Never give up
I never realized just how many sex businesses were opening and operating in NEPA until I saw the back pages of that magazine. Is it just me, or does the Times Leader seem quite proud to produce that piece of garbage? The only good use for it, in my opinion, is to line the bottom of your hamster cage.
As I paged through it the other day, I started to feel a bit discouraged. I'm constantly asking the Lord to help me to implement the best approach in dealing with this blight on our community. Do I take pictures? Contact the radio and newspaper? Host another prayer rally? I'm seeking the Lord's wisdom here because I don't want this effort to be in vain. So many people express their support, which is encouraging, yet we're all watching terrible and immoral businesses open shop here in our home area. Our young men are being encouraged to participate in this immorality. Our women are being debased. I find it to be a very sad situation for all involved.
How long does it actually take to get a business like Gentlemen's Club 10 out of our area? How much are their investors giving them to stay afloat? How determined are they to push themselves and their warped views of humanity on Wilkes-Barre? I can't answer those questions, but I look forward to finding out.
For over ten years, a community near Boston fought a strip club that was started in their area. The club owners tried to use the EXACT same arguments that Gentlemen's Club 10 is trying to use, but after a prolonged and costly legal struggle, the community won and nude dancing was no longer permitted in the area. You can read about it here. Please check it out.
On another note, I believe that one of the owners/investors of Gentlemen's Club 10 walked right by me in Lowe's yesterday. I would love to have a conversation with them someday, if I thought it would have an effect. I guess for now I will just have to be satisfied with knowing that they read these words. Though their supporters love to promote conspiracy theories and constantly question my motives for hosting this website, I truly am concerned for their well-being. Their hearts may be hard and their eyes may be blind, but I know from experience that the Lord can soften hearts and open blind eyes.
I like the suggestion that was posted by a recent commenter. This person proposes that we all remember to pray about this issue every Friday at 7:00pm. Let's do this and together be amazed at what the Lord can and will do to fix a bad situation.
Have a great Friday,
Mr. Family
I will be praying.
Anonymous, at 6:25 PM
That's one of the most outstanding things about you, Mr. Family. What you are doing is truly out of concern for others' well-being, not for money or self-centered motives. I have been praying that more people would see that.
Yes, I will pray at 7:00 pm tomorrow, as well as continue with my other prayers for them.
Anonymous, at 8:27 PM
The weekened is one of the most read magazines in our area. And they have all those ads in the back becasue people in this valley GO TO THESE CLUBS! And 99% of thr ads in the back, are not "just openeing". They have been open for a while. You may be just noticing it now. And good luck with your prayers. Millions of people every day pray for a cure for cancer, and we have no luck, you want a few hundred to pray to GOD to close a strip club!
Yep, thats top on the list of things to do for a deity.
Anonymous, at 5:23 AM
"Have you read the weekender latley?" Mr.Family, have you been under a rock for the last several years? Of all the clubs listed in the back of the weekender, the only 2 new clubs in the past few years are Gclub10 and Mustang Sally's. All the others have been here. Nothing new has opened. I think your eyes have just opened from the shell you may have been living in. The Adult industry has been in our comunity for YEARS. It is nothing new.
After this article it seems that you have little knowledge of what actually goes on in our community UNLESS it has to do with Gclub10.
Anonymous, at 9:05 AM
Thats great. Attack the Weekender, the Magazine that holds the Concert For a cause. The huge fundraiser that gives all proceeds to various charities, like the one to help fight Lukemia.
Anonymous, at 10:03 AM
Your telling me you've lived in this area for how long and you've never seen or heard of the weekender? Every strip club in the area and surrounding area is listed in there. So are you going to go after... The Grandview,The Pleasure Dome,The Diamond Club,Mustang Sally's, Super Dad's, Leave it to Beavers, Planet Pocono,Spanky's West, The Caberat, The Carasoul, and Club 10. That's alot of clubs to attack and shut down. The funny thing is Super Dad's has been raided several times over the years has been in the paper and on the news for illegal gambeling and prostitution but they are still open. The Pleasure Dome the same things go on there and they are still open. 3 of the clubs are owned by the same people and they have lots of money to pay off people. The Grandview has been around forever and is in the middle of no where and they have things under wraps... lot's of money to keep it that way. Yes the weekender does exsist and it's been around for everyone to view and know where the strip clubs,the bars, massage parlors are and all the events that are going on in them and when. It's advertising and they are allowed to do it.
