Spread the word
1. "I had no idea that Gentlemen's Club 10 even existed. Now I go there all the time because Mr. Family mentioned it."
2. "Hey Mr. Family...thanks for getting us a $5 discount off admission."
3. "Business is booming because of all the free advertising Mr. Family is giving the club."
I think it's safe to assume that most readers of this blog can see through comments like that. If we truly were helping their business, they certainly wouldn't tell us. They would want us to continue our efforts so that their business would in turn benefit. But that is not the case.
It is a fact that this effort to take pictures and educate our area on the negative impact of sexually oriented businesses, is working. Fewer men are visiting Wilkes-Barre Township's newest sexually oriented business. How do I know this?
1. Volunteers (including some from the local business community) are keeping track of cars going in and out of Club 10's parking lot.
2. Employees of Club 10 are now vocally upset that business is slumping.
In my opinion, this is a very good thing. If this momentum continues, we have the potential to stop future "sexually oriented businesses" from becoming established in our area. Sex businesses only profit under a cloud of secrecy. When their practices and patrons are revealed, their businesses fail.
Please do this effort a favor and use the new toolbar on the side of this page to send this site to many of your friends and family. Are there at least five people you could share this site with? The more people we can educate and inform, the less likely we are to live in ignorance of this glaring problem.
Thank you so much for your help.
Your friend,
Mr. Family
Actually tonight, they were packed, I passed it on my way to the movies, more then 20 cars easy there. I was suprised how busy it was for a thursday.
Anonymous, at 12:12 AM
20 is hardly packed when their capacity, according to the owner, is 1300.
That is about a third of the cars that were there just a few Thursdays ago.
Maybe next week it will continue to decline and drop down to 10.
Mr. Family, at 12:18 AM
Just because there was 20 cars, that doesn't mean that there were just 20 people there. Several people could have been in the cars and people park in other lots as well
Anonymous, at 5:36 AM
I said it was more than 20. The first 3 rows of parking spots were full. I drive by it everynight on the way home, it actually seems like the number of cars in increasing over the past few weeks. Not decreasing. I also work with a guy that is in the same unit as Joe the owner,(the onwer is in the 109th) he has heard that they are doing fine as far as buisness. As quite a few soldiers go there on a regular basis. I don't like the club, I was happy the numbers were down. But it seems they are going back up.
Anonymous, at 7:05 AM
Anonymous, at 7:31 AM
What is this about 20 days? Is this when I have to pay for more court cost cause I live in the township?
Anonymous, at 10:33 AM
Only 20 days??????????? To prove your vote didn't do a thing to this club. BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Anonymous, at 11:07 AM
"Employees of Club 10 are now vocally upset that business is slumping." I would imagine that only those employees that would complain would be those who for some reson don't work there anymore or they would have moved on. That is a typical coment you would expect from a disgruntled employee from any place.
Anonymous, at 11:09 AM
As I said before, my daughter wrks for a hotel in the area, there are at least two parties being held there by organizations
having convention here in town, these people know nothing about Mr family
If these people are patrollling the are as mr Family says, why are there not more pics of cars on the website.
Also, the local news media is no longer paying attention to this issue, no press for the club but also no press for mr family. All mr family has is this blog and some volunteers monitoring the parking lot.
My bets are with the club.
Anonymous, at 1:49 PM
Hey Mr. Family you are picking only on club 10, keep in mind that there are Four (4)additional BYOB clubs in our county. Why are you concentrating only on club 10 while some of the other clubs in Wilkes Barre Twp and yet you are leaving them alone! Perhaps you are the owner of another club and trying the reduce competition!
Anonymous, at 2:21 PM
Mind your own business loser. If more people minded their own business as opposed to concernign themselves with what others choose to do in their free time, the world would be a much greater place.
You're pathetic.
Anonymous, at 3:37 PM
I'll take this from a non-religious avenue:
Consider, for a moment, that your wife, fiance, girlfriend, etc. was the one attending all-nude male clubs. Assume that this was not hidden from them, as many hide their attendance from their others. At what point would your comfort level drop to zero, and you begin to doubt your adequacy? Now, think of your wives, fiances, girlfriends, etc. You may be in denial, but going there is the ultimate insult. Unfortunately, it is not something men realize until they experience it. I can only hope that the women often forgotten, your significant others, turn the tables and educate you through experience. It will hurt you, just as your attendance there hurts them.
And yes, someone will argue that your other joins you there. Again, look at it this way. Place yourself at an all-nude male club with your wife. Look at your wife as she stares at the performers all night, and you realize that you're aging, putting on weight, etc., and nothing like the performers. Trust me - it'll get to you. Many of your others join you so they can make sure you "stay in line." Do not forget this.
