News Update
I found this news update informative. It deals mainly with an adult business that had a liquor license, but the point is still clear. Please note two things as you read it.
- 1. Those who support sex businesses try to find loopholes within the law to force their inappropriate behavior on decent communities.
- 2. Common sense and common decency are not traits that are easily found within the walls of a strip club or within the ranks of their legal representation.
3rd Circuit: Erotic Dancing in Bars Not Protected Speech ...... "it is "well established" that a state's interest in curtailing the "unacceptable social behavior" that can arise in conjunction with adult entertainment is "important and substantial."
Hey hey! Ho ho! gclub10 has gotta go!
Anonymous, at 6:04 AM
GREAT opportunity to try to prove Mr. Family wrong!!!
g10 supporters,
Before you "grace" us all with your vastly mangled wisdom after reading today's link and commentary, here's a deal for you to try to prove Mr. Family wrong since he claimed that one does not have to go to Arizona to know that it's hot in the summer!
A FOX news station (world-wide news) weather reporter reported that Arizona is 111 degrees today!
(For some strange reason, I believe that report. It's summer, and I consider 111 degrees to be hot.)
Here's the deal: g10 supporters should form a delegation of strip club supporters to go to Arizona to test Mr. Family's claim. The delegation should consist of about...hmmm...let's say ALL of you. That way there would be rock-solid, eye-witness evidence to prove him wrong (and FOX news/weather as well) IF it is not true. We will go by your word and even allow for a drop in temperature being 90 degrees.
Just be careful not to waste all your money on possible strip clubs while in Arizona because Sal and his investors need your money more!
Anonymous, at 12:46 PM
Welcome back Mr. Family we kind of missed you. Your reference to the 3rd Circuit courts ruling are well intended, unfortunately that ruling applies to establishments which are licensed to sell & serve alcohol the same ruling applies here in PA any establishes which sells & serves alcohol a dancer shall not perform any lewd dancing. These BYOB Clubs get around this law by not being licensed, ( they do not sell any Alcohol) thus those rules under the Alcohol Beverage Control Commission (ABC) do not apply to a BYOB Club, thus the lewdness seems to be uncontrollable in a place such as GClub 10. Sorry but that's how the laws are written and until someone changes those laws that's how things will get under the wire.
Anonymous, at 1:18 PM
to 604 am
before you go ho ho
too much, Mr. family should have told you that he Pennsylvania Supreme Court
has ruled that nude dancing is legal--and this ruling doesn't have anything to do
with Pennsylvania law or overturning that decision,
so ho, ho the gclub isn't going to go.
Anonymous, at 1:40 PM
Anonymous said...
Hey hey! Ho ho! gclub10 has gotta go!
6:04 AM
Did you come up this that all by yourself or did you have help?
Anonymous, at 2:51 PM
These are all DIRECTLY form the W-B Township Zoning Ordinance listing.
Cabaret: An adult club, restaurant, theater, hall or similar place which feature topless dancers, go-go dancers, exotic dancers, strippers, male or female impersonators or similar entertainers exhibiting specified anatomical areas or performing specified sexual activities.
Sex-Related Establishment.: These include adult book stores, adult mini-motion picture theaters, adult motion picture theaters, cabarets, featuring adult clubs, topless dancers, female impersonators or similar entertainers exhibiting specified anatomical areas or performing specified sexual activities and massage businesses.
Specified Anatomical Areas: Less than completely and opaquely covered: (i) Human genitals, pubic regions; buttocks and female breasts below a point immediately above the top of the areola; and (ii) human male genitals in a discernibly turgid state, even if completely and opaquely covered.
Specified Sexual Activities: (i) Human genitals in a state of sexual stimulation or arousal; (ii) acts of human masturbation, sexual intercourse or sodomy; (iii) fondling or other touching of human genitals, pubic region, buttocks or female breasts.
Anonymous, at 4:56 AM
Nude dancing may be legal, but sneaking a strip club into the middle of a community that clearly doesn't want it does not bode well for the incompetent and/or dishonest politicians who think they can fool all the people all the time. So, hey, take the ho's and go.
Anonymous, at 5:53 AM
Hey Anon 1:40 pm, look for the zoning laws posted in the other thread, some one did prove him wrong AGAIN!.