Anonymous, at 10:42 AM
I will be laughing at those praying.
Mr. Beaker
Anonymous, at 11:37 AM
I am new to this whole ordeal and I was just wondering how all of the pictures are taken. I noticed some of them were blurry so I guess some of them were taken like that in the beginning but is there another way that they are being taken?
Anonymous, at 5:29 PM
The Weekender gives us arts and entertainment information vital to the prosperity of our community, and you want to line your birdcage with it? I support your cause, but the Electric/Diamond City has the same ads, just not as many, that the Weekender has, and the papers would not be free if it weren't for the ads, and if they weren't free, a lot of arts and entertaiment would fall thru the cracks.
Anonymous, at 6:48 PM
5 23 am, praying to GOD about a strip club is definitely one of the #1 things to pray about. cancer won't lead one down the path of destruction, but sins of the flesh most certainly will.
cancer is not a choice; it is not a sin, but choosing to be promiscuous is a sin.
Anonymous, at 8:54 PM
With reference to the 10:42 AM comment Mr. Family only seems to focus on his only love club 10..strange that he does not ever mention the other clubs...It appears that Mr. Family may be associated with another club..He just won't disclose who he or the group is and exactly why he only singles out club 10..It' not fair to just focus on one club when other clubs are also in residential areas and some have more lewd goings on than club 10...It's time that you Mr. Family either diversify and focus on the "others" or come forward and identify yourself.
Anonymous, at 9:00 PM
did you know the weekender staff judged a amature contest in the past few weeeks? why are they promoting this. UNBELIEVABLE!
Anonymous, at 9:02 PM
to 10:03 AM. This is off the subject of the Mr. Family website, but I would like to mention that a LOT of the proceeds to charities, including Leukemia, are skimmed off the top to allow for their CEOs and execs to maintain a huge salary, up to a six-figure income. The breakdown, or proof if you will, would be in obtaining a copy of the charity's expense statement.
It is very, very unfortunate but it is true. I have seen it time and time again, and I was duped by it myself, giving donations to a nationally-known organization, only to discover that my donations were primarily going towards the salaries of the CEO, top execs, and a line of other "unknown" positions in that organization.
Other people were also duped with another greater well-known charity organization.
Anonymous, at 9:10 PM
To be honest with you bloggers, I have lived in this area all of my life and have never heard of all those strip places, and I have never even heard of the Weekender. For some of us, it's just not our thing to know about such places as we are involved with other matters.
I really don't think it'a matter of living under a rock when our attentions are focused elsewhere. In that case, perhaps some of you bloggers who find this hard to understand aren't aware of the things that we are aware of.
Anonymous, at 9:20 PM
Anonymous, at 9:30 PM
The Weekender not only advertises strip bars, they encourage attendance at them and rate performances there.
This is but one of 100 reasons we prefer the Citizen's Voice to the Times Leader (which owns and circulates the Weekender).
Anonymous, at 10:36 PM
It's comical to read the comments that bash Mr. Family for saying anything critical about the Weekender. Does anyone remember about 2 months ago when the Weekender staff posed in the parking lot of Gentlemen's Club 10 and then made fun of Mr. Family in the pictures?
I'm surprised it took this long for him to point this out.
Anonymous, at 10:39 PM
ANOTHER case of "Mr. Family identity crisis-itis" has been diagnosed.
Name: anonymous 9:00 pm
Symptoms: similar to other cases, enhanced by hallucinatory ideations that Mr. Family is in support of other strip clubs, compounded by lack of scope to read Mr. Family's posting: "Uh oh."
