Crime Statistics
McCleary and Meeker (1991) examined 10 years worth of crime statistics and reports for the main commercial street in Garden Grove, California. Using individual crime locations they examined the incidence of crime in relation to sex oriented businesses, taverns, and other locations along the boulevard. The seven sex oriented businesses along Garden Grove Boulevard accounted for 10.5 percent of Part I crimes and 25.5 percent of Part II crimes recorded for 610 addresses along the Boulevard that had crime reports during the 10 year period covered by the study. These figures have less than 1 chance in a 100 of happening at random [8,p.23]. Sex oriented businesses along Garden Grove Boulevard had more locations ranked among the top ten for crime reports than even the taverns along the same boulevard. The taverns that were ranked in the top ten for crimes happened to be located on the same blocks as sexually oriented businesses.
To those who are happy about the presence of sexually oriented businesses in our home area, I would like to request the details of any such existing report that could demonstrate the opposite (IE, that sexually oriented businesses do not contribute to a rise in crime). FYI, it will be difficult to find such a study or report because no such thing exists.
Also, I can bet grand on the fact that crime is higher in the area of the strip club. Reason is simple. More stores, more restaurants with bars, and just more people. More people equates to more crime. It is simple to say crime rose up in WB-TWP and not just for the reason of this club. It is an easy fact. Can you say the crime rate will drop in Washington DC if Camelot, 1819 or Goodfella's is closed? No.
Also, a previous post questions you on your counter. Any response? Also, a good sign that you removed your link to Matt Drudge great source of news but not always the truth.
Anonymous, at 12:29 PM
Wilkes-Barre Township
tried to say the adult oriented businesses incresed crime in the township--problem was they could not back it up with stats. police reports etc,
biggest problem is walmart,
also an arena cretes the same sort of problems described in that report.
Any business brings non-residents of the area into the area Dah.
What kind of crime did the adult places suppsedly bring in.
Cruising in the parking lot pales in comparison to wilkes-barre drug problem which has nothing to do with any adult oriented businesses.
The corporation that wrote the article is known for its right wing agenda,
I question the report for example if a person was mugged in the neighborhood, it was the adult business's
Anonymous, at 1:52 PM
hi, mr. family!
how do you do it all?
you have been accused of planning all kinds of devious plots.
(yet ironically, you still take the time and have the consideration to do all this wonderful, accurate research).
you have been accused of supporting strip clubs, yet you are accused of spending your time being a religious cult leader.
mr. family, those anti-mr. family comments are just too ridiculously funny! :)
anyway, keep up the great work!
Anonymous, at 2:59 PM
I get a kick out of those who applaud the owners of Gentlemen's Club 10 for their business skill, yet criticize me because they suppose I make money from my page counter.
To set the record straight for the conspiracy theorists, I don't make money from the counter. It's a free counter. They give you the code for free, provided that they can advertize on your website.
I should come clean on one thing though. Since assuming the title of "Mr. Family," I have secretly been making millions from sneaker endorsements and soda commercials. I truly hope that won't make you hate me any more than you already do.
Please remember one more thing, "Obey your thirst...drink Sprite."
This comment was brought to you by Nike.
Mr. Family, at 4:22 PM
My prayers to the folks who live in West Nanticoke.
However, I delightfully smile when I realize that when the Susquehanna rises to 39 feet, it will likely deluge the eyesore that is the adult club along Route 11 in Plymouth Township.
Now, if only we could get Club 10 to relocate somewhere on Richard's Island...
Anonymous, at 4:37 PM
I used to live near Garden Grove, CA and have seen firsthand what sex oriented businesses do to a neighborhood. There is a noticeable increase in prostitution, drug trafficking and assault. Decent people stay away and other businesses fail. Ever hear of "safety in numbers"? It's usually safer in high-traffic areas such as arenas, with their own security as well as police presence. However, when people start avoiding the areas around sex businesses, criminals take over.
Anonymous, at 4:39 PM
A very famous man once wrote:
"Our wholepublic life today is like a hothouse for sexual ideas and stimulation. Theater, art, literature, cinema,press, posters and window displays must be cleaned of all manifestations of our rotting world and placed in a service of moral, political and cultural idea."
Anonymous, at 10:54 PM
Believe me I use to frequent these clubs at one time, there certainly is drugs usage among some dancers and sure some of the customers who go there also selling and using drugs. In addition to other goings on in some of these clubs. Nothing good comes from byob clubs. Most of the club owners have no social conscientious for the neighborhood except to make a dollar.
