Mister Family.com ... keeping Northeast PA "family friendly.": Harmless

Mister Family.com ... keeping Northeast PA "family friendly."

Tuesday, December 12, 2006


Strip-clubs are harmless and do not contribute to an increase in criminal behavior (at least that's what I'm told).

To read a little more about the benefit of having this kind of establishment in your neighborhood, please click here.


  • Mr. Family,

    You and I both know that strip clubs only bring problems to communities outside of Northeast PA. When located within NEPA, they serve the common good and benefit everyone.

    This would never happen here because our strip clubs are "classier" than New Bedford's.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 11:51 AM  

  • on the subject of shootings
    on march 14, 2005- seven people were shot to death in a CHURCH in brookfield wisconsin- they were killed by a mentally ill member of congregation-

    IN numerous post office shootings have occured-- 22 people were killed in a post office near chicago several years ago. a postal employee did the shootings/

    11 people were killed by a shooter- at general motors plant in florida last year

    several people were killed in a law office last year.
    and let's not forget Columbine, and all the other school shootings including the one near lancaster pa, and shootings at universities.
    there have also been shootings at many walmarts.
    I could go on but you get my drift. Following mr family logic, all these places should be banned because they cause an increase in criminal behavor. Or am I missing something mr family? I am told churches do not cause an increase in crime, neither do schools or post offices.
    Leave it to mr family to use a tragedy like this to make a cheap political point. Well, it does the heat off you for the billboard fiasco.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 1:47 PM  

  • This is not a case of increased crime rate. You are twisting it. Sadly. people get shot all the time. Remember Columbine? Does that mean schools increase criminal behavior. There have been many reported school shootings. Turkey hills have seen people shot, again, sadly, but does that mean Turkey hill increases are crime rate?
    There was just a shooting last week on Carey Ave. Should we close every business on that street? There are no strip clubs there, but almost the same exact scenario as the article you posted. An ex boyfriend came in and shot a woman. Shut down Carey ave.!!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 1:52 PM  

  • msnbc said there is also a gay bar near the strip club which had been the scene of several shootings- close down the gay bars too, mr family.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 2:18 PM  

  • This might be the most ignorant thing I have ever heard. A brother of mine died in this. Law enforcement. I think that you need to close all schools, postoffices mini marts. close the streets!!!! martial law for everyone dont send your kids to school!! Since these types of places obviously increase crime. You are an fool to think that since it happened there. This could happen anywhere, at anyplace. I think that if you truely believe this you want everyone naked, tied down at a supermax prison. Hilter would be proud of you.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 3:13 PM  

  • my apologies, my local channel fox 25, stated that they erred in the death of the cop. Go figure it was fox that erred. Anyway It is a shame that I am only allowed in my house since everything thing is evil and promotes death and shooting. Even the Amish school children promote killings. Sheesh. I do not know how you will get out of this one Mr. Family. I think that you have made a fool outof your self. I am not calling you a fool but people have a good basis to call you one.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 3:42 PM  

  • Strip clubs don't cause crime, people do. Guns don't shoot people, Dick Cheney does.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 12:26 AM  

  • Bloggers, the point of this article is that a terrible shooting took place at a strip club, which discredits pro-strip club beliefs that strip clubs have a totally harmless atmosphere. Sure there are shootings elsewhere, but let it not be said that strip clubs are completely isolated from dangers, and then try to make some kind of justifiable points, well it happens at Turkey Hill, Carey Ave., schools, and so on. Actually, the point is we do not need to have another place,(strip clubs) unnecessary at that, that would be a focal points for murders to take place. Be realistic, schools, Churches, and grocery stores are necessary.
    I have been an anti-gun advocate for years. Guns do no belong in the hands of the average citizen. The NRA, the gun manufacturers, and businesses that sell guns take no responsibility for gun control to the end of killing whatsoever. In fact, our "brainy" court house gives out gun permits to any local yokel who pays for one and only base their background check on if they don't have a previous record, and without any psych. testing. Passing by the court house gun permit area one time, I came across a "strange" guy who I knew and his comment to me were: "I have to have a gun in my house because I have a wierd neighbor." Yeah, ok, that's a reason if I ever heard one for the necessity of owning a gun in case he needed to kill someone! Don't talk to me about self-defense----that guy and others like him, could easily be YOUR neighbor! Shoot first, then call the police effect.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 3:21 AM  