Also enhanced by giving commands to Mr. Family, which highly suggests a "Napoleon complex."
Treatment: read Mr. Family's posting: "Uh oh."
Cure: questionable
Anonymous, at 7:53 AM
No, Mr. F., it is not just you. That weekender sounds like something I wouldn't even have in my house, let alone line my hamster's cage with it. Oh well, it's advertising, and adv. is all about money. If the TL needs money that bad to sink to such levels... well, they are being bought out anyway.
Anonymous, at 12:29 PM
Positive proof of the power of prayer in black & white.
Mr. Family,
The article from the Boston paper that you have in your comments under "click" about the closing of the Boston strip club activities after 10 years is positive proof of the power of prayer.
I have no doubt in my mind that prayers were being said and that God answered in HIS time, in HIS way, and for HIS reasons.
God does not measure time in human time.
Our prayers will continue to rise up to Heaven most fervently and with unwaivering faith.
Anonymous, at 12:49 PM
This is the third time in three weeks straight that I am going to ask the question below. With all the comments on this website, please excuse me if I missed any answers to my question. I don't believe I have, but I would still appreciate answers.
My question:
what good does a strip club have to offer the young?
what good does a strip club have to offer a community?
Anonymous, at 3:36 PM
"Tyngsborough's past, present, and future town fathers can be proud (that they) fought for their right to regulate adult entertainment."
Inspiring! That is a quote from the Boston newspaper article, suggested reading on Mr. Family's website. The article pertains to the town's intolerance of a lewd strip club and winning a ten-year long battle over it.
It can be done!
A compromise was reached in that the owner may stay open provided that he refrains from having nude entertainment.
Someday it would be very inspiring to read that the Wilkes-Barre area achieved the same goal--a goal that past, present, and future town fathers can be proud of with their intolerance for Gclub's invasive lewdness.
It takes people with integrity and determined conviction to achieve that goal.
Let's do it, people!
Let us be heard in writing to the newspapers and keeping a firm stance on our beliefs for dignity in the community.
If not, Wilkes-Barre will be known to be a pushover for allowing disgrace in our town--an embarassment!
Anonymous, at 5:29 AM
i hate to tell all you that the citizens voice also has a publication just like the times leader wich advertises strip clubs and stuff like that so mr family i guess you better stop reading all the newspapers
Anonymous, at 9:43 AM
Why didnt you talk to them at Lowes ?? Hmmm coward ? Maybe sure sounds it. Funny how you can hide behind the lord.
Anonymous, at 3:03 AM
3 03 am how can anyone talk to anybody who does not have common decency and common sense
its less aggravating talking to a wall
no hiding behind the LORD
the LORD is at the forefront of all battles of evil
we are behind HIM and at HIS side all the way
Anonymous, at 2:56 PM
You are behind YOUR lord. Once again the head of the religous shows it's vison impaired head. Not all follow your beleifs. Not all are in sin with these types of places. Get over it. It's legal.
Anonymous, at 6:04 PM
TO 2:56 PM. People talked to JFK. He had an affair with Marylin Monroe. He had done things many people would consider immoral. But many talked to him. Is it just that this is a local man that is not famous that you trash him? You say he has no common sense and decency, do you know him on a personal level? Or just what THIS site tells you. Many of this countries greatest leaders did many immoral things. Yet they are held with the highest regard. You are all sinners of a different sort. Like it not. Trash me as you will for my comments. Your forked tounges of judgement cause me no harm. My lord protects me from your kind.
Anonymous, at 6:24 PM
6:04 pm All of us are sinners. No one is without sin. No one is perfect no matter what religious beliefs or not. All of us are capable of wrong-doing and we all do wrong things. Some are just more conscientious of their wrong-doing than others and work hard at changing. Got that????
So if "not all are in sin with these types of places," then let any one of them come forward to say that they are perfect and not capable of any wrong-doing.
