Like Vegas?
At Gentlemen's Club 10, you can pay nude women to simulate sex on your body. Club 10 brags about the fact that you can pay for a "lap dance" inside their establishment. I won't go into great detail, but let's just say this has nothing to do with "dancing" or "artistic expression."
I have to thank a reader of this site for sending me a link to an article posted on Netscape today. This article points out a few reasons why state supreme courts and federal courts (especially those with juristriction over Las Vegas) are prohibiting what is commonly referred to as a "lap dance."
- lap dancing promotes prostitution
- lap dancing promotes the spread of sexually transmitted diseases
- lap dancing is often tied to other vices, such as drug offenses and other criminal activity
Gentlemen's Club 10 is promoting or creating a culture of depravity in Wilkes-Barre Twp. But I guess we're left to assume that as long as they're making money, nothing else really matters.
In sin city Vegas, erotic dancers must keep distance
Oh, now, now, Mr. Family----let's not be so harsh on goofyclub10. They "honestly" told us they will not allow depravity. Their website public statement said they are determined to keep this community moral. So lap dancing, prostituton, drugs, vices, all of that connected with strip clubs does not constitute depravity, according to them. I believe them, doesn't everybody??? Oh, I believe they are going to have the REAL Elvis fly in from Vegas to endorse their club too!
Anonymous, at 3:34 AM
We now have a casino! Vegas baby! Vegas!
Lap dances all around.
Anonymous, at 8:07 AM
How dumb is it that they make dancers stay away from customers, yet prostitution is legal in Nevada.
Just legalize it everywhere. Then tax the crap out of it!
Anonymous, at 8:09 AM
Seem hypocritical of a state that allows legalized prostitution in most conties of nevada. Notice Seatlle voters voted doen an ordiniance that would have keep nude dancers away from patrons.
Anonymous, at 12:26 PM
once again 8:07 has proven the way below juvenile mentality aka strip club mentality, aka not even up-graded to the quality of an innocent mentally retarded person.
Anonymous, at 10:40 PM
How interesting that many of the posts here seem to equate "lap dancing" (or "private dances", as gclub10 prefers to call them) with prostitution. Sort of makes gclub10 look hypocritical for insisting it doesn't promote prostitution, doesn't it? Incidentally, legalized prostitution in Nevada is closely regulated, monitored and taxed in an effort to control STD's. Common street hookers are still against the law, but pro-clubbers are free to move there.
Anonymous, at 5:45 AM
All I want for "CHRISTMAS" is for pro10ers and their kind to go away. I don’t care if you’re a mommy or daddy a vip or a so called upstanding community member, I just want you and your kind gone. Go find an island, take your kids if you have any, and live out your perverted life their instead of here.
Anonymous, at 7:27 AM
to 727 am how about we find
an island for you, where
there is nobody but zealots, such as yourself, Wait, you won't have anyone to condemn or complain about, except to argue who among you is the biggest hypocrite.
Anonymous, at 12:16 PM
I certainly hope that Anonymous at 7:27AM is not a Christian. Wow, what an attitude!
Anonymous, at 1:10 PM
Billy Graham said " a real Christian is a person who can give his per parrot to the town gossip."
Does anyone disagree with his statement on gossiping?
Anonymous, at 1:10 PM
I think you need to look up what is prostitution. And
what are you saying we should legalize prostitution so we can monitor it beeter?
Anonymous, at 1:52 PM
This article reminds me of how the proers talk out of both sides of their mouths. They put the law on a pedestal when it protects their dens of iniquity, but they start bitching about the law when it has to intervene to keep them under control. They deny prostitution and drugs, but they intensely cultivate that same atmosphere.
gsmut10 is classy alright. I guess that's derived from having classic marble decor.
Anonymous, at 2:10 PM
has the club been arrested for drugs and prostitution?
no. More gossip again.
Anonymous, at 2:15 PM
1:52, I quote Merriam-Webster on the definition of prostitution: "1: the act or practice of engaging in promiscuous sexual relations especially for money." Hmmm, sounds like a naked woman rubbing her body all over a man for money, unless you only subscribe to Bill Clinton's definition of "sexual relations". Of course, the pro-gclub10ers will probably say this depends on what your definition of "is" is, as it seems prostitution HAS been legalized at this strip joint.
Anonymous, at 2:48 PM
ANON. 12:16 PM, Is that you again over in these blogs calling people "zealots" and "hypcrits" now just because they are freely expressing their disdain for perversion?
ANON. 1:10 PM, the GREATER concern should be for the club participants who are Christians, but by far are not practicing because their souls are so much in the evil one's cluthes.
