Whether sexual addiction takes the form of extramarital affairs, frequenting strip clubs, compulsive masturbation, exhibitionism or surfing the Internet for porn, it's as destructive as any other dependency. The dismissive attitude that exercising self-control is all it takes to end inappropriate behavior absolves the accuser from considering the deeper truth.While I don't agree with every last point made in this article, I am pleased that it brings to light the true problem of sexual addiction. Read on if you're looking for help to overcome such an addiction.
When Lust Takes Over
Sexual Addiction Is Way More Than A Bad Habit
Excellent article, Mr. Family.
This is one point exactly why I firmly disagree with people on this site who take a negative view thinking this campaign is going nowhere. All they see are the back and forth comments, but don't take into consideration those people in distress who read it and are encouraged to seek help.
Campaign nay sayers don't see the bigger picture.
They overlook the anti-club comments as being voices of guidance to the right direction that so many need to hear and who do take heed.
The proud ignorantly boast that this campaign has been ineffective. To the contrary. They just prefer not to try to comprehend how many lives have been changed for the better.
The longer this campaign is in effect, the more people it will help, in God's way, in His time.
It is a God-send, and I have no doubt it has done more good than we will ever know.
Anonymous, at 3:58 AM
Great article! Good insight. Makes you wonder who is really next door to us. There is only two mentions of Strip clubs as well. But a great article.
On a side not though MR. Family. I do not think that publications of this sort is a good way to inform people. It is like the City paper in major cities that has many adult ads and such. Like the Weekender that you are not to fond of.
Anonymous, at 4:43 AM
People can can addicted to many things including, sugar, food, even chocolate
and coffee. With a casino opening next week, there is the danger of addiction to gambling, in addition to lottery tickets.
The point is most people use the above in moderation
without problems. Some don't.
The same is true for adult entertainment.
casinos cause more crime than adult entertainment.
casinos attract prostitutes,
thieves, and fraud, plus an adult could lose their life savings.
prostitution is a problem in ac and nevada, in fact prostitution
is legal in some counties in nevada.
Funny but you article and you for that matter ignore
massage parlors.
While the woman is naked at a strip club, in a massage parlor BOTH PERSONS are naked and there is intimate contact. What goes on in a massage parlor is between two people in a strip club there are usually lots of witnesses ( patrons) making it less likely anything illegal wil go on.
If a man has cheatin" on his mind, a massage parlor is a much better bet than a
strip club. Why?
More for the money, a massage parlor is much cheaper than a stip club and a lap dance. There is much less chance of being seen by someone one knows and with the time factor involved, a guy can have a "massage" in 30 minutes and be home before the wife misses him,
much more time is involved at a strip club.
The complaints I hear on this site about the club, is
gryating naked women, married men being tempted to go there etc-- but in reality a massage parlor is much worse. Funny, there is never a word about it here on this web site.
Anonymous, at 1:39 PM
I guess you missed the Times Leader story Thursday about the Pittston Township strip club proposal? Way to be on the ball, Mr. F.
Anonymous, at 9:17 PM
You'll be happy to read Friday's post.
Mr. Family, at 11:13 PM
3:58 J.H.C. on a pogo stick. Are you saying that by people posting on this blog they are doing something, something so meaninful that it has changed the view of so many people? How is this blog helping the "people who are in distress"? It might inform people of what happens in a club and issues that people might have with the club such as dancers, people attending and the lose of property value, but is all words. It might help people in saying that they might have a problem but THIS informs people, Which is grand,great and very helpful, but does not do anything other then inform. Has there been anyhelp given to the prostitute/ stripper who wrote to Mr. Family? Any donations things like that to help her get away from her evil ways? IS she really in that much of a distress anyway?? Why is there no meet and greet to clean up a sectionof wilkes barre twp? No orange vest patrols nothing to take back the community? Informing people is 1/4 if not less of the way there. What happened to the prayer services on Fridays? No talk of that recently. I guess that it just deflated like a baloon. With the peoples posts that are so wrapped in a religion it is amazing to see that it is all verbage and little or no action. Helping one is great. but there is so many more that need to be "helped".
Anonymous, at 4:42 AM
1:39, if and when a massage parlor opens at the busiest intersection in my community, I will do everything I can to make sure it is policed to prevent illegal activity therein and to ensure that nothing more than massages are offered there. In the meantime, may I remind you that this site is titled STOPGCLUB10, not stopmassageparlors.com.