Anonymous, at 12:01 AM
Anon at 4:37pm.
What religious beliefs do you have? I can care less of your beliefs but cannot understand that you can "delighfully smile" at ones' expense. IF that place goes, then guess what.... other homes will go as well. People that have lived there for years. It is amazing on how people are willing to pray for some and not for others. Awesome faith that you have. Where can I sign up to pray some people but not others.
Also Mr. Family, Silver is not saying that he is happy with the club, but states that crime occurrs when there are alot of people around. Also, Safety in numbers is a crock of poo. There are many places in the United States that do not have clubs of this sort in their counties. i.e. Montgomery County MD. One of a big list, of the most expensive places to live. there are no clubs of this sort anywhere in the county. There is crime though....
Anonymous, at 5:41 AM
An article from the NJACA (New Jersey Adult Cabaret Association). They did study and proved that clubs can exist without causing crime and lower property values. They DO EXIST. Even if you decide to ignore the,
"Society and the government completely vilify the adult industry, saying that we increase the rate of crime and decrease property values when adult establishments are in close proximity to a residential communities. However, these assertions are based on speculation, hyperbole and conjuncture. I along with a team of Ph.D's proved by using scientific methodology and empirical evidence that adult nightclubs, unequivocally, LOWER crime and INCREASE property values. I was the chairmen of the Charlotte, NC, Secondary Effects study with DR. Dan Linz, of The University of California at Santa Barbara, Dr.Ken Land, chairman of The Criminology Dept. at Duke University and Dr. Judith Hanna at the scientific scrutiny and proved our industry safe, free of crime and property values were up. We PROVED that within our industry, crime is down 70% and real estate values are up anywhere from 10%-20% around adult nightclubs. The First Amendment is being called into play here, and the government is using erroneous methods and false information to create hardships for us, and industry that doesn't deserve it. many of our adversaries use FALSE information to control and regulate our industry, and many of not most have NEVER set foot in an adult nightclub but CLAIM to be experts"
Anonymous, at 7:06 AM
I think the keyword in your comment is "can" or maybe you could say "theoretically." The truth is that the Supreme Court has ruled, repeatedly, that it is in the best interest of local municipalities to regulate and limit sexually oriented businesses because of the myriad of specific case studies that clearly illustrate the problems that sex businesses bring to town.
Mr. Family, at 7:23 AM
Regardless of your thoughts, you claim no studies existed to prove that clubs exist and cause no damage. I gave you one. There are more, many more. Even if you refuse to believe the truth proved before you, as many religious and political folk do.
For nearly as long as the exotic club indusrty has existed, it has been the convenient target of ambitious politicians posturing for votes, crusading community "leaders" who stereotype all clubs as the embodiment of evil and religious extremist hell-bent on imposing their own morality on society.
Anonymous, at 7:43 AM
hi, mr. family,
now that you fessed up to making millions, that could easily explain to anonymous 1:52 pm that you paid off that corporation to make up that report, as well as ALL the people involved.
aha! it's all making sense now! :)
that has to be your most ingenious but costly conspiracy yet! :)
now going along the lines of being a religious cult leader, are you going to fess up to having an investment in Kool-aid? :)
anyway, keep up the great work!
you are hitting on a lot of nerves that are really reaching and evoking stupidity as is evident by the likes of 7:06 am.
Anonymous, at 7:49 AM
anon 4:37 did i read that right? let people flood and i will pray for you but i hope this will happen? i am losing some faith in people with some of these comments. we are here to pray and the safety of others will be first on my list today no matter what has to move down the list.
Anonymous, at 7:55 AM
5:41 AM, You totally missed the point of 4:37 PM who prays for the people of W. Nanticoke. The blogger is not saying he or she is taking delight about their homes being affected, WHICH CANNOT BE STOPPED BY THE FORCES OF NATURE ANYWAY. The blogger is saying that he or she takes delight that the adult club will be deluged.
Anonymous, at 8:07 AM
Again, this report was not a "can" or "theoretical". It is a fact. This study was done. You asked for a study to demonstrate the opposite. This study did just that. it showed a reduction in crime and a rise in the property values.
You said the did not exist, well they do, and more are popping up all the time.
Anonymous, at 10:19 AM
Anon 10:54 "Our wholepublic life today is like a hothouse for sexual ideas and stimulation. Theater, art, literature, cinema,press, posters and window displays must be cleaned of all manifestations of our rotting world and placed in a service of moral, political and cultural idea."
That is good. Our entire world is covered with porn.
