It's important to know, as I have stated in the previous post, that strip clubs are
good for our neighborhoods. They
do not contribute to an increase in crime. They
do not attract a
criminally-minded clientele. They actually help property values increase and they have a wonderful way of making children and families feel safe and secure.
Car stolen from Carousel Strip Club
my daughter's car got stolen
in the parking near chucky cheese's she was having her hair done- car thefts do happen everywhere even in church parking lots.
Anonymous, at 10:30 AM
Hondas are one of most popular cars that are stolen
also most cars are stolen from people's homes- so elininating homes from neighbor hoods would help the problem if I understand your logic, mr family-
too bad you ran out of stories.
Anonymous, at 10:56 AM
"The History of Christmas" Wednesday at 11PM on the History Channel was ruined by an ad for Sal's Sleazorama and I hope those who agree that these ads are inappropriate will join me in emailing our dissatisfaction to
Anonymous, at 12:22 PM
There were serveral churches robbed this past month. Why not point those out, since it happened in a church, that means (by your logic) that the church is attracting the criminal element.
Oh thats right, you would never point that out, since you are very, very bias.
Anonymous, at 3:24 PM
This disgusting nonsense has gone too far!!!!
12:22, so far Sal's Sleazorama has hit up two of the channels we very frequently watch here, AMC and now the History Channel, as you brought to our attention. My thoughts have always been that those channels (Discovery,etc.) are for people who are intellectuals, enjoy education, or who enjoy a better quality entertainment. I fail to understand how Sleazy Sal thinks he can persuade people with brains to patronize his low-life business with his commercials. What's next Sal, TV Land and then onward to Disney to encourage the kiddies??
My e-mail to will be on its way, 12:22! If his filthy coms. continue on those channels, we will not be viewing them anymore and will view other types of channels with class!
Anonymous, at 3:34 PM
Every time I check this board, I have read comments with the undercurrent that say the same things. Anti-clubs try to educate the pro-ers, but it's a given that no diplomas have ever be awarded to them.
In summary, the pro-ers still don't have a reading comprehension; they twist and turn around every single topic; they place the blame on everybody else and every other thing that happens. They still don't know the difference between right and wrong; they take the focus off the important things and the main issues so ridiculously; they want proof, it is given, and they still don't get it about anything.
Yet, they are "experts" on every subject as long as it does not pertain to strip clubs and the porn industry devaluing anything or anyone. They are "experts" on logic, although mind-boggling to the most brilliant minds. Tossing in another recollection, the pro-ers say they want to be let alone with their hedonism. How odd! No one even gave them a thought until they showed up uninvited on Mundy St. Yes, Mr. Family and fellow anti-club associates, strip clubs must be absolutely wonderful places for communities to have since they are so idealistic, according to the porn-soaked minds.
Now let's put on new spin on this. Pro-ers, since you resent being guided by anti-club morality, WHAT IS considered immoral to you along the lines of being objectionable?
For the pro-ers who still need a reading comprehension course, start out with this:
(picture in your mind a dog whose name is Spot)
See Spot.
(now picture the dog named Spot running) See Spot run.
Good! Now you can understand two whole sentences and what they mean.
Way ahead in the future, we will review on how to associate and disassociate issues that apply and issues that don't apply to the topic of dicussion presented.
Anonymous, at 6:54 PM
to 654 the topic was not about morality, but then again I am so glad you are to pass judgement upon others. A car was stolen so strip clubs increase crime-
churches get robbed- no one would say they increase crime- then agian how many priest and ministers have been caught with hands on kids or in the collection plate- of course only people who go to the club are immoral- when a minister does it they just made a mistake.
Anonymous, at 6:32 AM
to 222 and 334- mr family says the ads for adult world on the footbal games are a "sign of the times"
so using his logic, so are sal's ads.
Anonymous, at 6:33 AM
Thanks, 3:34. I let know that I will not watch any channel that promotes sex peddlers. It is unfortunate that some channels have sunk to the lowest common denominator to generate advertising income. I'm prepared to watch only commercial-free television if this trend continues and am also considering complaining to the FCC about offensive ads like the one for Sal's Sleazapaloosa. It adds insult to injury when we're assaulted by this garbage at every turn.
Anonymous, at 7:26 AM
It is good to let them know that this bothers you and/or that you will no longer be watching this channel if the trend continues, I do find advertising at times to be a little loud, and if there are enough viewers offended by this, then maybe the ads are pulled, then democracy is being served properly. But who will censor further entries in possible ad slots in the future? Hmmm? Who will be in charge of deciding what is right and wrong for us to see and hear, the Man? A dangerous proposition! I do hope these calls are being made by people with heartfelt beliefs on the matter and not just mindless cronies helping out another brother in Christ. I've been watching alot of old Frank Zappa interviews, including the one he did on Crossfire on CNN on music censorship. When he got there, they were ready to rip him apart. When he left there , he did so with a new respect gained from all that were originally against him, except the flabbergasted "morality" supporter. He made many good points, including how Government doctrine cannot be dominated by one theology alone. That is not what our Constitution is about, and perverts (with the exception of child molesters, animal lovers, and necrophiliacs) have the right to live here too, being free thinking adults. We have eyes and ears people, but we can also use them to look in different directions, and fingers to change channels and stations if we feel they are not appropriate. It's only when you try to decide what is right for myself and my kids, that you are overstepping your bounds. If enough people feel as you do, then businesses like that will die out, not flourish, and Democracy will work at its finest. I will police my own household, it's called being involved in your kid's lives and growing processes. Do that properly, and we wouldn't still be having this argument. I say if we burn, then it's our own fault, and we burn. You're starting to remind me of Al Gore, by the way...
