A prayer for those with sexual addictions
Father, I pray that you would begin working in the hearts of those who are struggling with sexual addictions. There are many men and women in our area who find this to be a constant battle within them. Many have the desire to do what is right, but in the midst of so much temptation, they stumble. Bring them healing I pray. Help them to see themselves and others through Your eyes. Please help us to understand the importance of honoring You with our lives.
Lord, I pray right now for every dancer, patron, owner, investor or lawyer who encourages the existence of Gentlemen's Club 10. I pray that you would begin speaking to them, even now. Draw them close to you through faith in your Son, Jesus Christ. Fill their hearts with the deep conviction and wisdom of Your Holy Spirit.
I pray also for those of us who oppose Gentlemen's Club 10. Please keep us focused on You. Please help us to conduct ourselves in such a way that we never bring dishonor to Your name. Please help the sexually addicted to know that they are loved and that we continue to hold out hope for their redemption. As we too are undeserving recipients of your grace, may we continue to uphold our brothers and sisters in prayer.
I pray this in Jesus' name. Amen.
Good thing God has AOL. ha ha ha
Anonymous, at 10:02 PM
I pray that Mr. Family and his followers will stop judging and condemning others.
Mr. Billy
Anonymous, at 11:32 PM
"And early in the morning He came again into the Temple, and all the people came unto Him; and He sat down, and taught them."
"And the scribes and Pharisees brought unto Him a woman taken in adultery; and when they had set her in the midst, They say unto Him, Master, this woman was taken in adultery, in the very act. Now Moses in the Law commanded us, that such should be stoned: but what sayest Thou?"
"This they said, tempting Him, that they might have to accuse Him."
"But Jesus stooped down, and with His finger wrote on the ground, as though He heard them not. So when they continued asking Him, He lifted up Himself, and said unto them, He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her. And again He stooped down, and wrote on the ground."
"And they which heard it, being convicted by their own conscience, went out one by one, beginning at the eldest, even unto the last: and Jesus was left alone, and the woman standing in the midst."
"When Jesus had lifted up Himself, and saw none but the woman, He said unto her, Woman, where are those thine accusers? Hath no man condemned thee?"
"She said, No man, Lord."
"And Jesus said unto her, Neither do I condemn thee: go, and sin no more." (John 8:2-11 KJV)
Mr. Family, why do you condemn these people yet not stand out in the light of day yourself?
Anonymous, at 4:50 AM
HAHAHA wowww
Anonymous, at 7:30 AM
Wait a second. One minute you are calling all the club patrons names and insulting them, judging them, calling them ingnorant, and just being plain rude, then the next minute you are praying for them. Which is it? You can't insult some one, tell them they are low, they say, well I will pray for you. Pick a stand and stick with it.
Anonymous, at 8:22 AM
Perhaps your prayers are working seems like in looking at (the blog of a dancer at Club 10) that there is much concern about the exposure of the photos of automobiles parked in the club 10 parking lot. Some of their customers refuse to patronize club 10 anymore due to the photos that have been published on the Mr. Family web site. Keep Posting those photos and mircles will happen. Without customers gclub10 will be gone. Praise the Lord.
Anonymous, at 4:36 PM
did I read the zoning codes correct that this is and was legal per the laws? so all this the club snuck in and is illegal in the township and such is not true?
Anonymous, at 4:39 PM
those pictures do not prove a thing becasue you can no longer tell where they were taken for some reason. it shows nothing more than bumpers could have been taken anywhere. why is that?
Anonymous, at 4:43 PM
to anon 436 pm I went by there aboout 11 pm sat night
parking lot was full looked like over 100 cars--don't think putting bumpersof cars without license plates scares anyone off.
Anonymous, at 5:23 AM
Yes Anon 4:39 pm. You did read it correct. Since the day they applied for the permit it has been legal. The reason it went to court was that the TWP was looking for any loopholes (which according to Mr.Family only the adult industry uses to get by the law) in which they could use to keep the Club closed. So the TWP put off granting the permit with no actual reason other than trying to exploit a loophole, in which the judges ruled for the club.
Anonymous, at 8:50 AM
Anonymous, at 11:14 AM
Anon 11:14 am
That is scripture from the bible. Why not absorb it? Is it not true? Let those without sin cast stones at those in the club. Those words are true.
