Drove by Gentlemen's Club 10 during their "prime" business hours this evening. Literally, no more than 12-15 cars in the lot. I believe that it's safe to assume that at least half of those are from employees.
I remember when I was in my "prime" Wed night was "hump day" where everyone would take a night out in the middle of the week and all the bars were packed. I am curious to know how the lot looks on a Fri and Sat? Maybe you can update us.
Nope. Wrong Answer. I know at least 6 of the cars there were myself and some friends. Each car had four to five guys in it. We were out for a birthday for a friend. And we will be going back. And the entire crowd had fun.
My husband told me he went to a strip club as a college student when he was insecure about his abilitity to get a date and thought it was the only way he would ever see a live woman naked. I told him I understood, but if he ever goes to another one, he'd better not expect to ever see me naked again.
did you happen to edit that picture? because I can't see the tops of those cars...
anyway, just give up on this... My cousin is fighting in the United States Marine Corps for YOUR right and freedom to change something in your community, and you choose a strip club? A strip club isn't a crime, but doing drugs and murder IS a crime... Get real.
10-15 cars in the parking lot during "prime" buisness hours may not be able to be linked to "Mr. Family". If you think what your doing is hurting Club 10, why don't you do some real research and drive by the other clubs and see how many cars they have in their parking lots then compare. Did you ever think that there are busy times of the year and slower times. Don't pat yourself on the back yet!!!!!
Did you do some fancy photographery ? A couple of these cars look as though they were in a " junk " yard. Where do these " hills " come from ? Parking lot is level.
Well, I hate to break your buuble, but a few of my co-workers went ther friday night and it was pretty full. Generally, guys go with other guys to these places. So by the parking lot, you really do not know how many people were in the place. And just driving by, only gives you a snapshot of cars in the parking lot at one particular moment. hardly an indication that you have ruined their business as you like to think. Happy hour from 3-7pm is a busy time for these places. At a $20.00 admission fee 50 people x 20 bucks = $1000.00 then there are the drinks and food sold and a % of the money for lap dances, which goes to the house as well as the admission fees etc paid before and after you driveby. Truth of the matter, Mr. Family, the place does not need a large crowd to make money. My dushter works at a hotel booking conventions. She informs me that a significant portion of the bookings look for strip clubs to book parties. Several have been booked there already. The biggest problems facing these clubs are competition from other clubs. The best way to prevent these clubs is through zoning.
The sign above the entrance to Gentlemen's Club 10 includes a link to pornographic material. The image I have posted above purposely blocks a portion of that link so as not to promote it. According to the courts, municipalities have the right to prohibit obscene material from being used on exterior signage. Why is Gentlemen's Club 10 allowed to advertise obscene content on the exterior of its building?
The site ITSELF the www's and http's are not pornographic material. People view pornographic material on television sets yet there are billboards that display televisions at electronic stores. Same deal.
Mr. Family has his site hosted by Go daddy.com A site that uses a woman ( Cadice Michelle) to advertise for them . A woman that was recently in playboy magazine. They use very sexy and provoactive adds. Hypocrite? Hey, I like Candice. I like her commercials. But don't fight strip clubs with a site paid for by a girl in Playboy. This was pointed out by a poster on my site. ( if this post even makes it to Mr. Family's page.)
That's a bit of a stretch, but I appreciate the effort.
In the interest of full disclosure, I also drink Pepsi which I understand is sold at Gentlemen's Club 10. Therefore, I am inadvertantly bankrolling your strip club by supporting a soft-drink company that partners with you in your business.
I can only assume that my tastebuds must be hypocritical as well.
How truthful is Mr, Family when the picture he shows is labeled junkcars.jpg and is just that; a picture of junked cars, not a picture of cars at Club 10.
Or maybe Mr. Family goes by Stephen Colbert's word "Truthiness" which is defined as "...the quality by which a person purports to know something emotionally or instinctively, without regard to evidence or to what the person might conclude from intellectual examination."
