Mr. Family another BYOB strip club may soon be operating in Luzerne County there now is an application awaiting approval before the board in Pittston Township. If approved this will make at total of six YES (6) BYOB strip Clubs located in Luzerne county. The greatest amount of strip clubs per capita of the population than any other county in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Eventually we will be known as a county without any morals principals. It appears that most of the BYOB strip clubs in Luzerne County condone the most lewd, vulgar and risque sexual acts by dancers east of the Mississippi, There seems to be no rules, regulations or law enforcement that monitors and controls what goes on in most of these BYOB clubs. Is it any wonder that more and more BYOB clubs want to operate in an environment where no one is watching? If the local citizens continue to ignore what is going on and keeps there heads buried in the sand this entire BYOB strip club scene will surely over take what was once a very family orientated area where one could raise children. Luzerne county residents WAKE UP!
July 29,today's Citizens' Voice article: "Kingston Twp. looks to update adult entertainment laws."
Highlights include:
"The current obscenity ordinance, 1976, calls adult entertainment venues 'public nuisance'"
"...board to strengthen an ordinance on indecency."
applications must feature detailed narrative features of business uses.
Locations are limited to restricted areas, have their own parking lots, and must be hidden behind walls or high trees.
Also, other communities such as Dorrance twp. are taking up-dated steps towards the same.
The article's contents clearly defines "adult entertainment" with such descriptions as: obscenity, public nuisance, and that if an ordinance is passed, "adult entertainment" businesses have to be hidden...and they aren't given much leeway in area from other decent buildings.
Much thanks to you, Mr. Family, and your campaign, local areas, if not other areas as well, are being alerted to the unwanted invasion of obscene, public nuisance "adult entertainment" businesses and are taking stricter precautionary measures in their ordinance laws.
And gee, if they are supposed to be so "clean" and up-standing, then why would they have to HIDE behind walls or trees????
Why doesn't gclub10 plant some trees so we don't have to see that eyesore every time we go to the arena, restaurants and area retailers? Keep the lowlifes out of sight. Mr. Family probably has to hide behind this website the way Scalzo's "silent" partners hide behind his lawyer's skirt because some whacker from the club might come after him otherwise. W-B Township officials should hide their heads in shame for not following through on their promises to monitor this dive!
12:22, No. Like the way the investors hide their identities. Like the way Sal hid his true intentions. Like the way "right" patrons hide under the cover of darkness. Like the way the club hides behind a charity event. Like the way the dancers hide behind "justified" immorality. Like the way club supporters hide the truth.
The above anti-club comments has brought to my attention that it should be a public service for the identities of the silent partners be made public. Combined with that, upon passing through the business areas over the weekend, I felt uncomfortable as to which businesses I was patronizing, such as a well-established local restaurant. Thinking, could the owner of this restaurant be a club investor that I would rather not patronize, and therefore will limit my business with all local businesses. The same goes for professionals and political endorsements. Since I think this way, there has to be other people who feel uncomfortable about this as well. Therefore, I am suggesting to business owners, that if they know who the silent partners are, to please legally inform the public before your own businesses dwindle. We should have the right to know as to who we are contributing our money towards. The same for political adversaries who would know. If people have not been thinking similarly to me, then they will be now.
"adult places" i hope you are not categorizing adults who maintain a dignity about themselves as being in conjunction with those places. personally, i do not consider them adult places.
the woods. animals are clothed with fur. birds are clothed with feathers. yet it is some of the supposed intelligent species who disrobes and feels no shame.
Why should anyone who disrobes feel shame? Animals are not clothed you twit, that comment is juts plain dumb. We have hair, some people have it all over, by your reasons that means they are clothed. We are born naked, nothing wrong with it. It was this country that made nudity a shameful thing. Over in the UK they show bare breast in everyday soap commercials. Nothing big. Here we complain when a woman breast feeds in public. Your body is nothing to be ashamed of.
5:20 So you equate a mother discretely breast feeding her baby in public with the totally nude chippies writhing on dirty old men's laps for money at gclub10?
to 5:20 if animals are not "clothed" (in fur) and your naked body is nothing to be ashamed of in public, then in the buff, walk a dog down the street and see what happens. I guarantee you, you will be considered a lot more than a dumb twit, not the dog.