Anonymous, at 6:37 AM
"Hey hey! Ho ho! gclub10 has gotta go!" Yesssssssssss!!!!!
How ever 6:04 came up with that impressive jingle, expresses a 100% more intelligence and decency than all the club's lawyers, owners, investers, employees, dancers, patrons, and supporters combined!
And gee, we seem to have quite the law "expert" here on PA Supreme Court laws (1:40). Now if we only knew what 1:40 does for a living.?????? A lawyer? A judge?
I'm inclined to think not.
Anonymous, at 8:27 AM
Anonymous, at 12:06 PM
LOL @anon 12:46pm
Well then..
Anonymous, at 1:35 PM
good job trying to shut down the club....there were 350 people there last saturday night.
Anonymous, at 4:41 PM
4.41 i'd say 350 fools, losers with nothing better to do.
Anonymous, at 6:26 PM
So at $20 a pop (no pun intended), the club made $7,000 off 350 losers. How much of this do the strippers & bouncers get? How much goes for advertising? What does it cost just to keep the joint open? Scalzo must be paying a hefty retainer to the legal beagles, too, though it's obvious only their secretaries are assigned to monitor this site. What's the cost of keeping the authorities at bay? How many "silent" partners get a piece (again, no pun intended)?
Anonymous, at 11:49 AM
to anon 827am
no I can read, the ruling is in plain English. Too bad
you cannot read and understand. You have no concept of what the state and Federal Constitution stand for. And if insulting me makes you feel superior,
go right ahead. I consider the source.
Anonymous, at 11:59 AM
350 people, out having drinks and having a good time. That is what I saw. Nothing more, nothing less.
Anonymous, at 12:17 PM
to 1159 may be able to read the ruling but there is something that you need to realize. in court there is a defense and a prosecutor.....same rulings laws approached and argued in two different ways.
also something else you need to realize. you are being superior by telling someone else that they cannot read....understand...or they have no concept
Anonymous, at 5:19 PM
To anon 5:19PM,
Huuuuuuuuuh? What in the world are you talking about? So what if the law is argued in different interpretations. The judge is going to interpret the way he sees it according to the law. I have trouble spelling; does that just make me average?
Anonymous, at 9:03 PM
to 519 pm let me put it to you another way-- unless the Pa Supreme Court reverses itself, nude dancing is legal in pa--if the place has a liquor license, then the dancers must wear pasties and a g-string.
The ruling is based on the justices interpretation of the PA Constitution.
Anonymous, at 5:28 AM
To anon 5:28AM,
Thats fine I will agree with you 100% on that, its the law decided by a judge which is now law of the land in PA.
Dont establishments have to abide by that law 100% then? In other words could one act of manual masterbation on a patron by a dancer be overlooked and the estabishment remain open? I am not saying this happened to me but want to know the answer according to the law.
Anonymous, at 8:24 AM
While club patrons exercise their constitutional right to waste $20 for a peep at naked girls, I will exercise my constitutional right to free speech by telling their wives, girlfriends and mothers whenever I see any of these guys, their cars or their friends going into or coming out of gclub10's parking lot.
Anonymous, at 12:20 PM
So you mean to harass people Anon 12:20? Just watch that one of those people in which you are involving yourself in their personal life does not follow you home, and take pictures from the street which is legal, of your home, your car, your family entering and exiting your house. The sad thing is, that is legal, then they can look up your address, and phone number and post it all on the web.
Anonymous, at 9:23 PM
to 824am the act you described would be considered lewd under pa law. If the police see it or it is reported to the police, the place should be busted and prosecuted.
and to 1230, yes you are right it is your constitutional right, if you choose to sit outside
a strip club all night qnd watch people going in and out in the hopes of spotting
someone you know, so you can blab it around town, that is your right too.
Hopefully, you do not have any children who will need
you at night and your spouse
is ok with your stakeouts of the club.
Anonymous, at 6:46 AM
My, my!! how those clubbers love to twist and blow things out of proportion!
According to clubbers, freedom of speech is now called "harass." How quickly they can change the meaning of "freedoms."
