Violence against women
You can read the entire study by clicking here. My hope is that local women who have been considering stripping as a viable financial option will read every last detail about what they are choosing to embark on. I would also hope that women who are already involved in stripping will learn more about the cycle of destruction that these businesses create and promote.
The study is three pages long and includes great insight into the many ways strip clubs bring serious harm to both women and men. If you do not have the time or patience to read the entire report, I have included several quotes below.
Please be advised that the study includes a great deal of information that may shock and offend you. Because of its graphic detail, I debated whether or not to link to it. Please use discretion if you choose to read it. In the end, I believe it serves to give us all a valuable glimpse of the ways women are being degraded, right under our noses.
The organization and conditions of stripclubs not only produce and reproduce gender inequality, but facilitate and normalize men’s violence against women. Sexual violence has been normalized, institutionalized, and legalized in the stripclub industry as socially sanctioned male behavior. Stripclubs and the men associated with stripclubs have turned acts of violence into entertainment and tied male sexual pleasure to victimizing and exploiting. Stripclubs are structured according to male domination and control, and are inherently violent. It is impossible to set up stripclubs without sexual violence and that is reason to challenge the legitimacy of stripclubs.
One hundred percent of the eighteen women in the survey report being physically abused in the stripclub.
Women find out about stripping from a variety of sources. Upscale stripclub franchises recruit in new cities by having managers and imported dancers scout in nightclubs. Most women find out about stripping from girlfriends already in stripping, male associates, the media, and some from prior involvement in prostitution. One woman told how she loitered in and around urban stripclubs to pick up customers when she was fifteen and how her pimp eventually drove her to small town strip bars because those bars admitted her and hired her. Someone else got involved in stripping through an escort service for bachelor parties. Another young woman who went to a gentlemen’s club to pick up her friend recounted her recruitment as an eighteen-year-old. She waited at the bar, was served alcohol, and the owner asked to check her I.D. Instead of censuring her for drinking, he told her she would make $1000 per week and pressured her to enter the amateur contest that night. She won the contest, $300, and worked there three weeks before being recruited into an escort service by a patron pimp.
Forty four percent of the women report that men associated with the stripclub have threatened to hurt them physically.
One woman new to stripping was dumbfounded at how little money she was making taking her clothes off, so she asked the manager for his advice on increasing tips. He suggested turning tricks and said he could help her set up dates. Management sets up tricks, says it is good for business, and obligates women to turn over money from prostitution to the club. Women say prostitution is promoted even though owners tell women they would be punished if they turn tricks. Some stripclubs are notorious for promoting prostitution.
Women characterize customers as scum, psycho mama’s boys, rapists and child molesters, old perverted men, idiots, *******, and pigs. Strippers are largely disgusted by customers and describe them as pitiful and pathetic, stupid and ignorant, sick, controlling and abusive.
Women in this study undoubtedly denounce stripclub owners as pimps and "glorified pimps" and maintain that owners misuse power and are sick. The women also label managers as pimps citing that they mistreat women, that they make every attempt to take money from the women, and that they are sick because they are affiliated with the industry and know the harm they do.
i wonder if gclub's owner/financers feel comfortable with their children reading about what "daddy" does for a living
you know they probably read this blog
Anonymous, at 11:43 AM
I am sure, like all the other studies done by right wing religious, types, they chose to put in the info they wanted people to read, and let out other parts.
Now I am not saying violence in our world can not happen, but I myself know more than 8 girls who have worked and still work as strippers. None have been beaten or attacked.
And I do know club10 takes measures to insure the safety of the girls. 52 cameras and some very good bouncers.
But I know no matter what I type here, will no matter to you. You have a set mind on the subject, even when other studies have been pointed out to you and debunked your secondary effect story.
Anonymous, at 11:55 AM
A former stripper compiles a detailed report on life inside a strip club and she's called a "right-wing religious type."
Please explain to me where she speaks of her religion or political leanings.
It's ok, I know it's hard not to feel defensive when the truth (that you didn't want to hear) gets exposed.
Anonymous, at 12:16 PM
Simple, I looked her up in Google and got some info. She now has a religious and political stand on thie issue.
A little research goes a long way. And you are right, the truth hurts. For you.
Another biased study
Anonymous, at 12:27 PM
to 1216- the study involved only 41 striipers hardly a number to be statistically insifigant- you wouldn't want to take a new drug on the market if it was only taken by 41 people. Would it be fair to do a study about religion when those interviewed were the survivors of guyana massacre
( koolaid)
Note the authors says her study is only a theory.
Anonymous, at 12:38 PM
I stripped for 3 of the 4 years I was earning my bachelor's degree.
