Friday night
For a club that boasts a capacity of 1300, it looked like they might have had about 30.
This begs the question... how is the club still open? Readers of this blog have stated that the club is not paying its bills. Are the owners of the building forgiving their rent payments? Are the not-so-public investors delaying re-payment?
A business that isn't profitable can only stay open for so long.
I can hear it now, Mr. Family. The club illusioners are going to say the tractor trailer was loaded with patrons. :)
Ok, so what's left? The 30 cars belonged to employees.
Nope, can't pay the bills with imaginary customers.
Wait!...the whole arena,1300 of them, piled in after you passed there. :)
This ought to be good...enjoy! :)
Anonymous, at 4:19 PM
yeah club, how do your pay your bills with such a basically minimal attendance all along? wasn't it said the club's rent alone is five grand a month? no biz wiz required here to do that math.
mine subsidence or financial difficulties, its sinking either way.
i think the investors jumped ship before the band stopped playing.
Anonymous, at 6:25 PM
yep, yep, yep, the arena event is over. Hungry mom, dad, the teenage kids, and grandma head over to check out the new entertainment club for a snack.
Mom and dad say to the bouncer, we thought this was an upscale entertainment center that also serves food. You allow kids in here?
Bouncer says, we like 'em young.
Grandma says, I could have sworn the sign read gentlemen's club. all I see is slobbering old geezers and teeny boppers.
Bouncer says, no name calling here you dried up old prune!
The family leaves dismayed never to return.
Anonymous, at 5:30 AM
Uh-oh! awfully quiet on the sex front. This must have hit a sore monetary nerve!
I'm wondering if the truck was being utilized for other purposes. Get it?
Or maybe for moving. Sneaking out on the landlord.
Sneak in; sneak out.
Anonymous, at 2:34 PM
Well, an average of a grand a night...and over 3k on weekends. Id say all is well.
I always laugh when Mr.Family screams "They make no money, how are they open?! waaaaaaaa"
Strip clubs make money very easily.
If they get 30 customers a night, that is over a grand. Sorry. You lose. AGAIN!
And you answered your won question. There was a concert. Many in the area were probably there.
Then after you were home, on your knees, praying to a flying spaghetti monster, others went to the club. Since they are open till 5 am on the weekends. When the bars close, the after party goes on at club10.
Anonymous, at 12:47 AM
club, sing to the tune of the 7 dwarfs,
hi-ho, hi-ho, out of town we go,
we got no dough, that we know,
we're not wanted, we know that too, so.....
hi-ho, hi-ho, hi-ho, down and out of town we go..............
Anonymous, at 7:36 AM
According to mw daughter, who works at a local hotel, about 60 conventeers took a bus up there fri night.
As with any business, driving by the parking lot once at a particular time is not indicative of business.
What happened to the people
me family claimed were watching the parking lot and counting cars for him?
Did they jump ship? I guess so.
And as far as not paying bills, they are rumors some people started here on this blog. I guess Mr family believes everyyhing he reads here.
We all know what happens when we do not pay our bills.
We get evicted, newspapers etc refuse to run the ads, and the electric company put you in the dark, and the state and irs padlocks the door. none of that is happening.
BTW, I drove by there Sunday
night after dinner ( around 10 pm) parking lot was pretty full along with a bus
that was illegally parked.
i do have a theology question to ask. Is it not bearing false witness ukmjgt when you repeat rumors you do not know for a fact are true?
Anonymous, at 8:36 AM
12:47, thanks for confirming my suspicion that the drunks all migrate to gclub10 after the bars close. Let's see... a concert, then the bars, followed by the strip club. Who knew we had so many rich, drunken perverts in W-B Township? 8:36, being an atheist, I can't answer your theology question, but no doubt your daughter is very proud of your staunch defense of a business that objectifies and degrades women for the sexual gratification of dirty old men.
Anonymous, at 10:36 AM
in a previous post mr family says -- "i notice that many cars park in their parking lot ---
to block each other
license plates."
So, according to mr family, "there are many cars parked in their parking lot," that answers the question about business.
i guess he forgot he said that
Anonymous, at 2:30 PM
anonymous 8:36, in answer to your question on theology, it is wrong to repeat false rumors. Pertaining to this posting being a "rumor," as you alluded, do not be so sure it is false or not a fact. I will let it at that.
