Prostitute hired to dance at Club 10 (updated)
1. Gentlemen's Club 10 is a classy, upscale establishment.
2. Gentlemen's Club 10 is a good neighborhood business.
3. Gentlemen's Club 10 has hired a prostitute to dance at their club this weekend.
If you answered #3, you are correct. Because I do not want to give undue publicity to what Gentlemen's Club 10 is doing, I am going to omit the woman's name. This woman openly engages in prostitution, which is something that I was told by other women who dance at Club 10, "Isn't what we do here." At one point, her acts of prostitution gained her an interview on the Fox News Channel.
So, let me personally thank Gentlemen's Club 10 for taking a bad situation and making it even worse. Not only do they advertise pornographic websites, encourage women to engage in sexual exploitation for money, and further damage the reputation of our community.... they now hire prostitutes to dance at the club.
Way to make our community an even better place to live.
Update 6/21/06: If you are concerned with the message Gentlemen's Club 10 is sending to our community by promoting the appearance of a prostitute at their club, please take a moment to send a letter to the editor of either the Citizen's Voice or the Times Leader.
Is this even true? It seems to me that Gentlemen's Club 10 wouldn't be that stupid. Why would they make themselves an easier target for your criticism.
Anonymous, at 8:20 PM
She is a pornstar. Also, she has worked at a legal brothel in Nevada. She has danced at many strip clubs throughout the United States.
Anonymous, at 8:25 PM
It's true. I don't get it either. Seems like their dumbest move yet.
What I don't get, is their willingness to continually push the envelope and make themselves such a stench in Wilkes-Barre.
You would think they would try to fly a little more under the radar with this stuff. The prostitute thing is definitely true, though.
Anonymous, at 8:32 PM
Thanks for the headsup Mr. Family. I didn't have plans for the weekend. Now I do. Thank you so much. I mean that.
Anonymous, at 8:33 PM
It's true.
I actually feel quite bad for the woman. My understanding is that her father abandoned her family when she was just a child.
This is a common theme for many prostitutes / strippers. Most come from broken or distant families. Many are subconsciously seeking the love of their absentee fathers.
Unfortunately, what they fail to realize is that they are actively contributing to the demise of families and the disruption of the lives of a new generation of children.
This cycle is a terrible shame.
Mr. Family, at 8:37 PM
I'm from New York City so perhaps my views are a bit different due to the kind of people we have here.
Regardless of the fact that it's true there was a prostitute, why is it necessary to single one person out? Everyone has to make a living, regardless of how unsatisfactory that may be to you. If you're going to place blame, then look at everything that is associated with a business like this strip club at hand.
If there weren't any customers, then there wouldn't be any business. So in actuality it's the very same public that scorns it, actually supports it as well.
This falls into the same subject of Cigarettes and Alcohol. They're bad for you, but you can't go against the big Tabaco Companies and win. So you try to inform the public about the dangers of such actions.
I agree that having a great community is essential but I would say look at the people first. Simply put, no business for the Club, they'll go away.
Jeff, at 8:46 PM
She is a hooker. She doesn't see anything wrong with it. She advocates it and even influenced her younger niece to get involved in the sex trade.
After a few years in the business, coupled by some injuries, her niece left the sex trade and hasn't returned.
Now she is coming to our area to negatively influence another generation of young people.
Club 10 is under demonic control. Their owners and employees are blind to this. Discerning people will understand what I'm saying.
Thank you Mr. Family for not letting this new chapter go unnoticed. I don't know if people will finally start waking up, but at least you're doing your part to speak the truth.
Thank you.
Anonymous, at 8:55 PM
Club 10 is under demonic control? That made me laugh out loud. Oh no, it's Amityville. Thanks for the laugh, I really needed that. Also, she is coming to our area to negatively influence another generation of young people? Where do you come up with this stuff? She is coming here for the money. That is why women dance. It pays very well. Go read a book. BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.
Anonymous, at 9:08 PM
So whatever happened to their claim that they are against prostitution.
