Seeking to cash in on the sexual curiosity of young people,
Gentlemen's Club 10 is offering deep discounts off their normal admission if you present a student ID at the door. Apparently, quite a few of our local high-school students have taken them up on this offer. Where did I first learn this? This came from a high-school senior at one of our local high schools.
I can't think of anything the club has done at this point that has better illustrated their deep-seated desire to turn our children into paying customers at their sex club.
Is it possible that this student discount has been timed to coincide with the Christmas season when many young people will have some extra cash on hand?
Student, ID, you mean like the college students have? not High school. Nice try to twist the truth AGAIN.
And once again, if they are 18, they are an adult, something you never seem to get.
And with a crowd like they had last night, I do not think they are desperate for customers. Not to mention all the other local businesses jumping on the band wagon to cross promote with them.
Anonymous, at 11:49 AM
to 11:49 am
dear genius,
my son attends wyoming valley west high school. he has a student id card. students are issued a new id each year.
i don't believe valley west is the only local high school that issues student id's.
how about keeping your sick-o club away from our kids. stop living in denial of what you're doing.
Anonymous, at 12:06 PM
my son has also confirmed that several of his classmates have visited dirt-bag's 10 club.
think about someone other than yourself for once.
Anonymous, at 12:09 PM
Do you guys honestly think that the club will permit a person in only with a school id? Either highschool or college id? Do you not realize that that for of identification is not a legal for of id?
Again. 18 years of age = adult.
Anonymous, at 1:25 PM
You are so full of DOG CRAP.
High School ID's have NEVER been accepted. Keep creating more bull up in your head and post it on your sorry excuse of a blog. How or why anyone would believe anything a coward would say is crazy to me.
Let's just say there was truth to what you have been saying all along. Why won't you show your face and really let your following know that you aren't afraid to stand behind your word?
By the way, you should think about doing your own bondage shows in your own home. It might relieve some of your build up stress.
Merry Christmas.
Anonymous, at 2:21 PM
To 12:06 pm.
Dear moron.
I have 2 kids in high school, neither have a Student ID. They do not give them out at every school. Sorry I am not up to date on Valley Waste high school ID's.
And if you children are 18, they are young adults, not kids.
Denial? I do not live in denial. Mr.Family does, and many of you do as well. You seem to fail to notice than a majority of our world enjoys adult clubs and adult entertainment. It's really nothing new. Been going on for a few hundred years.
It is a freedom of choice that we have with this great country.
Anonymous, at 2:34 PM
Everyone knows all you need to get into Sal's Sleazorama is a Drivers License showing you're 18. High school seniors go there with money their parents give them for the movies. Mom and Dad are clueless that Junior is having a testosterone rage at the porn palace. Sure, you're legally an adult at 18, but you still don't even know what you don't know and the sex peddlers will getcha hooked as surely as the dope pushers on a vicious cycle sending you spiraling downward.
Anonymous, at 3:07 PM
why dont u take your 97.9 x signs and shove them up your ass the only degrading thing is you. you degrade the whole male race by being so against seing a female. i think you need to get your brain examined to see if your straight or gay
uncle nasty
Anonymous, at 3:54 PM
It's true that the strip club gives admittance to high school kids. Whether they do it knowingly or unknowingly is up for debate. Either way, there are high school students spending money there. Just ask the kids. Most won't deny it. To some, it's a badge that they wear proudly to make them look "tough" to their friends.
Don't take my word or even Mr. Family's word for it. Ask the kids yourself. You will quickly learn that highschool kids go to the strip club.
Anonymous, at 8:42 PM
totally true
totally sad
Anonymous, at 9:19 PM
My wife is a sub. I heard from her that this was going on weeks ago, maybe longer.
I guess we are not "tolerant" enough. We should let these kids and the club get away with whatever they want.
Parents beware.
Anonymous, at 9:48 PM
One more thing. Doesn't Mr. Scalzo have daughters in high school?
I believe he was "relieved" from his coaching duties because the board was concerned that his nudie bar would be a bad influence on the kids.
Looks like the board was right.