The dog will not be hauled off to the pound, but you will be hauled off to the police station where you will either be charged with public indecency or forwarded to a mental institution. Please try to prove me wrong.
Who said anything about waling down the street in public? Once again some one twist the comments around. And from your words, because people can not walk down the street naked means we are ashamed? Not at all. I am not ashamed of my body, maybe you are of yours. And dogs are not clothed in fur. That comment is still dumb. They grow fur, we do not grow clothing.
957 well how come you were all excited about the publicly seen commercials in the Uk if you were not suggesting open nudity?????? dogs are not skin naked, therefore they are clothed in fur continuously. sorry its such a big challenge for you to understand that. now if you want to talk about twisting, then why don't you answer the question 1042 asked you instead of tryng to twist your way out of this area?????
Anon 10:42.No, they are different, I pointed it out because that nudity on a whole is frowned upon in this country. The latest issue of a women's and baby health magazine displayed on the cover a baby, and half a woman's breast that the baby was feeding on. This was in the new York post, they received over 200 complaints about the nudity, claiming that it is dirty. That is the mentality of our world. I made a general statement about nudity, not comparing breastfeeding to stripping. Now back to anon 7:20 Fur and clothed are not the same. I am sorry you can not grasp that. Take some hormones, grow a lot of chest hair and back hair, and walk into a restaurant, see if they tell you top put in a shirt. Maybe you can convince them that it is a t-shirt. I am not twisting anything. The UK commercial I made a reference to because THIS country is repressed about nudity. That is a fact. I have no problems with open nudity. We are born that way, We as a people chose to cover ourselves and make nudity shameful.
to 9:57, Just because I don't know about rocket science, and if a rocket scientist made a statement to me that I didn't understand, that doesn't mean either he or I is a twit, or that he made a dumb statement. If I did say those things to him, then I would only be displaying my own ignorance. When you come to grips that "clothed" has a meaning of "clad," "covered," then you can advance poetically to flowers are clothed in beauty. Really pushing it, biologically, caterpillars change into butterflies. But of course to you, that would still be a twit, dumb statement even though it is a fact. I guess that is how the mind works when it is focused too much on nudity.
Anonymous 8:56, while you are saying this country represses nudity, did it ever occur to you that the UK might be overly obsessed with nudity? No problems with open nudity?Nudity is not shameful to you? Did it ever occur to you that most people have so much respect for their bodies that they prefer decency and discretion over flashing it for money? Did it ever occur to you that open nudity would be more conducive towards more open lust? Where and how would you draw the line when indiscretions got out of control more than they are now?
Did it ever occur to you that nudity in fine art and statues is socially and civilly appreciated and accepted due to the past cultures it represents, but which is still nevertheless contrary to the past and current EXPLOITATION of male and female bodies? That is not a double standard. People who appreciate fine art, statues, and historic cultures do not get crazed with passions of lust-filled desires in contrast to the illicit exploitations promoted by nudey magazines, x-rated films, etc.
Every sexually oriented business petitioning to open in Luzerne County, will likely decrease the value of existing businesses and homes. According to the Surpreme Court, it is well documented that sexually oriented businesses also invite crime into our communities.
Take a photo as you pass by to help make certain that criminal behavior is not occuring near the Arena business district. Do not trespass on private property to obtain a photo. Photos can be sent to:
again the township is doing there homework before giving permit not after.
Anonymous, at 10:33 AM
A gentle reminder for all of us to unite for a few moments in prayer or thought this evening at 7p.
No one is excluded. Thank you.
Anonymous, at 11:51 AM
uh-oh! new topic!
here comes the infamous gclub10 shark-glubbers circling around for another feeding frenzy!
Anonymous, at 3:11 PM
Mr. Family another BYOB strip club may soon be operating in Luzerne County there now is an application awaiting approval before the board in Pittston Township. If approved this will make at total of six YES (6) BYOB strip Clubs located in Luzerne county. The greatest amount of strip clubs per capita of the population than any other county in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Eventually we will be known as a county without any morals principals. It appears that most of the BYOB strip clubs in Luzerne County condone the most lewd, vulgar and risque sexual acts by dancers east of the Mississippi, There seems to be no rules, regulations or law enforcement that monitors and controls what goes on in most of these BYOB clubs. Is it any wonder that more and more BYOB clubs want to operate in an environment where no one is watching? If the local citizens continue to ignore what is going on and keeps there heads buried in the sand this entire BYOB strip club scene will surely over take what was once a very family orientated area where one could raise children. Luzerne county residents WAKE UP!
