Their view of the church
Why do club supporters despise the church or other proponents of morality? I can only assume it is because they don't want to hear anything that illustrates that what they are doing is wrong....wrong for them and for the community.
Take a look at how the patrons of Gentlemen's Club 10 feel about God, faith, morality and the church. This is a summary of many of their quotes (please excuse the spelling....I cut and pasted these comments exactly as they appear in the comment area).
All sexual activity that happens out side of the covenant of marriage is not immoral, unhealthy and wrong. That is a religious statment.
Ill I say is you must all take a look at yourselves before you pass judgment on others, you follow a religion that is corrupt, and hides evil things, and tries to enforce it's ways into every aspect of life.
Thanks for praying for me although it doesnt work lol
There is no god.
your a no life holy rollin bible thumping bum.
Keep going with your holy rollin thaughts. You'll NEVER shut down Club G 10.
Once again you proven your self a bible thumping holy roller idiot.
I don't believe in organized religion and I don't believe strip clubs have anything to do with religion
I do not believe in any church
I have no interest in religion
i don't agree with you using the religion as a striking point.. frankly.. there is no god - it's all fictitious my friend.. the sooner people figure this out - i'll have to stop grocery shopping on sunday mornings.. it's so peacefull when all the hypocritical people lock themselves inside compounds.
as an atheist I also don't agree nor believe that religion should be able to pop up in your posts
Your's and the Catholic church's ideas about sex and marriage are not the only ones in this great country of our's.
You all try to better this world with your values by crusading against every little thing you deem wrong in your eyes. But think about it, isn't God going to punish all of us sinners in the end? So why not just sit back and wait for us to get whats comming us.
If religion was so great, why are 99% of the wars fought because of it?
God is completely IRRELEVANT in this matter.
God is never irrelevant. In this debate and in all debates, His precepts should always be our primary concern.
I'm not the atheist you quoted, though I am anti-gclub10, but if your question is not rhetorical, I can only surmise that the club supporters who despise the church figure the best defense is a good offense, so they attempt to offend those whom they perceive to be religious. I'm often surprised that rebuttals to my posts, which obviously do not come from a religious perspective, are rebutted with anti-Catholic or anti-Christian statements totally irrelevant to my comments.
Anonymous, at 5:55 PM
I know that you're not really surprised that Gentlemen's Club 10 opposes Christianity and Christian morals.
They have their own set of morals. Look at some of the other comments you have received. They work hard to justify just about anything immoral or irreligious.
Anonymous, at 8:53 PM
Mr. Family why must the crusade to close Club 10 be based on religious issues? Keep in mind that local and state laws are not taken from the bible. Why not stay within the legalities of the issues? You may succeed further in that prospective rather than quoting from the bible. Believe me I am not anti religion. The exposure of the club in a public business environment is simply wrong and should have never been placed there. That is the issue at hand. Kindly stay with the facts. Thank you!
Anonymous, at 11:16 PM
SO incredibly sad....sooner or later the truth comes out in the END!
Anonymous, at 6:10 AM
We are dealing with a blood line past down from generation to generation that in one shape or form continues to make immoral decisions. They won’t teach their children/offspring morality because it literally burns their sole. These are by far the most worthless beasts on earth. By living this irresponsible life style we can not expect them to change and this only leads to unethical decision making on their part as well. This is why we anti-10'ers want the club and its patrons gone. For the life of me I can’t understand why they don’t find an island and transform it into a land of immorality? Perhaps they know the kind of torrid life they would live if they did, like living with pure evil.
Anonymous, at 6:42 AM
Mr. Family,
Where are the pictures? I am not knocking your cause. However, I am suggesting that hard photo evidence can do more to scare folks than religious persuasion. I realize that the persuasion attempts to realign folks on the "right" path, but as with the threat of eternal damnation - some need to be scared.
With that in mind, I wanted to let folks know that Canon offers the S3 IS, which has a 12x optical zoom that is stabilized. You could sit quite far away and easily pick off plate after plate after plate. Sony and Panasonic have similar models. And, even better, the clarity would prevent those complainers who dislike blurred digital zoom... Just a suggestion.
[Yes, I just purchased an S3, and yes, you just may make it onto candid camera! Family events, graduations, hockey games, and sinners - what can't this baby capture?]