Anonymous, at 9:50 PM
Dear Dirt Club,
You are playing with fire. Keep your filthy hands away from our children.
Anonymous, at 10:04 PM
Every time I tune in to this board, I should know better to have a barf bag handy on two counts.
One. I could absolutely vomit finding out here that sneaky sleazy $al is getting sleazier and sleazier just when I thought he couldn't get any more low down! He is like slime creeping through our community now with high-schoolers!
Two. To lie like they do to support their manical, brainless hormones, those proer comments are nauseating!
I hope the parents of the high-schoolers have meetings and form rallys to take back their children from Slimy Sal! I wonder if he was doing some naughty, not nice things with kids when he was a coach too. Hmmmm....
Anonymous, at 10:43 PM
I want to know what Sal Scalzo's wife & daughters think about daddy's "business."
Anonymous, at 11:07 PM
if you kids go to Canada or Mexico on spring beak as many do, not only can they get into strip clubs at age 18, they can drink.
at 18, they are old enough to enlist in the army, without mommy's permission and old enough to get married as well as vote, you can't have it both ways saying they are too young to go to a strip club but old enough to go to war and get killed.
Anonymous, at 6:41 AM
PARENTS, listen up! Don't ever back down or have an fear of the filth promoters and their obnoxious comments. They're nothing but punks! Your decency and fortitude for the love of your children will sustain you.
Anonymous, at 7:00 AM
to 2:34 opinions like yours why is your kids should be taken away from you due to corruption of minors. Child welfare should investigate you and Sal for any of the kids under 18. 2:21 is a prime example of a corrupted mind. To wit: addressing another blogger "you are so full of dog crap" "...doing bondage in your home" and in general, falling hook, line, and sinker for Sal's deranged thinking and demented ways.
Anonymous, at 7:48 AM
well it's been like this for months- sunday-thurs
students 18 years and over with a student id and one other piece of photo id
get in for 10 bucks- reg price 15--
of course it is all the club's fault-- and not the parents-- the parents only give the kids the car
and the money to go and are not concerned how late their child stays out or where their kids go- seems to me that a parent of an 18
year old under their roof would exercise control and supervise their child- if the kid can sneak off to a strip club- he could also drink, do drugs and have sex
without his parents knowing.
actually the strip club is the lessers of the evils/trouble a kid could get into-
Anonymous, at 8:54 AM
Looks like the movies should be closing down then instead of the city opening a new one in downtown Wilkes Barre. They let kids into PG and R rated movies every single day.
When Barbara Walters picks Paris Hilton as one of the most influental people of the year, you know she has lowered her standands and her TV station should be closed down for telling kids you are influential for acting like a SLUT and making sex videos, etc.
Nicole Kidman can do a nude scene in a movie and people rave about her and give her an oscar nomination, but when a local girl shows something, she is considered a prostitute.
Why is it ok for Slutty Movie and TV Actresses to be treated like Royalty but someone who dances is considered a prostitute? The famous ones are just as much whores, they just get paid better. If Angelina Jolie has some actor kissing her boobs, she is as much a whore as the dancer is supposed to be.
Even Julie Andrews bared her breasts in a movie. PROSTITUE!
Jane Fonda let a guy perform oral sex on her in a movie. WHORE!
Does anyone watch movies with Demi Moore in them? She played a stripper in a movie? SLUT!
Does anyone watch Desperate Housewives, CSI, or any one of hundreds or other Prime Time shows?
They all show partial nudity and have way-out sexual topics in their shows. Dr. House mentioned Anal Licking as a way to catch a disease, yet no one complains he should be off the air. Every week he has to mention something related to someone's breasts or genitals.
I think if you are going to speak out about something that can only be viewed by adults (18 and over), then you better start speaking out about TV that can be viewed by any child at any age in their own home. GO AFTER THE BIG FISH if you want to start making changes and the effects will filter down.
Do you watch the channel that aires the Victoria Secret Lingerie Show? You are helping them stay on the aire to promote worse shows?
If you EVER pay to see a movie by the studio that put out Brokeback Mountain, you are actually paying them to make more over the top movies. Even though you didn't go to see Brokeback, you still put money in their pockets if you patronize any other movie they make.