Anonymous, at 11:15 AM
Mr. Family,
What problems were caused by the Gentlemen's Club?
Anonymous, at 11:56 AM
Now what in the world ever make me think that there would be negative flaps about this report/commentary?!
I don't know, Mr. Family, every time you throw them a new bone, they jump on it, growl, snarl, chew it up, and spit out as an unrecognizable, clueless mess.
Annonymous 12:01 AM thank you for your refreshingly honest comment, especially compared to those who are in denial.
In case some didn't catch it or don't scroll back up to it, the commenter used to frequent strips clubs and attests that there certainly is drug selling and usage among the dancers and patrons, in addition to other things going on. Nothing good comes from byob clubs.
The commenter continues: "Most of the club owners have no social conscientious for the neighborhood except to make a dollar."
Anonymous, at 3:04 PM
Mommy. Why is Mr. Family worried about a few strippers when our home is floating down the Susquehanna river?
Well dear Mr Family has no priorities and God is angry because he is judging people without Gods consent.
Only God can judge dear.
Anonymous, at 4:26 PM
Anon @ 5:41 AM:
So you're telling me that if I pray for the folks surrounding the Tillbury Inn, that I must also pray for the Inn? Hah!
While I would never wish harm on those in the club, I again state that I take delight in the thought that the Inn is under water right now.
I can still have my sympathy for the folks living near it. They do not deserve it. However, the Inn deserves the same treatment that it has on society.
Take your faith lecture elsewhere. Like Richard's Island.
Anonymous, at 6:20 PM
oh yeah, 7 06, those studies by the njaca exist alright. now all we have to do is find out what psych unit they were in when they wrote it. lower crime,increase property values....oh puleeezzzz.
meanwhile, do you believe in the tooth fairy too??????
Anonymous, at 6:40 PM
I am glad some of you liked the quote I posted. This was it. "Our whole public life today is like a hothouse for sexual ideas and stimulation. Theater, art, literature, cinema,press, posters and window displays must be cleaned of all manifestations of our rotting world and placed in a service of moral, political and cultural idea."
That famous man was ADOLF HITLER. It was a quote from his book "Mein Kampf" Sounds a lot like Mr.Family doens't it.
Anonymous, at 6:44 PM
Hitler also once commented, "I like iced tea. It's refreshing."
I too am an iced tea drinker, therefore I clearly must also endorse the extermination of the Jewish people. Right?
It's a pity to think that a Hitler reference is your best attempt at villifying me, as well as all the others who express concern for the moral direction of Luzerne County.
Mr. Family, at 9:39 PM
Once again you try to make lite of the comment. The point is, Hitler took away rights of the people. As you and your cohorts are trying to do. Hitler forced his views and his sense of morals on people, which is what yo are tryign to do. And non of my comments nor my quote from hitler refered ot the jews. Nice try to turn the issue around.
Villlifying you? Show yourself before the people. The they can villify, and learn your true intentions. See how much your campaign slows down.
Anonymous, at 4:57 AM
hi, mr. family!
alleluia! we have finally been enlightened! and it's time to end the website, time to end it all.
the new jersey adult cabaret assoc. has spoken!
now we can gather at the strip club you were accused of owning----you remember, the club you own and are all fired up because club10 is giving you competition? :)
yes, we can gather at your strip club where you hold our religious cult meetings and chug down that kool-aid you promised us. :)
anyway, keep up the great work!
Anonymous, at 5:56 AM
Hey Mr.Family. What about the study posted that shows that contradicts the one you posted. That is a factual study.
you choose the words "can" and try to take it out of context, and doesn't change that the study is in fact true. You clamied they don't exist, and they do, and their are many.
Mabye your studies are older?
Anonymous, at 6:17 AM
to 6:44 PM, There is good and bad in everybody, including yourself. That quote showed you a good attribute of Hitler before he became fully insane, a good attribute which you don't even seem to have.
I am from Austro-Vienese heritage, my favorite dog is the German Shephard,and I also like iced tea. Hitler was also Vienese and favored German Shephards. I agree with his quote. But that's where the similarities end.
So since I, Mr. Family, and other agree that our society is decaying from all of that crap, don't you worry, trust us, we are not going to start building concentration camps. However, you should seriously start worrying about your own rotted views, views like yours that result in insane Hitler type views: the immoral destruction of millions in society.
Anonymous, at 6:23 AM
Mommy, I heard there are places where naked ladies dance. Why do they dance naked?
Well, dear, they do it for money.
