A view inside
1. I don't have to visit a pig farm to know they smell bad.
2. I don't have to visit Arizona to know it's hot in the Summer.
3. I don't have to visit a concert to know it might be noisy.
So what do I base my opinions of Gentlemen's Club 10 on? How about the very words of the people who work there? Of course that's fair, right?
According to the employees of Gentlemen's Club 10, women are merely "fresh meat." That is a direct quote. According to Gentlemen's Club 10, men are invited to visit and "pleasure themselves" with the help of the ladies. Club 10 is also offering to pay local women who aren't currently strippers, to throw away their dignity and create experiences while inside the club that they will one day regret.
Do these people have any self-respect? When did adultery become OK? I must have missed that.
It may take a year or even ten years to get them out of town, but let me promise Club 10 that we will do everything in our power to expose the harm they cause to this community. We will not give them a free pass to forever degrade the women of our area while destroying otherwise healthy families.
Where did you find this "direct quote"? I would like to read it for myself.
Anonymous, at 10:04 PM
And I don't have to meet you to know have a hidden agenda.
Anonymous, at 5:46 AM
So we are to beleive you now have an "inside" person. That I do not beleive.
Once again making things up to further your cause.
And according to one of the local heads of the W-B twp., you are one of the members of the Twp. and are doing this site as a way to make up for screwing up the permit that allowed them to open. Thats a direct quots also. No lie.
Anonymous, at 5:51 AM
Mr. Family,
As a self-respecting woman and one who respects all the good and beauty in life, I was actually repulsed to the point of being nauseated to even read those quotes about "fresh meat" and "pleasure themselves." Just the thought of what is said and goes on makes me sick. Yet, I'm old enough and wise enough to know that is true.
What bothers me even more is knowing that those patrons are among our community and are being encouraged to think and act that way even more profoundly than before.
It bothers me, too, that that the owner and all involved established a business playing on demented "pleasures" and using and encouraging women to participate in such belittling activities all for the sake of the almighty dollar.
I question if the owner and all involved would have their own female family members, daughters, whatever, participate in such activities. I question if the same have any concerns about their female family members being thought of as "fresh meat" when the patrons are out in the community.
Yes, we will keep up the good fight if it takes one year or even ten. The way it stands now, only you and us, your supporters, have more respect for the owners and all involved female family members than they do.
Anonymous, at 7:57 AM
The "Fresh meat" comment Mr.Family has is taken out of context. It is just a expression. He got it of Lana's website. Is there anycomment you try not to turn around?
I guess the next time you are in church and "drink the blood of christ" I can call you a cannible.
Anonymous, at 8:07 AM
I have never stumbled over more retarded comments, views and dribble than by those who support strip clubs. Your minds are truly demented and warped! It is difficult to say the least to understand the minds of sub-humans and shaming to know that you look like and wear the same skin as respectful and dignified humans.
Anonymous, at 12:41 PM
The postings of the pro-strip clubbers are the best evidence of what happens to a mind that spends so much time in the gutter. They are obviously uneducated and pitifully ignorant of the fact that they are being so easily relieved of their hard-earned cash by people who have no respect for them or themselves. The men who frequent this establishment are absolutely pathetic and deserve to be ostracized from our community. If Mr. Family is a W-B township councilman, good for him.
Anonymous, at 3:20 PM
12:41, I agree with you 100%. TV and movies are bad enough (which we don't have to see), but when we are actually surrounded by these demented and warped minds with all the absurdity in their comments, then truth is scarier than fiction.
Anonymous, at 4:50 PM
Anonymous, at 5:09 PM
Mr. Family,
Once again the holy belief of certain faiths is being demonically attacked. Say what nonsense they will about anything else, I WILL NOT stand for them to use or to lower the ultimate beliefs and truths of my faith, which is the faith of millions of others.
Since Mr. Scalzo was most likely raised in the same faith, I hope he sees the last sentence of anonymous 8:07 AM and realizes the degradation to Jesus Christ his business has ultimately induced with comments like that.
And please, club supporters, don't even bother to blame Mr. Family for his website about this. That comment was not encouraged by him.
Anonymous, at 5:33 PM
bye bye sal your days with this club are numbered
Anonymous, at 8:11 PM
If I have taken the "fresh meat" comment out of context, please explain to me the correct context in which to refer to a woman as "fresh meat."
Mr. Family, at 8:28 PM
hi, mr. family!