After all, many that oppose the club toss quotes from the bible at the club folk, are they not using the bible against them?
Anonymous, at 6:23 PM
Pardon me for interrupting while you folks beat each other up with your bibles. Bottom line is these places degrade, devalue and objectify ALL women. They distort the perception of sexuality and diminish the possibility of ever having a healthy, normal relationship.
Anonymous, at 7:43 PM
anon 1114 obviously you are relying on an unknown blogger to speak to you rather than God. That is scary. compounded by his judgemental question to Mr. Family. compounded by your judgement that others are casting stones at those in the club.
Do yourself a favor before you start randomly accusing. Review as many comments as you can from those who oppose the club and let us know just ONE time where you read a bible quote that any opposer tossed out.
You will only find biblical quotes from those who support the club just as your blogger friend has. Yet, your same friend has not inserted any bible quotes (at least not on this w/s) to Sal and friends about their lifestyle.
Ironic, isn't it?
Anonymous, at 8:21 PM
to anon 743pm a lot of hasty generalizing without
any substance. Not all women feel nudity and dancing is degrading.
Gypsey Rose Lee made millions, and achieved not only fame but immortality.
And what perception of sexuality does it distort and diminish? Does evreryone have the same perception or are we talking about your perceptions only?
Anonymous, at 6:37 AM
What is wrong with you club people??? Mr. Family composed a prayer with heartfelt intentions for you people and not one of your blogs show even the slightest sense of gratitude! Nothing but more cheap slurs and cheap attempts at defamation! Are you people that hard-hearted that you cannot even show some bit of decency and respect by saying a simple thank you for once????? It doesn't matter if you are believers or not. Mr. Family's prayer intentions are still nevertheless amicable.
So don't go blogging with your slurs while you do not display even the slightest bit of decency or manners yourselves!
Mr. Family, as campaign supporter, I thank you for including us campaign supporters in your prayers.
Even though some campaign supporters are non-believers, nevertheless, they still profoundly express a great respect for humanity.
Anonymous, at 7:02 AM
to 702 am there you go on again forcing your beliefs upons others.
Anonymous, at 8:53 AM
to 11/14 do you not see what has happened.....
you accepted the deception of a blog comment, only to turn around and cast stones yourself....
Anonymous, at 10:58 AM
6:37, If you do some research, as I have, you'll find MOST women AND men (if they're honest) acknowledge strip clubs are degrading. Gypsey Rose Lee was perhaps the exception that proves the rule, but she remains deceased and therefore did not achieve immortality. The perception of sexuality is distorted by the fantasy perpetuated by strip clubs that women exist primarily for the sexual gratification of men. Most men who habitually patronize strip clubs do not have satisfactory relationships with women (again, do some research -- I'm not here to discuss my personal life nor am I interested in yours).
Anonymous, at 12:42 PM
If club 10 is so bad then why did they participate in a charity event last night?
Anonymous, at 12:46 PM
I beg your pardon, 8:53 AM, for "forcing" my beliefs in having manners by offering a simple thank you out of gratitude towards someone with amicable intentions. I did not know that gratitude is now being taken as being in poor taste.
I apologize that I have not read any up-dated book on etiquette concerning this out-moded courtesy.
Anonymous, at 3:38 PM
why, you ask 1246...easy answer....they wear a slick, disposeable coat only to be seen by people wearing badly scratched rose-tinted glasses.
an easier answer...a lure.
Anonymous, at 3:53 PM
to anon 1242 am yes Gypsey Rose Lee remains deceased
yet many high schools every year perform the broadway play ' Gypsey" which was based on her life. In that way she lives on. And yes there are others stars who did stripping. Marilyn Monroe, Ann Miller, Blaze Starr, Mae West, Marlene Dietrich Joan Crawford, just to name a few.
So in fact there are a lot of exceptions to your rule.
While strip clubs like any other place have their regulars, the vast majority go there on occasion, some with thier wives, girlfriends, some women go there to meet men.
Feeling degraded is in the eye of the beholder.
There are many jobs people will not do because they feel the work is degrading.
You can not make hasty generalizations as it varies just as customers of any other business.
And I do not regularly go to strip clubs.
