Bait on a fishing rod
Here's one more line from the stripper at Gentlemen's Club 10 who wrote the comments in the previous post.
"The guys in the club are like bait on a fishing rod, only were fishing for money, not the guys."
Gentlemen's Club 10 fosters a pathetic circle of people using each other. In the end, everyone is degraded.
very degrading
we have been writing down the plate numbers of those who park there. can you post them or do you just want pictures
Anonymous, at 9:53 AM
When you beep as you drive by, guys turn their heads or try to duck into their car or the building. Its really funny. I know that someone else suggested this before, but my mom and I do it all the time. It cracks me up
Anonymous, at 11:23 AM
Well it is their job to get money, just like a sales person.
Ever shop at one of the local big electronic stores? I bet you have, and I bet I have gotten you to spend more money than you had planned. To get my numbers up for my bonus. it is call business. And most guys know that going into a club. The ones that don't are dumb.
Just as Mr.Family uses other people to take pictures for him, so he can keep secret. Everyone uses everyone.
And to the number takers, what good is that? Taking license plates numbers? To do what with them? Post them, big whoop. And if you are writing them down, you are close to the parking lot, which means someone can take your picture, and post it, and your address and license plate.
And beep all you want. I'll wave when you drive by.
Anonymous, at 11:34 AM
gee, when one beeps his/her horn it is usually to get one's attention. turning one's head is a normal reaction. And blowing the horn makes you a better person?
Anonymous, at 12:07 PM
and the girls work fo tips as a waitress in a restaurant when i went to a club several years ago-- i expected to be entertained not anything else.
Anonymous, at 12:14 PM
Keep your clothing on when you're selling electronics. Morals are important and relevant.
Is Gentlemen's Club 10 aware of an marriage engagement that was just broken by an upset fiancee?
Way to "win the love" of Wilkes-Barre.
Anonymous, at 12:35 PM
I am aware of a few upset fiancees who broke their engagements none of which were caused by an adult club.
ken lay kept his clothes on
while rippng peple off of billions.
clothes really have nothing to do with ripping people off or morals except for you.
Anonymous, at 1:53 PM
hmm mr family in your previous post you say this is cut and pasted just as she typed it--now you say
this bait line is another quote from the same letter
obviously then... you deleted portions of her letter from both of your posts.
another sad commentary on your honesty and credibility
Anonymous, at 1:58 PM
The comments made were not from a Club10 girl. False info from a Pleasure Dome girl looking to give bad credit to a rival club, This is true.
Anonymous, at 10:50 PM
Wow, you and your mommy drive by and beep. loser
Anonymous, at 4:34 AM
I detected a new pattern here with the club fanatics. They're trying to compare apples to oranges and come out thinking they're the same.......but if there is any rotten ones, they belong to everybody else but them. It's still the same old, same old pitiful justification pattern.
Anonymous, at 5:21 AM
Interesting. A woman broke off the relationship due to the fact that he went to the club. Where is this info comming from? If there was true love in the christian sense, then they could of worked it out. Seen the priest, counselor etc. It is good that they broke it off. If that is the worse he can do then the marriage would not work.
Also, the world is flat.
Anonymous, at 6:41 AM
You know something 1:53, that was very, very rude. Some girl is heartbroken because of what happened, and you glazed over it with your insensitive comments that are reflective of strip club mentality. How important is it to defend that darn club when it even diminishes a person's ability to be sympathetic?
Anonymous, at 6:50 AM
mr. family did delete parts of her post my previous comment i remarked 'looks like mr. family was browsing myspace lately' because that's exactly how he found the dancer's comments - through myspace.
if you go through gclub10 on myspace, the dancer is in their 'top' friends, and it is there that you can see her thoughts, which is what mr. family was posted ...well, save for the things that mr. family has deleted her saying.
Anonymous, at 12:20 PM
It was 'cut and pasted' as she typed it. Nowhere does Mr. F say that it is the note in its entirety.
You club-goers aren't too smart.
Anonymous, at 5:02 PM
to 10:50
The comments are not from a "Pleasure Dome" girl. They are from the very woman that Club10 uses on their billboard on 81 South near Plains.
I am the one who tipped Mr. Family off to this information and I'm glad he posted it. I just find it ironic that Club10 uses a woman who actually hates the negative effects stipping is having on her life, to advertise their bordello.