Anonymous, at 11:10 AM
4:42, you are so lost up in your own little world it truly is not even funny. Your rattled mind is really so screwed up, you don't make any sense to pass along any sense to this optimistic support system. Helpful advice for you would be to see a psych and a preacher to seriously work on your anger.
Anonymous, at 3:42 PM
"J.C.H. on a pogo stick" was the intro to the remainder of your glossy-covered tarnished remarks from hell.
Anonymous, at 7:08 PM
to 11:10 a, evidently you also took notice that a few p/c's will keep attempting to take the focus totally off of stopgclub10 with any and every other subject under the sun, past, present, future, and imagined.
But WE know that only the groping naive mistakenly think others are naive.
Anonymous, at 7:27 PM
to 1110am there are already massage parlors in your community, you just do not know it-- you know the old saying ignorance is bliss.
My point, being ( which went over your head) there is much more sexual activity
in a massage parlor than act at strip club.
Anonymous, at 5:58 AM
to 727 pm there are none so blind as those who will not see-- no the purpose of my post was not to take the heat off the gclub but to point out there are worse places operating.
Strip club: naked women gryating around clothed men.
Massage parlor: naked women
rubbing naked men
Now what do you not understand about that?
You are so narrowly focused on that club that you do not see worse things happening elsewhere.
Anonymous, at 9:53 AM
5:58, Au contraire, your point didn't go over my head, so your skull must be too thick to comprehend the concept. My concern isn't "sexual activity" per se but the legal objectification and degradation of women in the name of "entertainment". I'm aware of massage parlors in my community and that police here regularly raid businesses engaged in ILLEGAL activities. My efforts are therefor directed toward sex peddlers operating UNDER THE GUISE OF THE LAW.
Anonymous, at 2:53 PM
to 9:53 a,
I'm going to borrow an expression from 2:53 p, "au contraire." Mr. Family has pasted several articles throughout this campaign with reference to those with sexual addictions that included massage parlors. You ended your original blog clearly complaining that there is no focus on massage parlors which are much worse, you said. So if that is not trying to take the heat off stopgclub10, then what is?
Excuse me, but you don't have access to my mind to know what I know occurs elsewhere.
BTW, what say you about gclub10, for a unique change in your conversation?
Anonymous, at 6:10 PM
7:08 3:42 Is not what is spoken facts? Where are the protests out side? The services out side of the club? What has been done other then inform? Information is key, action is best. Seems that people are afraid to admit that they have done nothing about this except read and spew uninformed information on this site.
answer the questions and then tell me where you are in all of this. Are you all that angry that I called you out?
Anonymous, at 2:15 PM
215 we all meet you outside clubg wearing orange vests :p lolololol
Anonymous, at 3:11 AM
to 610 pm I could not find any references to massage
parlors much less any pictures. My point is there are worse things than strip clubs, that's not taking the heat off of strip clubs.
Business route 309 is the most travelled route in wilkes-barre township, NOt Mundy Street as claimed here.
There is a 30 foot sign by K-mart advertising the 309,
nobody here has complined.
Anonymous, at 7:18 AM
7:18, gclub10 is at the busiest intersection in W-B Township and next door to Luzerne County's leading attraction, the arena. Please don't try to tell us that we should be less concerned about the prominent location of this dispicable business than some sleazy little theatre where pathetic men go to masturbate amongst themselves while watching films they apparently can't afford to rent and slobber over at home. Even PeeWee Herman knows better.
Anonymous, at 3:37 PM
to 7:18, you CANNOT be serious!?
Rt. 309 is well traveled, but no way, no way nearly as much as Mundy St. with people coming to that area from all directions,from all over the place out of town specifically for all it has to offer!
Filthy Sinesex theater 309 is located hidden away off Casey Ave where cars rarely pass. Since it bothers you more than gclub, suggest you form a protest group. Get busy on that so we can continue our campaign against the bigger trashier place.
Anonymous, at 4:06 AM
to 337 pm-- is that what you want in your community?
One is ok and the other because of location isn't?
What you do not realize is part of the reason the judge ruled in favor of the gclub is beacuse the 309 cinema was already
operating in w-b township for years. that is why you should be concerned about ALL adult businesses not just one. Too bad you do understand that. Try doing a search for community standards and you will see what I mean.
