Approaching one year
I have devoted a lot of time to maintaining this website, hoping to do something helpful for our community. I have done so, believing that those who oversee Wilkes-Barre Twp. planned to enforce ordinances that were enacted to protect our community from the harm caused by sexually oriented businesses. It's too late now to save EFO, but it's not too late to save the rest of the business community.
In April, this website will reach the one year mark. In that time, Wilkes-Barre Twp. has yet to enforce a single ordinance pertaining to sexually oriented businesses. Nor have they enforced the community ban on byob establishments.
I know that some will be disappointed, but I'm taking a little break from the regular updates. If Wilkes-Barre Twp. actually does something to curtail the spread of sexually oriented businesses in our community, I will be the first to sing their praises. As it stands now, I get the impression that they could care less.
Maybe I'm wrong, but I can't help feeling that the Township has spent nearly a year relying on this website to do what it should have been doing all along.
Your turn.