XXX Church
I am going to create a permanent link to their site on the sidebar. Visit it when you get a moment.
Here is some interesting data that I just learned.
- A study of 256 non-incarcerated perpetrators of sexual offenses who were undergoing treatment showed that 56% of rapists and 42% of women said someone they knew that was into pornography had sexually abused them.
- A Women's Day survey of 6,000 readers found that 21% of women that were sexually abused knew the person who abused them was heavily into pornography.
- It is believed that 70% of women involved in pornography (videos, stripping, etc.) are survivors of incest or child sexual abuse.
But of course our friends at Gentlemen's Club 10, The Carousel, Planet Pocono, etc, would have us believe that all they are providing is good wholesome adult entertainment. Well, I for one can't see anything entertaining about the exploitation and ultimate abuse of women.
You can try and convince yourself that this isn't happening or that somehow your club will be an exception, but you are wrong.
I think that in general, most people need to realize that the women who work as strippers most often have either a drug addiction that they need to feed or a past that includes sexual abuse.
It is very sad to see these women spending their lives in this constant cycle of being taken advantage of.
Mr. Family, if nothing else, you are helping people understand just what is being done to these women, all in the name of the mighty dollar.
Anonymous, at 8:46 PM
Mr. Family, I think that you have a LOT of time on your hands.
Anonymous, at 10:36 PM
What you and other people need to realize Jaren is that it is not like you see on TV's and movies. Just because some one works as a stripper does not mean they have a drug problem.
Everyone has this "idea" of what goes on in these clubs, without ever having been in one. The idea most have is wrong. What is sad is websites like this that give so many the wrong idea of what goes on. Mr.Family has never been to a club, he has only what he reads online, and most of it is general ideas and myths.
Gclub has cameras all over the place on the inside. The staff that runs it is very clear to all the girls that there is to be no drugs, nothing illegal. The girls are not allowed to drink (alcohol) while working. I have been to many clubs (and yes I have seen some drug addicts, go to the Carousel in Nanticoke) but Gclub is by far the nicest and cleanest. But I realize that no matter what I type here, how much I explain non of those that oppose the club will take what I read into consideration. They will think it to be a lie. Mostly because mass media has made the general public closed minded about adult clubs.
Anonymous, at 12:24 AM
Mr. Family, I think you need a hobby. Bowling is fun. What do you think?
Anonymous, at 9:17 PM
Understand what you are saying however you are also being very prejudist. Oh ya and I believe that this is a free country infact we should have more freedoms not less
Anonymous, at 3:56 AM
Even IF the girls at club10 don't drink or do drugs, this sex business has forced itself into an inappropriate location where it clearly is not wanted by the local community that does not condone totally nude lap-dancing next door to an arena surrounded by family restaurants. The liberal mass media has PROMOTED this strip clubs to the dismay of the general public. Being the "nicest and cleanest" of places that degrade ALL women is nothing in which to take pride.
Anonymous, at 5:47 AM
"Mr.Family, I think that you have a LOT of time on your hands." says anonymous 10:36 PM.
10:36 PM, try Mr. Family has a LOT of care in his heart....and is willing to extend his care with whatever amount of time he has for the betterment of others.
Anonymous, at 6:47 AM
I love how folks keep making excuses and defending something that really isnt defendable. It boils down to this. Either drugs, sexual activity or the almighty dollar. PERIOD! So instead of defending it just admit the reason for a female (cant say lady) working there is 1 of those reasons. As far as the fellas that patronize well.........I have no asnswer for that one other than male ego or they just arnet happy in their own lives or with the women they chose to be with.....not enough I guess.......
Anonymous, at 7:10 AM
I think I need a hobby too.
Mr. Family, at 10:26 AM
Anonymous, it's good to care but you can't force your beliefs down people's throats.
Anonymous, at 12:13 PM
hey if this club wasn't byob and nude would you approve of it? if it was a bikini bar would that be ok?
Anonymous, at 2:52 PM
Anon 7:10 am 1 Not defendable? it is a multillion dollar industry. Adult entertainment is in every country around the world.
2 Ther all mighty dollar, Yes money has a lot to do with it. Isnt that the reason ANY buisness is opened, to make money? And yes, the girls working there make money, it's a JOB!
3 And lots of guys go there because they find it fun and entertaining. Just because you do not get it or do not like it, doesn't mean others don't. It has nothing to do with ego, nothing to do with home life, it is just fun. That's it.
Anonymous, at 3:39 PM
ok, 12:24 am, putting aside your views about drugs in strip clubs, what about jaren's other comment about women who were abused and continue the cycle of abuse.
had they been abused or not, is it manly and proper for males to contribute to the degradation of women?
don't even go there with the argument about the women needing money or the arguments that it is a legal adult "entertainment," or that it is fun or a choice. those are only "outside" excuses.
i'm asking about the inner person's thoughts concerning one human being to another, which is even going beyond morality vs. immorality.
in essence, i want to know what makes this tick in some people's minds that this is such a worthy thing.
one more question: how do you know mr. family has never set inside a strip club and that "everyone has this idea about what goes on in these clubs, without ever having been in one?" does one need to go to the south pole to know it is covered with snow?...or were the explorers just passing around a bunch of lies and using trick photography?
please don't undermine people's intelligence. no, we don't think we know what you type is a lie, we KNOW it is a lie....not because of the mass media; it's plain common sense to know that women flaunting their bodies to a bunch of fools just for money (or for any reason), is a losing way of life.
since you know about all people's views lifestyles,and their thoughts, i expect for you to answer my questions.