Anonymous, at 8:04 PM
And you know what, Mr.Family left out many important parts of that post on myspace by that girl. The part about them all being normal girls. Just working a job. He used only parts HE choose. He again has twisted her words into what he wants to project.
And she no longer dances there. She chose not to. A long time ago.
I know her personally, and she is one of the nicest people you will ever meet.
The parst he left out pertained to people juding books by their cover. WHich every person on this site that opposes the club does
Anonymous, at 9:07 PM
Anon 8:04. The Ex Dancer in question, who only worked at thi club for about 4 months, and quit because she didnt like it, GAVE her picture for the billboard.
That was a picture she had before she was a dancer.
What does not suprise me is how he left out other inportant parts. Like her saying not to judge people, and that the dancers are people too. When you people do not treat them as such. Nor the patrons. You choose to slander them.
Why don't you check the rest of the dancers, many who are on myspace, and look at them. The rest are happy, and enjoy their jobs, Oh but wait, that would not fit your needs to show happy dancers. That would not fit your cause because it is not negative.
Anonymous, at 5:24 AM
Well, well, unless these "truths" are all from strippers, looks like they are not the only ones wiggling and squirming. The entire club population is also.
That reminds me, time to get something straight. Strippers are not dancers. Calling themselves dancers is an insult to the professionals who trained and worked hard for years to obtain masterful and true classic careers.
$tripper$ are naked enticer$.
Anonymous, at 5:45 AM
Yet again its the girl that wrote this, Guys that go into a strip club know that the girls want their money, reason of a strip club and reason why us dancers are there, to make money, not to take guys home... please stop posting things off of my myspace profile!! thank you!
Anonymous, at 9:22 AM
to 502 pm if you say you cut and pasted it just as she typed it-- then you do NOT delete .... took journalism classes in college.. neither you or mr family could work for the times leader etc
here's an example
mr family says the gclub 10
is a negative influence on the community.
it's charity night is a bogus way to gain support of the community.
now i say i cut and paste it exactly the way he typed
the gclub 10 is a...influence on the's charity night is a ...way to gain support of the community.
so anyobe who says he/she is cutting and pasting exactly as typed then deleting words and sentences is not being honest. See how it changes the meaning and intent of the writer?
Now 502pm do you understand it ?
Anonymous, at 1:07 PM
two things
1. Gerry Der..... I know you were at gclub10 on Thursday night.
2. you will try to deny it, but I told Denise. you're a big cheat and now your caught. I also happen to know that you check this sight religiously to see if he got your plate. he didn't need to. I caught you.
go pay for your fantasy girls and leave denise alone. JERK!
Anonymous, at 8:16 PM
Once again,Proven to be deceiving Mr.Family. This girl never said these things about club10. She said them before it was open. Tisk tisk, such a deceiver you are.
Leaving out parts of her original post, making up that she said it about club10, when in fact she enojoys being at club10.
You may want to get a bottle of ketchup to go with that foot in your mouth. Seems you eat your foot a lot.
Anonymous, at 6:19 AM
to 9:07 pm, judging books by their cover? the females are naked. what cover are we talking about?...the "gents" sneaking in under the cover of darkness?
to 5:24 am, well you see, it's like this...we can't check with the drugged and dead strippers.
to 9:22 am, then let it never be denied that you are honest about your intentions.
to 1:07 pm, if I were you, I'd get my tuition money back.
to 8:16 pm, my very best wishes to Denise. Good work!
Now when you strip "geniuses" make up your minds - does she work there or doesn't she - maybe you would want to let us know.
Anonymous, at 7:08 AM
It's sooo funny. Every time Mr. Family posts something that cuts to the core, he's called a liar.
It turns out that this girl really does dance at Club 10 AND she really did type these comments.
Mr. Family posted these words to illustrate what she thought of her quality of life and all the club people can do is flip out about when the club opened.
I'm the one who sent this information to him. And to those who are flipping out, you're missing the point! Stripping has hurt her ability to find love. I believe that was the point of her post.
The sex addicts who go to club 10 can never admit to themselves that what they're doing is hurting these women.
Anonymous, at 7:32 AM
to 708 am glas to see you are SO NONjudgmental.
Not everyone thinks nudity,
/nude dancing is immoral or obscene, if you do, fine.
i guess you know drugged/dead strippers and can relate stories firsthand--then do--otherwise- no one will believe your propaganda.