Being that you showed interest in theology, I will take it a few steps futher pertaining to this topic as well. Theology teaches the entire business of strip clubs is wrong. Theology also teaches that leading or encouraging a child into sin is wrong for an adult to do.
Considering you are a parent of an older child, it is beyond me theologically and morally why you are supportive of strip clubs. It has been said on this board by parents such as yourself they raise their children in a manner that they will make their own decisions. Very good. That is idealistic. But to give your defensive blessing and tolerance on adult club behavior does not seem to be an attribute of a wise parent despite your beliefs, be they either theological or secular.
Now I have a question. The club is supposed to be closed on Sundays, hours as posted. You said the parking lot was pretty full. Should we believe the club was providing entertainment that night?
Anonymous, at 3:25 PM
Why oh why do we have to educate these club fanatics on everything?!
12:47- 30 patrons times $20 a pop at the highest charge at a BYOB club comes out to $600. What kind of math are you doing that adds it up to a grand? Then your over-all comments gave no indication that goofyclub10 is the sole recipient of any k. You generalized all of it. Then you didn't include any expenses if they were recipients.
Not sorry, YOU lose again!
2:30- many cars parking in the lot to block plates isn't saying there was up to 500. Practically speaking, the least amount of cars would have to do that to cover for each other.
Anonymous, at 4:43 PM
4:43 pm. 30 Patrons, at 20 bucks, then 10 dancers with a house fee of around 40 (average of most local clubs) equals 1 grand a night. Then toss in any Private dances, soda purchased, shirts bought,and now your over a grand a night. A typical night for Club10
So let me break it down again for the slow people
Average 30 people a night. 600
10 dancers house fee's 400
10 Private Dancers 250
The amount Club10 brings in a night 1250
The tear in the eye of Mr.Family everyday the club stays open, Priceless
So you see, I once again must Educate you on math. Since people who back Mr.Family have no real idea on how strip clubs work,or how they make money, and how it is mostly profit.
But that's ok. Don't sweat it. When you follow a website with no real insight on clubs like this it is understandable. This site is all about rumors and posting what goes on in other states. The club is paying it's bills, and is in no financial trouble. The Fantasy party they had a week or so back, with other adult businesses attending was a HUGE hit, I am sure made them enough money to pay the bills for the rest of the year alone.
Have a great day!
Anonymous, at 6:18 AM
to 325 pm-- we do not know
if the rumor about the club ie bills is true-- so remembering my sunday school days-- you do not repeat things you do not know is true. Do I encourage my kids to go to adult establishments no.
I told them it was their decisions, just as it is my decision and my wife's decision if we go, or rent an adult movie to watch.
As the old saying goes tain't no body's business if I do. And you can't legislate morality.
Anonymous, at 12:01 PM
So, 6:18, what your saying is you have no clue about business.
There happens to be an expenditure statement that goes along with the income. In order for a business to show profit and succeed, it must exceed the expenses not only presently but be upwardly consistent, have minimal downfalls or setbacks, and have a future outlook on a strong potential gain.
Now you can list:
the initial start-up expenses, equpiment, and renovations,
continuous atty. fees, and accountants, advertising/marketing,
rent, utilities, payroll expenses,
a variety of insurance plans for fire, liabilities, employee accidents, etc., employee training (including the extra cost for employee turn-over), govt. taxes, the website, costs for promotional shirts, sodas, janitorial/cleaning services, snow removal(unless in landlord's lease) this and that, and money aside for hidden and unexpected expenses, just to name a few.
Then there is equipment, etc. depreciation to consider
Most businesses start out with a loss unless there is heavy investment and investors who are willing to wait for their return. Don't forgot that expense.
Without back-up capital, most private businesses fail within five years.
With all that money that has to be paid out, don't sweat it. Get a crying towel.
ps: I guess we don't know ALL the OTHER ways strip clubs make money to be mostly profitable!
