club advocates to side with you. In other words, you expect us to condone what you are doing in order to ease your conscience for you.
I have never read anything about "hate" directed at club advocates. Once again, it goes back to being perceived that way by club advocates. But I sure have read a LOT of ugly comments coming from them towards anti-club advocates. So what it all boils down to is the club advocates perceiving themselves as being hated, judged, and condemned. But they are the ones who have taken that perception upon themselves. In other words, they are feeling hated, judged, and condemned. Rather than admit to owning up to being wrong, if not for their own sake,it is easier to try to justify it.
I am not surprised that you cannnot answer that question in blog 6:48, think it's is ridiculous, and lacks common sense. Once again it goes to show that club supporters will disregard morality by saying the club is "adult entertainment" and use that as a defense in order justify their behavior---something a child would not even be expected to do, neither should be taught, nor encouraged.
So while you do not consider yourself as being judgemental, then why did you say: "...but when you attack others, insult, and judge, then you are no better than those you oppose."?
Why did you say they are "no better"? Do they attack others, insult, and judge?
Seriously, to us they are thought of our fellow members of mankind who are more deserving to treat themselves with respect.
And rather than disregarding the question, is that really something that you would teach or encourage a child to do IF you wouldn't even do that yourself?
As adults, we are to be role models for children to steer them in the right direction. Do you think club activities would be in the right direction just because it is considered "adult entertainment?"
Don't forget, children are the future adults, and if places like this continue to exist and not be challenged by moral beliefs, than we are ultimately saying to them it's ok because when you grow up, you have this "adult entertainment" to look forward to.
Anonymous, at 4:28 PM
6:08 continued
In the beginning of your blog, your quote: "It is entertainment for adults."
At the end of your blog, you wrote "That is not the Lord's way."
Do you consider yourself as a club supporter to be following "the Lord's way?"
Are we to believe that "entertainment for adults" is a new interpretation of "the Lord's way"?
OR is this just another convenient pro-club defense misinterpretation/justification?
And by the way, what do you have to say to the highly moral anti-club atheists who contribute to this w/s?
They were slammed too by club advocates!
Anonymous, at 4:49 PM
Thanks for your reply but it did not answer my question. I wrote nothing about theocracies. My question was focused on a psychologic addiction basis.
Anonymous, at 5:32 PM
If one is addicted to sex, one should get treatment just as an addiction to anything else. One get not blame a club fo a sex addiction as one canot blame a grocery store for a sugar addiction.
Anonymous, at 5:32 AM
once again the clubbers have proven how very adept they are at candy-coating the subject only because they will not confront it.
people with addictions do not always go for treatment because they do not want to confront it.
going to a club is not a treatment for anyone who has a sex addiction, but they go.
Anonymous, at 11:29 AM
to anon 1129am-- yes people do not always seek treatmnet for thier addictions--so should we close the liquor stores, bars etc because some alcoholics do not seek treatment?
Anonymous, at 6:49 AM
649 sugar-coat all you want.....
Anonymous, at 11:28 AM
1128 how am i sugarcoating--
you do have abetter resPonse to my argument?
Anonymous, at 8:28 AM
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