Anonymous, at 3:44 PM
and 2:48, I'll add that they don't think any of it is porn. Their definition of porn is is not porn.(?????)
Anonymous, at 4:45 AM
There we have it, folks! A pro-club supporter (12:16p) "name-calling." (the very same thing they complain about anti-club supporters doing!) Only one big difference, the pro-clubs can be credited with the realism of their behavior!
Anonymous, at 5:18 AM
Rubbing on someone is not sex.That is the type of Broad assumptions that people who oppose adult clubs try top make to shut them down. And it seems that the PA courts, and supreme courts agree they are too board since they just reversed a law about clubs that serve alcohol. No longer is it illegal to have nude dancers while serving alcohol. All the clubs in PA that have liquor licenses and had dancers in G strings and nipple covers can no be full nude. Club10 will not close, and if they choose, can get a liquor license and serve. Even more money if they want it.
Thank you Supreme court.
Anonymous, at 7:00 AM
to 248 pm sorry to burst you bubble, but if you look up the meaning of prostitution in a pa law book one has to do more than rub one's body against another.
eric roberts, at 12:00 PM
to 344 pm and what about the christians who gossip and spread runors, are they not in the clutches of satan too?
Anonymous, at 12:02 PM
People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones- ie call people perverts etc when they are vicious gossips.
Anonymous, at 12:41 PM
To anonymous at 3:44PM: I will have to disagree with you, there should be EQUAL concern for both the professing Christian that would utter a comment like anonymous at 7:27am did and a professing Christian that frequented strip clubs-BOTH ARE SINNING! Expressing disdain for perversion is one thing, expressing disdain for people is quite another. look at the Gospels, you will not find Jesus echoing 7:27s words but you WILL find the pharisees agreeing with 7:27--Think about that.
Anonymous, at 1:17 PM
i see the club is advertising a full page in the weekender. cost about 622.00 a week. I see they are open now to 4 am thursday and 5 am sat and sunday. i hate to say this but it looks that there business is increasing.
Anonymous, at 1:42 PM
Ok, "Gentlemen's Club," I think we got the idea now. Silly of us to take so long.
There's no lewd or lucivious behavior going on in there; no prostitution at all; no drugs; and the nude women are preposterous nuisances who interfere with your well-earned manly relaxation time away from it all. You give them money just so they go away.
You sit around simply wanting to enjoy smoking your pipes filled with imported tobacco, to accompany your snifter of expensive brandy. You read fine classic novels or partake in intellectual conversations with other intelligent gentlemen from select backgrounds. You compare notes on your latest world travels.
Other gentlemen, younger and older, engage in constructive criticism on how to upgrade the community, or to discuss politics, domestic and foreign affairs.
The more care-free gents loosen up with an interesting game of billiards, or maybe get a little more loosened up by a fascinating game at the pinball machine. They would prefer soccer and polo, but neither are available.
Well now, is that the real image of entertainment and activities that we all misunderstood?
Anonymous, at 4:08 PM
12:41, Wishing to leave no stone unturned in an effort to be fair to you, I'm willing to call the perverts vicious gossips, too. However, Eric Roberts, I think you're just being facetious about feeling sorry because, as I already said, PA has made prostitution legal in gclub10. And 1:42, I don't believe you hate to say it at all, but it could also mean gclub10 is advertising more and staying open longer because they AREN'T making enough money off the losers who still go there.
Anonymous, at 6:35 PM
Anon. 1:17 PM, I am not trying to be obstinate, but there a few things that I have to disagree with you about.
First, we do not know if 7:27 AM is a Christian.
Second, we all blow off steam no matter what our beliefs or non-beliefs. We are human. I have said off-color remarks, and I am sure I will fail and will say more on occasion out of frustration.
Third, we do not have the right to accuse anyone else of sinning. We see and hear their wrong-doing, as they ours, but ultimately it is between God and ourselves as to what our actual sins are and their intensity.
Fourth, to be culpable of sin, there are three factors involved: awareness, intention, and its actual execution. Therefore saying, one might not primarily be aware what they are doing or saying is a sin. And truly, they do not mean it to be.
In reality, some people do not equate wrong-doings as sins, as they are perceived by others. Some people are Christians by baptism only and were not instructed further about Christianity.
And some people, like myself, do not always come across as being able to distinguish the sin from the sinner. So we say "people" instead of the action itself. And no doubt people say that about me. And that is fine because I do not claim to be perfect, and I hope no one else does either. The Pharisees, on the other hand, always gave an air of perfection about themselves.
I do agree with you that as Christians we should have equal concern for others. The thing is, strip clubs are so obviously conducive to so many influences from hell, to us Christians, we see it clearly as the evil one's playground.