Anonymous, at 2:36 PM
6:18, You are obviously a gclub10 "insider" and I thank you for the detailed report on how it profits from both its "dancers" and the dunces who pay to see naked women. That these women each PAY $40 a night to be objectified and degraded is further proof that they are being exploited by the sex peddlers who own and operate this business. No doubt ol' Sal pats himself on the back all the way to the bank thanks to the suckers in the valley.
Anonymous, at 2:56 PM
now that we got past the party hardy friviolities, can we hear how deep of a pit you are in, club?
gosh....can't blame the mine subsidence for that.
Anonymous, at 6:15 PM
You are so full of crap!
Anonymous, at 7:31 PM
We got a education for the millionth time from a clubber. 6:18a, age____, going on 14. That's what happens when they mingle with the hyper-hormonal 18 to 20 years olds going on 14...with "no real idea" or "insight" on how maturity and decency works! Same can be said for the 21 to the old bucks! All living in the sicko fantasy world of porn!
wow. real brilliance.
Anonymous, at 7:58 PM
Fascinating how these club addicts and their supporters get into a big tizzy about so-called rumors. At the same time, they don't give a hoot about undeniably credible degradation taking place right in front of their very own eyes. Guess they can't see it through their porn glasses.
The non-patronizing illicit sex club supporters don't want to hear about real degradation. That's ok to them. As long as it's not a rumor.
Anonymous, at 4:49 AM
What is more fascinating Anon 4:49 is how all the anut clubbers beleive all the false rumors on this site.
You cling to such false hope.
And to 2:56 pm, No I am not a "Insider".
I do know a boucner or two at a few of the clubs in this area. And I know club10 is on no financial trouble.
Now the Carousel in nanticoke, that is another issue. They are failing.
Anonymous, at 9:31 AM
This argument will never end. Sex clubs have been around for hundreds of years. They will never go away, nor will the ongoing fight for others to close them. Both have rights, and as Much as I know many will not want to hear it, it is a part of our lives. There are millions of people in this world who enjoy working, or going to these clubs. it is nothing new, and will not be leaving. Even if club10 closes for some reason, another will open somewhere else.
This is the only fact either side can count on.
If everyone was this worried about our area about the other things wrong, maybe it would no be on the down slope that it is. Instead of doing anything, to stop the drugs, crime, all we do is site on web sites like this and complain, and insult others, waiting for someone else to do something.
We as a nation are lazy. It is not the strip clubs, or crime that tears apart our community, it is our refusal to do anything about it but complain.
This is the only fact both sides can bank on.
Anonymous, at 11:30 AM
I go home almost everynight
past the 309 cinema. that's the large adult movie theatre behind K-mart.
never see many cars there, but the place is in business for over 20 years.
i have done accounting work
for businesses including an adult business. It's like this, one person spends more money on average there
than in other businesses
They actually need less customers than most other businesses, also there markup
(profit is more.
the earlier poster is right,
you can not drive by a business and determine they are not profitable because of the cars in the parking lot at that particular time.
I am neither opposed or favor strip clubs.
But I fail to see how this specualtion by mr Family and others bloggers is going to help your efforts to close the place down.
it is not, it is talk and talk is cheap.
Anonymous, at 12:02 PM
i see the the mr family fundies are back to name calling. How mature, perhaps they are upset that
Santorum and other conservative fundies have lost the election.
now I am sure they will come back with more name calling because they are frustrated that they have been able unable to close the club. 8 months and counting.
Anonymous, at 12:06 PM
nope 931 have to disagree with you....subjecting the body once to disgrace does more irreparable damage than scads of rumors that can be corrected.
1130. lots of do-ers out there with this club just do not know them ....and pclubbers don't have the right to degrade....they take advantage of women who let them.
Anonymous, at 1:02 PM
I think everyone should read the editorial in 11-8-06 citizens voice if we want to really understand what we ALL should be fighting for. We ,yes me included, sit here behind our computers telling others they should not go to such places and they tell us about praying and the list goes on and on....when our young men and women die for us to have this right.
Anonymous, at 1:02 PM
gclub shove off with your crappy boring rumor complaints! grab a hold of seeing reality instead of private parts!!!!