You are just going to have to stop making up things and all those "lies."
Those sex club addicts have their standards, ya know.
Degrading women, encouraging prostitution, drugs, the whole bit, is not among their standards, and they throw in a few lies here too.
But they get mighty upset thinking that you "make up" things and "lie."
oh, how disrespectful of you! What is this world coming to?????? :)
as always, have a great day, and keep up the great work!
Anonymous, at 9:46 PM
First I do not go to strip
clubs, not my cup of tea.
Second, this country was founded on freedom of religeon or freedom FROM religeon, and freedom of expression. etc.
yes I go to church on Sunday.
Here's a phrase from the bible we have not heard here
Judge not lest ye be judged.
A lot of people here are using religeon to judge and condemn something they find
morally offensive. Is that the intent of your religeon?
A tool to condemn and control other people's actions you do not like.
The bible condemns divorce.
Are you sitting in judgment against those who divorce?
You can use religeon to condemn or justify every thing ie slavery, women's rights etc etc etc.
The Supreme Court has ruled
that nude dancing is a protected constitutional right. Like that or not, that is what they ruled.
Why not have a const. amendmendment against nude dancing? That is about the only way you can eliminate it.
Wilkes-Barre township blundered when it failed to act on g club apllication. That is why it is there.
The township could have enacted zoning laws to restrict the locations nude dancing is located. It did not. So the club is lawfully
operating like it or not.
While mr family is LaWFULLY
trying to close the club, there is in reality little he can do. He chooses tro remain anym. That hurts his cause. The local media will no longer the story beacuse of this. It seems he has a problem getting people to take pics or getting pics to publish. I went to a concert at the arena on Sat.
Coming home, I saw the parking lot of the club.
It was full, at least 40 to 50 cars.
Like it or not that is true.
Also this comment about fresh meat seems to be used
a ruse to energize his base.
It is a I heard this from so and so comment. Wouild not hold up in a court of law. If you did not hear it directly from the person in question, does it not preclude the possibility of bearing false witness?
A woman was abducted and raped from the the parking lot of the woodlands. Should we close the woodlands because of it, one could argue it is a place where singles go to meet and have sex.
Anonymous, at 8:11 AM
Actually, the comment about women being "fresh meat" is from the blog of a supporter and employee of Club 10.
This just shows me that that Club 10 employees have a low opinion of women as well as a low opinion of themselves.
Mr. Family, at 1:06 PM
Yes Lana did use the phrase fresh meat. All kinds of people use that term. I use it whene ever we get a new hire at our warehouse. No big deal. You are just picking at any comment you can about the club. It was a joke statment. Meant in good fun. Like your "Daycare" comments are suppose to be.
They actually have a high opinions of themselves. and of the girls that dance there. You are just bais because you are against them.
Anonymous, at 1:20 PM
hey, 8.11 am, here is a word from webster that we have not heard here in a while..........
pervert 1 to lead astray morally
2 to turn to an improper use
3 a person who practices sexual perversion
perversion any means of attaining sexual gratification that is traditionally regarded as abnormal
Anonymous, at 3:17 PM
It has always been obvious that strip club employees and patrons have low opinions of women and themselves. No self-respecting person would lower themself to engage in any aspect of these sex businesses. Yes, there's a lot of money to be made through the degradation of these foolish girls and the depraved men who pay to "pleasure themselves" while the "fresh meat" is displayed for their "entertainment". Personally, I wouldn't associate with either of them.
Anonymous, at 3:42 PM
I have to borrow a few words from a previous blogger in order to acknowledge anonymous 8:11 A.M. comments.
"I have never stumbled over more retarded comments, views, and dribble than I have with those who support the club" and that of 8:11 A.M.
I can't figure out if it was mindless immaturity or just plain ignorance. Nothing of any value or realism correlated from beginning to end.
However, at least I got a laugh at the part where the blogger is trying to play lawyer.
Oh well, if this were a debate for intellectuals only, we wouldn't be hearing any of this mindless ignorance.
Anonymous, at 4:55 PM
Jacob Lucas, 25, Terrace Avenue, was sentenced by President Judge Michael Conahan to one-year less one day to two-years less two days in the Intermediate Punishment Program on a single count of accidents involving death or personal injury.
Click Here!
Lucas was ordered to serve the IPP, similar to house arrest, under electronic monitoring. He was granted immediate work release upon serving the minimum sentence.
Lucas pleaded guilty to the charge before he was sentenced.