Anonymous, at 6:32 AM
I pray that the mr.billy types(11:32)/4:50AM/7:30AM
would find it in his heart to know the difference between accusing/insinutating/mocking and those (Mr. Family & supporters) who have deep concern for people who are in an extremely serious situation.
Anonymous, at 2:02 PM
You pro clubbers have such a rediculous thought process. Fine, I am Mr. Family, my name is Jim Trunzo and I live at 281 Fox Lake Rd. Lehigh Township. Now, the first person to stalk me can expect to spend some time in jail. With that said, lets see a pro clubber reveal who they are now. Oh yea, one more thing, every anti G10'er in here is Mr. Family too. Have a nice day.
Anonymous, at 2:16 PM
@2:02 PM
And whose side were calling the dancers whores and sluts and the patrons sexual deviants? Doesn't sound like much "deep concern for people who are in an extremely serious situation" to me. Sounds more like "accusing/insinutating/mocking" actually.
So then in that respect, maybe you should be praying for yourself and the rest of the Mr. Family supporters.
Anonymous, at 1:11 AM
to 216pm if your name and address is real, it is entirely legal for someone to take pics of you your car/ your family and your house from the street or a public place.
That is not stalking. Stalking is following you from place to place.
Of course I have a life and am not taking pics of anyone regardless of which side of the issue they are on.
Both you and the club goer's have a right to privacy. But that is only the way I feel. mr. family feels differently.
And as Ghandi said " If everyone took an eye for an eye, the world would be blind."
Anonymous, at 7:22 AM
1;11 sounds like you have a problem with reality.
Anonymous, at 11:30 AM
to 1:11 AM I pray that you will understand the harm that club personnel and patrons are enduring in their lives.
I do not consider this a "side," for we are all human beings and we all have failures and we should serve one another.
Your comments only served as a grand diversion to mock the efforts of this well-intentioned campaign in a fashion that best suited your own beliefs; and with that, you show absolutely no concern for any person involved, in "sides" as you say.
I pray for everyone in the whole world all the time.
Anonymous, at 2:36 PM
6:32, the fact that anyone produces a play or movie about someone does not make them "immortal". Think how many movies have been made about Hitler. Secondly, of all the women you mentioned, only Blaze Starr was KNOWN as a stripper. The rest were all actresses. I suspect Ann Miller was spinning in her grave when you intimated she was famous for exotic rather than tap dancing. I always figured women who go to strip clubs with their husbands or boyfriends just want to keep an eye on them and any woman who goes to "meet men" must be really desperate. Degradation is degradation. "A rose is a rose is a rose", as Shakespeare said.
Anonymous, at 3:56 PM
Tell ya what 216PM and any other club supporter or whacko for that matter, go ahead and take your chances and you might buy yourself a ticket to a 9x9 with steel bars for a door if you want to chance it. All you have to do is repeat your act for no legitimate purpose or cause substantial emotional distress to any family member of the address of whom evers home. Huh? Any takers?
Anonymous, at 10:00 PM
"1;11 sounds like you have a problem with reality."
Whose reality, the facts of what has been posted or your's?
"to 1:11 AM I pray that you will understand the harm that club personnel and patrons are enduring in their lives."
Like the people that wage war on behalf of religion?
"I do not consider this a "side," for we are all human beings and we all have failures and we should serve one another."
How do we "serve" one another when just one point of view in this matter is accepted as gospel (pardon the unintentional pun)?
"Your comments only served as a grand diversion to mock the efforts of this well-intentioned campaign in a fashion that best suited your own beliefs; and with that, you show absolutely no concern for any person involved, in "sides" as you say."
And this "well-intentioned campaign" suits whose beliefs? Yours? Mr. Family's? The public in general (of whom I'm a member)? Doesn't that show that you also "show absolutely no concern for any person involved" as well?
"I pray for everyone in the whole world all the time."
That's fine, but did you ever stop and consider that not all your prayers are directed at the people that need them the most, namely yourself and all those accross the world that try to make their religion (whatever it may be) the one and only "true" religion?
If you, or anyone else, hasn't noticed to date, there isn't just ONE religion on this planet, there are many, along with all the various divisions among them. Please respect everyones' religious, and moral, perspectives on life.