Did that change (just like their reasons for an age limit)?
Anonymous, at 9:15 PM
Would you shut up already! Get off our backs!
She's a hooker. There, I said it. Deal with it. People still want to see her dance. If you don't want to, than don't go.
Anonymous, at 9:19 PM
They will not allow prostitution in their club. She is just there to dance. Gentlemen's Club is not the only club she has danced at.
Anonymous, at 9:20 PM
I can see you right now Mr. Family.
Anonymous, at 9:23 PM
That's true. They probably prefer that the prostitution take place outside the club.
Anonymous, at 9:24 PM
It is smart that Mr. Family has brought attention to this. It will draw more customers to the club. Thanks, Mr. F.
Anonymous, at 9:29 PM
What does the club have to say? Did they know she was a prostitute beforehand?
I'm assuming that they probably knew, but I'm asking just the same. If they did know, I would like to know why they chose to do this with so many people keeping an eye on them.
Who is the brilliant person that is making these business decisions? I'm assuming that their business plan must including making themselves as offensive as possible to Luzerne County.
Anonymous, at 9:35 PM
This is sooooo over the top.
I can't believe this is true. Please explain to me how this helps the club gain acceptance in the community.
This place is soooo closed. They don't even know it yet.
Anonymous, at 9:46 PM
Hiring her to dance is NOT illegal. The club is not looking for acceptance from the Bible thumpers. That's impossible. Hiring her will bring in more customers. It's going to be a great weekend for the Gentlemen's Club. Yahoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!
Anonymous, at 9:55 PM
I get the feeling that two things are going to happen because of the prostitute.
1. The club will gain some business from people who are interested in her.
2. The community will become more disgusted with the club and probably support Mr. Family all the more.
Anonymous, at 10:00 PM
A hooker at club 10, perhaps it was a well plan scheme by the management, since the BYOB will be not longer allowed and business could be down, this new feature will certainly attract more customers. Therefore Club 10 will cut their financial losses as a result of the new Township Ordnance. Again they are thumbing their nose at the Tax payers and the township,club 10 will file law suites and continue showing the hard working tax payers that they are in control and laughing all the way to the bank. Boy that's justice for you in this county. And yes it all started with the county judge who ruled in favor of letting the club operate which started this entire fiasco.
Anonymous, at 10:43 PM
This is the 3rd month they've had a "Featured Dancer"...and your'e jsut hearing of this now? You're slacking, Mr Simpleton.
Feature Dancers fly around the country doing this, and get anywhere from $2,000 to $10,000 or more for a few night's work.
That's some nice cash wouldn't you say? Betcha wish you could pull in that kind of dough for working a few nights per week. Think of the time you would be able to devote to trying to be a detective if you only had to work a few hours, a few nights a week......hahaha...
Anonymous, at 1:17 AM
Anonymous, at 4:40 AM
Grasping at straws are we? Prostitution is legal in other states in this country. As well as other countries. And I imagine only a matter of time before it becomes legal in other states, (including ours)
Get off your moral high horse. There is a reason it is called the oldest profession in the world. it is good for you to hide your identity. That way no one knows about the skeletons in your closet. Because as soon as someone does, it will be all over.
Anonymous, at 5:36 AM
She is a porn star and if you look in the Weekender, these clubs often hire *Feature* dancers for a few days. They also had a different porn star feature a few weeks ago. Club 10 isn't the first strip club to hire these entertainers and they surely won't be the last. Also, as long as all people involved are over 18, pornography isn't illegal for adult viewing.
Nope, you are wrong again Mr. Family. I just checked the website and there isn't even one picture containing nudity so how can you consider it a pornographic site?
Anonymous, at 5:57 AM
Nobody really cares what you bible thumpers have to think or say about Club 10. Everyone who watches HBO knows who Sunset Thomas is, she was hired through a agency ( the same one the club has used to get the rest of the features) so back off. She's not going to be prostituting in the club or outside you people are so judgementel and the funny thing is you are not better then anyone else. No matter what the club does you dictators will never accept them!