According to the affidavit of probable cause, Lucas struck Anthony Trethen, 43, Exeter, on Wyoming Avenue, Exeter, shortly before 3 a.m. on Feb. 7, 2004.
Trethen was changing a flat tire when he was struck by Lucas' Dodge Neon.
He was pronounced dead at the scene.
Lucas admitted to police he consumed four Stole and 7-Ups at the Woodlands Inn and Resort, Plains Township, between 10:15 p.m. on Feb. 6 to about 2 a.m. on Feb. 7.
Lucas traveled on side streets to avoid police and was having trouble with his vehicle's CD player when he struck Trethen.
Lucas told police he felt he struck a parked vehicle and fled the scene.
He attempted to find a body shop to repair damage to his vehicle, according to the affidavit.
Police did not have an opportunity to conduct a blood alcohol content test on Lucas because he surrendered two days after the crash.
Luzerne County Assistant District Attorney Sam Sanguedolce prosecuted.
Attorney Joseph Vullo represented Lucas.
Nothing like this has been caused by Gclub has it????
Anonymous, at 6:04 PM
The suspect was identified as Jayne Collum, of 62 West Hartford Street, Ashley.
Providence Place
She faces charges of simple assault, resisting arrest, disorderly conduct and public drunkenness.
Also arrested was Jason Jones, same address.
He faces charges of disorderly conduct and public drunkenness.
Both went sent to the Luzerne County Correctional Facility, however both were released on bail throughout the day.
The two were encountered after Plains Township police were dispatched to the scene by Woodlands security officers for an intoxicated female who was "highly combative."
When Officer Dale Binker arrived, he was informed of an intoxicated male who was also fighting with security officers.
While Binker was talking with security officers, Collum and Jones allegedly started a second fight with security officers, according to Plains police.
At this time, Binker advised Collum she was under arrest, police said.
She then allegedly grabbed Binker's shirt and punched him in the face with a closed fist, police said.
Jones then told Binker "he would kill the bouncers."
Collum and Jones were then transported to the Luzerne County Correctional Facility.
I'd feel safer at a strip club...
Anonymous, at 6:09 PM
More Fresh Meat
Anonymous, at 6:37 PM
I guess mr.anonymous was NEVER a church goer since he can't even spell religion. But he sure does know ALOT about Strip clubs when he doesnt patronize them..hum...
Anonymous, at 7:00 PM
I will direct this to Mr. or Ms. Religion.
For the 100th time, that Biblical sentence has been abused by hypocrits on this website!
IF you truly do go to Church, then you had better stay awake and listen to what is being said.
You would learn that there is more than one sentence to the Holy Bible, not just one that is convenient for you.
You would learn that Bible quotations are not supposed to be used to prove a point to someone else.
You would learn that flagrant nudity and nudity for money is a sin against God's Word.
You would learn that Jesus Christ was mercilessly scouraged at the pillar, skin torn off and profuse bleeding, for the sins of the flesh for all mankind.
You would learn that the Ten Commandments cancels ALL of your empty comments in your blog.
You would learn that you shall not put other gods before God, such as you are doing with the Supreme Court, who, by the way, legalized abortion, the killing of unborn babies.
You would learn not to defend evil as you have done throughout your whole blog.
You would learn not to try to demoralize someone who is doing God's Will, such as Mr. Family and supporters.
You would learn that God defends those who defend Him.
You would learn that judgement and condemnation is telling someone that they are going to Heaven or to Hell, which has never been said on this website.
You would learn that there is such a thing as "admonishing the sinner," which falls in line with loving one another, not "a tool to condemn or control others"
You would learn that God gave authority to all who follow Him to spread the Word of the Gospel, to bear witness to Him in thought, word, and deed.
You would learn that immorality is the opposite direction from the straight and narrow path.
You would learn all of this and a lot more...
Having said all of that, if you really do go to Church and do not practice what you hear, then you will learn that you are a hypocrit!
With your comments, I easily have more respect for an atheist who has high moral standards rather than someone who claims to go to Church and does not know the first thing about it.
Anonymous, at 8:20 PM
yep, 7pm, i agree with that, and
i'm swayed to make mr. "religeon" the poster child for gclub since he best characterizes retarded comments, views, and dribble.
Anonymous, at 8:30 PM
Obviously I hit a nerve with
some people. To anym 830PM
You say bible quotes are not suppose to be used to make a point but yet that is exactly what you did!