"The end is near, the end is near!!!"
Graveh, at 11:24 AM
7:26, I can honestly say that the only good and intelligent comments on this board come from people similar to you. They are so refreshing in relationship to this issue, unlike the loser comments that are senseless and have no bearing. I recall a few times it was pointed out on this board something to the effect that bickering back and forth with the clubbers is useless, and that only factual and educational statements by the anti views should be expressed flat out. Co-inciding with your action-provoking comments, I agree wholeheartedly those suggested approaches are the most reasonable.
Btw, I did send my e-mail to the HxCh with comments parallel to yours. And like you, we are prepared to watch only commercial-free tv as we do anyway, such as TCM. Whenever you are ready to contact the FCC, please let me know. I have dealt with them before, however, and found them to be quite useless in that situation, but enough is enough already! We are the majority of the consumers, the FCC is not.
Anonymous, at 1:40 PM
The FCC will not sweat your call. The ad you speak of falls well within the guide lines of a TV broadcast. Spike TV can show a womans bare behind, and FX has the hit show Nip/Tuck baring all. A TV ad will not even come close to those. And millions watch those shows.
Anonymous, at 3:13 PM
If you morons are going to complain at least get your facts correct. History channel and Amc have nothing to do with the commercials sold on their channels during the breaks. Your local cable company is the one selling these commercials. Local commercials are sold on a block of cross stations including lifetime, disc, amc, travel, history, when you buy a commercial it airs across 4 or 5 different stations during the local commercial feed. Call your cable co to complain.
lung cookiez, at 3:08 AM
Also, are you people really that stupid that you think individual networds sell advertising spots? Networks sell their service to your local cable provider... they sell the advertising on those channels. Stating that you wont watch a certain channel because of an ad is insane. YOUR LOCAL CABLE COMPANY SELLS AND PLACES COMMERCIALS ON THOSE NETWORKS.
lung cookiez, at 3:15 AM
Recently there was a commercial on tv for car insurance. A warning to viewers about sensitivity preceded it. The commercial proceeded giving the viewer an actual feel of the impact of being in a car crash. It was scary! It was hard to determine, though, if the warning was for real or a gimmick to promote interest in the commercial. Nevertheless, it was obvious that the commercial was short-lived. Being in very,very poor taste, I'd say there were complaints about it being aired. A couple of points on that. Crazy as most commercials are and grouped together, it really isn't that possible to keep changing the channel when any one of them in a cluster are offensive. Be it complaints to the company, the station, or the FCC, someone got the message from the public about not airing that commercial. There were results, and it didn't even have anything sexual in it. So there are some commercials that obviously get by FCC guidelines but only temporarily.
It is can be expected that trasy tv channels will have trashy commercials, but it should not be expected that quality programs would air them unexpectedly. It doesn't even jive because the advertisers should know what types of viewers they are appealing to for consumerism or interest. With the programs I watch, I certainly have no interest in Sal's strip club commercials, and they would not urge me to attend there.
Anonymous, at 3:48 AM
Well, graveh, you're throwing another anti-religious tantrum at an atheist. Just because I won't watch ads pimping past-it porn princesses during a documentary about Christmas doesn't threaten the right of perverts and their progeny to perpetuate their perversions. It merely protects my right to protest that which I find offensive. If you were as open minded as you self-righteously like to think you are, you'd realize I'm more like Zappa than Gore. As Frank said, don't eat the yellow snow.
Anonymous, at 7:08 AM
yes sir, mr. family. when ever you prove to the clubbers they were wrong...always....
...they defensively blurt out about other stories with no connection or get quiet. i cant stand the monotonous blah or the quiet. time to post a car pic. we need some entertainment.
Anonymous, at 12:28 PM
Those ads aren't being aired by the History Channel, it's your local cable company that sells the airtime. E-mail them instead of wasting the time of the fine people at the History Chanel.
Anonymous, at 11:58 PM
to 726 and 140- the fcc only
REGULAtes over the air tv ( such as ch 16, 22, 28, 44, 38, 56, etc and over the air radio- they do not control cable channels such as amc, hbo fx, etc, or radio like sirrius and xm satellite- go ahead and complain- the fcc will tell you the same thing I did. now what were you saying about anti-clubbers having all the facts. Too funny.
Anonymous, at 6:55 AM
Thanks to those who posted about contacting cable companies with complaints regarding offensive ads. Who says you're good for nothing?!
Anonymous, at 10:16 AM
to 1016 am- i believe it was the good christians on this website who said we were good for nothing.