Anonymous, at 6:43 PM
nope, i wouldnt say their business is increasing 142. more like desperation.
now they are adv. a $15 cover charge, bring along a friend for free.
business sense: when private businesses who depend heavily on the public like the club does, when they do good, the price goes up....dont have to going around looking for free increased patronage.
opening extra hours is hoping for more leeway in patronage during those times.
Anonymous, at 6:56 PM
Uh, Supreme Court, would you mind terribly giving these drunken perverts a baby bottle nipple to stop their whining? They love nipples.
Thank you ever so much!
Anonymous, at 7:04 PM
To OVERREV, (from 3:44PM et al)
I apologize that I overlooked in my lengthier blog to say that you could be a better Christian than the lot of us put together.
Anonymous, at 10:25 PM
to 408 pm- well since you never been there it is like this-- there are nude women dancing-- you can tip them
or have a private dance- there is no prostitution
or drugs, contrary to what you think. You can drink a brandy if you so choose, talk to another man, watch tv, ie football, play poker video machines etc.
and you would be surprised at who addmited going to strip clubs, Winston Churchill, albert Einstein etc,
Anonymous, at 7:10 AM
no prosties or drugs at dive10 7.10???? gees..that qualifies them for an entry into ripley's believe it or not..
don't go away....there's more....
patriotic sal, his gals, and their CLIENTS can give speeches around the country to similar dinky dives on how to eliminate their prosties and druggies......
mr. family, we are soooo lucky to have such a rare strip club right in our very own neighborhood. w-b should be proud.
Anonymous, at 2:15 PM
7:10, Churchill and Einstein lived during a period that women were largely marginalized. Even so, for every famous man who admits to having gone to a strip club, there are thousands of rapists, murderers and drug dealers who hung out at strip joints before they ended up dead or in jail. It only makes people think less of the man, not more of the strip club to learn that a prominent man has been there. That's why most men are stilled ashamed to be seen going to one.
Anonymous, at 5:44 AM
to 656 pm - obviously you know nothing about the retail markets. Businesses have sales are the time to stimulate business not because they are losing money. Walmart has sales because of bad business, of course not but when the club does it it's because they are losing money, believe what you want, I know better. Following your logic, walmart & Kmart open at 3 black ( thanksgiving) friday just hoping for more customers. My wife and I drove by club last night at 3om, coming home from the casino, parking lot was full.
BTW, did you know the woodlands advertises the gclub at last call as a place to go that open all night?
Anonymous, at 6:14 AM
to 215 pm- i believe everyone is innocent until proven guilty, the place has been open 8 months now,
police have not charged the club with any crime.
if you are concerned about drugs, police have charged the owners of a nail salon,
in kingston with drug sales, thay also charged the owners of a beauty salon in wilkes-barre, and the owners of a restaurant in wilkes-barre, police say all these businesses were fronts for drug dealing.
Don't see any adult places on these drug lists.
Anonymous, at 6:21 AM
I say we elect Sal Scalzo for mayor! a man who has the remarkably unheard of clout to totally ban drugs and prostitution as being vices that are normally (mis)interpretd by the general public. Like his club, he will change W-B into the ideal town where prostitutional-inducing lap dances, other vices, and criminal activity will be considered justifiable. Consequently, W-B will be recognized as a crime-free town!
Anonymous, at 7:25 AM
and just what kind of retail is the club selling 614?.....making it simpler....what is the club selling?
Anonymous, at 2:23 AM
"woodlands advertises the gclub at last call"??
spreading rumors, are you, 6:14?
Or does this shed a whole new light on who a possible silent partner is?
2:15 the club is guilty of degrading women, but that's supposed ok because it's not a crime?????
oh, and what say you about the club's advertised prosties???
wait, I get it! it's not a front, so that's ok with you too, right?
Anonymous, at 3:19 PM
to 319-- state law does NOt define prostitution as lap dancing- it's the law that's counts not what you think it is- same for degradation- the women who dance there and the majority of customers do not feel the way you do.
Anonymous, at 7:11 AM
7:11 and what say you about the club's advertised prosties?
Anonymous, at 3:18 PM
well 614? did you find out yet what the club is selling for it to be open later and having sales just like walmart does? you did compare wm and the club as being business markets.
kmart has blue light specials....did the club increase their hours for red light specials to "stimulate" business?
Anonymous, at 6:20 AM
to 620 am they provide entertainment.. and yes they extended to hours to increse business, why else?
Anonymous, at 12:00 PM
describe what kind of entertainment?
Anonymous, at 5:52 AM
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