You know every inch of the bible back and forth, so let's appoint you to tell everybody what to do and not do.
And then you call me a hypocrit! That's funny.
Ms or Mr. Know it all! Sorry, but I cannot find a
quote in a bible against nudity.
And as far as the Supreme Court goes, I have respect for the law and this country.
Anonymous, at 5:39 AM
hey, mr. religeon how wrong can you get as the wild claims abound here. no quotes in my blog. only bible quote i read was yours. nudity, try the first chapter of the bible.
not withyou on respecting the sc for ruling unborn aborted. i'd say thats hypocrital of a church goer.
Anonymous, at 9:52 AM
To anym.952AM
There are thousands of religions in the world, besides yours that is.
However, in your mind only yours is the right one and that gives you the right to force your
beliefs upon other people and condemn those who do not believe as you do.
This is the reason our founding fathers put separation of church and state into the constitution.
My church ( disciples of Christ) teaches that abortion is between the mother and God and we should not sit in judgment.
And if nudity is a sin, then how does one shower, change clothes etc.
Anonymous, at 11:58 AM
eeewwww!! touchy, touchy, an. 5:39a
It's ok for you to spout off all kinds of bizarre speculations and accusations as you did in 8:11a, but when these intelligent bloggers don't go for it...look out!!!...you come back in 5:39a with even more irrational cornball stuff.
You know, you are very consistent with the club supporters who have been trying to insult people's intellgence, when all you are all actually doing is displaying your own ignorance.
Anonymous, at 12:42 PM
11:58, It is comments like yours that encourages me to love and embrace my Faith more fervently, while it offers a great comfort to me. My Faith humbles me neither to be able to read people's minds nor to sit on a throne accusing others of condemning, as your own comments specified.
However, it appears that you have taken the opportunity to replace the topic of this website with a religious argument, yet you evidently give the reflection that you support club nudity.
Anonymous, at 7:09 PM
To anym 709pm I embrace my faith as much as anyone else
the differnce being I am not trying to use my faith to close the place down. That doesn't mean I support or go to it, I have never been there.
Speciffically, how did I insult your intelligence?
And isn't the opposition of this club based on one's religeous beliefs?
Anonymous, at 6:32 AM
not from 709pm.......but I will attempt to answer your last ?
actually it is based on morality, common decency, mutual respect and concern for other people.
no matter what anyone's religious beliefs or non religious beliefs, it still boils down to the attributes and fine character as written above.....values.
women should not be degraded or allow themselves to be degraded for any reason.
men of character would not step foot in the place.
it is just not a respectable or self-respecting predicament.
please understand that the club's location and activities are not in the most ideal place for a community that prides itself on a safe, respectable environment......and in one way or another, these types of places affects all of us whether we go to them or not....and this is the most flambouyant business in our area.....and these are the reasons for the opposition.
I hope this clarifies.....if not, let me know if I can explain further.
Anonymous, at 9:52 PM
to 952 pm I respect your brliefs but I do not agree.
First I do not believe nudity is degrading, many famous people have posed/ danced nude.
Marilyn Monroe Gypsey Rose Lee, just to name a few.
many famous men have visited strip clubs including John Kennedy, it says nothing of their character. Strip clubs have existed for over 150 years in this country.
Now about the location--if it were in a residential neighborhood, I would says those residents have a right to complain, but it is in a business district, there is an adult bookstore/ theather in wilkes-barre township located partially in a residential neighborhood,
and a huge sign advertisng it on rt 309 by kmart, there is another bookstore as well as massage parlors
located on rts 309 & rt 315,
a strip club on rt 11, a gay bar on rt 315,etc etc.
All these places esp, the adult theatre are in plain site, yet people seem to be upset by this one club. It really makes no sense.
Also, if you think the activites are bad in a strip bar, be aware there are "swinger clubs" in the area, married couples go there, swap partners and watch each other. Far worse
than a strip tease.