Wow, $20 just to look at naked girls?! No doubt these are the same guys who complain about the price of gas and lack of well-paying jobs in our area. As for the post by "Suzie", does she think her cousin is fighting for our freedom to degrade women?
Wow Mr. Family I cannot even begin to believe all the people on here who take everything so literal It was obvious to me that your pic from a few days ago of the cars was just a "joke" Guess that is why so many in this area just don't get why your are fighting the club et al... They just don't have a clue and it is a downright shame. While not everyone has to agree, common sense needs to be commonground here.
Reality is if these clubs were outlawed then we would not have this topic of discussion, so time to put the vote on the ballot and let the people decide
"Anonymous said... As for the post by "Suzie", does she think her cousin is fighting for our freedom to degrade women?"
They are fighting for our freedom to do as we choose within the limits of the law. If these women choose to strip for a living, to raise their families, support themselves, put themselves through college and so on, then they are legally allowed to do so. No one can rightfuly say that they are degrading themselves besides the women stripping. If they don't feel what they are doing is degrading or wrong, who are you to say any different. If you don't like the clubs or women women who work there, stay away from it. It is as simple as that. I think it is crazy the amount of time people who oppose the clubs put into trying to shut it down.
As far as the whole God and religious arguement, there is absolutely nothing wrong with nudity. Hello, just to remind everyone, we were born NUDE!!!
Just for reference, I am a 22 year old female college student, I beleive in God, have been in a relationship for seven years, and I don't strip....
The facts are Luzurne County has 5 BYOB Clubs,W-B Twp, White Haven, Bear Creek, White Haven, Rock Glen, Nanticoke - 2 topless Clubs, Kingston & Hanover Twp. plus 3 Adult book stores (2)in W-B Twp and Drums that's a very high percentage for the size of this county's population. Are we becoming the sleaze county of Pennsylvania?
Yes "Suzie" a strip club isn't a crime but only if it stays within the Limits of the law. You mention drugs and crime, some of these clubs dancers do more than just dance. Some of these dancers are very lewd and disgusting. Most of the clubs web sites tell a lot about what goes on in there ..and what are these private dance booths with extra charges all about in these BYOB Clubs..Why don't girls just dance out in the open. Are we not going beyond the limits of the law here?
Let's not kid ourselves. The fact is that most of these "dancers" are not stripping to "put themselves through college" but rather to support their drug habits and many of them turn tricks on the side for the same reason. No self-respecting woman does lap dances. Just for reference, I am an 18 year old male high school senior and have attended birthday/bachelor parties at bottle clubs.
As far as some women stripping to put themselves through college, yes it is true. I happen to know a few myself.
Yes of course SOME strippers engage in illegal activities such as drugs and "extras". Some lawyers, priest, CEO's, business owners, politicians and so on also engage in drug use and other illegal activities. There are and always will be some bad apples regarless of the occupation.
At least these women are working, not sitting on their behinds and living off the government and our tax dollars
to the 18 year old who goes to strip clubs and finds the woen have no self respect, perhaps you have no respect for yourself for going there in the first place-- it's the pot calling the kettle black.
Every sexually oriented business petitioning to open in Luzerne County, will likely decrease the value of existing businesses and homes. According to the Surpreme Court, it is well documented that sexually oriented businesses also invite crime into our communities.
Take a photo as you pass by to help make certain that criminal behavior is not occuring near the Arena business district. Do not trespass on private property to obtain a photo. Photos can be sent to: stopgclub10@gmail.com
I remember when I was in my "prime"
Wed night was "hump day" where everyone would take a night out in the middle of the week
and all the bars were packed. I am curious to know how the lot looks on a Fri and Sat?
Maybe you can update us.
Anonymous, at 9:53 PM
Anonymous, at 10:32 PM
Anonymous, at 3:52 AM
Nope. Wrong Answer. I know at least 6 of the cars there were myself and some friends. Each car had four to five guys in it. We were out for a birthday for a friend. And we will be going back. And the entire crowd had fun.