Anonymous, at 9:42 AM
to 942 am well you need to get out from behind your computer and risk getting run over or having a car wreck so you can take some pics, your insurance company will not like it if you get into an accident while taking a pic driving nor will the state police as it is wreckless driving.
if you take pics from the mall parking lot your are tresspassing on private property.
Anonymous, at 12:16 PM
to 942 am well you need to get out from behind your computer and risk getting run over or having a car wreck so you can take some pics, your insurance company will not like it if you get into an accident while taking a pic driving nor will the state police as it is wreckless driving.
if you take pics from the mall parking lot your are tresspassing on private property.
Anonymous, at 12:17 PM
As of this writing (from the first blog down to blog 9:42a), I respect everyone's anti-club comments and observations, and I see this campaign as a combined effort of the same. Each of us have a greater strength or knowledge or talents in some areas than other areas with which we all can see this through to the end.
United we stand!
Anonymous, at 2:19 PM
Here we go again with God. I am not religious, but I do not hate those that are. I have read the bible on many occasions, I love the book, and people that decide to live their lives according to it are welcome to do so. But it does not fit for everyone. And that seems to be your message, that everyone should live by that and that alone. That itself is wrong.
But once again, this is not a religious debate.
I imagine the church is brought up by those that like the club, since you seem to imply that this club is the prime evil in the world. That no other wrong doing in our local area. When in fact, it is in every part of our lives. There is much more wrong in our area than a simple strip club. And that is what others are pointing out.
Anonymous, at 10:37 PM
Trespassing? Half right, if that. The wife knows I cannot stand the mall. However, she shops there. Thus, she also hating GClub10, has no problem with me waiting in the car for her. And, this guy needs to keep entertained. The radio will only get me so far. But - trying out this new digicam - well, that will keep me occupied.
Anonymous, at 12:12 AM
to anon 10:37 p,
the Holy Bible is not meant to conform to our ways but for us to change our lives to the path of rigtheousness where we cannot go wrong. So there is nothing wrong with anyone suggesting that, as well as there is nothing wrong with correcting someone who is going against the law, laws which are also based on morality, stemming from the Holy Bible, for our protection.
Absolutely, this is not a religious debate, however, pro-club has brought in time and time again one Bible verse and many anti-relgious arguments that they see as condoning or excusing their ways. Extremely wrong. So it is only proper that it be counteracted.
The Mr. Family campaign is fighting one source of evil, or negativity, from which develops a chain re-action of evils. Other organizations and professions do the same. For example, we all cannot be law enforcers who fight evil (crime) in their capacities.
As for the club being the prime evil of the world, once again it is one consolidated source in our very immediate area that is part of a larger evil since porn is becoming the fastest growing problem in the world, generated by porn sites on the internet. This was recently noted on a documentary "Hypersexual Behavior," adding, internet surfers who were not hypersexual at first, very often became so when viewing porn sites.
We have a lot of wrongs in our area, but we cannot become pacifists and excuse any of them as being insignificant. They only snowball, and that is what the club would like us to believe, that it is a simple strip club.
Keep reading God's message.
God loves you!
Anonymous, at 6:09 AM
And this is why Church and State HAD to be seperated. Because of people like you. Because people in this world may not follow the same God that you do, and that is not wrong, so they should not be forced to live by the rules of your God.
I am not church bashing, I go to to church, and you are trying to use God as a weapon, and using him against others. That sir, is NOT they way it should be.
Anonymous, at 6:30 AM
"Because people in this world may not follow the same God that you do, and that is not wrong, so they should not be forced to live by the rules of your God." I'm an atheist and grateful to live in a country where no one tries to force me to live by the rules of ANY god. I only go to church for weddings and such, but I don't feel threatened by religious people. However, it does seem hypocritical to go to a strip club Saturday night and then church on Sunday.
Anonymous, at 11:09 AM
to 609 drugs are the fastest and biggest problem worldwide not adult clubs
Anonymous, at 11:44 AM
6.30 what church are you going to---the church of satan?????? you are misled and are misleading others.
Anonymous, at 11:50 AM
to 6:30 a, the only reason I am responding to your misperceived comments concerning my comments are for the benefit of anyone who is interested. I would like to clear up where you got the idea that I believe Church and state should be ruled together, but I can't figure why you thought that.
Next: "my" God is everyone's God. It's up to the individual to believe in who their God/god is or none. BUT, that does not allow for immorality to be accepted.