Anonymous, at 5:21 PM
12:02p, I must disagree with you at least on your last sentence. Talk certainly doesn't cost anything, but surely in its most positive form, it enlightens, strengthens, comforts, instructs, aids, gives hope...has endless valuable potentials...and that is how I associate the tone of these a-c commenters.
1:02p, I won't have the chance to read the article you suggested, but I can surmise what we all should be fighting for but only some are fighting for is morality. In a word and the world situation, that I believe is what our men and women are fighting and dying for. Part of our time is spent behind our computers in another area of battle to over-take immorality. Stay with it, you are doing good.
Anonymous, at 4:43 AM
Actually 5:21, its the Mr.Family and freinds with their rumors. Not club10.
So you can shove off.
Anonymous, at 5:17 AM
102 pm-- 521 pm the last time I checked the bible bearing false witness
( gossip, rumors) was breaking one of the ten commandments, funny as a christian, you trivialize this commandment.
Anonymous, at 5:27 AM
maybe you did accounting, maybe not. regardless, common ordinary sense tells the everyday citizen cin. 309 is not on the same grandiose business scale as club10......but a dive is a dive.
Anonymous, at 9:30 AM
I have some questions too.
1. How many people left the club before your driveby?
(they open at 7pm)
2.How many people came after your driveby? ( they are open until 5 am.)
3. How many people came together in one car? (ie designated driver etc.
4. how many people came by taxi,bus, dropoff etc
( don't drink and drive)
5. Was a party scheduled
like a bachelor party,birthday, convention etc. ( these people are often dropped off by bus, limo etc.)
6 How can one count the cars
accurately while driving by the club at 30 mph?
7. how can one drive safely while distracted by counting cars.
8. Doesn't the safety of one's family while driving a car more important than counting cars at a strip club?
Anonymous, at 12:50 PM
g'club-10 hasn't really told us anything about raking in the BIG bucks (on second thought, they do rake over a handful of the old bucks)
We have to remember this anti-clubbers, the club "scholars" taught us two very important lessons: rumors are devastatingly earth-shattering. and degradaton is not a problem bec it's not a rumor.
summa cum nada
Anonymous, at 1:16 PM
1:02, I don't need to read any editorials to know that our young men AND WOMEN are not dying for the right to objectify, degrade and devalue women. To imply that any woman would give her life to protect men's rights to exploit them is the epitome of self-serving arrogance.
Anonymous, at 1:52 PM
frustrated?? 12.06p not me. i get a kick out of seeing you guys get slapped around. lol
club ohohoh i fell and i can't get up ;o lol lol lol
Anonymous, at 5:20 PM
The last time I checked the Holy Bible, sins of the flesh were still in effect, including coveting and adultery. Not one bit funny that those are trivialized AND one of the Ten Commandments being diabolically USED only as a weapon to support a pro-club stance!
Anonymous, at 3:24 AM
to 930 common sense tells you the 309 is not in the same busines scale as gclub?
You have to be kidding.
you do not know what you are talking about.
309 is a 500 seat theatre. It opens early in the morning and closes late at night more hours ( 8am- to midnite or close to that) than the gclub.
beside an adult movie theatre ( 10 admission) it rents adult videos, ( 5 bucks) and sells them and sells adult merchandise.
309 rakes in more bucks than the gclub, with less overhead.
Anonymous, at 6:07 AM
yo 607 you valley perverts really know your stuff
Anonymous, at 3:21 PM
I'll tell you something great, 6:07 am, I'm glad I never wasted my time being so informed on trash. I'd say a lot of decent people feel the same way, and I'm happy that I broke that news to you! Something else too, I heard they have to hose down and sanitize those xxx-rated movie seats frequently.
Anonymous, at 4:18 PM
oh 12;5o your woes for driving safety and family is soooo touching. same as for the families of the looped strip patrons no doubt.
and all those hot to trot guys leaving their families and girlfriends behind for a night out of innocent juvenile delinquent festivities. how wonderful.
Anonymous, at 12:43 AM
to 324 am how can one diabolically use the 10 commandments? One is not suppose to break them period.
While the anti-clubbers complain about sins of the flesh-- they also break the commandments by gossiping.
Two wrongs do not make a right.
Sounds like you can dish it out but can't take it.