To the single men - to be honest, I have no similar "learning experience" for you. Though I feel these establishments objectify women to the point where a normal, girl-next-door cannot compete, I also believe that I am not here to tell you what to do. Personally, the girl-next-door will always surpass anything silicone and plastic surgery can create. Natural is the most beautiful beauty. And, natural does not require you to attend a club, but only to step out your front door and look around. It is everywhere. However, simply consider the preceding and live your life as you see fit.
Anonymous, at 9:21 PM
So the employees of Club 10 aren't making enough money there, well Mr. Family be reminded there are other clubs in the area and these dancers have no loyalty to anyone. They will move along to work at an other club. So what are you acomplishing?
Anonymous, at 10:48 PM
ALL the local news, as well as all the radio stations have dropped and forgotten about Mr. Family as they do not beleive he is ligitamite. Since he refused to reveil his identity to them as well. The feel his crusade is a false front for a hidden reason. Also the sations realize that the club has done nothing wrong, so there is no news to report.
Anonymous, at 12:55 AM
you are so right Mr. Family! it is common knowledge that club 10 is a big flop! they pay a high rent for that property, and with that in mind i do not see them staying in the nude dance club business very long, especially with out liquor!
what a shame it is that one of the owners chose this business over coaching his child's sports team, as the school board voted aganist him having access to the children due to his involvment witH this business. even the "ownes" and THEIR FAMILY ARE AFFECTED BY THIS EVIL ENTERPRISE and it is so sad that they do not even realize it!
I drove by the club at 11:15 p.m. on Thursday night and with few cars in the parking lot, I know it was not a "full house"!
Anonymous, at 8:31 AM
You can see through these types of comments? Or maybe your in denile. I don't think you have any idea how much profite these places make. They have very little overhead. They get the cover charge, the dancers pay the house to preform, and half of the cost of a VIP dance goes to the house. The club makes it's money. Easily. If they have a slow night and only 30 customers total the club still stands to make 3 Grand a night.
The crowd is growing again. They did have a slump, but attendance is now up. 4 different radio stations are running ads, as well as spots in a few local papers.
And some one here asked who are the true owners? What does it matter, when your "Freind" here is hiding in the shadows as well. He is a fraud, this is why the local TV and radio news have choosen to ingnore him.
Anonymous, at 12:49 AM
anonymous said:
Hmmm...btw...it's owners, not oeners...and secondly, why does Mr. Family stay "hiding in the shadows", as you put it, as well?
Anonymous, at 2:43 AM
If and when Gentlemen's Club 10 closes, are you willing to use this website to post pictures from outside the other sicko clubs in the area? If so, I can promise you that you will have all the pictures you need. (I live right by one of them and I can't stand what they have brought to our neighborhood....it's eerie).
Most of your comments seem to come from people who are afraid of what you're attempting to do. They insult you and degrade you, but they know you're the one who is right.
So many people support the kind of positive change you're trying to bring to our area. If not for people like you, this world would be a very degrading place.
Keep doing what you're doing. Don't lose heart. We're all rooting for your success.
Anonymous, at 2:59 PM
What, 18 other comments and no one's used the "c" word yet ("coward")? I was starting to regard it as a term of endearment. Keep up the good work, Mr. Family. It doesn't matter if we don't know who you are. The Lord knows who you are, and He also knows all the activities and motives of the strip-club-goers (Hebrews 4:13).
In fact, that verse merits a full quote: "Neither is there any creature that is not manifest in His sight: but all things are naked and opened unto the eyes of Him with Whom we have to do." Ironic, isn't it, that those so enthralled with nudity are presently "naked" before their Creator (in thought and in deed), and will one day stand before Him to account for themselves?
Anonymous, at 5:52 PM
Mr. Family who ever you are doesn't matter like others said you have got to put some pressure on these other clubs in our county yes your doing a great job and keeping the pressure on club 10 but please help us with these other cesspools in our local communities. We're sure you will have many supporters.
Anonymous, at 9:27 PM
Back to the religious side again...
Well Kathy, not everyone subscribes to the same religion or moral aspects as you.
Understand and deal with that.
Anonymous, at 3:56 AM
That's the thing with the religious folks, they will push the "faith" on you. They all do it. They are always telling people "You should look to the lord". They look down on others who do not follow their beleifs. and do not care for their opinions. They do not like adult enterainment. So they want it gone. They will also knock on your door every few weeks forcing their propoganda on you. God was created to keep weak minded people in place before there were laws and people to inforce them.
