"In a July 2005 undercover operation, Florida cops busted 15 strippers on a variety of criminal charges, including prostitution and exposure of a sexual organ. The arrests came at five different gentlemen's clubs...." courtesy of The Smoking Gun.Click here for the rest of the story.How soon will it be before this headline is found in our local papers?
Well it hasn't happened is the last 20 years, so why now? But that's right, since it happened somewhere else that means they are all the same.
Guess I better get my son out of the church choir before he gets abused sexually.
Anonymous, at 12:10 AM
mr. family, how in the world can that ever happen here? the pc's told us over and over again things like in that article don't, can't and won't happen here;
that story is too old to have validity, times have changed;
that happened in another town, we have to consider ourselves fortunate to have a classy strip club that offers the best quality of bondage and a welcoming place for youths to have fun.
take it easy,mr. family, this is luzerne cty., the only area in the whole country guaranteed by the pc's to be exempt from any crime in strip clubs and crimes derived from them.
"SOON" can't be soon enough to be in our local headlines.
Anonymous, at 5:05 AM
How about all the ministers
etc being arrested for theft od church funds,
sex with underage teens etc?
Abd yes, we already read about "local men of god" being arrested for these very things you mention.
Should we ban churches?
Anonymous, at 7:18 AM
That stuff happens in chuches too, so that article is neither here nor there.
Graveh, at 3:21 PM
Soon huh? Let's look at some other "Soons" posted by Mr.Family
The club will be closing "soon"
They will "Soon" lose buisness because of the BYOB ban
The pictures of the cars will "soon" cause people to stop going to the club
And you were wrong on ALL of these things. As usual.
Anonymous, at 4:09 PM
Here we go again with the take-the-focus-off-it by church bashing, an old reliable. But gee, ya know,I can't remember the last time I heard the police doing a raid on 15 churches for prostitution. We only have an occasional massage parlor sting, but they don't count, so let's just forget about that. Perish the thought that prostitution/drug raids can ever happen in our fine, upstanding strip clubs. Unlawful illicit situations are strictly reserved to occur in churches.
Now listen, where ever there are people, vice can't be too far behind.
Anonymous, at 12:53 AM
It won't be soon enough because W-B township doesn't have enough cops to police strip clubs or leadership capable of addressing crimes like prostitution; patrons of gclub10 are in denial, sex peddlers make enough money through exploiting teenage strippers and college freshmen to pay lawyers to keep shady judges protecting shadier politicians who don't address concerns of the gullible voters that keep taxpayers at the mercy of those who only line their own pockets.
Anonymous, at 8:09 AM
Waht about Dave Carry The fat guy who is holding the money and was in charge of the renovations at this place
Anonymous, at 11:26 AM
Mr. Family,
This is a private message to you. I've posted as to the PA laws and just recently about an educated electorate. And time and time again, it's the same garbage: "I pay taxes, so I can not vote." But, then they complain when garbage happens. Our Valley is like the yellow ribbons on cars that support troops. We can support with a ribbon, or we can send a box of goodies across the ocean. Our Valley hates corruption, but they'd rather be damned than actively inject themselves in the process. And, in the end, "winners" get elected, serve themselves or their backers, and then leave. Like politics, it's too easy to say "well I didn't vote for him!"
What does this have to do with your site? Not much. Keep fighting the good fight. I fully agree that these clubs create crime, infidelity, objectify women, and the whole nine yards. To argue that other businesses do the same does not show that these clubs are any better. Rather, it shows that perhaps our area is further in the toilet than we think. And, claiming priests are no better is such a terrible argument; to equate it to a club, one would have to find some benefit to the club, then inject immorality or crime. With a club, its premise is immorality and objectification. When the church decides to allow me to bring in 12 packs, show pornography during the homily, and engage in extramarital intercourse after I drop money in the basket, then maybe I will see the parallel. And, even if that happened, two wrongs will never make a right. There's another quote the Valley should learn...
Well, enough rambling. Again, fight the good fight, and know there are many like me who support you, even if at times we're a little critical of specific arguments made. Our goal is the same.
Anonymous, at 2:37 PM
11:26 a, I missed your point. Can you elaborate please.
Well anyway, as a resident of wbt, I would like to carry over from the previous set of contents about voting and politicians. The apolitical views are highly accurate.