9:23 what you described is called "stalking," which is not legal to stalk someone at their own home, car, comings, and goings at their home.
Did you know there are "legitimate" websites that already have most people's names, addresses, and phone numbers on them without their consent?
All of your nonsense was a pathetic scare tactic!
6:46 Scared???????
Anonymous, at 11:25 AM
9:23, I'm not ashamed of any public places I go, but your hypothetical threat to post home addresses and phone numbers on the web would indeed be harassment, for which you could be sued. 6:46, with gclub10's prominent location, I frequently see guys coming and going from there just as I drive through the area after events at the arena or nearby restaurants, but thank you for your concern over my family. I hope yours is equally proud of your efforts.
Anonymous, at 1:00 PM
Actually no it is not harassment. If someone is in the phone book, there address and phone number are public info. It can be copied. Just like Mr.Family posting license plates.
And as long as pics are taken from public property, and not private, all is fine.
Anonymous, at 3:11 PM
Actually no it is not harassment. If someone is in the phone book, there address and phone number are public info. It can be copied. Just like Mr.Family posting license plates.
And as long as pics are taken from public property, and not private, all is fine.
Anonymous, at 3:11 PM
There is an old saying "What's good for the goose is good for the gander"
If you want to take photos at strip clubs from the public street go ahead, but someone can take pics of you( from the street)
coming and going in and out of your house, as well as your family.
Do you like your privacy invaded like that? Would you like your pic on the internet when you come out for your paper or mail in the morning? How about being labeled on the internet as a strip club watcher?
how about "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you"?
Anonymous, at 6:48 AM
3:11, You are correct in that public information can be legally distributed, but I pay a premium to keep my home address and phone numbers out of directories and one would find no results by googling my name. I don't do anything indecent in public view and consider strip clubs a nuisance. They occasionally make a big show of raising a few bucks for charity purely as a public relations ploy. The overall harm they do negates any minor display of philanthropy.
Anonymous, at 7:59 AM
648 you lost me. do i sense that you are a club supporter who resents car pics on this site and who ends with a biblical quote?!
that is either ironic or hypocritical.
anyway, talking about privacy being invaded, i think guys oogling naked women is quite a lot of what should be considered private that is being invaded.
and what about a sneaky club owner invading unto a decent community.
sorry, but i do not think that any decent person has to worry about indecent photos being taken of them. if anyone is stalked, then it is the stalker who would be in trouble.
Anonymous, at 8:01 PM
to anon 801pm --matter of fact there are a lot of conflicting biblical quotations. One can use them
to justify slavery, denying women rights, etc etc.
I am not a club goer, I support the constitution, which gives us the right to say disagreeable, if not vile things, which others fnd offensive. It gives men and women the right to dance naked. ( A female friend told me they are having a male strip show August 4) It also gives you the right to disagree with
what people do even protest it publically if you so choose. It just can't be one way. Then we would be a theocracy, with the dominent religeous group
winning and telling us what to do and what not to do. That is how it is in Iran and Saudi Arabia.
No strip clubs, but Christianity is either outlawed or severely restricted. China has a state religeon.
Terrorists who attack the USA are out to convert us to their religion.
Anonymous, at 7:51 AM
7:51 "conflicting" biblical quotations is how YOU perceive them to be, and should not be "use to justify" or abused for any evil purpose.
(fast forward past the usual blah, blah, blah)
Terrorists are out to attack our democratic style of government under the guise of an extremist Islamic religion, which their movement is not supported by true muslims.
If this board is one way,(towards Christianity), then how do you explain the Jewish and atheists who offer their intelligent anti-club opinions?
This website is supported by decent people of all races, religions, and non-religions, who want to keep a clean community. Period.
Anonymous, at 12:02 PM
hey people! 7 51 supports the constitution. great! in this event, 7 51 supports the constitutional degradation of women, men too! not great.
Anonymous, at 1:29 PM
7:51 Terrorists who flew the planes on 9/11 went to strip clubs in Las Vegas not long before boarding those planes. Having it both ways is called hypocrisy. And I'm an atheist, so the religious stuff is wasted on me anyway.
Anonymous, at 4:06 PM
You don’t know a flipping thing about terrorists. They will any means to justify their goals. Much like how pro clubbers justify their own house of whoreship.