Anonymous, at 6:10 AM
She is a PORN star, all PORN stars do the club tours, it's nothing new, they have been in our area before at Adult World for Signings. And let me say the turn out is HUGE! Get OVER it, no harm will come, you hollier-than-thou people think you are better than everyone else. Remember, not everyone follws the same beleif system. There is no actual Moral standard these days, the scale is ranged, it's 2006, not 1950.
Anonymous, at 6:13 AM
This person that you speak of is indeed a prostitute in the state of NEVADA not Pa. It is also true that you do not even have to go to Gclub to see her. All anyone has to do is turn on their television and you will be able to see her in all her glory on the HBO series Cathouse. I think we should all also boycott television HA HA HA. I will be there to see her. Hope to see you all there.
Anonymous, at 6:23 AM
nothing needs to be said about the deranged sickos on this board. they are doing a perfect job on their own...that means you, porno sickos!
Anonymous, at 6:45 AM
I would like to know...what do those of you with young children say when your children ask what Gentlemen's Club 10 is as you drive by? I've been asked and it isn't a question I want to answer. Just like the adult bookstores I've had to live near.
Anonymous, at 7:01 AM
Why don't you go after Fox News for interviewing prostitutes? If you do not want them to dance why have them on tv for your kids to see?
Anonymous, at 7:49 AM
If the moral standards you live in your daily life are formed because someone is making you be good, then you actually only have someone else's restrictions and not your own personal convictions of that moral principle.
When our daily standard of living is formed because of our own personal convictions rather than some other persons restrictions, it is the very same life that we are living, but we are living it for a very different reason.
When you are tempted to not live your standards anymore and the person who was making you be good is not watching, only your own personal convictions will stand the test, not the other person's restrictions.
Cordell Vail
Anonymous, at 8:17 AM
she is dancing when here at the club. Prostitution is illegal in the state of Pa the last I checked, but I'm sure if you are looking for one you can check out the square or the deck at the large night club on 315 prostitutes are always available.
Anonymous, at 8:43 AM
Two things:
1. She really is a prostitute.
2. The club owners really don't care. They know, and you know, that they can get away with anything they want. The township is afraid of them and their lawyer. You can try all you want to stop them.
In a nutshell, get used to this Wilkes-Barre. This is your future.
Anonymous, at 8:57 AM
what do or have I told my children about such places? well, I must say my children now 18&17 never asked and I we drove past the tilbury and the kidder street store many, many times when they were children. Eat at Wendy's on kidder street and look at the book store. I never pointed it out to them or made a thing about it. If it doesn't have a golden arch most children would never ask. I believe it's the parents 9 of 10 times pointing such places out. Now if you are talking older children say 9 and over you should have had been talking about alot more than these places to them by now. Sex is not a thing you keep in the closet anymore and your children should be well aware of the things that go on from there parents. You must protect them even in school and church. so what do you tell them when they read the paper and see a gym teacher or a clergymen was arrested for porn or other things? If they can read a signe driving past at 35-45 mph I'm sure they can read a paper.
Anonymous, at 8:59 AM
Broken records! How many people are going to post "My chlldren ask what it is" And what makes them ask that? The white paint? There is nothing indicating or indecent on the outside of the building. You folks are making it up, or pointing it out to your children.
You dont like it so you want your children not to. Im sure they would not evern blink when you pass it if you dont mention it.
Anonymous, at 9:20 AM
they hired a hooker. how classy
Anonymous, at 10:49 AM
Why would you be surprised that a strip club hired a prostitute? They do that all the time. What do you think the women who work there do during their off hours? Charity work? Community beautification projects? They all have sex for money. Prostitution, porn videos, and the infamous private rooms in the club. It's all the same thing.
Anonymous, at 11:28 AM
Yeah it's all the same. Just assume they are all bad. They all do drugs, they kill people, sex i nthe streets. That's a good chirstian, make accusations and judge people you don't really know. Typical.