Anonymous, at 4:04 AM
404, you need not have gone on and on to tell everyone how self centered, angry, vicious, and disrespectful you are..
that is how you came across.
Anonymous, at 12:46 PM
Hey 4:04, perfect!
"Please respect everyones' religious, and moral, perspectives on life." Now go tell that to Sal, investors, and all participants who disrespect this community, surrounding up-scale businesses, families, and children. You may add that the club is an embarassment to the area since it is located by the arena where travelers come from other places to attend respectable arena functions.
Anonymous, at 2:32 PM
12:46 PM
Please quote me in my post where I am either "self centered, angry, vicious, and disrespectful".
Hmmm..."self centered"...unlike the anti-Club people?
Hmmm..."angry, vicious"...unlike all the anti-Club people calling the owner, dancers, and patrons derogatory names?
Hmmm..."disrespectful"...of who? People that have different opinions than myself, just like the anti-Club people have their different opinions of me and other pro-Club people?
And how do the anti-Club people come across, please enlighten me.
Anonymous, at 2:06 AM
2:32 PM
That's your opinion that they "disrespect this community, surrounding up-scale businesses, families, and children".
If they "disrespect" the community, then the community should have laws banning these types of businesses. As for "up-scale businesses", then get rid of Spencer's in the mall, all movie theaters that show R-rated films, and all bars, cafes, and restaurants that serve alcohol. For "families and children", did you do an actual poll of every family with children in the area to support your claims that they feel disrespected?
Hmmm...like the upcoming Arena event, the band Breaking Benjamin with their songs: Who Wants to Live Forever, Blow Me Away, Away? Might be another thing Mr. Family and his supporters can go after to "save" the community.
Anonymous, at 2:23 AM
to 356 what I said they danced at strip clubs before becoming famous.
Anonymous, at 6:19 AM
Breaking Ben goes to the club when ever they are in the area. They meet there lol.
Anonymous, at 9:58 AM
6:19, while those actresses may have danced at strip clubs prior to becoming famous, how many girls danced at strip clubs before becoming drug addicts and prostitutes? How many unknown strippers died in the gutter? How many were beaten and raped by men who exploited them? Of the thousands of girls who were lured into the sex business, isn't it rather telling that only a handful ever managed to pull themselves out of that abyss?
Anonymous, at 3:19 PM
Why don't you pro-club people do something honorable with your lives?
Try to accomplish something of value, rather than writhing and SALivating.
OK, now let's hear that you are professional "dancers" who studied for years just to get where you are at, and the patrons are professionals in the daytime. Would luv to know what occupations you have and how your education led you to drool in the night.
Anonymous, at 3:36 PM
2:23, etc. Let's wrap this up on the bright side instead of the dark side, inclusive of the previous on-going blogs.
Here's a little mission for you:
objectively, not subjectively, review all the anti-club comments which gave competent rationalizations pertaining to the detriment of club supporters and the community.
Upon do so, you will find all the answers to all of your questions.
You write about derogatory comments from the anti-club campaigners. Yet, you will not read even one time where an anti-club campaigner complained that Mr. Family deleted any of their comments due to foul language, which is in contrast to some pro-club complaints.
You slam a person who prays for everyone instead of being cordial, saying to the effect: 'Don't extend ANY kind of kindness. It is not appreciated.'
You mentioned the businesses and bands that are not "up-scale," so you do know the difference between good and bad. Yet, you conveniently over-looked adjectives like "respectable" in reference to the arena functions, and "up-scale" in reference to businesses just to conveniently prove your "negative" point.
If a male, you choose to ignore the anti-club campaigners' laments about degredation of women.
If a female, please have respect for yourself because the patrons do not.
Pro-club opinions: not so much a matter of opinions, but a matter of expressing character flaws. (which we all have in one form or another)
Review your comments objectively, not subjectively, and you will see that you did not reflect anything positive about anybody or anything in the community, and no concern for children at all. You will see the crudeness and hostility that portrays a selfish person.
You expect moralistic anti-club campaigners to be hypocritical by denying their own morals for the purpose of condoning illicit activities. No way, no way.
After your little mission is completed, honestly and objectively, you will realize the competent anti-club rationalizations which negates the improper, and often twisted remarks by pro-club rationalizations. This will be enhanced by your own acquired knowledge of which businesses are up-scale and which are not.