Anonymous, at 6:06 AM
to 418 pm and 321 pm I tried
to inform people that there are bigger porn operations than the gclub, but you have to resort to name calling. You prefer to keep your head in the sand
( uninformed as you say) than to admit these palces have been opertaing for years under your noses, and you never did anything to stop it.
Anonymous, at 10:03 AM
to 1243am-- yes I was hit a few years ago and hurt by a drver who wasn't paying attention to his driving.
How many people apply makeup while driving, dial numbers on their cell phones, eat etc, look at parked cars when they SHOULD BE Paying attention to their driving.
And anybody driving ehile drinking ( even at a church bazzar) should be arrested.
I hope you are as concerned about safe driving as I am, as the safety of you and your family depends on other's safe driving.
Anonymous, at 10:11 AM
6:06, I'm an atheist, so gossiping doesn't bother me one way or the other, but objectifying and exploiting women really sticks in my craw so please save your adolescent cliches for the losers who patronize gclub10. Sounds like you've yet to form an original thought.
Anonymous, at 3:01 PM
Anon. 3:24 AM. Correct. Two wrongs do not make a right. As the famous saying goes on this board "that is your perception" anti-clubbers are gossiping. It is an old reliable term to apply when the truth would rather not be heard from the pro-club stance.
Proof of cicumstances have been given and are always rejected by the pro-club, thus it is interpreted as gossip.
"how can one diabolically use the 10 commandments?"
Somewhat redundantly from my last blog: by USING the Word of God while full well knowing it is defending evil.
If one undertakes to support the pro-club issues while disregarding the other Commandments in an effort to make one moot or self-interpreted point, then emphatically the source comes from the evil one.
Thus,two wrongs do not make a right.
Anonymous, at 5:31 PM
to 531-- did it ever occur to you that by gossiping you are helping Satan? What happens to one when they gossip? Thay lose credibility. Go the Focus on the Family website and look up gossip. The Rev Dobson speaks quite a bit about it. Christianity is based on truth not gossip.
When someone says " The club isn't paying its bills," it is gossip, no one on this site is in a position to know that as a fact. Does that person work at the club and know it as a fact no, then it is a rumor intended to disparage the place. It is not truth as you claim. Of course if you choose to rationize and make excuses for the gossip,
that is probably what Satan wants. he wants to take you with the people who go the club 10.
Anonymous, at 7:27 AM
7:27, If Christianity is based on truth, what is gclub10 based on? How do you know people who work at the club don't post here? What gives you any claim to the truth? Do you work at gclub10? Did it ever occur to you that someone against the club might go to spy on it? Oh, and as an atheist, I couldn't care less about your feeble attempts to bait the religious anti-gclub10 folks, but you have a LONG way to go before ANYONE would give you any credibility as a preacher.
Anonymous, at 3:47 PM
Anon. 3:47 PM, As always, my friend, your insightful comments are very well-expressed and very appreciated.
Anon. 7:27 AM, I have been meaning to say this for a long, long time, but now is just as appropriate as any other time. I have more respect for our atheist friend (3:47 PM) who practices morality and righteousness than I do for a Christian who practices self-righteousness and supports, tolerates, or overlooks all the evils of strip clubs.
Thank you for your concern about my religious education, but I have had MANY years of it and continue to learn it from VALID sources on a frequent basis, which includes elightenments on the extensive deceptions of satan.*
(*note: I do not even give him the respect of capping the "s" in his so-called proper name).
I fail to understand your comprehension of speculative "rumor intended to DISPARAGE the place" while you fail to admit the truth of strip club human degradation and vast corruption. Had you had true concern for the strip club people, the objective of your comments would be with regard to them rather than "preaching" the horrors of gossip to anti-club advocates. It appears to me the evil one has you stuck in gear believing that this "gossip" could not possibly be fact, while you ignore all the other profound, proven evil aspects. Truth, not an excuse for a poor rationalization.
In closing, one of our atheist friends pointed out one time a grand observation. Said in essence, pro-club advocates will always attempt to bash religion- believing folks as their last resort to defend their baseless arguments.
And that is true.
Hopefully you will notice that I am trying my best to refrain from having religious argument. Therefore, I advise you to reflect with honesty and answer the questions posed to you by 3:47 PM.