I don't have a problem with our current mayor giving himself a raise, but I do have a problem with the council members getting big fat raises to sit comfortably on their lined pockets. I didn't vote for that, as well as I didn't vote to have a scum club in the twp. So what say did any voters have in those particular instances????? None! If I did have say, it would be to give a big fat raise to the police dept.'s payroll so that they could hire more cops full-time so as not to have the turnover of the part-timers, and educate them to strip club crap in which they would be able to ENFORCE THE ORDINANCES. But noooooo! The do-nothing council members, two in particular, get raises instead! Now here we are, wbt known for its disgraceful scummy club! I'm sure Sal thanks all the (gullible) voters of wbt for their support!
signed, not a voter. (the other candidates to choose from were worse)
Anonymous, at 3:18 PM
my take on all this has come down to getting the places that directly influence out children first..Why ? well my 16 yr old daughter and friends do a secret santa night and exchangge gifts with one person from the list they pick from the hat 2 weeks before, They have done this for years now. they made it a 40-45 dollar limit. Well one secrete santa girl bought sex toys for her name. They all got a good laugh out of it, but she then also bought her something more appropiate. They usually talk with me about things and of course told me what the girl bought it was 12 inches and cost well over budget. My first reaction was where would she purchase this and was told inside any local mall. I said no outside on roads going to the mall and they said no inside the mall...my guess long before we have been pushing this anti-club stuff we should have started with the places that are truely in your face places. my new theroy let them have there clubs and stores teach you children proper values about such places , but get those stores selling video's and toys out of very common places like malls where they are in your face everytime you walk the mall. Kids hang out there much more then walking mundy or kidder street.
Anonymous, at 5:58 PM
Actually 12:53 what they are pointing out is that Mr.Family makes grand assumptions. There are many strip clubs in our area. None have been busted for prostitution. One was busted for betting on football games, up near Dickson city. That was the only time any club around here was busted.
Mr.Family post articles, assuming that what ever happens elsewhere will happen here. I can even use Mr.Family's own words. You can't blame everyone for the actions of a few.
If you think by Mr.Family's logic, since a car was stolen at a strip club, that means that all strip clubs are the cause. Since he found an article that one club was busted for prostitution, that means they all are doing it. By that logic, if some one is shot in a Wal-Mart in Cleveland, that means that someone will be shot at every Wal-mart. Or if a PNC bank is robbed in Texas, then all PNC banks will be robbed. And if an alter boy is rapped in a church in Florida, then it happens in every church.
Mr.Family makes great assumptions, and accusations all the time. With little to no backing. He has proven time and time again to have no knowledge of local PA laws. And he has been proven wrong on every front. But He won't sweat it, since he hides behind the screen. He changes the subject when he is wrong, and pretends it did not happen. He has proven to be a very unreliable source. And in turn, has become a laughing stock in the area.
Anonymous, at 6:29 PM
mister family changes the subject?
looks to me like those who hate him and what he stands for are the ones who like to change the subject with their talk of churches, wal-mart, pnc bank, etc.
mister family is pointing out the obvious detriment of having a place like gentlemen's club 10 in our area while his haters seem to live in a world of denial.
Anonymous, at 7:54 PM
that club that was busted for betting on football also hired a 14-year-old girl to dance in the nude. nice of you to conveniently forget that little fact.
Anonymous, at 7:56 PM
Actually, the 14 year old girl was a rumor, and not true.
And yes, Mr.Family changes the subject. He has been wrong on so many accounts, he just drops it. baby in the club anyone? Byob ban anyone? Ordinances anyone?
Anonymous, at 5:21 AM
5:58 The store you cite doesn't recruit your daughter to strip at "amateur night" via newspaper ad, nor does it pander to our high school senior son on TV ads offering naked women writhing on his lap for the price of a movie. That store's sex toys aren't visible without going inside, so it's not "in your face" like a sex club at the busiest intersection in the township, nor is the store's sole business the hedonistic exploitation, degradation and devaluation of females.
Anonymous, at 6:40 AM
6:29 pm, you're not getting Mr. Family's point. The pc'ers say that crimes of prostitution, drugs, and other criminal activities don't happen in strip clubs anywhere. Mr. Family then posts articles (his backing) about the crimes, and all of a sudden the pc'ers responses are: uh, well, well, well, crimes happen in churches too.
Mr. Family's logic, not assumption, is that strip clubs have a potential for crime no matter where they are located, despite what the pc'ers say. Anyway, this campaign is about strip clubs and not about crimes at Wal-mart, churches, etc.
