A stripper's view
Many strippers are prostitutes and drug users who use sex as their tool to obtain drug money. Some strippers are young girls without a strong family structure to support them. For many of them, stripping seems like a quick way to get ahead, yet what they end up finding is that it ruins their lives. It destroys their self-confidence. It damages their relationships. It prevents them from dating or marrying.
Their lives are exploited and ruined in order to line the pockets of greedy club owners.
Take a look at the thoughts of a woman who strips at Gentlemen's Club 10. Please tell me what she thinks about her quality of life. (Please excuse the spelling errors. This is cut and pasted just as she typed it).
Fisrt of all, its hard being 19 years old and being the only single one out of all of your friends. I seem to have a hard time trying to date someone. Some how it always comes in the way of the relationnship. Which in my eyes i dont belive it should. If there is trust in the relationship there should be no problems as loing as im going home to the guy im with...does anyone agree or disagree ? Latley i cant even see or dat a guy for more than 3 weeks because the cant deal with the dancing thing. I hate to be judged by people, i am not your typical dancer. Im not the drug user or prostitute as alot of dancers are. I am a 19 year old who lives on my own and has wlel over a few grand a month in bills and who has to pay her way through school, i am there for money and only money, not drugs or sexual favors.It would relaly be nice for me to be able to lvie a regular life...... and not the stipper life..... do you think i like being told im not good enough to be on stage or that im ugly? Most of the time at work im getting pout down, and i tihnk that any girl who can deal with dancing is a good person, and no i dont mean the druggies or prostitutes i mean the single mothers and the college students..... We make our money a little bit diff then most people, but were sitll owrking jsut like you are.
Thank you Gentlemen's Club 10 for ruining her life. I hope you're happy with yourselves.