We will be awaiting your answers.
Anonymous, at 8:16 AM
to 347 never said I was a preacher did I? The anti-clubbers accuse the pro-clubbers of aldultery and the pro-clubbers accuse the anti's of bearing false witness, both are right.
And so there will be mo misunderstanding about what gossip/ rumor is - something said not proven to be true- almost all religions in particular conservative religions say rumors/gossip is bearing false witness. Even if a club employee posted here ( and you do not know if they do, why would they?) does that mean everything he/she says is true. Ever hear of a disgruntled employee? Did they say they were employees? no, that is speculation on your part.
do you want to start a rumor that their employess are so disloyal they post company secrets here?
What does gossip do for one's credibility? And what does it to to someone's credibility who repeats and condones gossip?
It diminishes it.
And isn't the attempt to close the club based on truth and credibility?
Keep on gossiping and the the club and satan will win.
Anonymous, at 12:17 PM
Anon. 12:17 PM, The anti-clubs have not accused the pro-clubbers of adultery. It was strongly suggested that adultery is highly likely considering the backgrounds of strip clubs, among other vices consistent with strip clubs. Basically, it is you who continues to suggest, if not outright accuse anti-clubs of gossiping.
Now I am convinced satan has you stuck in gear about speculative "gossip" when obviously no other evils matter to you at all.
Also,the overview of your comments to 3:47 PM responds by answering questions by you asking questions with your own unsupported answers. That is a sign of being stuck in a corner, thus loss of credibility on your part.
Keep on siding with the strip club, and satan will win you in his claws!
Anonymous, at 11:25 PM
12:17, thanks for admitting that gclub10 promotes adultery. You never said you're a preacher, yet you try to preach to the Christians. It's obvious to rational people that blogs aren't courts of law. I have no idea who all posts here, but I don't discount the possibility of gclub10 being infiltrated by someone interested in its demise and blogging about it. You merely rationalize every objection to gclub10, so why even waste your time here unless you care what others think?
Anonymous, at 6:19 AM
Anon. 3:47 PM, 12:17 PM can correct me if I am wrong, but the last time (if it was "he") 12:17 PM brought up conservative religions, he was bashing them due to his misconstrued views of them concerning gay people. Now all of a sudden he conveniently relies on conservative religions to support this one aspect to attempt to justify his point. It is all a matter of him using parts here and there, but not really strictly following through with all formed religious beliefs. Otherwise known as "cafeteria" style believing, pick and choose what suits his tastes, while rejecting the whole banquet of truth involving degradation, etc.
Somehow, I sense you do already know this.
Perhaps I should ask him what conservative religions teach about immorality in connection with strip clubs.
Anonymous, at 6:52 AM
to 619 am you like to preach to the clubbers but when someone preaches to you, you get all upset and defensive. look up the meaning of the word hypocrite.
Anonymous, at 12:34 PM
652 i am afraid you have me mixed up with other people so most of what you say makes no sense.
While you are busy preaching morality, you gossip which violates the commandments, then you ignore that and make excuses for the gossip just as the clubbers do. Doesn't make you any better than they does it?
Instead of dancing around the issue, answer the question/ Why is gossip and rumorss ok on this blog when the commandments tell us it isn't?
Anonymous, at 12:41 PM
Anon. 12:34 PM and 12:41 PM, You are just USING on me what 6:19 PM said to you about "preaching." You are good at USING what is convenient for you. I am neither upset, nor defensive, nor a hypocrite. I state my beliefs firmly and with conviction. In fact, I never even considered you as preaching to me, just you ranting on about a baseless theory. And unlike you, I am not avoiding the issues of the other immoralities.
For your knowledge, you have accused me of gossiping with having no basis, no quote by me whatsoever. So look up "hypocrit" again.
Also, "preaching" morality as you say, is not restricted to religious views. It is the basic secular statement of practically the whole anti-club consensus.
I will not answer your question about gossip only for the clear reason that I am not about to entertain the evil one's coercion with you about it. You and he will not take my focus off the whole wide spectrum of events.