But mommy, you told me that God doesn't like people to do nasty things like that.
I know, dear, and that is why Mr. Family formed an organization to let people know that what they are doing is naughty. So God is very happy with Mr. Family and all the good people who support him.
Mommy, that Mr. Family is a good man. He loves God just like we do.
Anonymous, at 6:42 AM
"Mr. Family,
What problems were caused by the Gentlemen's Club?
Where have you been?
Here's just a short list to begin with:
Loss of W-btwp taxpayers money paying for legal bills when it could have been used for something more enhancing instead of fighting off a filthy business.
Loss of valuable time that has been invested in fighting it off instead of being fully directed to other w-btwp concerns.
Became an instant source to provoke and increase more corruption which is occuring inside that encourages drug usage and prostitution. Have they not already had a prostitute dancer who was brought into this area?
Do not drugs and prostitution go hand in hand?
And last but not least, a decline in business for the surrounding businesses because people don't want to even be seen anywhere near that joint.
These are some of the problems that "were" caused. More is sure to come.
Anonymous, at 7:15 AM
A case of "judge not-itis" has been diagnosed. "Judge not-itis" is a condition, a rash that has remained obscure lately and somewhat controlled until this new case surfaced.
Name: anonymous 4:26 PM (confidential)
Symptoms: embracing only one thought from the Holy Scripture and attempting to use it to demoralize anyone who has morals. Other symptoms include: claiming to know God's emotional status, i.e, God having anger for anyone who professes high moral standards.
Expects everyone to lack morality. Denying the fact that God gave consent to all His believers to ADMONISH (not judge) sinners as known through His holy Word.
Treatment: Do not remain focused on one "judge not-itis" thought. Read the Holy Bible for a well-rounded thought and moral standard. Church attendance is also highly recommended.
Cure: extremely high potential if all treatments are followed through with sincerity.
Anonymous, at 8:02 AM
hi, again, mr. family!
just like you, I was "glad" to be informed that we are going with the Hitler theme now.
so when you give the word, we, your supporters, will start exterminating everyone who crosses us, BUT let's canonize Sal and his supporters into sainthood first, ok? :)
keep up the great work and have a good day!...and enjoy the chuckles as much as I am! :)
Anonymous, at 8:46 AM
Anonymous, at 9:17 AM
did the Lord flood the strip club on Route 11 in Plymouth Township?
"there is more than one way to skin a cat" or shut down a strip club!...even if it is for a short time!!!
Anonymous, at 3:18 PM
Talk about turning things around, Eric Baker! Taking away people's rights! Let's talk about how Sal and his cohorts,et al, all the drug pushers, prostitutes, etc., turned things around and took away everybody's rights in this area including yours!
Everybody has a right to live in a safe, clean area, free of drugs, prostitutes, and illicit behavior. But no, our rights were taken away by all of the above. They forced their lifestyles into our area.
This area needs a good push for morality. Read the newspapers, watch the news, then come back and tell us if you agree with your own nonsense. That is unless you are a drug pusher, pimp, thief, or any other kind of immoral misfit. And from what you write, any of the above would be consistent.
So in your earnest attempt to villify Mr. Family, you have turned it around and villifed yourself!
Anonymous, at 5:34 PM
617am in reference to the pro club study vs. mr.familys study, how does outright bs contradict reality?
that pro club study was piled high with lies covered by crap.
and you fell right into that crap.
Anonymous, at 5:43 PM
Eric, us "cohorts" don't need to see Mr. Family. OUR intentions have been and will be the same. I think you just want to know who is mentally attacking your own immoral beliefs. Scary, isn't it?
By the way, what are Mr. Family's true intentions since you seem to know?
Anonymous, at 6:10 PM
Thats the thing, everone who claims to know what goes on in strip clubs, all the "Experts" that talk about all the bad and evil things, have never stepped foot in one. Club10 is the only club in this area where nothing illegal is going on. I know none of you will beleive this, because as long as there are naked girls you will assume there is prostitution and drugs. It is not true.
Anon 5:43 The study posted about the club, was a fact. Not filled with lies and BS. All the latest surveys and studies have shows that crime does not increase do to strip clubs, nor do they lower property values. These studies were done in 2005.