Anonymous, at 7:54 PM
Mr. Family,
I thought of a great hobby for you!
Research the extra-terrestrial to find out what planet some of these people are coming from, such as 3:39 PM.
I think there might be a planet out there that is called "Moron," which inhabits "moronites."
The moronites speak an alien language that does not coincide with a true earthly civilization, having no bearing on reality. Clearly their heads are in the clouds with a thin stratosphere that would affect normal thinking and logic....and I think we are being invaded by these space cadets!
Anonymous, at 8:38 PM
12:13pm is it really forcing beliefs
is it not wanting to tolerate a source the is consistent with decaying society, for example, not tolerating drug traffickers?
I don't believe in drug trafficking, child abuse,or any kind of abuse and killing, so does that mean I should tolerate it and not voice my beliefs as the perpretrators are forcing their beliefs down my throat being that live in this area?
Am I really forcing my beliefs on them?
or should I say it's ok that everybody can do what they want to do no matter how despicable?
The negative effects of drugs, abuse, killing, DUIs, and the effects of strip clubs is not a matter of pick and choose. All are negative, destructive categories.
If it were a matter of pick and choose, druggies see nothing wrong with peddling drugs. Abusers, killers, and DUIs see nothing wrong with their actions. So why should I or anyone else, right????
Anonymous, at 9:04 PM
You can express your beliefs and opinions all you want. The fact is the Gentlemen's Club is a legal business. Some people like that kind of entertainment and some don't. In this FREE country, there are many things you must learn to tolerate. It's a part of being free. For instance, I can't stand cigarettes. Some people like them. Just because I don't like them doesn't mean I am going to try to stop other people from smoking. It's legal just like the Gentlemen's Club. Live and let live.
Anonymous, at 10:49 PM
So if women showing off their bodies for money is degrading, let me give you a list of women who do this. And as they do this America and the world shell out Billions every year
to see them.
Halley Berry
Charleze Theron
Catherine Zeta-Jones
Keira Knightly
Pamela Anderson
Rosana Arquette
Patrica Arquette
Angela Basset
Kathy Bates
Katie Holmes
Phoebe Cates
Kim Cattral
Jennifer Connelly
Rosario Dawson
Bridget Fonda
Jodie Foster
Vivica A Fox
Salma Hayek
The list can go on. Also, the Soap Operas that run on Day time TV. They are FULL of immoral subject and acts, as well as primetime TV, movies, music. Sex is all around us. It has alwasy been there. And it will never go away.
Anonymous, at 7:50 AM
I HATE smoking. I htnk it is a terrible thing and it lead to the death of my mother. As we speak they are trying ot ban smoking indoors as they do in New York. As much as I hate it, I do think this is unfair to those who choose to smoke.
Just as much as I do not like club, it is unfair to those who choose to partake in that type of entertainment to force laws with the simply intent to force them out of buissness.
I hope the smoking law does not get passed, I will be happy stayign in the non moking section of a resurant.
Anonymous, at 8:48 AM
This is for 12.24am The club only opened up a short while ago, it should be clean. Give me a break. I don't have to go inside a toilet to know what goes on in there or how dirty it can get. Please don't by any means insult our intelligence. We do know what goes on without going there, I think that's what makes you mad. You can't make money off us. To buy more cars and houses and stuff.
Anonymous, at 2:18 PM
to 10 49, the day that i or anyone else must learn to tolerate scummy things, is the day that we would have to give up our self respect. and i promise you, that day will never come.
on the other hand, you desperately need to learn the difference between right from wrong.
you have a great misunderstanding of freedom. contrary to what you say, freedom is not being under the dictatorship of porn, drug kings, alchoholics, murderers, or anyone who undermines our freedoms to live a decent life.
Anonymous, at 5:52 PM
It's a LEGAL business. If you have a problem with it, take it up with the Supreme Court. You will lose.
Anonymous, at 9:37 PM
where were all of you people when the township ran a bus to the courthouse during the cout herings? It ran in the papers, so don't even say you didn't hear about it. There was a handful that helped protest then...I ask why did you wait? now it is going to cost us more and more$$$$ to stop what from hearing the court cases is a legal business opened in legal terms.
Anonymous, at 10:24 AM
Call it "legal;" call it what you choose. It still remains one of the lowest forms of anything that an individual can submit himself or herself.
If "legal" is the only lifeline, the only strength you have to sustain you in that hole of muck, then indeed you are a very, very weak individual. And indeed, you are a losing individual already.
Anonymous, at 10:57 AM
To the comment on smoking being legal, maybe so for now but if you notice the price of them going up an up, and more and more states becoming smoke free,they will be illegal someday. Someday soon. Things don't happen overnight, it takes time. Just like it might take time for the novelty of club10 to wear off and people will stop going. people do get sick of the same thing night after night.
Anonymous, at 3:20 PM
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