Anonymous, at 3:39 PM
Hello. I am a supporter of Mr.Family. I want nothing more than to have the club and all the other sin parlors shut down. Although one thing bothers me about the comments read on this site. Many of the comments that seem full of anger and hate are coming from that of the followers of our Lord. We should not be attacking, but trying to show others the way to his grace. Some are quick to attack those who would patron this club. We should not attack them, as that is not the teachings of Christ. We need not judge them, for that is what God almighty will do when it is their time. We need only pray, and show compassion. Not hatred. So please, retract the anger in your voice and fill it with his love. Do not judge, do not attack, for it not our place to do so.
Anonymous, at 4:13 PM
Hey,broken records! 920 am
since you are so sure about a lot of things, this is for real sure, kids ask alot of questions.
why don't you consider that parents more than ever have to teach their kids what is decent and what is not. and why does it bother you so much that they point it out to their kids?????????
Anonymous, at 4:23 PM
Going way back up 6:13 am,
"you holier-than-thou people think you are better than anyone else."
If I or we fall under your description, then I have to rock your boat. (btw,thanks for tellig us what we think)
But anyway, it is quite the opposite of what you say: we identify and admit our faults and want to be directed and kept on the straight and narrow path. It is not perfectly easy.
We pray that others join us and offer our support to them because we see all as our brothers and sisters. We do not want them to fall away either.
Forgive us for being such caring people who will go out of our way to express our care. We are not self-centered.
Now unlike yourself, you can't seem to admit that you have faults, but in fact boast about enjoying promiscuity. Then you attempt to make a derogatory comment towards people of faith who admit they have faults.
You will never understand what I said unless you are strong enough to admit to yourself and God that you have faults. And we pray for you, our brother.
Anonymous, at 7:31 PM
You make it sound like they hired a crack whore off South Main. Stop the madness! I only wish there was a site dedicated to all you "wholesome" people so we could dig up some dirt on you.
Anonymous, at 8:22 PM
I hate what this club is doing to the Wyoming Valley. Something liek that doesn't belong near the mall in the first place. Now they're bringing some real garbage into the area.
So a prostitute dances at the club now. Great.
This club can't close soon enough to suit me.
Anonymous, at 8:32 PM
I am not a supporter of GClub
However I am just wondering how many of you would be complaining about this porn star prostitute? if you did not hear it here that she was one to begin with?
I for one had no clue nor do I even pay attention to anything that GClub has to offer.
By constantly talking about what goes on in the club only gives Sal more revnue and exposure... hey who does not love FREE advertising.
So please ladies and gents... stick to the issues here and stop talking about the Club happenings.
Anonymous, at 9:06 PM
The club hopes we won't pay attention so they can continue to get away with whatever they want.
I believe that Mr. Family is hurting them, not helping them.
Anonymous, at 10:25 PM
Hey lori she is only in Thurs-Sat. Anyway the township is the one that gave them the permit to open, so if you are going to be upset about the place being there, then take it up with the township and the judges that approved it.
Anonymous, at 10:31 PM
Oh, so they only let prostitutes "dance" now and then.
I guess that's fine. How "gentlemanly" of them.
Wouldn't it have been nice to have a business that made the Valley a little nicer instead of this stuff? I have lived here for most of my life and I never remember a sex business doing all this stuff. They should be embarrassed, but they probably aren't.
Anonymous, at 10:39 PM
You don't remember any other clubs doing this? The ALL do it. That is the businesses. The Adult industry. And no, they are not embarrassed. Because MILLIONS of Americans enjoy this type of entertainment. The HBO series that was about the "Cathouse" that starred the dancer coming to the club had a viewing rating of 4.5. 4.5 million people watched that series.
Everyone opposed to the club is more than welcome to have that view. but realize that there are many a people who like it. And it will continue to be that way. this type of thing has been around for hundreds of years, but most times people were afraid to admit it or talk about it. because we are raised to be ashamed of sex. We should not be. We should enjoy it. An eye should be kept to make sure nothing illegal goes on, but they way they run it, it should not.