Anonymous, at 6:37 AM
you still don't post actual comments posted that have no profanity.... this board is one sided.... your followers will never know the real truth, just the lies you feed them
Anonymous, at 8:07 AM
637, I'm sorry, but I really don't know what you are trying to say. in your previous post, you said "that doesn't mean I support it or go for it."
then in the next post, you asked a question if religious beliefs are the reason it is opposed. I answered the best I could, not saying only my personal or religious beliefs.
then in your last post, different from the first, you are saying there is nothing wrong with nudity, which is opposite of "that doesn't mean I support it or go for it."
so on the whole, I don't know if you are saying you are for it or against it.
anyway on the whole, it has always been my beliefs that just because someone who is famous or whoever does or does not do certain things, means that I have to follow along or mean that they are right about something. I have never been one to follow the crowd. I am my own person. and I have always made my own decisions. so I can't answer for the rest of your comments because I can't answer for anyone else's decisions. but I will say that a man of character, no matter who they are, would really not set foot into those types of places because they would have too much self respect and respect for women.
and going with you originally said (assuming you are male gender), "that doesn't mean I go support it or go for it," I'm going to say that would be a man of fine character who would say that because personally I know men of fine character who are totally against those types of things.
Anonymous, at 6:44 PM
to 8:07 AM, let me clear up your misconceptions.
1. Mr. Family has posted more actual comments from "your" side than we would rather not even want to know existed in the human mind.
2. We are not "followers." We are individuals who have a common belief.
3. "Lies" Are we back to that again where we don't have to go to a pig farm to know that it smells bad?
No doubt there is more disgusting, unfortunate truth that goes on in that den of inequity than we could stomach.
4. The "real truth" lies in our hearts.
All straightened out now?????
Anonymous, at 6:58 PM
to anym 658pm, contrary to
to what you believe not all pig farms smell bad. The manure is mixed with deodorizers etc to comply with various state and federal laws. it's amusing that you have to use incorrect hasty generalizations to make your
As far as your point of followers look the word up in the dictionary.
The people who swallowed Jim Jone's Cyanide Koolade were not followers but merely people with a common belief.
Follower: ( Miriam Webster Dictionary) one who follows the teachings or beliefs of another. One who gives full support and loyalty to another.
Call a spade a spade.
Anonymous, at 7:17 AM
To annon. 5.39Am, Check outAdam And Eve, The begining of the bible and you will find your verse on nudity.
When they bit into the apple they realized they were naked ,and became ashamed, and covered up with leaves. Most people are ashamed when they are naked. About70%
Anonymous, at 10:14 AM
717 duh!!!!!!!! if pig farms don't smell bad, then why do they have to use deodorizers in the first place, and would have to keep re-applying it????
so basically at best the deordorizer would only be a temporary cover-up.
we are not "following" mr. family's teachings or his beliefs, or giving him full support or loyalty to another(person). we are individuals in sync who already formed our own beliefs, supporting our own beliefs, and are being loyal to ourselves in expressing our beliefs thru the mr. family website.
contrary to what you would like to believe, we are not a cult, don't even know each other for the most part, and most very, very likely have different beliefs otherwise.
about jj's cult: they were people who desperately wanted to believe in something and someone without already having any preconceived beliefs or any standards for themselves. so they chose to be led by him. check it out.
cool off, have a glass of kool-aid, and try again.
Anonymous, at 2:41 PM
to any 717, Mr family said all pig farms smell bad, not true. What do you not undrstand from that? It is like saying all bathrooms smell bad, no most people use deoderants etc.
The fact of the matter is you are followers, you choose not to admit it to yourselves. For exanmle, you could start your own website and go after other
strip clubs and adult places. You choose to do nothing except be on Mr. family's blog.
Enjoy the koolaid.
Anonymous, at 12:16 PM
Writing this just for the fun of it because your comments are hilarious:
12:16, do you enjoy writing to yourself? You were 7:17. Then you address "to any 717" in your 12:16 blog.
Did you personally go around smelling all the pig farms and bathrooms in order to come to your carved-in-stone conclusions?
Actually, you seem to have a fetish about odors, or is that just a hobby?
Gee, Mr. Family must have gotten his own words wrong. He said: "I don't have to go to a pig farm to know that they smell bad."
Thanks for correcting him.
You do have amazing psychic abilities to KNOW that we choose to do nothing except to be on Mr. Family's website. But I regret to tell you that you are not the only person in the world who knows everything about everybody. Or did you already KNOW that?
Ok, you got us. We can't admit it to ourselves, but we will admit it just to you! But please don't tell anybody else. This will be just our secrert, ok? Yes, us followers say a pledge to Mr. Family everyday. In fact, we are going to immortalize him by re-naming this country after him. So it will the United States of Mr. Family. And our common hope is that he chooses cherry-flavored Kool-aid as the national drink.
Now, can you please tell us what an
"exanmle" is?
Anonymous, at 9:37 AM
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