Next: concerning the Holy Bible, I said "suggesting;" you thought of "forced" religion.
You can think what you want about me, but I will not submit readers to believing that I am "trying to use God as a weapon, and using Him against others."*** That is crazed! I did not use any biblical quotes, condemn, or judge anyone. The evil or negativity I was referring to is not a person...and I will pray against and fight evil until my dying breath.
What concerns me is that you say you go to church, but I think your quote**** would be appropriate to be pasted on this commentary along with those who made anti-religious, anti-Christian slurs.
p.s. want more proof of not being forceful? Read blog 11:09 a. who, I think, might be my atheist friend, and who, he (or she), we both agreed that this campaign should not be a religious debate. If that's the same person, ask him or her. If not, as you can see, I did not confront that person with my religious beliefs.
I only counteract religious slurs which are only voiced by some of the pro-club community.
Anonymous, at 2:42 PM
As the constitution separates Church and State, let this Issue of Club 10 be separated from church. It is a state issue.
Anonymous, at 8:18 PM
As the constitution separates Church and State, let this Issue of Club 10 be separated from church. It is a state issue.
Anonymous, at 8:18 PM
I love hearing folks say "just because we don't follow the same God you do." Are YOU kidding me?? I didn't realize there is more than one. You may be following someone but it certainly isn't God. So who is it that you are following? Tell us we'd love to know. The moon? The stars? The water? Mickey Mouse? Allah?
Anonymous, at 5:54 AM
Well when ever anti-club person keeps shoving religious jargon down their throats, of course they will throw religious slander back at you. This is not about religion. The club is legal, even if you do not like it. That is the debate. You can not close it because you think God doesn't like it.
This debate will NEVER end.
Anonymous, at 6:15 AM
Anon 5:54. There are many religions. And others worship other gods.
The list can go on.
Just because you do not know of these other Gods that people still worship today, and insist on telling others that they have to follow a single God that you worship, is not right. Even Satan is another God, and people are free to worship him, freedom of religion after all.
Anonymous, at 7:42 PM
Seems the locla media all has the same idea about you Mr.Family. These are soem qoutes from WILK
Nancy & Kevin of the Morning show on WILK were very critical of Mr family before Nancy, as station manager decided to drop Mr Family. "Here’s a guy that’s not man enough to say who he is and stand up for what he believes, but he wants to publish pics of people who go to the club to try to embarrass them and he expects other people do his dirty work by going out and taking pics for him," said Kevin. Nancy also commented " We will publish pics you take in the gclub and put them up on our website, that should send Mr. Family into orbit." She also said, "this story getting old, we are going to drop it." Mr Family had his say on the Sue Henry Show once, but he was never invited back. Most phone calls, emails, etc were negative to his cause.
Anonymous, at 9:23 PM
Seems like the club is loosing business. not many cars in the lot during the week. Perhaps on the weekend they are busy but that alone won't pay the big bills. Give it 6 more months and with many other clubs opening up some of these clubs and even G Club 10 may soon disappear.
Anonymous, at 10:54 PM
Not posting comments again i see?
Anonymous, at 5:30 AM
to 7:42
Satan is not another "god." He was a created being, an angel in fact, who was so full of pride and vanity that he was cast out of Heaven. He remains bitter about that and seeks to do anything he can to defame and insult the Name and ways of God.
Satan, either directly or indirectly, is behind GClub10. It is Satan's will to bring any form of immorality to a community that he can because this is an offense to the Name of God. He uses people to accomplish his bidding....promising them wealth or prestige in this world.
Satan's promises are empty. Doing his bidding will ruin your life forever.
Anonymous, at 6:55 AM
to 7:42
Satan is not another "god." He was a created being, an angel in fact, who was so full of pride and vanity that he was cast out of Heaven. He remains bitter about that and seeks to do anything he can to defame and insult the Name and ways of God.
Satan, either directly or indirectly, is behind GClub10. It is Satan's will to bring any form of immorality to a community that he can because this is an offense to the Name of God. He uses people to accomplish his bidding....promising them wealth or prestige in this world.
Satan's promises are empty. Doing his bidding will ruin your life forever.
