Concern for the women at the well
In the comment area, someone asked me why I'm not using this site to attack strippers who dance at these clubs. Well, the owners of the club are doing that enough. I believe that these women are being exploited and taken advantage of. Many of them are victims of childhood sexual abuse. Many of them have been lured into this line of work by crafty club owners who make it hard to leave. Some of them become drug addicts in an attempt to quiet their consciences.
According to someone I was recently contacted by, many of the local women who have become involved in stripping are women who now have police records and are on probation. Some seem to believe that stripping is one of their few remaining employment options because of their past (and history of drug use). I would be interested to learn if Jules Greenburg, the owner of the Carousel in Plymouth Township, agrees or disagrees with that statement. (By the way, when he was interviewed by the Citizen's Voice, he offered me a chance to tour his club. I think I would rather look at background checks on his employees. That would be something to see.)
Though I'm sure that many of these women aren't interested in our help, I also believe that just as many are. Is there something that we as a community can do to help them start over with better options than life has handed them up to this point? The comment area and my e-mail are both open to your suggestions.
I became a stripper because i had a baby and her father was a deadbeat dad.It was the only way i felt i could support my daughter and give her the life i thought she deserved.I also worked at a fast food restaurant in the day and danced at night.The attention is great,the money is unbelievable...and u wouldnt believe the clientele that frequents these places.If your into the whole party scene...the "VIP's" will take care of u...until u become just another addicted stripper.
I never became addicted to drugs because I saw what it did to everyone else around me Like a pow wow...everyone in the dressing room trying to see who will get that last hit of crack in before they go on stage
If u dont become an addict and can handle watching people make messes of their lives its a good gig for a while but just like everything else in life it gets old quick
Anonymous, at 3:28 AM
Can you tell me what time the club opens?
Anonymous, at 5:27 AM
Your lack of regard for other people's privacy is amazing. You have no right to look at background checks just because you think it might be "something to see."
Anonymous, at 12:46 PM
u know if your telling the truth how screwed all those dancers are until they find out which one is corresponding with you...she will lose her job an god knows what else
Anonymous, at 2:59 PM
I hope the women in these sex industries are reading this website, and finding out that Christians care about them & are praying for them. They need to know that looking at them through the loving eyes of our Lord, we see God's created beings whom He wishes to redeem not only for eternal fellowship with Him, but abundant life right here & now (John 10:10). Jesus Christ can change their entire lives, making them new creatures (2 Corinthians 5:17),removing all condemnation (Romans 8:1), and providing for their true needs (Philippians 4:19) so they need not fear or worry over their daily sustenance. The tone of this whole website is one of love & compassion for women, beckoning them to rise to the high calling of dignity and great worth that God calls us to, and as a woman, I'm grateful to Mr. Family & his wife for caring about total strangers that so many others condemn.
Anonymous, at 5:09 PM
If the girls who work at the strip club are "screwed" until "they" find out who is corresponding with Mr. Family, it only proves how little "esteem" the sex business has for women. I'm an atheist, but I can still appreciate the value of scripture and, although I can't quote chapter and verse like religious people do, what comes to mind is, "What profiteth a man to gain the world and lose his soul?"
Anonymous, at 7:14 PM
Mr Family - Look at the financial benefits here, the dancers are making good money for a few hours work and it's basically non taxable. No one reports anything. After all ask yourself whey do these owners get into the business, It's cash not to much reporting done to the IRS if any. They're laughing all the way to the bank. Think Mr. Family THINK..
Anonymous, at 10:07 PM
Go to church you holy roller.
Anonymous, at 5:52 AM
There is no god.
Anonymous, at 7:35 AM
Thank you for your courage and willingness to do this. I pray that you do not take any of these negative comments to heart. I will be praying for you and your family. Thank you once again. I truely believe that God will work through you to reach out to this community and to do His will. You are in my prayers.
Anonymous, at 1:29 PM
according to an article in usa today, strippers in manhatten can make up to
$2500.00 a day, and up to $400.00 an hour doing lap dances. while they aren't making that here, a woman, unskilled at any other occupation can make a good living stripping, it is that simple. i knew two ex stippers, both happily narried with children.
Judge not lest ye be judged.
Anonymous, at 2:01 PM
re background checks
background checks are not required by federal or state law at byob clubs, mr family. also, the strippers are considered "independent
contractors" NOT EMPLOYEES
of the byob club under state and federal/irs laws, unless the club chooses to
classify them as employess,
and few do because of tax/
unemployment issues.
Anonymous, at 2:12 PM
Strippers aren't "employees" because it's easier for byob's to exploit them as "independent contractors". Let's get real about comparing earning potential in W-B vs. Manhattan. None of the girls here will EVER make close to $2500/day on the local bozos at $20 a pop. Doing lap dances for $400/hr. in NYC might seem like a "good living" to the pigs whose laps are danced on, but it's hardly a "good life". I know two ex-strippers, too. One's dead and the other's in jail.
Anonymous, at 6:58 AM
"I know two ex-strippers, too. One's dead and the other's in jail. "
you make sound like only strippers die and go to jail..I think you better read the paper people in very profession die and go to jail.
6:58 AM
Anonymous, at 6:28 PM
in reply to anon>
strippers are not classified
as employess because the government and irs allow them to do so. following your logic, our government exploits strippers and women. i too knoe ex strippers, still alive
she put herself through college and now has a husband and three kids.
Obviusly, you want us to believe strippers wind up dead or in jail.
In your desperation to put the club out of business, it seems that thou shall not bear false witness has no meaning to you.
Anonymous, at 2:06 PM
For the love of God, Mr. Family, I BEG you not to post comments on your site from those who quote the Holy Bible in order to support their pro-club views. A few people have been using God's Holy Words to support evil. That is blasphemy! Of course I am referring ONLY to the "Judge nots" and the one above: "thou shall not bear false witness."
Freedom of speech is one thing, but blasphemy is truly diabolical!
Anonymous, at 2:18 PM
anonymous said:
"For the love of God"
And whose "God" is that? Catholic? Jewish? Protestant? Budist? Muslim? Or any of the other religious faiths around the world?
It must be nice to be able to pick and choose what god is right for you and no one else.
This is America where no one religion reigns supreme over any other.
I have no problem with your beliefs, just your "god given" right to force them upon me or anyone else.
Anonymous, at 4:08 AM
I work in nepa and i make at least 4,000 a week.... and what!
Anonymous, at 8:11 AM
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