Anonymous, at 5:27 AM
My husband told me he went to a strip club as a college student when he was insecure about his abilitity to get a date and thought it was the only way he would ever see a live woman naked. I told him I understood, but if he ever goes to another one, he'd better not expect to ever see me naked again.
Anonymous, at 5:35 AM
did you happen to edit that picture? because I can't see the tops of those cars...
anyway, just give up on this... My cousin is fighting in the United States Marine Corps for YOUR right and freedom to change something in your community, and you choose a strip club? A strip club isn't a crime, but doing drugs and murder IS a crime... Get real.
Anonymous, at 6:22 AM
10-15 cars in the parking lot during "prime" buisness hours may not be able to be linked to "Mr. Family". If you think what your doing is hurting Club 10, why don't you do some real research and drive by the other clubs and see how many cars they have in their parking lots then compare. Did you ever think that there are busy times of the year and slower times. Don't pat yourself on the back yet!!!!!
Anonymous, at 9:43 AM
Did you do some fancy photographery ? A couple of these cars look as though they were in a " junk " yard. Where do these " hills " come from ? Parking lot is level.
Anonymous, at 11:28 AM
Well, I hate to break your buuble, but a few of my co-workers went ther friday night and it was pretty full. Generally, guys go with other guys to these places. So by the parking lot, you really do not know how many people were in the place. And just driving by, only gives you a snapshot of cars in the parking lot at one particular moment.
hardly an indication that you have ruined their business as you like to think. Happy hour from 3-7pm is a busy time for these places. At a $20.00 admission fee 50 people x 20
bucks = $1000.00 then there
are the drinks and food sold
and a % of the money for lap dances, which goes to the house as well as the admission fees etc paid before and after you driveby. Truth of the matter, Mr. Family, the place does not need a large crowd to make money.
My dushter works at a hotel
booking conventions. She informs me that a significant portion of the bookings look for strip clubs to book parties. Several have been booked there already.
The biggest problems facing these clubs are competition from other clubs.
The best way to prevent these clubs is through zoning.
Anonymous, at 1:31 PM
Drove by Gentlemen's Club 10 during their "prime" business hours this evening.
Did you take the family?
Definitely an answer to prayer
Are you also praying for the little kids that are getting molested by priest?
Anonymous, at 2:00 PM
Vote yes to stop byob clubs
Anonymous, at 8:07 PM
The sign above the entrance to Gentlemen's Club 10 includes a link to pornographic material. The image I have posted above purposely blocks a portion of that link so as not to promote it. According to the courts, municipalities have the right to prohibit obscene material from being used on exterior signage. Why is Gentlemen's Club 10 allowed to advertise obscene content on the exterior of its building?
The site ITSELF the www's and http's are not pornographic material. People view pornographic material on television sets yet there are billboards that display televisions at electronic stores. Same deal.
Anonymous, at 8:26 PM
Mr. Family has his site hosted by Go daddy.com A site that uses a woman ( Cadice Michelle) to advertise for them . A woman that was recently in playboy magazine. They use very sexy and provoactive adds. Hypocrite?
Hey, I like Candice. I like her commercials. But don't fight strip clubs with a site paid for by a girl in Playboy.
This was pointed out by a poster on my site. ( if this post even makes it to Mr. Family's page.)
Bloodsword6, at 11:34 PM
That's a bit of a stretch, but I appreciate the effort.
In the interest of full disclosure, I also drink Pepsi which I understand is sold at Gentlemen's Club 10. Therefore, I am inadvertantly bankrolling your strip club by supporting a soft-drink company that partners with you in your business.
I can only assume that my tastebuds must be hypocritical as well.
Mr. Family, at 12:11 AM
How truthful is Mr, Family when the picture he shows is labeled junkcars.jpg and is just that; a picture of junked cars, not a picture of cars at Club 10.
Or maybe Mr. Family goes by Stephen Colbert's word "Truthiness" which is defined as "...the quality by which a person purports to know something emotionally or instinctively, without regard to evidence or to what the person might conclude from intellectual examination."