And if you actually believe that lust and lewd behavior and for the exchange of money is not wrong just because it is legal, then you don't have a grip on what is right and wrong, relgion or not.
Abortion is legal in some states. Does that make it ok to kill an unborn baby just because it is legal?
Count your blessings that you were not one of those killed unborn babies because your mother bore you when otherwise she could have had an abortion if she chose to do so just because it is legal in some states.
Was your mother's decision one of morality (love) or was it religious? Perhaps both?
Summing it up, just because something is legal doesn't mean it make it morally right, religion or not. There is such a thing as conscience.
Anonymous, at 7:54 AM
to624 thank you for YOUR judgement by saying other people have forked tongues of judgement.
did you know this countries greatest leaders on a personal level or just what history provides about their immoral things.
now back to the beginning. if a person is an investor of gclub10 are you saying that he should be held in high regard and that he honestly emits decency and common sense. does your common sense tell you that. my common sense tells me i dont have to know who he is. if he invests in such a place then he doesnt have the decency and the sense to care about women. he only cares about profits.
may our LORD protect us from his kind.
Anonymous, at 8:28 AM
Anon 8:28 am
History is fact. Many of this countries greatest leaders had many a moral issue. And I did I say to hold those in charge of the club i high regard, just that many in this world pick and choose who to follow simply on their beleifs and if it will benifit them. As many of you choose to follow Mr.Family as he wishes the club10 to close and you wish it also, yet he could be a sick person himself. I am not saying he is, but it shows how easliy the sheep will follow. It is amazing to see how easily words on a screen can manipulate and gather so many followers with out ever knowing true intentions. It really makes the mind wonder what else one can get people to do with some simple text.
Pray to your god. See if he comes to you. He will not come when you are sick, or when a family member dies. Yet you all wish him to close a strip club. Follow sheep, follow
Anonymous, at 8:57 AM
To anonymous at 8:57 AM:
I agree that people need to be careful as to whom they trust. Most people don't know me, but I do believe that I am being quite transparent on this website as to what my motives and intentions are.
As for your comments regarding God, you are displaying a limited understanding of the power of the God we serve. The Lord takes great joy in answering prayers submitted to Him in accordance with His will.
Mr. Family, at 10:20 AM
8:57, Those of us who love, follow, and serve God, it doesn't matter to us who Mr. Family is. We already had the same beliefs before the concept of Mr. Family came along. We do not follow or elevate Mr. Family, and I am sure as a believer in God, he would definitely not want that.
Through all of this you seemed to have gained the wrong perception about Mr. Family supporters and call them "followers." Yet you have no perception about those who "follow" Sal with his beliefs. So does that make you a Sal follower? Or did you already have your beliefs established before Sal came along?
My God, our God, never leaves me or anyone. He is even closer to me when I am sick, in the hardest times to give me strength to get through everything, especially when my beloved parents passed away.
We do not put a limitation on the powers of our God, but seek and accept His will in all things. And that, dear friend, is not always easy. But we know it is always for our own good.
Anonymous, at 12:17 PM
To anonymous 8:57 am, history is a fact? then how do you explain carved-in-stoned history books with "facts" that are often being negated, over-ridden, or changed when declassified information surfaces to prove otherwise or when new and different discoveries are made about an historical "fact?"
Sorry...but I get the intense feeling that you are using any topic as an undercurrent to express your negativity towards religion just because religious comments have been expressed on this website. you make insinuations about people who have religious beliefs which seems to upset you.
unfortunately I cannot recall where the blog is that recently mentioned about aetheists who blogged in and were against the club. if you are anti-religion, then how do you explain any aetheists who are against the club?
Anonymous, at 1:17 PM
hey history buffs, some of you real history buffs must know that some historical political opponents or hero adversaries made up stories to malign their opponents or true heroic historical figures in order to gain popularity for themselves. it was believed then and it follows thru now.
but for what its worth, sal and company are not too, too far off track from attempting to malign mr. family and company in order to gain popularity for themselves.
Anonymous, at 3:14 PM
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