Wrong is wrong, and it cannot be justified by hedonistic beliefs.
I will not be returning here, so you don't have to go out of your way to pick things apart. But instead, I would rather welcome you to the bright side!
Anonymous, at 7:03 PM
@7:03 PM (speaking just for myself (2:23 AM))
"2:23, etc. Let's wrap this up on the bright side instead of the dark side, inclusive of the previous on-going blogs."
The "bright side" of whose side? Objectiveness is always based upon a person's point of view.
"Here's a little mission for you:
objectively, not subjectively, review all the anti-club comments which gave competent rationalizations pertaining to the detriment of club supporters and the community.
Upon do so, you will find all the answers to all of your questions."
And your mission, if you're up to it, is to review all pro-club comments, which are equally competent, and realize that they are supported by the law, not some hypothetical idea of what the community may, or may not, be thinking.
"You write about derogatory comments from the anti-club campaigners. Yet, you will not read even one time where an anti-club campaigner complained that Mr. Family deleted any of their comments due to foul language, which is in contrast to some pro-club complaints."
Who is to know what posts Mr. Family has deleted, pro or con club, that didn't fit his criteria. Maybe ALL posts should b posted, albeit foul language, to show the exact makeup of the comments here.
"You slam a person who prays for everyone instead of being cordial, saying to the effect: 'Don't extend ANY kind of kindness. It is not appreciated.'"
Cordial does not seem to be the universal theme of most of the anti-club, and yes, some of the pro-club, posts to this blog.
"You mentioned the businesses and bands that are not "up-scale," so you do know the difference between good and bad. Yet, you conveniently over-looked adjectives like "respectable" in reference to the arena functions, and "up-scale" in reference to businesses just to conveniently prove your "negative" point."
How would you then describe the difference between "up-scale" (not my words), "respectable" (as in most respectable drug stores that sell condoms, clearly against Roman Catholic policy), and "negative" (opposite of positive? opposite of your point?)?
"If a male, you choose to ignore the anti-club campaigners' laments about degredation of" women.
If a female, please have respect for yourself because the patrons do not."
I don't ignore their laments, as you call it, just your right to force your opinions on the rest of society. "Anti-club campaigners'" definitely have their opinions, but then so does the pro-campaigners, which the former seem to ignore.
"Pro-club opinions: not so much a matter of opinions, but a matter of expressing character flaws. (which we all have in one form or another)"
Again, who decides character? You, the State, the Federal Government, or, shall I say it, individuals.
"Review your comments objectively, not subjectively, and you will see that you did not reflect anything positive about anybody or anything in the community, and no concern for children at all. You will see the crudeness and hostility that portrays a selfish person."
You ask people to view the comments objectively, and "not subjectively", but yet you do the same. You only look for the "good of the community", yet fail to quantitatively define just who that community is. You, sir/ma'am, are the one(s) expressing "crudeness and hostility" toward the other members of "your" community that don't agree with your particular point of view. So who is the selfish one?
"You expect moralistic anti-club campaigners to be hypocritical by denying their own morals for the purpose of condoning illicit activities. No way, no way."
Morals and illicit activities again defined by whom? The community? Then the community should pass laws forbidding such illicit behavior in the first place. Not after the fact.
"After your little mission is completed, honestly and objectively, you will realize the competent anti-club rationalizations which negates the improper, and often twisted remarks by pro-club rationalizations. This will be enhanced by your own acquired knowledge of which businesses are up-scale and which are not."
Honesty, in the community? Maybe you better look around and see how much "honesty" is about in the community. You may want to look at life through rose colored glasses, see the silver lining, believe in the unshakable moral fiber of mankind...but in the end you will find that Man is still just man, and will ultimately be himself. No matter what anyone, good intentions or bad, try to make him out to be.
"Wrong is wrong, and it cannot be justified by hedonistic beliefs."
And legal is legal, and it cannot be justified by any religious beliefs.
"I will not be returning here, so you don't have to go out of your way to pick things apart. But instead, I would rather welcome you to the bright side!"
No matter if you return or not, the facts are still the facts, the law is still the law, and beliefs are still that, Just beliefs. Bright side, dark side, it's all just a matter of opinion.
Anonymous, at 5:52 AM
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