Not that anyone here cares, you all have your ideas in your heads and there is no way to change it, we will all have to agree to disagree and let the courts handle it. S
Anonymous, at 11:38 PM
well, gosh, eric, since these latest studies have proven not to increase crime or lower property values, you should definitely tell the whole country where crime has increased and property owners whose properties decreased due to the influx of strip clubs in their area that they are all wrong.
then you'll have the whole country behind you. so you just hold your breath until that happens.
does one really have to step foot into a strip where women are naked and guys drool over them to know that is evil?
sorry, no assumption about anything. patrons, employees,and dancers must testify to all that goes on when they are nabbed and charged for their illegal activities within the clubs. and former patrons speak the loudest truth that these things do occur. they have nothing to gain personally by saying what they do.
now think about, of course those pro-strip club studies done by strip club owners are going to deny everything. that would be kind of dumb of they didn't. and they have you brainwashed because you want to believe them. use your head.
Anonymous, at 5:50 AM
no illegal activities going on in club 10. y not try the pleasure dome, the carasoul, superdads, diamond club, planet pocono, leave it to beavers.
Anonymous, at 2:57 PM
The study I speak of was not done by a club owner. And the ones posted by Mr.Family were done 15 years ago! Our world is FAR different since then. That study is very very out dated. This study was done in 2005. By the following "DR. Dan Linz, of The University of California at Santa Barbara, Dr.Ken Land, chairman of The Criminology Dept. at Duke University and Dr. Judith Hanna". They are not club onwers either, they are proffesors and Doctors. Not so dumb. And of course YOUR studies will deny all of it,it would be dumb if they didn't. You are the ones who need to use your head and see throught all the propoganda. You need to read more. Look into it before you just toss out comments. I am not trashing you, just proving a point. 15 years is a very long time. Things have changed
We are not brainwashed. The only brainwashing is by people like Mr.Family who fill your heads with outdated and false material. All you know of these clubs are what you read on sites like this, wake up folks. It is not what you think.
Anonymous, at 6:02 PM
Yes, Eric, that is true. Our world is not like it was 15 years ago, neither was it like this 30 years ago, and that is unfortunate because it has gotten worse. In fact, as of 9-11-01, our world took a deep plunge where people can't even travel in aircrafts or ships without practically being strip searched or have peace of mind once they are aboard. Large gatherings for celebrations or sports games require the utmost security. A simple package left on the ground could be a bomb.
All of these and more circumstances were caused by terrorists who think they are right to kill innocent people. They are out to destroy freedom and society as we know it. Having said that, the terrorists are led by highly educated leaders. This goes to say that people with a great education (and money) don't necessarily have values.
So all of us need to maintain our own values of decency and not have immoral values thrust upon us just because someone has the title "Dr." before their names. Just because they have that title or any title of high esteem does not automatically make them the epitome of righteousness. There are many, many unscrupulous people in high positions.
Anonymous, at 6:12 AM
First let me say to Anon 6:12 am, thank you for a not trashing me as many others do who oppose the club. You answered me with respect. And for that I thank you.
The study I speak of was done with government backing. Check points were set and police records and calls were given to those who did the study. All of the info can be verified. The study was also published (in which it won an award) and brought to the supreme court and looked at by peers. it was all validated that the secondary effects were indeed false. The studies posted here have not been peered or published. They were done by speculation.
Mr.Family has no PHD, he has no expertise in any form in on this subject, and he chooses to hide like a KKK member. Why not come forward, show what credentials you have. My guess is none. He has a reason he hides. Because if he came out, he would lose all credibility.
Anonymous, at 6:02 PM
Hi Eric,
It's interesting to read your statement that the Supreme Court has agreed that sexually oriented businesses do not have negative secondary effects on their communities. Actually, the very opposite is true.
It has been established as precedent by the Supreme Court, that communities can regulate sexually oriented businesses because they have a proven negative effect. The Supreme Court has even gone so far as to assert that a community that would like to regulate sexually oriented businesses can rely on the studies done by other communities regarding the negative effects when drafting their ordinances.
In your comment, you make yourself seem like the expert on all case law regarding strip clubs. Do yourself a favor and speak to Gentlemen's Club 10's attorney, Elaine Cook. Even she can show you what the Supreme Court has actually ruled regarding this issue.
One more thing,... I find it interesting to hear that you know all about my educational credentials. To set the record straight, they are not the reason I am hiding. I'm in hiding because I have a very embarrassing uni-brow. No matter how many times I have it plucked or waxed, the crazy thing keeps growing back. Do you think I should try electrolysis? (I'm hoping you're also an expert on hair removal because I'm starving for your wisdom.)
Mr. Family, at 7:21 PM
oh use light treatment it works great I use in on my upper lip.
Anonymous, at 7:37 AM
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