Anonymous, at 2:58 AM
Wow, $20 just to look at naked girls?! No doubt these are the same guys who complain about the price of gas and lack of well-paying jobs in our area. As for the post by "Suzie", does she think her cousin is fighting for our freedom to degrade women?
Anonymous, at 6:59 AM
To anonymous at 2:58am
The picture is meant to be comical. Guess you didn't pick up on that.
Mr. Family, at 7:16 AM
I Think You are over reacting they are a taxpaying entitiy also
Anonymous, at 10:10 AM
Mr. Family said:
"The picture is meant to be comical. Guess you didn't pick up on that."
Kinda like all the other blurry, dark pictures that pretty much could've been taken anywhere?
Anonymous, at 10:52 AM
Wow Mr. Family I cannot even begin to believe all the people on here who take everything so literal
It was obvious to me that your pic from a few days ago of the cars was just a "joke"
Guess that is why so many in this area just don't get why your are fighting the club et al...
They just don't have a clue and it is a downright shame. While not everyone has to agree, common sense needs to be commonground here.
Anonymous, at 1:32 PM
Remember it is a bit confusing but you have to vote YES to ban byob.
Anonymous, at 4:17 PM
Reality is if these clubs were outlawed then we would not have this topic of discussion, so time to put the vote on the ballot and let the people decide
Anonymous, at 12:50 AM
"Anonymous said...
As for the post by "Suzie", does she think her cousin is fighting for our freedom to degrade women?"
They are fighting for our freedom to do as we choose within the limits of the law. If these women choose to strip for a living, to raise their families, support themselves, put themselves through college and so on, then they are legally allowed to do so. No one can rightfuly say that they are degrading themselves besides the women stripping. If they don't feel what they are doing is degrading or wrong, who are you to say any different. If you don't like the clubs or women women who work there, stay away from it. It is as simple as that. I think it is crazy the amount of time people who oppose the clubs put into trying to shut it down.
As far as the whole God and religious arguement, there is absolutely nothing wrong with nudity. Hello, just to remind everyone, we were born NUDE!!!
Just for reference, I am a 22 year old female college student, I beleive in God, have been in a relationship for seven years, and I don't strip....
Anonymous, at 6:17 AM
The facts are Luzurne County has 5 BYOB Clubs,W-B Twp, White Haven, Bear Creek, White Haven, Rock Glen, Nanticoke - 2 topless Clubs, Kingston & Hanover Twp. plus 3 Adult book stores (2)in W-B Twp and Drums that's a very high percentage for the size of this county's population. Are we becoming the sleaze county of Pennsylvania?
Anonymous, at 11:52 AM
Yes "Suzie" a strip club isn't a crime but only if it stays within the Limits of the law. You mention drugs and crime, some of these clubs dancers do more than just dance. Some of these dancers are very lewd and disgusting. Most of the clubs web sites tell a lot about what goes on in there ..and what are these private dance booths with extra charges all about in these BYOB Clubs..Why don't girls just dance out in the open. Are we not going beyond the limits of the law here?
Anonymous, at 12:23 PM
Let's not kid ourselves. The fact is that most of these "dancers" are not stripping to "put themselves through college" but rather to support their drug habits and many of them turn tricks on the side for the same reason. No self-respecting woman does lap dances. Just for reference, I am an 18 year old male high school senior and have attended birthday/bachelor parties at bottle clubs.
Anonymous, at 6:12 PM
As far as some women stripping to put themselves through college, yes it is true. I happen to know a few myself.
Yes of course SOME strippers engage in illegal activities such as drugs and "extras". Some lawyers, priest, CEO's, business owners, politicians and so on also engage in drug use and other illegal activities. There are and always will be some bad apples regarless of the occupation.
At least these women are working, not sitting on their behinds and living off the government and our tax dollars
Anonymous, at 10:09 PM
to the 18 year old who goes to strip clubs and finds the woen have no self respect, perhaps you have no respect for yourself for going there in the first place-- it's the pot calling the kettle black.
Anonymous, at 1:58 PM
Guess I will have to rid my tricycle to club 10 now after I get out of school. geez.
Anonymous, at 9:40 PM
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