If I were you, I get an education instead of condemning others, is that
part of your religion, insulting others in church on Sunday? then why do it here?
Anonymous, at 7:38 AM
to 732 am i guess the woman and she is a woman not a girl-- felt her comments were taken out of context and was upset m family posted them. Do her feelings matter? I guess not going by yours and others responses.
Anonymous, at 8:38 AM
If you knew this girl, she is in a relationship. Many of the girls are.
She did type those comments. Back in January, not during her time at club10. But Mr.Family would not say that, he chose to imply that was her current state of mind. Which it is not. Stated by the very girl herself.
Mr.Family did state that the club ruined her life, which is a lie. She said it so herself.
What it truly funny, is people can not see through the crap Mr.Family spouts. He does twist the info he finds to fit his needs. He should run for office the way he pushes propaganda.
Anonymous, at 9:40 AM
There is that term again, Sex Addict.
but I guess Religious Addicts have to put a label on anyone that does not see their way.
Anonymous, at 10:36 AM
Those of you who post anywhere on the internet should realize that anyone and everyone can access it to make of it what they will. That's why it's called the World Wide Web. Obviously, the stripper (sorry, rubbing your naked body all over some sorry so&so for money is NOT dancing) is fearful of losing her job at club10 and is attempting to backpedal now that she's been outed here. Perhaps all these happy college grads who love being exhibitionists should blog a little less.
Anonymous, at 10:42 AM
so, what she incorrect when she said that most other strippers are drug addicts, prosititues and looking for sexual favors?
of course club supporters forget those sentiments
Anonymous, at 11:48 AM
No, people do not forget that there are lots of strippers that end up that way. The same way thay 80 percent of kids in school end up on drugs, and many girls drop out of school and become hookers. Not just strippers. The thing is, you club haters push that sterotype on ALL strippers. And it is not true.
But you can not except the fact that many of these girls can be a strip dancer, and not be on drugs, or refuse anyone that wants sexual favors. Go to the club, ask for any extras..see what happens. And while your face down in the parking lot I will point and laugh at you.
Anonymous, at 12:08 PM
You know 8:38 & 10:36, it had to take a lot of self-honesty and strength for 7:32 to confront and deal with his/her (former) sexual addiction. Even though these blogs are anonymous, it still had to take a lot of courage and care to get involved and to speak from experience.
That being said, 8:38, you made it very clear that you are the one who lacks care about her feelings, her life, plus that of 7:32, who extended himself/herself for the betterment of other people.
10:36, How better way to say it than "sex addiction?" Your religious addiction argument is one that club-goers consistently use for lack of facing up to their own severe problem. Why,then, should anyone with normal reasoning see it your way?
7:32, peace be with you always!
Anonymous, at 1:34 PM
12:08, if "80% of kids in school end up on drugs", we would all be in trouble. Actually, more boys than girls drop out of school these days. And the girls who drop out generally do NOT become hookers, though many male drop outs end up in jail. Many strippers are also hookers and many hookers began as strippers. You sound like someone who has been turned down for "extras". You might do well to use some of the money you waste at club10 to educate yourself a little better.
Anonymous, at 2:15 PM
To 1:07 p.m.:
Judging by your post, I'd guess those journalism classes did little for your grammar skills.
Try stuffing fewer one's into a G-string and more into a tuition envelope. If there's one thing the Valley desperately needs, it is education -- education to eradicate the pervasive ignorance that seems to dominate most lives.
Anonymous, at 2:37 PM
ok 1208 maybe not all stereotyped but you just threw some new ones in
--and while your face down in the parking lot i will point and laugh at you--
violence and ignorance.
why am i not surprised.
Anonymous, at 2:42 PM
to 237 pm no i do not go to strip clubs and i believe i made my point quite well about jornalism, it's nice to know that your viewpoint and only your viewpoint is the valid and correct one.
it's so typical of right wingers, how about getting out from behind your computer and educate yourself.
Anonymous, at 7:22 AM
ed gee kay shun
Anonymous, at 12:35 PM
1235 pm pig latin?
Anonymous, at 7:35 AM
I'm 100% with you 2:37pm. Yet there is a basic problem, according to some of these comments, that indicates the ignorance is impenetrable. All too often educational information or practical reasoning from Mr. Family and camp. supporters have been rebuked or distorted. Those types of reactions keep the cycle of ignorance intact. Undeniably, it does dominates most lives.
Anonymous, at 5:29 AM
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