Anonymous, at 10:59 PM
July 29,today's Citizens' Voice article: "Kingston Twp. looks to update adult entertainment laws."
Highlights include:
"The current obscenity ordinance, 1976, calls adult entertainment venues 'public nuisance'"
"...board to strengthen an ordinance on indecency."
applications must feature detailed narrative features of business uses.
Locations are limited to restricted areas, have their own parking lots, and must be hidden behind walls or high trees.
Also, other communities such as Dorrance twp. are taking up-dated steps towards the same.
The article's contents clearly defines "adult entertainment" with such descriptions as: obscenity, public nuisance, and that if an ordinance is passed, "adult entertainment" businesses have to be hidden...and they aren't given much leeway in area from other decent buildings.
Much thanks to you, Mr. Family, and your campaign, local areas, if not other areas as well, are being alerted to the unwanted invasion of obscene, public nuisance "adult entertainment" businesses and are taking stricter precautionary measures in their ordinance laws.
And gee, if they are supposed to be so "clean" and up-standing, then why would they have to HIDE behind walls or trees????
Anonymous, at 5:18 AM
Anon 5:18 wrote "And gee, if they are supposed to be so "clean" and up-standing, then why would they have to HIDE behind walls or trees????"
Like the way Mr.Family hides behind this website?
Anonymous, at 12:22 AM
Why doesn't gclub10 plant some trees so we don't have to see that eyesore every time we go to the arena, restaurants and area retailers? Keep the lowlifes out of sight. Mr. Family probably has to hide behind this website the way Scalzo's "silent" partners hide behind his lawyer's skirt because some whacker from the club might come after him otherwise. W-B Township officials should hide their heads in shame for not following through on their promises to monitor this dive!
Anonymous, at 4:11 PM
12:22, No.
Like the way the investors hide their identities.
Like the way Sal hid his true intentions.
Like the way "right" patrons hide under the cover of darkness.
Like the way the club hides behind a charity event.
Like the way the dancers hide behind "justified" immorality.
Like the way club supporters hide the truth.
Anonymous, at 4:39 PM
The above anti-club comments has brought to my attention that it should be a public service for the identities of the silent partners be made public. Combined with that, upon passing through the business areas over the weekend, I felt uncomfortable as to which businesses I was patronizing, such as a well-established local restaurant. Thinking, could the owner of this restaurant be a club investor that I would rather not patronize, and therefore will limit my business with all local businesses.
The same goes for professionals and political endorsements.
Since I think this way, there has to be other people who feel uncomfortable about this as well.
Therefore, I am suggesting to business owners, that if they know who the silent partners are, to please legally inform the public before your own businesses dwindle. We should have the right to know as to who we are contributing our money towards. The same for political adversaries who would know.
If people have not been thinking similarly to me, then they will be now.
Anonymous, at 5:40 AM
to anon 518 anon--ever hear
the saying out of sight out of mind? If the adult places are out in the woods, it seems they are left alone.
Anonymous, at 7:09 AM
"adult places" i hope you are not categorizing adults who maintain a dignity about themselves as being in conjunction with those places.
personally, i do not consider them adult places.
the woods. animals are clothed with fur. birds are clothed with feathers. yet it is some of the supposed intelligent species who disrobes and feels no shame.
Anonymous, at 12:43 PM
Why should anyone who disrobes feel shame? Animals are not clothed you twit, that comment is juts plain dumb. We have hair, some people have it all over, by your reasons that means they are clothed.
We are born naked, nothing wrong with it. It was this country that made nudity a shameful thing. Over in the UK they show bare breast in everyday soap commercials. Nothing big. Here we complain when a woman breast feeds in public. Your body is nothing to be ashamed of.
Anonymous, at 5:20 AM
5:20 So you equate a mother discretely breast feeding her baby in public with the totally nude chippies writhing on dirty old men's laps for money at gclub10?