Now I know this will not change anyone's mind, nor should it. Just understand, this type of entertainment will be around for ever. If one place closes, another will pop up
Anonymous, at 11:48 PM
"The club hopes we won't pay attention so they can continue to get away with whatever they want.
I believe that Mr. Family is hurting them, not helping them."
Yes in a way I too believe that this site and Mr Family is hurting them however there are also some people who come here not to make a difference but to stir up trouble.
Trouble for Mr Family and his cause on behalf of Sal.
If the non supporters really want to make a difference they really need to stick to the fact that they want GClub out of the area and NOT the fact that "Barbie Bubbles" (not a fact) is stripping tonight.
There are unfortunately a lot of Sal Cronies that come on here... for the free advertising. If the supporters of this Blog IGNORE them, then that is what will really hurt the Club.
So when they say that this and that goes on at the club, ignore that post. We all know what goes on at Strip Clubs, why should this one be any different.
I once read that to hurt someone the most, ignore them!
Anonymous, at 4:48 AM
Anonymous, at 6:05 AM
This is why I am so happy to have moved from the Valley more then 5 years ago!!!
I find it difficult to understand that people are picking on one thing and only one thing that is a "root" of all evil in WB and WB TWP. The whole area has declined in such a way that it makes living in a big technically safer per capita.
Strip clubs have been around in the area for such a long time. Toppers (closed now), Cabaret, Tilbury (maybe closed for now), Inn Between. (Places that are close to residential area) What I would like to see is the amount of crime and problems that has occurred in the area surrounding these "demonic places" HAHA. The area has gone down hill since I left. More crime, prostitution, drugs, theft, hate crime have all skyrocketed in less then 7 years. WHY? Not because some silly nudie bar came to town!
Let the place go. It is the fault of the voters for voting the people with no clue on how to run a city government into office. The mayor, council and most of the elected officials probably petitioned people for votes in bar rooms, bbq’s where alcohol was served and other places that you might not approve of. It is also the fault of the people living in WB twp for not attending council meetings and not realizing that this was going to happen. Nepotism is so broad in the area that you have to expect a small city gov’t for messing a situation like this up. It could of easily been taken care of prior. Luckily, the Twp has the arena, that no one wanted, to pay for these Legal bills and court costs.
Also, Mr. Family how much money do you make from this Blog? You have a counter on your site that links to a loan office? I know from experience that people usually get paid for advertisings on sites. To make one cent from this somewhat defeats your cause.
Anonymous, at 6:07 AM
I suggest if you people want a full explaination of what is and is not allowed you should read a copy of the zonng rules. After reading it then let me know if you still want to continue to harrass them. You will see that the council approved the codes way before the club even applied for permit. You bash ms cook well you can thank mr phillips and the township council they were the ones that said come on in we want this......and a heck of a lot more when you read what they approved.
Anonymous, at 6:29 AM
one really has to feel sorry for those men who are "regular" customers of the sex industry. they are in a battle to fill the voids in their lonely lives. some men are very successful and have a great deal of money to spend on dancers and professional sex providers and they do not see or care about the damage they do to others.
it is all about their own needs and just like any other addiction, they can not see or relate to things outside their world. being lonely is not easy for these men to come to terms with, and embarrassing, as they thing they should "have it all" due to their success in other "fronts" of their lives. money does not buy happiness, as most people "with money" are NOT truely happy.
Anonymous, at 6:43 AM
Bob Vila said...
You make it sound like they hired a crack whore off South Main. Stop the madness! I only wish there was a site dedicated to all you "wholesome" people so we could dig up some dirt on you.
how about the one dancer that sounds like a girl this man is thinking of, a "Shortie", that has been exploited by everyone she crosses path with and has danced on Market Street, Kingston and other local places, for years.
a truely sad case but comes from the typical backround of a broken home, abuse, and exploited by the local topless bar owners.
i guess there is truth to these "posts" on this site. this is a prime local example.
God bless her and pray for her...and I am not a "holy roller"....