Anonymous, at 6:55 AM
to 6:15 a, from 2:42 p,
Here's the ideas that I want to make very clear: I do not shove religion down anyone's throat. I know very well that shoving is wrong. BUT it is not wrong to present it to someone who may find it very helpful in their lives when everything else is going miserable. It's an option, and it could be the comfort they need, if not accepted immediately, then perhaps later.
Next: I greatly applaud Mr. Family for presenting this particular commentary. It shows the extra ugliness that we believers are up against.
Next: I do not classify this as a religious argument, which to my mind, would be this website being for the sole purpose of trying to evangelize and eliminating all the other anti-club views.
Next: although I do not preach, so to speak, I agree wholeheartedly with Mr. Family that we believers should have God's precepts as our primary concern. To put it another way, let His precepts be our inspiration. This is not to say that anyone who is inspired to speak of their faith in other ways to address this issue, should be silenced.
Next: I do not view this as a debate in any form. I view all of it as an education. Anti-clubs offer a variety of credible and worthy knowledge. Pro-clubs, well, I'll let that ride.
Next: Here's a thought, us believers worship our one, true, God. Personally, I see pro-club participants - sadly, without knowing it - worshipping the gods of lust and greed. Since that is continuous, then our God's precepts must be continuously voiced in whatever GOOD manner is necessary.
Once again, I applaud our atheists friends' comments which encourage morality and decency to people who aren't believers. So that eliminates the view of religious "jargon," for non-believing pro-clubs.
One more thing: us believers KNOW that God doesn't like it.
Anonymous, at 6:57 AM'satanic'+ritual/
Anonymous, at 7:02 AM
Well,8:18 p, I think it is exceedingly more important that degradation be separated from women; club-induced and all sex predators be separated from children; immoral injustices be separated from society in general. I think those destructive societal issues are ultimately more important than being worried about church involvement in this issue.
Anonymous, at 10:25 AM
Whats wrong with some of those comments? many of them are true.
Anonymous, at 11:53 AM
That is a good point, we segregate child molesters from neighborhoods (X amount of feet from schools, parks, etc.) so why don’t we come up with an ordinance to ban g10 form areas that are family oriented?
Anonymous, at 8:07 PM
nothing degrades women more than conservative religion
mr f talks about religion all the time but appears to be afraid to tell us what demonination he is. several of the founding fathers were critical of religion ie john adam and be franklin and albert einstein was an atheist
so was the scientist that discovered dna, and look how much good to the world these men have done.
Anonymous, at 6:38 AM
6:38, Thanks for pointing out prominent atheists, but that hardly excuses gclub10 from promoting the devaluation of women. Surely you aren't implying that all the men you cited also disrespected the fairer sex. As an atheist myself, it seems most strip club supporters are more interested in degrading religion as a weak defense of their habit of objectifying half the population of the world.
Anonymous, at 8:53 AM
8:53 am. Not really degrading religion, as much as pointing out the flaws in it when people toss it in our face.
Anonymous, at 12:34 AM
12:34 So "we" have a face? I hope you don't mean "we" atheists, because I'm certainly not on the side of any pro-clubbers, regardless of their religion or lack thereof. I've made my atheism known in many of my posts and none of the religious people here ever tried to challenge me about it, but the pro-club bozos frequently reply to my comments with childish anti-religious rants erroneously assuming I'm Catholic or Christian. So who's really flawed?
Anonymous, at 6:05 PM
We are man. We are all flawed.
Anonymous, at 7:06 PM
Yeah, and I am woman, hear me roar. Show some respect for your mothers and sisters by getting over your need to objectify women for sexual gratification.
Anonymous, at 3:10 PM
to 310 yes show some respect for your sex by realizing the bible teaches your sex was responsible for bring sin and destruction into the world.
Anonymous, at 12:10 PM
Um, 12:10, Eve only took the first bite. Adam took the second, which then sealed the fate for all of mankind.
On the whole, your comment has to be one of the most ridiculous ones on the top 10 list throughout this whole campaign. Just when I thought I heard it all.
Anonymous, at 5:22 AM
to 12:10, if the lady is an atheist, aren't you tossing religion in her face now? Does this mean the guys who pay to have naked girls rub around their laps but still consider themselves good Christians are just putting the female sex in its place? Is this an admission that you have no respect or regard for women because you blame them for bringing "sin and destruction into the world"? Do you blame your mother for bringing you into the world? Are you trying to get even with her by devaluing all women?
Anonymous, at 11:40 AM
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