Also for your knowledge, I do not believe that I am better than the club people, as you would like to think I do. And since we are on the subject, I respect them as people, God's creations, and ALL that God created is good. It is the wrong things we do that is bad.
Furthermore, I respect them so much as His Creations, my main priorty in this campaign is to be His instrument to fight against the evil one so that he will not have control over their souls. And I do not do it by "preaching."
Meanwhile, where have all your thoughts been on this?
And finally, please do not consider this any form of my defense. I am only re-directing your insistent misguidance.
In the spirit of Christianity, I urge you to start looking at the other evils involved in strip clubs that the evil one has masked from you.
Anonymous, at 3:19 PM
12:34, I'm the atheist who posted at 6:19, so you're barkin' up the wrong tree. Look up hypocrite yourself. While you're at it, look up PERVERT. 12:41, gossip and rumors are fine on this blog because it's what we get from club patrons.
Anonymous, at 6:41 PM
319 pm you choose not to answer my question about gossip because you know the truth-- it is a violation of the commandments-- change the subject all you want-- acuse me of anything you want -- it doesn't change the truth about the gossip and rumors.
Anonymous, at 12:21 PM
to 641-- following your logic--it is ok to kill doctors who perform abortions because they kill babies-- what you are saying is an eye for an eye-- as Ghandi said-- if it were an eye for eye, the world be blind.
Anonymous, at 12:23 PM
Anon. 12:21 PM, Seriously asking, do you enjoy your erroneous thinking to be pointed out repeatedly?
Scroll up to one of my very first blogs (5:31 PM), and you will read that I addressed gossip then and throughout my following blogs in an applicable manner accordingly. I have no idea how many more ways you need it to be explained.
I chose not to answer your redundant question for the reason I very clearly stated in my blog (3:19 PM). I meant what I said, and that is that!
Since your mind-set is that of not changing the truth, here are some other unchanging truths that you are blinded to while your stuck on your "gossip" crusade:
lust, greed, illicit sex, blatant nudity, exploitation, degradation, adultery, divorce, lying, stealing, cheating, drug dependency, sex dependency, unwanted pregnancies, on and on and on...
Those are only some of the religious AND secular truths that you choose not to address, which can and do have their source directly or indirectly in strip clubs.
Perhaps you can get off your "gossip" crusade long enough to explain to me how degradation of a woman's body is totally irrelevant to you.
Anonymous, at 6:05 PM
Anon. 6:41 PM, No doubt you and I have long drawn the conclusion 12:23 PM has been doing nothing more than groping because "he" dug himself into a hole "he" cannot get out of.
I do not believe our comments to "him" were a loss because there is hope that someday something will sink in. However, that day will not be very soon since "he" started the same tiresome remarks in the latest Mr. Family posting.
Personally, I am not going to spend anymore of my valuable time here with "his" nonsense. The important thing is WE, you and I, cleared up "his" mess for other readers at best.
Catch you later, 6:41 PM!
Anonymous, at 9:34 PM
12:23, While I don't dispute Ghandi's quote, your analogy is simplistic. As an atheist, I subscribe to neither the Old Testament's "eye for an eye" nor the New Testament's "turn the other cheek." I'm only here to express my opposition to gclub10, not to discuss my views on abortion or any other distraction you attempt to use in your efforts to obfuscate the issue, so don't try to put words in my mouth that only serve your own convoluted reasoning.
Anonymous, at 3:49 PM
to 934pm- I re-read your 531pm post and no you did not answer my question.
It is not my perception about gossip it is a fact-- saying something not proven to be true is gossip" and bearing false witness-- ask any minister-- for example here's gossip/ rumors being spread ie the club does not pay its bills" the club is losing money, the club allows drugs, the girls engage in sex, make all the rationizations you want but the peole who accuse the club goers of various sins, are in reality no better.
They put themselves up on pedestals and denounce people, and when they fall, they fall harder and faster than the person they denounce. Sorry to waste
your "valuable" time, i'm off to do volunteer work at a soup kitchen, ie my valuable time.
Anonymous, at 6:59 AM
6:59, So gossiping is as bad as objectifying and degrading women? By the way, most people who actually volunteer at soup kitchens don't brag about it.
Anonymous, at 6:16 PM
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