Anonymous, at 6:49 AM
James, you wrote kind intentions. But unless I misunderstood what you wrote, my perception of those who follow the Lord, as you said their comments are filled with anger, hate, and judgement towards the people themselves, I would have to disagree with that. My perception is if there is any sense of anger, hate, and judgement, it is not directed about the people personally, but to the sinfulness that they endorse.
In other words as it is said, "hate the sins, but not the sinner." (and we are all sinners) So I percieve it as an attack on sins, therefore an attack on the influence of the evil one---actually attacking the evil one himself, not the people.
If I can make myself clearer, I haven't read anything that says dirctly or indirecly says 'you are going to hell,' i.e., judgement, or anyone saying 'I hate you.' If anything, I perceive people saying in essence, 'I have anger and hate about the sins, and as a follower of the Lord,I love Him, I love you, and with love for you,we don't want you to lose your soul to the evil one.'
And to that end, the replies are resentful and misinterpretd as being judgemental by those who endorse the sins pertaining to the subject.
Anonymous, at 7:50 AM
p.s. James, I definitely agree with you about prayer, compassion, and showing others the way of His grace.
In my last blog, it was not my intention to say that you are wrong. You are very right that anger, hatred, and judgement has no place with those who follow the Lord. Please understand that my comments were only expressed at a different level.
I hope that you will continue to write more because I feel that you have a lot to offer.
Anonymous, at 8:29 AM
HEADS UP, PEOPLE! I think there is a possible deception going on here.
Lana and James might be one and the same person!
I had an awfully strange feeling when I read that "James" seems to KNOW that "Many of the comments that seem full of anger and hatred are coming from followers of the Lord." All the rest seems nice, but that sentence was enclosed between the others.
1.How or what makes "James" think or know that comments "he" considers "full of anger and hatred" are actually coming from followers of the Lord?
2.Lana's w/s includes the name "stjames."
There is more as to how I arrived my thoughts, but I will just leave it at that.
If what I say is true, then it is a deception cloaked under the disguise of someone who is taking a jab at Believers.
Actually, the whole blog seems to be to be focused on discrediting Believers, and ever so "sweetly" tries to give club supporters ammunition that Believers are hypocritical.
Anonymous, at 12:18 PM
I know a woman who was convicted of prostitution
who works at walmart.
Wlamart employs known prostitutes, mr Family.
Following your logic, shouldn't we close walmart too?
Anonymous, at 1:22 PM
yes, we should write to the papers and put OUR names on the bottom as mr family stays anonymous. If you feel these people are deranged and harmful why would we want to put our name and town on a letter against them?
Anonymous, at 2:29 PM
I assure you I am not this Lana person. I just do not believe we should "attack" the club goers with verbal assaults. That is not our place to do so. We should encourage a better behavior, and better moral fiber. Please do not misread what I post, and I apologize if I worded it poorly, I am not very PC savvy at my age.
Anonymous, at 8:21 PM
Please people this whole thing is getting rather monotonous club 10 for now is doing OK, while other clubs in the area are starting to suffer. It's either the state of the economy or after a while this nude dancing becomes old. Perhaps in a year or so club 10 will be on a downhill cycle when the novelty wears. Nothing lasts forever.
Anonymous, at 10:39 PM
2:29 good point did he not say in an early post and on the radio he wanted to stay anon to stay safe? (maybe not the exact wording but that was the message) Now he is asking others to post their names to these people.
Anonymous, at 4:44 AM
Did it ever occur to you, anon 1:22, that the supposed woman who was convicted of prostitution and now working at Wal-mart has changed her lifestyle??????
Anonymous, at 5:51 AM
At the very begining of the club opening and the Mr. Family campaign, there was a Bible quote that kept passing thru my mind: "what does a man profit if he gains everything, but loses his soul."
At the beginning of Mr. Family's w/s, I remember that a few comments were submitted by self-proclaimed aetheists who were adverse to the club just basing it on their their high moral values and raising their children with decency.
I remember that one of those submitters said that he(or she) respected the Bible and even had expressed that same quote that had been passing thru my mind.