  • This is bizarre! You strip club lovers have gotten so demented by porn, you think that sleazy strip club killings were nothing, that they were just a incomparable joke! You rant about anything and everything else still trying to justify your immorality! Well I'll tell you, ALL those killings mentioned everywhere does NOT justify your demented pleasures!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4:59 AM  

  • Where does one say that the killings here are nothing? That is bogus. The points are that incidents like this happens everywhere anywhere and even with the most innocent people around. Anyplace that one goes to is not harmless. Such as church murders, postal rampages, innocent children being killed in schools etc . Stuff like this happens. Simple as that. Crime is often very random other time it is premeditated. It is implied by Mr. Families post the fact that these are the only places that have incidents of crime, when indeed everyplace can be inflicted with this type of incidents. I hope you are open enough to see the factuality in that, Regardless of anyone’s stance on a strip club.

    Also, to think that strip clubs are immune from any incident of crime is just plain silly, since we all are aware that crime can happen anyplace, anywhere and at anytime.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:48 AM  

  • Wait now, 12:26, "Strip clubs don't cause crime, people do." ??? So in other words, only people in strip clubs are exempt from causing crimes in and around the club grounds? Or are you trying to say that the empty structure itself doesn't cause crimes?
    If it weren't for the invention of the gun and bullets, people wouldn't be able to shoot people.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:50 AM  

  • to 321 am we could argue what is necessary etc- churches are not necessary to some people neither are turkey hills etc etc, while i agree with you about guns, people have a legal right to own them.
    to 459 am- nice for you to tell us what is moral and immoral- your thinking would work if the usa was a dictatorship.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 2:08 PM  

  • To 9:50am: "Wait now, 12:26, "Strip clubs don't cause crime, people do." ??? So in other words, only people in strip clubs are exempt from causing crimes in and around the club grounds? Or are you trying to say that the empty structure itself doesn't cause crimes?
    If it weren't for the invention of the gun and bullets, people wouldn't be able to shoot people."

    They would use knives, baseball bats, poison, fire, falling pianos, and cryptonite.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4:50 PM  

  • From the anti-gun advocate addressing anonymous 2:08 and 4:50. 2:08, True to a point that certain people have the right to own a gun, but my cause is that not everyone who owns one is with the program and background checks are basically worthless. Additionally, legal gun owners lose their gun rights when they are charged with murder. Illegal owners didn't have the right to own one anyway. Whether a gun killing was intentional or at the heat of the moment, either way, the victim lies in his grave. Accidental shooting deaths are too common due to possessions of guns. Gun sellers take no responsibilty before the incidents and definitely not afterwards. The average citizen does not need to possess automatic weapons either. The government does not take a responsible stand on intervention in this matter because the controlling, wealthy NRA finances their political campaigns immensely.
    4:50, I don't think anyone is denying that other methods of killing are used. The point seems to be that guns were the sole objects utilized in those massacres and single murders. Had the use of rapidly fired guns not been available for those strip club deaths and other incidents, I wonder what other method would have been used just as effectively. I hope nothing would have been. As it is, there is no other reason for guns than to maim and kill. Non-fatal methods for control by the police have been developed, but until the gun cannot be so easily obtainable or obtainable at all to the common public, only then will those methods be employed. Unfortunately I don't expect that to occur ever. Strip clubs like other public gatherings, unfortunately, are the most prime targets for mass gun killings.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 6:27 AM  

  • shootings usually occur because of a disgruntled employee or lover, also drugs, strip clubs are no more vunerable than anyplace else.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 6:58 AM  

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