Anonymous, at 1:14 PM
Uh, nudey "geniuses," did it ever occur to you that some of us don't have cable, but have satellite and still wish to voice our complaint about sleazy airing? AMC and the History Channel do, in fact, have a special advertising complaint column for which they like to know from their viewers of ANY offensive advertising that affects their programming.
Thanks again for proving how badly your minds are porn-soaked with your obnoxious manner of communication. Now go ahead and get some facts on appropriate behavior in society.
Anonymous, at 1:36 PM
to 136 - go ahead and write
the history channel- write amc- write- your congressman- write the president- tell them how upset those ads got you- and now you need a mental health professional to cope.
I hope it doesn't ruin your holidays.
Anonymous, at 2:29 PM
1:14, your intention to inflame the Christians has backfired. Short of calling you a liar, you are a mischievous imp who has nothing better to do than to try to cause trouble because obviously you lack common intelligence and morality as well. Give attention to the number of severe personal problems you have instead of spending time on this website.
Anonymous, at 4:30 PM
1:14, your intention to inflame the Christians has backfired. Short of calling you a liar, you are a mischievous imp who has nothing better to do that to try to cause trouble because obviously you lack common intelligence and morality as well. Give attention to the number of severe personal problems you have instead of spending time on this website.
Anonymous, at 4:37 PM
All these people telling pro clubbers to get some facts, yet they coem to a webtsite of a man who has proven time and time again hes has his fatcs wrong, and does not do his homework.
Anonymous, at 5:00 PM
Fact: They can put anything (just about at least) on the history channel, AMC, food network or any other cable channel. Why? it is cable. You the consumer chooses to pay for those channels. Secondly, I think that most people failed to see what time the ad was on. After a certain time (possibly 1000 pm) on any cable channel, the "Gestapo" restrictions of the fcc changes enabling the cable provider to place any ad on TV, any show to say pretty much what they want and also to show bare backed women and men. If this is not acceptable to you, cancel you cable.
Anonymous, at 4:01 AM
2:29, Trust me, I am very well mentally adjusted. I'm not any of the ones going ga-ga over sleazy pornography or wasting my money on trash. I maintain proper standards with myself and try to uphold honor in our society. Contrarily, you have no concept of quality or dignity. Now that is something you should be disturbed about, but, alas, you must not be able to confront yourself to seek professional counseling.
Don't get into a fret about my holidays. Start worrying about yourself.
Anonymous, at 6:17 AM
to 617 yes I am sure you well adjusted after all those adult ads are certainly more pressing than the violence on tv
( ever complain about the violence on tv?) I bet not. Do the deaths in Iraq upset you? Ever complained about those? I bet not too.
yes and I think about our soldiers in Iraq not about my self or ads on tv. I do have a life. It's nice to know you think of yourself so highly though.
Anonymous, at 9:55 AM
9:55, Don't waste your time trying to "get" me. You never will. You don't have the capacity or the ability. You have a mentality that is limited to putting words into other people's mouths and concocting false scenarios in order suit your thoughts.
4:01, Fact: anyone can voice their opinion, and with a substantial amount of voices about garbage v. cable losing money over it due to cancellations, the garbage loses.
Anonymous, at 4:15 AM
to 415- just asked questions you CHOSE not to answer- that tells me quite a bit right there- what words did I put into your mouth-- I asked questions-
as far as getting you I have no need- you "got" yourself and that is quite bad enough.
Anonymous, at 11:50 AM
4:15 think about it. Any one can voice their opinion that is fully correct. However you as the customer of the cable should know what can and will be piped over the cable line. Most people are generally aware of the restrictions that cable has on what they can and will do. You have been goven the opportunity to read those guide lines. I think that it will take more then the number of complaints then generated from this blog. Unless the people on this blog are the types who have never seen it or heard it but will complain from a form letter.
Anonymous, at 4:45 AM
4:45, I don't have cable. I have satellite, and it only has national ads.
11:50, you piqued my amusement, so I'll go a few rounds with you. You asked me questions, then you ever so "considerately" answered them for me, albeit opinionated wrong answers to accommodate your questions. So I thought you were happy with your own answers.
Please excuse me for (my quote) "maintaining proper standards within myself and trying to uphold the honor in our society." Next time I will try not to be so offensive with such an atrocious remark. But that's perfectly alright that you think so highly of yourself.
So, pal, who got who?
I told you not to waste your time, but it was fun.
Anonymous, at 7:44 PM
to 744- I asked you questions, which you chose not to answer-- that was your decision-- but how great to maintain standards
( whatever they are) and uphold your honor- that and a buck will get you a cup of coffee.-
but the old sayings "thou does protest too much" and "honor among thieves"
do come into mind.
Besides that anyone in a blog or chatline can say anything. I will tell mrs. bush, about our chat.
Anonymous, at 10:24 AM
10:24 sitting here laughing, pal,go on websites to blog about the war in Iraq and violence on tv. I am not wasting my time answering your questions so that you can take the emphasis off of your perversions.
Anonymous, at 7:27 AM
to 727 am i do not go to strip clubs but i support the right to choose- perhaps the real reason you choose not to answer my questions is that you do not
want us to know the truth about yourself.
Anonymous, at 1:15 PM
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