Anonymous, at 8:44 AM
"Back to the religious side again...
Well Kathy, not everyone subscribes to the same religion or moral aspects as you."
Response: John 3:36 "He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life: and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him."
"Understand and deal with that."
Response: Ezekiel 3:18-19 "When I say unto the wicked, Thou shalt surely die; and thou givest him not warning, nor speakest to warn the wicked from his wicked way, to save his life; the same wicked man shall die in his iniquity; but his blood will I require at thine hand. Yet if thou warn the wicked, and he turn not from his wickedness, nor from his wicked way, he shall die in his iniquity; but thou hast delivered thy soul."
I couldn't have said it better myself (so I don't - that's why I quote Scripture). Mr Family's hands are clean; he's doing his part.
I'll conclude with a more positive thought. Romans 8:1 "There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit."
Anonymous, at 3:34 PM
You can quote all the scripture that you like. I know the Bible. I went to Catholic school for 12 years. This isn't about religion. This is about freedom. When you live in a free country as we do, you must tolerate things that you don't like. You cannot expect every person to live their life as you do. Everyone has different beliefs, different customs, different religions, etc. You don't have the right to tell other adults how to live their life. Maybe you should move to Saudi Arabia. They like their women to be covered from head to toe.
Mr. Billy
Anonymous, at 7:59 PM
Not everyone subscribes to your particular brand of Jesus. I find it intellectually dishonest to base your entire set of views on a book that was written by man.
Are you the type to pick and choose what part of the scripture to believe, or do you accept it as the whole truth?
As for Mr. Family -- really, you should stop hiding being your assumed pen and show the world who you really are.
Anonymous, at 7:40 AM
Mr. Family vs. club...therefore...
morality vs. smut.
Not enough for you to know who Mr. Family is????
Then did it ever occur to you that Mr. Family could be your own conscience telling you what is morally right, yet you defy it????
Anonymous, at 5:39 AM
I don't feel any shame going to strip clubs. I don't care if everyone knows that I do.
Anonymous, at 4:26 PM
I work at Club 10 , I'm a dancer and I make more money in a month then you bible pumping idiots make in a year! I'm not a drug addict, a sex addict, a whore or anything else. I go to church every Sunday, I'm married and I have children. Now what can you say about that? My life is in order, my family is taken care of and I'm not embarrassed by my job at all and my husband loves me reguardless of what I do. I understand stripclubs, porn and adult book stores aren't everyones cup of tea, but let them make that choice for themselves. And stop shoving it down their throats. Attacking the staff, owners, dancers, and customers isn't going to make Club 10 go away, it's going to make it a bigger and better fighting machine then it is. This is America and yes your intitled to your own views as we are to ours, can't we ALL just AGREE to DISAGREE?
Anonymous, at 2:29 PM
Lets see Mrs. Stripper, you dance at the club have children, husband, and go to church every sunday, and are not embarrassed by it? BULL, You in your job have men lusting after you and that's OK with your husband? Give them private dances, then go to church on sunday, I'm sorry but that is a hypocrite. I believe you are the IDIOT. How much of your money does Mr.Salvo get? If you make as much as you say, you must give alot of dances, and other stuff. Is it worth it? Are you sure? Your husband will get tired of it,it's just a matter of time. Because when your at the club i'm darn sure he wonders and thinks about what you are doing, when you are not with him. No matter how much money you bring home you can't stop a persons mind, and men are more jealous than women, that's why you don't see male strip clubs.
Anonymous, at 5:14 PM
Look no my husband is really down to earth and my job doesn't bother him at all. And yes there are male strip clubs, so you have no clue about what's really out there. Mr Salvo doesn't get much of my money, we pay $40 a night to work there and the dj get $15 of that $40 so we only pay $25 to work there. At every club I have ever worked at I have made top dollar. No I don't use drugs or do any extras, I dance and that's it. I'm Roman Catholic but I am a liberal and there's nothing wrong with that. I'm far from an idiot I have a college degree, I graduted with honors from high school as well. Just don't be made at me and the rest of the world because others are paying for the service of looking at beautiful women and no ones doing anything illegeal. This is America and we have every right to make out own choices and do as we please. I understand you don't like strip clubs, adult book stores and the porn industry... but why just not be a patron then be a communist. You are forcing your views on everyone and that's a bunch of bull. Even if I wasn't in this line of work I still wouldn't agree with you. I'm opened minded and guess what I still have more money then you will ever have... and I claim my taxes too!