I cried when I read this. It's the truth that nobody speaks of. Asking permission just to use a bathroom, like a little child. We were treated like dirt. I can already see it by the tone people are taking to her words. Strippers are all idiots and we don't know what we're talking about, right?
Girls, if you're reading this, get out while you can.
Anonymous, at 12:51 PM
Graphic, but informative. So sad to know that women live like that.
Anonymous, at 1:03 PM
biased, biased, biased
that's all they can say when given the facts and conditions uncovered in her study.
i guess everyone she interviewed lied and the working conditions she described are all false.
i guess men never assault/grab/grope strippers and ask them for "dates." i guess owners never request sexual favors.
sounds like stripping must be a good thing for women after all.
Anonymous, at 1:11 PM
For someone who has never, nor will ever visit a strip club, this was difficult to read. Sometimes I think it was easier to live in ignorance.
I understand and appreciate your desire to remove this kind of business from our area. I wish you the best of success.
Anonymous, at 2:28 PM
gee i worked for the postal service and we were required to ask when we had to use the bathroom.
workroom rules-- if you do not like it get out just as i did.
Anonymous, at 2:39 PM
I only got past reading the first part of the survey, intend to read the rest, but I am absolutely sickened. Mr. Family, if never before was there enough strength and determination from the anti-club stance in ridding that scummy place, then there must be now.
The pro-club stance can no longer deny the illegalities of de-humanization, and the nerve yet of strip clubs imposing fines on the women if they are not up the the owner's expectations! Being penalized due to sickness, late, and all that other baloney, the whole thing, is just totally inhumane, insane!
Renee, with your past experience and intelligence, you would be a tremendous asset if you were to get involved in a leadership role against this crazed business that is prompted by maniacal "men." If not in any other way, your frequent comments on this website would be priceless.
Anonymous, at 3:18 PM
To Mr. Family and anti-clubbers,
This survey is what the pro-clubbers want us to "understand" and accept in them as being "different." I don't know how the rest of you are re-acting, but I thank God on my knees that I have not, can not, and will not accept the understanding of the atrocities of their "different" lifestyles.
They have pushed it by invading our community. They pushed it with attempts to influence the 18-20 year olds. They pushed it with 18 year old female amateur night, the high school students, bondage nights, and they are forever trying to change our minds to accept this vile, despicable, repulsive behavior as being a normal part of society against the youth and women.
That wicked dump has got to go now!
We have to seriously realize that we are surrounded by deranged people who will severly affect every life in this area very shortly.
People, we really, really, really need to take action before it's too late!
Anonymous, at 8:57 PM
I saw a show on abc 20/20
fri night- they did a segment on women who worked as strippers- seemed a majority of them were satisfied with their jobs and did not encounter what
was alleged in this study.
Also saw a documentary on Canadian television and another on British television which said much the same thing.
Anonymous, at 5:44 AM
Mr. Family, that survey includes a lot of what we have been saying all along, plus more appalling and unimaginable circumstances. The interviewer could have interviewed 4,441 strippers and the club "gents" would still deny any truth to it. Before they open their mouths next time with their senseless arguments,they should refer to that survey. It contains more than enough anti-club ammo to shoot holes in every sentence they could ever concoct.
I congratulate you for excelling once again in your research.
I feel so sorry for daddy Sal's children.
Anonymous, at 6:56 AM
2:39, gee, I bet you weren't just working for tips at the post office, though. Nor was it likely you were degraded, devalued and objectified on a daily basis by your boss, customers and co-workers. I suspect you also had the protection of a union that guaranteed sick leave, health care and unemployment benefits. We often hear about men "going postal", but it seems strippers are eventually just beaten down by the misogynists who exploit them and ultimately destroy their humanity.
Anonymous, at 7:00 AM
I can hardly see the difference of what goes on in strip clubs in comparison to women who are kidnapped to be used as sex slaves. The initial difference is the kidnapped women have no choice. The similarities with the two is that both have abusive captives, pimps, Sal, same difference, a "glorified pimp," according to the survey, who makes money on women being degraded.
Anonymous, at 7:27 AM
Yikes!!! This also shows that Mr. Family has some bias against g-10. If not then he would have attacted every club in the NEPA Valley. And I am sure the respose would be that "I need to focus on one before the others" is complete manure since he made the stink about the signs.
I also realize that people cannot grasp that 18 equates to an adult*.
I think that if people cared and watched over their children then places would not open since there would not be a need for them. Simply put the supply and demand. Parents often never take responsibility for their actions. When they do it is often late.