As far as Mr. Family being the lauging stock in the area, I would have to disagree with that blanket statement. Mr. Family is laughed at only by pc'ers and a certain radio station too, who reject their own self worth and who publicly discredit their own intelligence. I think it's a shame those radio folks spent all that money on education, and end up coming across like a bunch of laughing hyenas.
Anonymous, at 6:43 AM
those of you who claim it is not appropiate to compare
the church- seem to forget
not only were children molested the church engaged in a massive coverup- almost every archdoices- the coverup orders came from the top of the church and your
donation money was used without your knowledge- if any other business did that its -its leaders would be in jail- ie enron- the catholic church got away scot free- two archdioces got to file bankruptcy to get out of paying the children who were molested.
getting arrested for prostitution plaes in comparison.
Anonymous, at 7:14 AM
those of you who claim it is not appropiate to compare
the church- seem to forget
not only were children molested the church engaged in a massive coverup- almost every archdoices- the coverup orders came from the top of the church and your
donation money was used without your knowledge- if any other business did that its -its leaders would be in jail- ie enron- the catholic church got away scot free- two archdioces got to file bankruptcy to get out of paying the children who were molested.
getting arrested for prostitution plaes in comparison.
Anonymous, at 7:14 AM
Dear Mrs. 6:29, I can appreciate your concern for your daughter, but I'm curious to know how do you think it would be feasible to get to ALL the places that directly and negatively influence children?
I was raised in an earlier era where parental teaching started and ended in the home with the exception of my school teachers in between. Granted, school teachers don't have the power anymore to discipline children, but good parental guidance has not gone out of style. What children see and buy in the stores does not minimize the negative affects strip clubs. Don't forget, your 16 year old is going to turn 18 some day, and good ol' Sal will be waiting for her with his fangs out hoping to have her participate in amateur night. So hang in there as an anti-club supporter. Your involvement now would be a part of the prevention you are seeking.
Anonymous, at 7:51 AM
It is plain to see that these pro club morons can not see the light of day. Mr.Family has tried to show them right from wrong. I applaud you good sir. But the words we speak they do not hear. Only action will they understand. More must be done. More people need to see how much this club will destroy us all.
If we do not rid ourselves of it, we will all be lost in time. The time to do something is now.
Anonymous, at 8:01 AM
Well since one girl is bad, they are all bad, means since this guy is bad, then all religious leaders are right? From the same website.
Anonymous, at 8:51 AM
what wasn't isn't in our paper in the year end review, was anything about mr family-- seems like th local media has forgotten about him.- in fact nothing has been in since April- Shouldn't Mr family be concerned about spreading the word to get rid of the club?
Anonymous, at 9:12 AM
actually, you can read mention of mr. family in the year-in-review if you follow the link below. the citizen's voice mentions him about 3/4 down the page.
you probably missed the article because you were too busy drooling over the latest ads for the club in the weekender.
Anonymous, at 9:43 AM
Thanks, 9:43, for posting the address of the free plug for this website. I'm glad the newspapers report that the hype on Sal's Sleazorama has died down. I know a lot of college freshman figure once they've seen a live naked woman there's no point in paying to see her again because it's still more entertaining to catch a new movie, especially when they can now walk to the theatre and meet real, live girls there who aren't just interested in their cash.
Anonymous, at 11:30 AM
7:14, your comments, along with the other Church bashers, indicate that you are people who are not forgiving and hold grudges. I wonder how you would like it if any of your past wrong-doings were exploited over and over again, and did you ever make restitution for them. In the Churchs' situation, restitution is being made as much as humanly possible. Let go of that ghost of the past, which has no bearing on the present and no bearing on this issue whatsoever.
Contrarily, one of the present issues at hand is a very real continuous corruption on society, to adults and the exposure of strip clubs to children. If we didn't contest strip clubs, then we would be giving our approval to sexual exploitation, which is not too far removed from molestation. Sexual exploitation and molestation both represent mis-guided sexual inclinations.
Anonymous, at 4:34 PM
to anon 8:01 a, I agree with you that actions speak louder than words, and it's beyond the obvious that the clubbers can't get anything reasonable thru their heads. If only they could hear how silly they are for defending and protecting that filthy club that caters to their sick fetishes, while others be damned.
I suggest that we put our heads together and come up with some reasonable actions. After all, we anticlubbers are the ones who have good reasoning abiltiy.