I have a lot more respect for aetheists who profess high moral values than those who claim they have some kind of faith, some morals, and yet continue to support the club.
I don't know if those aetheists have continued to submit their comments or not since they too were bashed by club supporters, but I hope that they have continued.
Anonymous, at 6:30 AM
"HEADS UP, PEOPLE! I think there is a possible deception going on here."
do you seriously waste your time analyzing posters on this board?
Anonymous, at 9:44 AM
GREAT THANKS to the blogger(s) who presented insightful info that Sal's cronies are contributing to this site for the purpose of inciting!
Having said that, anonymous 2:29 pm asks a good question, but I question the legitimate source.
There is a very valid answer to that question; however, let it suffice to be said for now that since Sal's cronies are contrubuting to this site, sending a letter to the newspaper and signing your names and towns is EXACTLY what Sal and his cronies DO NOT want you to do.
They do not want the community to muster up the strength to rally against them. They do no want your voice to be heard.
They want to be in charge of inflicting their idea of "entertainment" into this area, even if that includes hiring prostitutes.
If you do not write letters to the newspaper, then please do not cry afterwards when things are beyond control.
You might question if I have submitted a letter to my local newspaper with my name and town. Yes, I have.
I will not submit to fear or terror. That is the American way!
Anonymous, at 11:52 AM
Although many of us pray at different times for all concerned at G-Club10, and being Mr. Family supporters had a prayer vigil on a Friday at 7 pm outside the club when it opened, I would like to propose that we unite extra prayers in spirit specifically every Friday at 7 pm.
Anonymous, at 3:20 PM
Anonymous, at 3:29 PM
Mr. Family so now you read for yourself that there are other clubs besides club 10 with nude dancing. that's what many on here have been telling you, but you seem to ignore all the other BYOB strip clubs and are only putting your efforts on stopping club 10. Our question is why not the others in the area?
Anonymous, at 9:25 PM
uh 944a
your question needs to be re-phrased and appropriately directed to certain people, for example
why are you seriously wasting your time going to the club?
Anonymous, at 9:39 PM
You can't ask questions that Mr. Family can't answer. If he tells you the real reason why he is only going after Club 10 he would have no supporters, and everyone would begin to realize that he is a fake. I can't believe all the people that still go on this site and feed into his BS. If you stop putting wood in the fireplace what happens? It burns out.........nothing left but a bunch of smelling smoldering smoke! Anyone that believes in the Lord should know that people of faith would never handle any situation like this is being handled. When he (Mr. Family) tells you to drink the Kool-aid.....beware, the people of Jonestown thought they were following a man of Faith too and look what happened to all of them!
Anonymous, at 8:56 AM
To anonymous 9:23 P.M.
Please scroll down the Mr. Family website, and refer to Monday, June 19, 2006, in reference to your question.
Anonymous, at 3:15 PM
Mr. Family, I like your cause. I found a nice verse from Proverbs that pertain here. -Proverbs 17:19- "He who loves quarrel loves sin." Keep up the good work Thing-doer.
Anonymous, at 4:11 PM
The fact that you can't take what Mr. Family states at face value, and the fact that you believe that everyone who has a different view must be lying or hiding something, speaks volumes about you. There are still some honest people left in this world. I imagine that you'll be very disappointed to discover that Mr. Family actually means what he says.
To Mr. Family...never give up!
Anonymous, at 7:49 PM
WARNING! Another case of "Mr. Family identity crisis-itis" has been diagnosed. Just when we thought it was under control, sporadic, isolated cases surface.
Name: anonymous 8:56 am
Symptoms: an obsession about Mr. Family's identity. Uncontrolable urges to spout out strange and unrelated ideations. Unable to face reality and encourages others to do the same.
Treatment: none known at this time.
Research continues.
Cure: questionable
Anonymous, at 8:39 PM
hey mr. koolaid, are you sniffing some bad koolaid???
the mr. family and supporters cause is about declaring morality.....its not a cult.
Anonymous, at 3:46 PM
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