Anonymous, at 7:57 AM
to 857 pm- all of the things you mention are legal
no one is forcing anyone to go to this place much less work there- if you really think whining about it here is going to close the place, you are sadly mistaken. You need to get off your seat and away from your computer and organize protests in front of the club as well as get some picture takers for mr family as they seem to be gone. there isn't much mr family can do other than this blog, because he chooses to remain anonymous.
of course we will hear " things like this blog is read by police and elected fficials etc but if it is, they are not doing anything are they? The club has been opened 10 months now, and from my drivebys, the crowds are increasing not decreasing.
Anonymous, at 11:59 AM
Anon 5:44, you are correct. The study and interviews done on 20/20 showed 12 girls. This studt showed 18. On 20/20 ( they often do shows against clubs like this) all the girls they interviewed said they were happy with their jobs. None spoke of violence, or being hurt. None were on drugs, or abused.
I can do a study here, and pick and choose who I include and get results that can go both ways. Studies and surveys are a dime a dozen these days. And most times, who ever is doing it, can make it come out the way they want it to.
Anonymous, at 5:25 PM
Why don't you strip clubbers explain to us how or why the degradation of another human being doesn't bother or concern you?
Even if you had read part of this study, tell us what really goes through your minds that makes you able to easily ignore it. What prevents you from having compassion and finding this to be objectionable? Are you that hardened?
By all human and humane standards, by all that is decent and good, I really, really cannot understand how or why you are supportive of your fellow human beings being used and abused aside from it being their own choice.
5:44, that was not an alledged study. There was actual quotes from strippers who were willing to be open with their thoughts and feelings. You, on the other hand, are expressing denial to give yourself delusional support for the reality of a sickness that you are not willing to admit.
7:57, this is not a joking matter. So keep your mindless juvenile quips to yourself.
Anonymous, at 6:28 PM
7:57, The part that you cannot grasp about 18 equating to being an adult is that it also should require having an adult-like attitude and responsibility. I wouldn't want 18 year old strip club yahoos making decisions for me. Turning 18 does not in any way automatically guarantee anyone the ability to make mature decisions. Speaking from my own memory, I thought I knew it all at 18. I'm sure I was not the only one who thought that way when they were that age.
Anonymous, at 7:52 PM
The thing I find most interesting about this study is the description of the ways a club operates.
To those who, of course, try to ignore what she reports, I would simply ask if our local clubs treat strippers in this way.
Do they give them health and social security benefits? Do they fine them? Do they charge them to perform? Do they make them turn over much of their tips to DJ's etc?Do they use the amateur nights to try and allure new girls to strip at the club?
To the strippers I would ask, do you wiggle all over the men's laps until they ejaculate? Do you engage in other sex-acts with them? Are you reporting your income to the IRS? etc, etc.
These are all simple questions that don't rely on opinions, views or biases. All have a simple yes or no answer. The truth is that we all know the answers already. It's just that some try to ignore the questions.
Anonymous, at 10:44 PM
A friend of mine and I have been following the highlights on this w/s, and last night we were discussing them. We concluded months ago that the club activists don't have a conscience and are in denial as a lot of bloggers say. We took the time to read this study and reflectd on the comments in favor of strip clubs. There seemed to be something more puzzling that was missing about these people. After some discussion, we realized that they are heartless. Without having a conscience and not having a feeling heart, we arrived at the conclusion that they are not a whole person, body, mind, and soul. A conscience and a heart is what makes the soul of a person. We concluded from that point that unfortunately their souls are under the devil's control. We expect to have retaliations about our comments since that would follow suit while being in denial.
Anonymous, at 5:46 AM
7%@ I am again going to post this. Last time I posted this it was not "accepted" by Mr Family. When I was 18 a legal adult mind you. I chose to enlist in the United States Military. I served my country and have seen blood gore death and even killed. Do you think that it is worse for an 18 year old to see the death? kill? in a military setting? or see harmless boobies? Which one do you think is worse. You can say I did not have to serve but I did it for my country. The country that you all live in and bitch about everything in it.
and 6:28 You proved my point that idiot parents do not care for their children until after they "sway" from what mommy and daddy want.
Anonymous, at 6:08 AM
to 700 am- strippers are considered self employed -
they can start their own 401 k retirment etc- there are other companies like that fedex ground has contract employess who deliver parcles not regular employees.
and yes i was degraded devalued etc on a daily basis - one of the many reasons people go postal.
Anonymous, at 6:15 AM
to 10:44 No one is ignoring what this report stated. but you guys seem to be ignoring the other study that was done, and broadcast on a national TV news show, that showed just the opposite. The 12 or so girls there spoke of no abuse, and all were happy. The one woman talked about her job paying for everything she needed, and getting her young daughter in a very good school.