I'll offer a suggestion. A good team project for high schoolers and their parents would be for them to form a group that would publicly decry the immoralities of sex clubs. It's the kids' futures that will be affected, and hopefully they would teach or shame the sex "adults" into start acting like adults. Sort of like out of the mouths of babes.
Anonymous, at 4:28 AM
About these self-righteous "church bashers." I find it astonishing at how quick they are to bash the illicit behavior that had occured with the churches, but don't take issue with the illicit naked women wriggling and squirming on oogling droolers just for the purpose of getting their money. What unacceptable and acceptable part of this am I missing?
Anonymous, at 5:15 AM
- no it is not church bashing it is telling the truth- the nude dancing is between consenting adults- what occured with the church was
sex with children and persons those children trusted- there is a big difference between the two- to believe there is only a small difference is foolish-
you also seem to forget that the church engaged in a massive coverup that resulted in thousands of children being molested--
when the church should have reported it to the police- then there is all the money
the church paid out.
There are certain truths that you "anti-clubbers" choose not to admit that one being that "organized religion" was responsible for thousands of children being sexually molested and did nothing to prevent it.
perhaps Mr. family or someone else could show me a story where strip clubs coast to coast conspired to coverup the molestation of children and secretely paid 10 of millions in damages.
Anonymous, at 12:20 PM
to 12:20, you have a problem that is called "egoism." Look that up in the psych books. You are like salt on an open wound who doesn't care about who you scorn.
Consider the possible fact that this website is being read by some of the reformed perpetrators and the victims who are trying to heal. At every turn, they are being reminded of their past by ignorant creatures like you who need to prove a point so desperately with your over-sexed mind, that you have to drag their hurts into a picture where there is absolutely no relationship.
Consider yourself no better than the perpetrators who tried to justify their sexual motives!
If you had any reasoning ability at all, you would be able to determine that "organized religion" was not the cause, but it was the individuals with psychiatric problems.
To any possible reformed perpetrators or victims or family members who may have read the comments from 12:20, I apologize to you for such stupidity and arrogance on his part. Please continue with your healing process and try to understand that he has problems as well of which he has yet to confront and deal with.
Please always be open to God's guidance and forgive as you would want to be forgiven.
Anonymous, at 1:57 PM
to 157 pm- if sexual predators are reading this I hope it from jail- once again you missed the points-
Sexual abuse against a minor is a crime/ a felony
these people should be in jail- I know several people who were abused and they say the same thing, in fact they want to talk about it.
the church was WELL AWARE of the ABUSE and DID NOTHING TO STOP IT. Instead, IT transferred these people into other postions of trust so they could molest again and again and again.
And the ONLY reason it stopped is because the news media got wind of the abuse and began investigating.
If any other organization
did what the church did, its leaders would be in prison. Obviously the church did this to save face/avoid embarrment etc, so how can you say organized religion was not responsible for this utterly digusting acts.
I would suggest you read the phila district attorneys report about the archdoicese of Phila- if you think the stripper report is bad- read this.
Same for Boston, Miamia, New York Scranton and almost any archdoicese in the usa. Most are online do a google search.
Anonymous, at 6:02 AM
to 6:02, you don't give up on your ignorance, do you? What is your purpose for dragging this on and on, time after time, ad nauseum? What in the world does your comments have to do with this Mr. Family website anyway?
Trying to hide from your own transgressions by exploiting others'pasts anywhere you can? Trying to make yourself feel better about yourself?
Wait! I have an idea! Mention some of your past mistakes so I can go on ad nauseum about them, that is, unless you were always perfect.
Anonymous, at 8:23 PM
to 823 pm point no 1 aI do not go to strip clubs.
Point no 2- the church was resonsible for more child abuse than strip clubs.
Point no 3- calling me names will not change the truth.
Point no 4- if it is ok to drag on about strip clubs, then it is ok to drag on about the church and child abuse.
Pont 5- no, pointing out the sins of the church doesn't make me feel superior. Does the name calling and condemnation by you of people who support choice make you feel superior? Mistakes- I should have opened a porn shop instead of the business I am in, beacuse I coudl have made a lot more money and it would give you something else to whine about and occupy your time with.
Anonymous, at 6:26 AM
" Mention some of your past mistakes so I can go on ad nausea about them, that is, unless you were always perfect."
To anon 8:23 Everyone Including Mr.Family should do this, but wait, he likes to hide and only point out what others do.