If you vote for Candidates that support Abortion or beat their mistresses, you vote for lower morals in society.
I think everyone should look at their own actions before they criticise others.
Let he who is without sin, cast the first stone!
Anonymous, at 9:15 AM
to 748 am I have raised three children and now have grandchildren- all three have masters or better and well paying jobs happily married etc- we deal with facts not narrow minded oppinions such as yours.
fact: when a person reaches the age of majority ( 18 in pa) they can vote, enter into contacts, enlist in the military without parental permission, just about anything except purchase alcohol- to say they are adolescents when they are getting killed in war is nonsense.
gclub advertised its discount with a college id- ( not high school as mr family claims)i have an old weekender here in front of me- sunday thru thursday-school nights-
discount off admission 5.00
1/3 off- a steep discount?
I do not think so. I wish to point out that "adult world" which adverises the football games mr family so enjoys also admits 18 year olds. mr family does not seem to have a problem with that. student discounts are available at all adult places as well a non adult places- this discount has been in effect for months now, not just for Christmas
as mr family thinks.
Mr Family seems to have missed this advertising as well as the advertising for bondage night-- its like reading a three month old paper. Too bad mr family ca not get timely information and his facts straight.
Anonymous, at 10:09 AM
6:41am, How can you compare the beautiful bond of marriage, the right to vote, and the honor of serving our country to that of the same age group, 18, attending demoralizing strip clubs and drinking themselves into a drunken stupor? It's not both ways one in the same. It's either the right way or the wrong way.
Fortunately there are 18 year olds who are smarter and more morally upstanding than the age group you and your porn-minded peers are. It's mature values versus the biological age.
Anonymous, at 12:56 PM
You ARE playing with fire, Sal old man. You're a small town guy who is trying to act like a big city, smut-peddling mogul having your big city-like garbage dump here. These decent small town folks aren't going to let you get away with trashing their kids. I wait for the day when you are de-throned. I want to see your bag-covered head advertised on the front page of the newspapers when that occurs.
Mr. Family, I say we get some money together to have that event advertised on a billboard, by Lamar of course.
Anonymous, at 2:51 PM
My kids should be taken away? I am so glad you know me that well to pass such a judgment on me 7:48. Comments like that are why you should be removed from the public all together. You seem too worried about what others do, so you do not have to take such a close look at yourself. Much like Mr.Family
What Opinion? That 18 year olds are young adults? Or that we have freedom of choice in this country? Or maybe the fact that millions of adults watch adult entertainment.
Anonymous, at 4:17 PM
to 10:09
the ad says "$10 off admission with a student id." it doesn't say "college id," like you suggest.
are you saying that the club doesn't let high-schoolers in? keep kidding yourself.
Anonymous, at 10:14 PM
bag covered head ad in the paper? no, daddy sal will have to be behind his legal skirt.
Anonymous, at 5:08 AM
to 9:15 am, I'd like to address your perceptive commments.
Your comments surely indicate a good observation of double standards in society. Unfortunately, celebrities are deified practically in all aspects possible, but they are only deified by the public to whom find them appealing for what ever act they may have to offer. I think of it as a form of propaganda prompted by their promoters for the almighty dollar. Along with that, I think of it as a somewhat of a forced trend setting for the public in which people are expected to abide by in order to be accepted in the so-called fashionable "now" thing or be square.
Dr. House, on the other hand, I believe deals with the real issues of sexual actions that can lead to medical problems. He makes the public aware of the medical aspect of physical relationships, rather than the exploitation of it. Unfortunately, this is sometimes how the cross-over of sexual subjects become indistinguisable to the unaware observer.
Anyway, the exploitations that you observed is when I believe personal independent thinking should become active, rather than what celebrities try to make us think we should think and accept what ever they deal out to us.
There are organizations that do go after the big fish, but it is a steep uphill battle. Promoters know that even any hint of promiscuity appeals to a large viewing audience, but let me say again, it is for the purpose to gain access to their money. With that, I also believe that they know they can undermine the human intelligence, and obviously they are correct. Little fish can get out of control and that is where we are at with this campaign. In reality, they are the smaller fish that are included in the groupings of the bigger fish.