Anonymous, at 12:01 PM
12:01 "Too bad you do understand that." Sounds like a John Kerry joke, but yes, I do understand it. I don't need to search community standards to know that gclub10 is THE ONLY ALL NUDE, LIVE LAP-DANCING dive in W-B Township and that judges are not infallible. It's not as simple as "one is ok and the other because of location isn't", but more like gclub10 being the straw that broke the camel's back by forcing itself into the most prominent location in this community.
Anonymous, at 5:56 AM
to 12:01, Too bad you don't understand BY NOW that stopgclub10 is what this site campaign is about.
Your purposely understanding is changethetopictotaketheheatoffgclub10.
Won't work.
Anonymous, at 6:08 AM
to 556 am and 608 am no you really don't understand it, it obvious by your responses. Did you know Wilkes-barre township had an adult ordinance which PERMITTED nude dancing before the club opened?
And it had all the other adult businesses, the township did not approve or deny the permit within the alloted time allowed by pa law, because of all the resons the club got its license.
Yes I know what this website is, mr family does talk about other adult businesses (once in a while)
Anonymous, at 12:30 PM
12:30, I know that, had W-B Township NOT attempted to brush gclub10's application under the table and given the community an opportunity to voice its opposition BEFORE this business went to court and won by default, the public outcry would have made Scuzzy Scalzo and his sex peddling pals reconsider the location of their sleazorama.
Anonymous, at 3:00 PM
to 300 pm that is only part of it, the township had no rules where an adult busines could or could not be located.
Anonymous, at 12:05 PM
12:05, that's right, which is why the sex peddlers rushed in and ASSUMED that they could do whatever they wanted because they paid lawyers lots of money to run roughshod right over anyone who dared to raise an objection and the shadey judges whose election campaigns they financed backed them up. I'm glad at least some neighboring towns learned from W-B Township's mistake.
Anonymous, at 6:39 PM
to 639pm shady judges? It was a judge who made the decision NOT to let a strip joint open. Are they only shady when they make decisions you don't agree with?
Anonymous, at 6:46 AM
6:46, I note how judges rule in criminal and civil cases. Many are inconsistent and some (like the one who groped some little girl at a concert) are perverts themselves, so they can be shady even when I agree with some of their rulings.
Anonymous, at 9:08 PM
to 12:30p, would you mind telling this board how your off-the-track comments demonstrate any kind relationship to this very important Mr. Family commentary?
There are people who are suffering with sexual addiction who could use some support from us...but no, not from you, you have to incite about other things without having any regard to their well-being.
Sexual addicts, some of us care that you find the strength to seek help. You deserve to be good to yourselves, so do it! and you will have a happy life without the weight of that life-wrecking misery on you. Don't be ashamed. Please seek help. I'm sure it will be done gently. That's what counselors are there for...to help YOU!
Anonymous, at 4:12 PM
to 412 pm truth is not everyone who goes to an adult establishment etc is a sex addict. Ever hear of anyone who held up a store to get money to go to a strip club? There are bigger problems like addiction to drugs and alcohol, and yes one can become addicted to religion.
Anonymous, at 12:20 PM
You are in a sorry state of mind, 12:20, if you cannot even have compassion for people who are really SUFFERING with an acknowledged sex addiction. Drugs, alcholism, gambling, sex addictions...all are relentless demons that destroy the well-being of a person's life, their loved ones around them...even their jobs and their livliehoods.
Count yourself fortunate that you don't have a sex addiction to be able to judge that drugs and alcohol are bigger problems,
and don't minimize the living hell people with sex addictions are going through just so you could try to prove some nothing point.
People with sex addictions, there really are some of us who care about your well-being simply because you are a human being and who deserve the best quality of life possible. Life is short, so please, don't put off getting help, and don't give up! It might not be easy, but nothing in life is guaranteed to be easy for any of us...who also have hardships.
Anonymous, at 6:21 AM
to 621am- yes i do feel sorry for people with sex addictions- however people with drug, alcohol addictions are much more destructive to society than sex addicts.
Anonymous, at 12:20 PM
You made your point about destruction to society, 12:20, but there is no need for you to try to discourage this pertinent article that tells of harm to a person's well-being. You, I, and anyone else just feeling sorry isn't being constructive without giving encouragement for help. Sometimes we have to think of the individuals rather than the whole society. Try to put yourself in a sex addict's place right now and think of how encouraging it would feel to read about supportive, caring comments. This might be the only place where they would get such encouragement, and you could be the one to offer it that might make the difference for them.
Anonymous, at 3:29 AM
to 329 am- I doubt very many sex addicts read this site.
Anonymous, at 6:56 AM
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