Everyone seems so quick to point out the bad parts of the sex industry, and most due it fueled by their religious beliefs, yet, when the serious flaws I the religious folk are pointed out, you go off the deep end.
You all say, Every strip club is the same, and they are all doing drugs and prostitution. Well, with that thinking, it means that every church is acting the same way, touching children, and hiding it.
it is the truth, Organized religion is a fraud and does many evils. And they choose to ignore it, and point out the flaws of all those around them to take the attention away for it.
Anonymous, at 11:05 AM
question #1: why don't you go to strip clubs?
#2: what does church child abuse have to do with strip clubs?
#3: called you what name?
#4: since you want to drag on about church abuse, then why don't you go on a church abuse website instead of a strip club website?
#4 if you are not condeming the church, then why are you dragging on the issue with malicious contempt...an issue that has been addressed and being rectified, while strip clubs are currently inundating our area for the expolitation of women?
You should review your denied feelings of superiority that points out the sins of the church and seems to give you pleasure by whining and occupying your time on this website.
#5 does your support of women being degradated at strip clubs make you feel superior?
#6 according to the survey, is that acceptable to you that strip women are(name)called sluts, whores, etc.? When are you going to start complaining about that?
Anonymous, at 4:12 AM
Mr. Family, you have my permission to paste my following comments every time a pro-clubber uses the phanthom last grasp of the religious argument. I hope to clarify once and for all their baseless argument.
My comments:
There are no good points to the sex industry, whether it is fueled by religious beliefs, secular impressions, knowledge, and/or personal experience of it. The sex industry plainly and clearly is in the business of using and exploiting humans for profit with the enticement of offering the participants wealth in return for their own co-operation in self-demoralization.
What is the definition of "religious" folks? There is none. Why? Because we admit to being sinners, and "religious" implies to having total piety, which would be a contrast in terms. "Religious" is merely a quick adjective used to describe people who have faith, attend religious services, and try to carry out their faith in all aspects of their lives by thought, word, and deed. Nevertheless, "religious" folks are like everyone else who are capable of wrong-doing and do carry it out. The diffence with "religious" folks versus anti-"religious" folks is that we admit to our wrong-doings and try to correct them time and time again, whereas strip club attendees will not make any admission to wrong-doings and therefore, do not make any corrections.
Good and evil is not in organized religion itself, but in every individual person. Each one of us are tempted and has the will, the choice, to give into evil or not. Organized religion itself is not evil because it teaches people to take the high road, and it is up to each individual if they are going to follow through with that or take the evil path to eternal damnation.
Stating church "fraud" is a convienent excuse for people who refuse to accept the hard challenge of living on the straight and narrow road. It is the "perfect" view to excuse one's self from that challenge.
Yet, when pro-clubbers are asked what good (versus evil) do strip clubs have to offer anyone, there is either a dead silence or unjustifiable excuses that do not actually promote the true dignity of humankind.
Anonymous, at 1:29 PM
Strip clubs are the perfect playgrounds for the devil who gives his evil approval for illusions: self-gratification, the exchange of illicit money, illicit nudity, and the lust for illicit nudity. This self-love and self-indulgence produces and unrecognizeable self-destruction.
Drug kings, also under demonic influence, are another perfect example. They are in the business to make big money at the expense of ruining other people's lives with the initial promise of offering them euphoria. Gradually, the person gets hooked while not recognizing his own downward sprial to self-destruction. It is only if he recognizes and admits what is happening to him, does he take the hard challenge to better his life.
(At this point, Mr. Family, I have no doubt that my comments will be scoffed at and I will be ridiculed to the utmost degree. I would like the scoffers and the ridiculers to keep in mind that their negative, mocking, and objecting comments will not affect me, as I am very capable of recognizing harmful behavior; and whatever they say in their comments, they have already said it repeatedly.
Their comments will clearly reveal that they do not recognize and admit to any wrong-doings, evil, sins, or whatever applies. Their denial has already been evident with their (rightfully so) disapproval of church scandals, but not rightfully so with their approval of the illicit behavior in strip clubs.
Anonymous, at 2:44 PM
Now wait a minute, 11:05, are you purposely trying to express stupidity or are you trying to convince everybody else that they are stupid? Following your illogical observations, you are suggesting that everybody pile into certain strip clubs where they can become innocent. It will shock you to know that all strip clubs are the same because none of them can attest to being the epitome of purity by any stretch of the imagination. But wait, they are pointing out what they do all by themselves do via broadcasting their sick fetishes in these blogs. And let's not forgest gclub having a nationally-known prostitute giving it a plug, bondage night ads, and the seduction of 18-20 year old females for amateur night. No flaws there in your mind, eh?