Candidates offer another form of propagand who tell the public what they want to hear, once again, in order for themselves to become wealth(ier). Power and the bottom line are their true interests.
Lastly, it is best and safest to leave the Bible quoting to the theologically-educated religious ministers of their Faiths for their congregations. It is very, very dangerously risky for the lay person to try to incorportate a direct biblical verse where it most likely only seems to apply to a situation. By doing so, it can also give double messages.
Anonymous, at 5:21 PM
to 10:09, your self-loving and queerly focused blog is an excellent reason why we shouldn't believe everything that is said on this website.
Anonymous, at 6:22 PM
So 4:17 that makes everything hunky-dory because supposedly milllions of people watch "adult" "entertainment"? How many people does it take to commit suicide, by choice, for it to make that ok in your book? Reasonable thinking dictates to have a mature responsibility with freedom of choice. According to your thinking, that's just fine if an 18 year old commits suicide---he or she is of age and millions of adults do it, right?
Now perhaps you will argue that example as being ludicrous, but keep in mind that there is bodily suicide and suicide of the young, impressionable mind by influential corrupt poison. Think about how many teens, under 20, have chosen to take their own lives because the corrupt part of society has convinced them there are no values in life worth living for. Sex clubs offer no values for the 18 year olds or for anyone.
Anonymous, at 4:35 AM
No, because suicide is illegal. It is not ok.
And there are many things in life that offer no value, yet we do them everyday.
It is our nature.
Anonymous, at 6:18 PM
to 1256 pm - you miss the point if these so called kids are "kids" at age 18 as mr family says. then they are also too young to handle war, marriage
smoking, entering into a contract- and do not forget over 1/2 of marriages end in divorce.
what you want is to have it both ways and you can't
Anonymous, at 6:32 AM
to 435am how about smoking-
18 year old can buy cigarettes- ever complain about that. How about the gay bars in the area which have underage nights 16 + where they are exposed to strippers, men dressed as women and vice versa. straight male teenagers go there to watch two women kissing etc
etc. And what about all the other strip club clubs and adult businesses that allow 18 year olds in?
Anonymous, at 6:36 AM
If the these guys are going to the strip club, it means your pic taking activity isn't scaring them off.
Where are the pictures anyway?
Anonymous, at 6:48 AM
If these guys are going to the strip club, it means that they are dumb and hardup.
Anonymous, at 6:52 PM
to 652 pm all men who have gone to strip clubs including john f. kennedy, churchill, einstein etc were dumb and stupid.
People in glass house should not throw stones.
Anonymous, at 11:39 AM
11:39 - Yes, even Kennedy (who was posthumously exposed as a notorious philanderer), Churchill and Einstein were stupid and dumb when they went to strip clubs. All of them have been dead for a long time, but at least they were DISCRETE while participating in the degradation and devaluation of women. They lived back in the day when "gentlemen" did not flaunt their sexual perversions and strip clubs did not run ads on TV pandering to teenagers.
Anonymous, at 5:37 PM
"Students targeted" was posted Dec. 22. Some of the initial blogs were from parents being irate about this matter, and some blogs gave witnessing comments to high school students going to that smut palace. Given time out due to the holidays, let's wait and see now how long the parents and schools do anything about getting after Sal, if at all. I hope I am wrong, but my local-educated guess is not too much, to nothing at all. The majority of reasons will be: 'not my kid. I raised him better than that' (while junior is having a hi-ho time gawking at naked women). Or 'my son has his rights.' (rights to engage in prostitution?) Or, 'this school will not infringe on parental guidance.' Or, saving the best for last, 'this is Mr. Family's fault for making club10 more attractive to teens because of his cars pics.'
The lame excuses will range from not assulming adult responsibililty to passing the buck.
Anonymous, at 3:54 AM
and if the kid is 18 and in high school, he can legally buy cigarettes, go out and buy a car etc- so what can the school etc do about the the 18 year old going to a strip club?
Anonymous, at 6:43 AM
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