It is a terrible thing when a harm comes to any human, but many of you seem to only stick to the info you WANT to hear. Yes this article shows a bad side. But the one pointed out by 5:44 showed the other side, that many woman enjoy this work and do just fine, with no harm coming to them. It is even still on the 20/20 news site.
Sadly, women are hurt every day in our world, and so are men. Not just in strip clubs. But Mr.Family seems to try to say that it is only strip clubs that cause this harm. Most who oppose strip clubs seem to do this, that crime only happens in these places, and if it was gone the world would be a grand place. Not true. The hurt would continue, but at another location, like the local Turkey hill in the parking lot, or Wal-Mart, or a local bar. The location has nothing to do with it. Human nature does.
You tell pro clubbers not to ignore this study, you should not ingnore the one done by 20/20 that showed how many woman like this work.
Anonymous, at 6:27 AM
So, what does the Marquis de Sal have to say about this? How come we never read any of his comments? Guess he's hiding behind his skirt and his mouthpieces.
(for the uninformed, the Marquis de Sade, which sadomasochism was named after, was notoriously known for his viciously wild and crazy sexual encounters) He must be the Marquis de Sal's idol due to promoting similar acts of degradation.
Anonymous, at 8:52 AM
10:44, good point. I suspect that most strippers are too afraid of losing their "job" to say anything critical of gclub10 here, assuming they have computer skills and access to a computer. Of course, the pro-clubbers contend that all the girls there are working their way through college, so club patrons can pat themselves on the back for paying these girls' way through school rather than admit their complicity in exploitation, devaluation and degradation of females.
Anonymous, at 10:14 AM
Dear 5:46.
So, you have learned alot people from words on a web page with no tone or emotion? And you think that the anti club folks have a heart?
With some of the comments they leave, they are more heartless and mean than the clubbers.
More often than not the anti club folk toss out mean comments and attack others.
To 6:27
You are right, two seperate people have posted about the 20/20 show, Yet all the anti club folk ignore it and only see the study that Mr,Family posted, because it is what they WANT to see. It fits their needs.
Anonymous, at 12:22 AM
Wow! A few of these blogs are loaded with clubber denials and/or weak justifications.
to 6:08 seeing bodies caused by wars (any murdered body) and seeing harmless b......s are both immoralities as both are degradations to the human body.
to 6:15 if you were degraded and devalued on a daily basis, then you should have filed a lawsuit for sexual harassment. But I doubt you meant you were grabbed in inappropriate areas of your body, or were propositioned for sex or bared your body for a buck.
to 6:27 We'll just pretend there isn't any bad side to anything, and everything will be ok. At best, we'll just justify that women being abused in strip clubs means nothing especially compared to an important petty theft at Wal-mart.
Anonymous, at 3:32 AM
seph/choice, do you have any cold hard evidence that says club10 does not have naked women flaunting themselves over "men" to cause ejaculations there, who treat the strippers completely like ladies as they shun their eyes from the women's nakedness, and never hoot and whistle, and never ask for "favors," and never come in contact with each other,
therefore are you trying to convince everyone else or yourselves that "gentlemens" club10 is totally exempt of any illicit behavior, speech, and actions that can be found in a study? Are you trying to say that only mannerly "men" attend the club who only have intentions of elevating the status of the female gender?
guys, you didn't even give it a weak try.
Anonymous, at 5:19 AM
6:08 Am, I found your comments to be conflicting. In your first address, you somewhat gave approval for 18 y/o's to be subjected to the ills of society, only in particular here with your endorsement of strip clubs. In your second address, you seemed to have retracted your approval by chastisng parents for being lax in their duties by not raising their children properly to abstain from strip clubs when they become 18.
I thank you for serving our country honorably, and I hope you can try to understand as some of us see it, that you fought to maintain the morality and integrity of this country. Strip clubs diminish some of that morality. I think about the service people who lie in their graves now, while devil-may-care attitudes are alive and well to be able to demoralize women. They laugh while service people, who gave the ultimate price, their families mourn. Perhaps if you were a woman, you would understand and feel what I mean.
Anonymous, at 6:28 AM
aren't there people in every profession that hate their jobs or have had to be subject to abuse verbal or sexual to keep their position? these people both male and female are not just strippers and dancers either. it happens from the lowest paying job to the highest. Hollywood has been know for it for years...sleep your way to the top. what is the difference between what they do and those that choose to make a profession out of it? all have the same choice walk away...take less money,,,make a diiferent choice for yourself. the bottom line...
we make our own decisions to stay or walk away that's the freedom of America.