Anonymous, at 10:42 AM
to 5:20 if animals are not "clothed" (in fur) and your naked body is nothing to be ashamed of in public, then in the buff, walk a dog down the street and see what happens. I guarantee you, you will be considered a lot more than a dumb twit, not the dog.
The dog will not be hauled off to the pound, but you will be hauled off to the police station where you will either be charged with public indecency or forwarded to a mental institution.
Please try to prove me wrong.
Anonymous, at 12:03 PM
Who said anything about waling down the street in public? Once again some one twist the comments around.
And from your words, because people can not walk down the street naked means we are ashamed? Not at all. I am not ashamed of my body, maybe you are of yours. And dogs are not clothed in fur. That comment is still dumb. They grow fur, we do not grow clothing.
Anonymous, at 9:57 AM
957 well how come you were all excited about the publicly seen commercials in the Uk if you were not suggesting open nudity??????
dogs are not skin naked, therefore they are clothed in fur continuously. sorry its such a big challenge for you to understand that.
now if you want to talk about twisting, then why don't you answer the question 1042 asked you instead of tryng to twist your way out of this area?????
Anonymous, at 7:20 PM
Anon 10:42.No, they are different, I pointed it out because that nudity on a whole is frowned upon in this country. The latest issue of a women's and baby health magazine displayed on the cover a baby, and half a woman's breast that the baby was feeding on. This was in the new York post, they received over 200 complaints about the nudity, claiming that it is dirty. That is the mentality of our world. I made a general statement about nudity, not comparing breastfeeding to stripping.
Now back to anon 7:20
Fur and clothed are not the same. I am sorry you can not grasp that. Take some hormones, grow a lot of chest hair and back hair, and walk into a restaurant, see if they tell you top put in a shirt. Maybe you can convince them that it is a t-shirt.
I am not twisting anything. The UK commercial I made a reference to because THIS country is repressed about nudity. That is a fact. I have no problems with open nudity. We are born that way, We as a people chose to cover ourselves and make nudity shameful.
Anonymous, at 8:56 AM
to 9:57, Just because I don't know about rocket science, and if a rocket scientist made a statement to me that I didn't understand, that doesn't mean either he or I is a twit, or that he made a dumb statement. If I did say those things to him, then I would only be displaying my own ignorance.
When you come to grips that "clothed" has a meaning of "clad," "covered," then you can advance poetically to flowers are clothed in beauty. Really pushing it, biologically, caterpillars change into butterflies. But of course to you, that would still be a twit, dumb statement even though it is a fact.
I guess that is how the mind works when it is focused too much on nudity.
Anonymous, at 9:01 AM
8:56, Yeah, we're born nude, but not rubbing our naked bodies all over strangers for money and calling it "dancing".
Anonymous, at 3:24 PM
Well of course we are not born dancing on strangers. First off we would not be tall enough, and then they are not even old enough to work. Sheesh
Anonymous, at 4:20 PM
Anonymous 8:56, while you are saying this country represses nudity, did it ever occur to you that the UK might be overly obsessed with nudity?
No problems with open nudity?Nudity is not shameful to you?
Did it ever occur to you that most people have so much respect for their bodies that they prefer decency and discretion over flashing it for money?
Did it ever occur to you that open nudity would be more conducive towards more open lust?
Where and how would you draw the line when indiscretions got out of control more than they are now?
Anonymous, at 6:20 AM
324 pm in reply to
rubbing our naked bodies all over strangers for money
Some strangers pay better than others.
Anonymous, at 6:31 AM
Additional thought to 8:56 AM
Did it ever occur to you that nudity in fine art and statues is socially and civilly appreciated and accepted due to the past cultures it represents, but which is still nevertheless contrary to the past and current EXPLOITATION of male and female bodies?
That is not a double standard. People who appreciate fine art, statues, and historic cultures do not get crazed with passions of lust-filled desires in contrast to the illicit exploitations promoted by nudey magazines, x-rated films, etc.
Anonymous, at 8:00 AM
4:20, so your point is?
Anonymous, at 3:40 PM
631 some strangers pay better than others you say. so the truth is finally out.
Anonymous, at 5:00 AM
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