Anonymous, at 5:59 AM
anony. 5:59 Exactly!
Anonymous, at 8:04 PM
I know terrorist use scare tactics, Like Mr.Family does. And they way you all justify forcibly trying to embarrass people publicly.
Anonymous, at 10:03 AM
to 559 terrorists use mind control just as cults do-- they harrass, threaten and intimidate people to their way of thinking--come to think of it--that what mr family tries to do by posting these pics on the web!
Anonymous, at 11:44 AM
to 801 pm, ask a celebrity how it is to have people follwing them for pics--
regardeless of what you say I do not thnik you would like someone standing in the street taking pics of you and your family as often as they wished.
that is not stalking.
I am so very glad to hear you never did anthing to be embarrassed about that you would not want a pic taken of.
Anonymous, at 11:49 AM
That could be considered stalking under PA Law.
Anonymous, at 7:19 PM
11:49 If you stood in the street in front of my house taking pictures of my family, I would sue you for invasion of privacy and emotional distress because my home is a private rather than public place (such as a strip club, that lets anyone in, as long as they pay $20 and are at least 18 years old) and neither I nor any member of my family are public figures.
Anonymous, at 5:40 AM
anon 5:40am
You could not sue. As the club is private property. Yet people can take photos of it. If I stand on public property, I can take photos of what ever I wish, including your home. And you walking in front it if. It is no more invasion of privacy then you posting my private vehicle online. If you could sue, any one who's vehicle and plate that showed up on this site, in which their car (private personal property) could sue Mr.Family for emotioninal distress and invasion of privacy.
Anonymous, at 9:03 AM
Thank you 1149! Let’s get this right, you repeated what I said and they STILL DONT GET IT! What language or logic do these pro 10 people understand? Do they need an extra hole in their head with a lid on it that says "ACHTUNG: Pour In Common Sense Here!" This proves my point that these kinds of people are the ones who bring society down instead of uplifting and/or progressing it. This not only applies to their logic about nude clubs but to all aspects of life because their outlook, experiences, education, knowledge, basically their entire being has a corrupt -or about it. They don’t understand that its not just about the club in and of its self but what these clubs do to an entire community and its way of thinking.
When society starts looking the other way about certain mores, certain crime is bound to follow. Look at how people looked the other way when illegal immigrants were first detected in Hazleton and now the immigrants are used to traffic drugs. Say an employer goes to this club frequently and mostly employs women. Lets say one of them is you wife. Do you want that employer to be treating your wife with disrespect, embarrassing wage increases (.05 cents or .15 cent increases), insinuating or harassing her in a sexual way? I know, this is not a good example since many g10 supporters would not know what marriage or a wife is. But is this the type of behavior you want spreading around Luzerne county and others?
Anonymous, at 10:53 AM
ato anon 540 am, sorry you are wrong abut that, ask mr. family, it is legal to take a pic of someone's house from the street.
beside that if someone does it anonymously as mr family
does, who are you going to sue?
Anonymous, at 11:52 AM
ato anon 540 am, sorry you are wrong abut that, ask mr. family, it is legal to take a pic of someone's house from the street.
beside that if someone does it anonymously as mr family
does, who are you going to sue?
Anonymous, at 11:54 AM
1154 and other like him or her,
Can you people read or do you just read every 3rd word? Read the “stinkn” post another 20 times and discover the word that you are missing in your understanding of our posts about taking pictures of other peoples houses, etc. That’s what’s wrong with this area, nobody reads all the words and then blows their top at something they don’t even know what their reading. Here's one for you coal miner mental cases. Eeeeeeeeeee AWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!
Anonymous, at 8:39 PM
Anon 8:39 Glad to see the mature people showed up to the debate.
Anonymous, at 10:18 AM
Just proves a point, pro10ers are selective readers and now we know what they respond to.
Anonymous, at 2:13 PM
Actually the point is that all the anti club folk are in denial. Denial of the laws. The club is staying, there is nothing anyone can do legally to shut it down. Sorry, But the anti club folk are the selective readers, and Mr.Family is a selective poster, hiding much of the truth from you all.
Anonymous, at 5:27 AM
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