Anonymous, at 8:43 AM
Mr family, if that is how you feel and you feel the radio station is degrading women, why do you listen to the football games on that station, which are advertised by porn shops exploiting women?
Anonymous, at 9:22 AM
6:15, As a former financial advisor, I can tell you that 401k plans are EMPLOYER-SPONSORED retirement plans, so strippers and other "self-employed" people can NOT start them. I doubt Slimeball Sal and his cronies would give any of his girls stock options, either, though I think it's safe to assume that the high school seniors who waste their allowances at gclub10 are more likely to end up working in the stockroom than the stock market.
Anonymous, at 1:59 PM
Studies and polls are more often that not misleading and usually made to prove someone's own brand of thinking. Unless you speak of direct incidents, proven, then it makes no point to generalize that anything that has ever happened at one will happen at them all. I think I have relatives in PA, I may have to go just so I can check out this place and post a pic of me inside having a good time. And sinnin'!
Graveh, at 7:54 PM
Oh my! The anti-clubbers write mean things and ignore 20/20 nicey-nice strip club presentations. I finally got it! Pro-club logic dictates that it is much, much nicer to be bodily present at strip clubs to degrade than to write "mean" things in blogs.....and to ignore valid studies about degradation because the nicey-nice makes it all better and go away, um, like a bandaid covering a bursted artery.
anon. 9:22 a, Mr. Family had previously explained that he believes in promoting the better quality airing of the radio station, which is the games they present. (end)
The sex industry has their filthy hands in practically every media known. There is no getting away from it unless one chooses to stop completely being (quality) entertained or informed by the media.
Anonymous, at 1:29 AM
to 519 am I got a great laugh out of your comments.
And what proof do you have that men ejaculate in their pants at the club, and so what even if they did? wait we can make a law-- it would be a felony- and men who do will go to jail.
Would that make you happy.
and does illicit behavor occur in other bars, even churches?
Anonymous, at 7:15 AM
There are girls at club 10 who "date." AKA, are paid prostitutes. The same is true for every club in NEPA.
Anonymous, at 1:38 PM
My parents passed away early in my life, so I am a fairly young person who was raised to have respect for everyone because everyone is deserving of it. Now I am confused. can someone advise me on how it is possible now for me to have respect for someone who gives comments like the person did in blog 7:15 and have respect for strippers and their patrons?
Anonymous, at 5:28 PM
to the graveh-type daddys and the club-going daddys who think this club thing is so funny:
if/when---after you come home from the club, don't forget to tell your kids where you were, especially if they ask,kids are inquisitive. ---just as much as you would want them to be upfront when you asked where they were at certain times.
tell them, with justification of course, that you made a wise investment with the money you spent because it temporarily gratified you---instead of going towards your kids needs.
tell them that it was more pleasureable to have a naked woman on your lap and play "games" ---instead of playing games with your little tykes and having them on your lap or playing sports with your teens.
yesirree, you'll see how they will admire you for your honesty. after all, you ARE raising your kids to be honest and want them to imitate you. ----and you don't want them to find out from someone else, right?
Anonymous, at 6:12 PM
to 612 pm and what do you and mr family tell your kids when you are on the internent whining about strip clubs. "I can not play with you now I am on the computer telling bad people to behave" so I will play with you later when I am finished whing and telling off all those bad people. '"You kids must be self righteous like me"
Anonymous, at 2:15 PM
to 528 pm being married to a playboy bunny for over 30 years, I have the utmoste respect for dancers and strippers etc. I was poiting out the stupid comments another blogger made.
Anonymous, at 2:17 PM
2:17, This is my first post in this thread, but according to the study published here by a former stripper, men ejaculate in their pants during lap "dances". I know of nowhere other than "adult entertainment" establishments that this takes place.
Anonymous, at 1:00 PM
is mrs. bunny working to pay the bills while you are on the computer?
how come you don't have respect for the bloggers on this board with your own stupid comments?
Anonymous, at 12:47 AM
2:17, No doubt your wife has not worked as a Playboy bunny for the past 30 years, but I find it incredibly sad that you would devalue her as such. Playboy bunnies (and I've known a few) are nothing more than cocktail waitresses. Too bad you don't have more respect for your wife than to regard her in the same category as a stripper. She must be a remarkable woman to tolerate a man who holds her in such low esteem that he defines her by her least achievement.
Anonymous, at 8:58 AM
2:17 "I have the utmoste respect for dancers and strippers etc."
Ok, so that "career," which encourages an atmosphere for prostitution, doing drugs, and inducing ejaculations makes strippers notably respectable. Did I get your view correctly?
Anonymous, at 5:23 AM
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