Anonymous, at 3:12 PM
Well Miss,I think, I'm the most beautiful woman in the world. Seems to me you think very highly of yourself, I too graduated with honors from high school, and presidents honors from college. I chose adifferent path, and you have no idea how much money I have so if I were you I'd zip it. If anyone is throwing the bull it's you. You choose to strip, good for you ms. thang. I chose to become a Lawyer, and a damn good one. Since we're giving ourselves cudos.
I do know what goes on out there in never never land, and would be happy to take your case when you need me. God Bless you Ms. Thang
I don't have to parade around naked to confirm my beauty. Others do that for me, by things like a compliment, I don't need a dollar bill stuck in my pants.TTFN
Anonymous, at 6:50 PM
Noone is forcing anything on anyone who reads this site, It's a blog where people give opinions, thats all. If it wasn't a problem, you wouldn't take it so personal. Really, there are male strip clubs around here? Name one. I don't live in Vegas.
Anonymous, at 6:59 PM
This is to the stripper that makes top dollar everywhere she goes. I am a stripper also, and for you to make the money you say you do, you have to be doing more than dance. Or maybe your dancing 24hrs. a day, 7 days a week.
Maybe your husband doesn't know the truth of your job. I'm doing this for quick money, don't plan on retiring from it, soon your looks will go then what do you have left. Well i'm sure with your money you can bye beauty. But I for one wouldn't wish this life on my enemy. Don't tell me your proud to be a stripper, and how open minded you are, that's something else talking. Like Vanity, Your Vane to think your the Golden Stripper. I pity you.
Anonymous, at 7:21 AM
To The lawyer and the fellow dancer:
First off there are dancers that make a lot of money and they do nothing wrong, so from one dancer to another that's a line of bull. I'm not vane in anyway shape or form, I tell it like it is and if you don't like it or agree then so be it. I have no reason to lie about the money I make or anything. I wasn't throwing anything in anyones face about graduating from high school or college, it's just that many people don't think dancers have any type of education and I was just stating a fact that I do have an educational back ground. I have a plan and no I don't plan on doing this forever, no one should! I own 3 homes, 4 cars, a boat, have a vaction home, own a timeshare, have money invested in stocks, money put away for my children and money saved for the future. And yes I owe this all to dancing, I like what I have and plan on keeping it. When I get tired of dancing in a year or two I will go back to woking in the hospital. I am proud to be a dancer and my husband loves what I do. We love the money and we have the ability to do whatever we want and our children have whatever they need and want. I do agree there are some aspects of the job that are crazy but you just shrug it off and live your life. If you have a good head on your shoulders you can make it in this business. Also to the dancer (please don't take this to heart, but I figured I just ask) are you angry because there are dancers out there that aren't doing anything illegal and they are making the money you wished you could make? I have worked all over: PA,NJ,NY,CT,AZ,CA,... it's all about your personality and if you have the drive to hustle and make that money. No hard feelings right? And where do you get off calling me the Golden Stripper? I never said I was better then anyone else, I was making a point that dancers do this for many different reasons, they have normal lives, families, husbands, boyfriends, bills.. whatever. So don't get mad because you don't agree with me, if you don't like your job then stop dancing none's forcing you to do this, you chose this lifestyle and job for yourself just like I have so don't be a bitter women. You sound JADED to me sweetie!! I'm very opened minded sorry your so closed minded and only see things in black in white. The funny thing is my husband works at the clubs I have worked at so guess your wrong there too that I do more then dance.
There is a male strip club in Philly! (To the person who wanted to know)
Anonymous, at 11:22 PM
To the Golden Stripper, I never said I didn't make money so your wrong. Said I was just in it for QUICK MONEY. I have quit just recently. I would offer you congrats, on your stash, but it seems you pat yourself enough on the back about that. Don't tell these people it's Ok to do this, like they would want their daughters stripping, noone wants their children doing this. You have all this wealth here now, and nothing in heaven. By the way what is a liberal Catholic?, does the Pope know that there is such a thing? I'm Catholic also, and you have to confess and repent for sin. If you look in the good book it doesn't say anything good about strippers. catholisism is a strict religion that's why so many people change religion, they can't handle it's rules. I wish you luck with all your stuff, just remember, you can't take it with you. I learned the hard way.
Anonymous, at 3:06 PM
Are you so open minded that you let your brains fall out? Please.....
Give me a break, whoop de do! You have so much, and your calling the other stripper jaded, and your worried the lawyer took offense. WOW, I don't know whether to applaud or laugh. I think you missed your calling, you should have gone into acting. Your very good at memorizing lines.
Look you want to STRIP, STRIP we don't care how much money you have. We care how you made it, and if your paying taxes like the rest of us. Which apparently you are. Over and Out...
Anonymous, at 3:21 PM
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