If you have a retention capacity, your recollection would remind you that the leaders of various religious denominations who fell from grace, then eventually exposed, repented. Can that yet be said of the immorally exposed leader Sal and his followers?
Anonymous, at 6:12 PM
6:12 pm. No, never did I say that people that pile into the club become innocent. Never did I say that, stop putting words in other people's mouth. You must have picked that up from Mr.Family, he does that too.
And you say people have sick fetishes? That is an opinion, not a fact. Please try to not get those confused. Some people like Heavy Metal music, others Rap Music, some find both if those sick, that does not mean they are. The Sex industry is sick to some, not others. Opinions vary.
And you speak of leaders of various religious denominations repenting, so, by that comment, every one that goes to the club, can just repent later in life and all is fine right?
Does not change the fact the religion is corrupt, and has been since the dawn of time, and will be forever.
Anonymous, at 12:50 AM
to 612 pm- funny how just " brush over what the church had and resort to name calling. Nobody ever said strip clubs are pillars are virtue- but then neither is religion- that is a truth you choose not to admit.
And do you think your whining and name calling is going to affect the club?
Anonymous, at 7:23 AM
Let me explain something to you people: where ever there are people, corruption, negativity, evil of some sorts is not far behind to some degree. It is human nature, and we do no live in a perfect world. Therefore it is safe to say that people do the corrupting.
Having said that, you do not seem to put a defining line between religious teachings and people. Therefore, it is not logical to say that religions are corrupt because of their teachings. You might want to ask yourself: am I doing my part in exercising true religious values or am I just taking the easy way out by bashing something that I am not thoroughly familiar with?
There is a defining line of what is considered "sick" and "fetishes" when it involves the sex industry. It is wrong, corruptive, and evil. It is right to the people who cannot see the wrong, corruption, and evil. Therefore, the defining line is not an opinion, but a fact.
I don't believe anyone put words in your mouth, 12:50. You yourself interpreted a prior logic, and in turn, your logic was interpreted not to your liking.
Were you putting words in someone else's mouth when you said: "...can just repent later in life..."? Remember this: there is no "later" in anybody's life. Who can guarantee that they have the next second, let alone the next day?
Have to place you in the wrong, 7:23. Religion strongly discourages strip club activities. Therefore, religion is the pillar of truth that stems from the Holy Bible. Therefore, your logic is saying that God's Word is not truthful just because some people do not adhere to His Words.
Your endorsement of strip clubs is certainly not giving you any amount of credibility with your church bashing whining and complaining.
Anonymous, at 5:00 PM
to 500 pm i do not go to strip clubs, but the courts have ruled them legal, it is fact you choose not to accept, the problem i have with people like you is you try to censor everything you do not like or offends your religeous beliefs.
perhaps you should consider moving to iran where anything sexual outside of marriage is punishable by death
Anonymous, at 1:28 PM
to 500 pm i do not go to strip clubs, but the courts have ruled them legal, it is fact you choose not to accept, the problem i have with people like you is you try to censor everything you do not like or offends your religeous beliefs.
perhaps you should consider moving to iran where anything sexual outside of marriage is punishable by death
Anonymous, at 1:29 PM
1:29 the very severe fact that you choose not to accept is that God's laws are the greatest and highest in all of His universe and not the legal system's final word.
FYI, the Bible was the first print that was ever published when the printing press was invented. Centuries later, it continues to be the most widely read Book in the world every single day...totally uncensorsed by the uncountable billions who follow its teachings/religious beliefs, God's beliefs if you will, to guide them towards living a good life and walk them through their journey in this life so that they may one day receive their Heavenly reward.
Sir, you do not have a problem with me. You have a problem facing the reality of spirituality and your eventual demise...where no court of law will be there to back you. You will be answering to Divine Justice.
Anonymous, at 12:40 PM
to 1240pm I agree the bible is one of the greatest work of fiction ever written.
Anonymous, at 2:23 PM
223 prosties druggies n abuse is for real at strip clubs
what say you about that.
Anonymous, at 1:14 AM
223 prosties druggies n abuse is real at strip clubs
what say you about that.
the bible says not to do harmful things.
Anonymous, at 1:22 AM
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